Alex no demon volume 2 chapter 39

As diablo and shinki were flying at top speed in which shinki was blasting red light beams that were wiping out mountains and destroying the wastelands lands, diablo was just flying and dodging the beams that were so powerful that each beam was causing devastating explosions that were evisarating mountains. Shinki then creates giant spears made out of energy circling around him and begins to blast them at diablo at the speed of light. As diablo was dodging shinki's attacks, each and every attack that diablo dodged was just making huge explosions non stop and leaving giant craters all over the place. Diablo then tells shinki "Honestly your attacks are as dangerous as ever, but you'll need more than that before you can even dirty my clothes". Shinki then land back to the ground, charges up a huge amount of energy that was red in colour, and then jumps back up to the sky and sends a giant slash flying towards diablo. As shinki and diablo were fighting while flying in the sky at an incredible speed of light, shinki then tries using his sword to hit him, diablo was able to dodge every single sword attack. Each swing of shinki's sword was enough to tear the landscapes, including mountains. As they both then land back to the ground, diablo then looks around and says that "We just started fighting two minutes ago, and yet you alone was able to cause so much damage, I'm impressed. It's no wonder you are the strongest dark sign member" shinki having an inner dialogue then asks himself "How is he able to dodge my light beams and slashes? I dont understand what makes this guy so strong." Diablo then tells shinki that "You must be wondering why I'm able to dodge all your attacks and how you haven't laid a scratch on me. Well its because I'm built different",diablo then smirks and says "You wanna keep going? After all, this is just a fun excersis for me. Shinki gets annoyed andi powers up a massive amount of energy to his sword which made his sword begin to spark up with a powerful amount of red energy. Shinki then yells at diablo saying "You wont be smiling if I obliterate you now would you?" and fires a red powerful beam at diablo. As this beam was flying towards diablo, diablo smiles as he uses his finger to slap it away to a large mountain. This caused the mountain to get incinerated. Shinki gets devastated seeing this and diablo reminds him telling "I'm still using 10 percent of my power you know. And plus, you haven't laid a scratch on me". Diablo then complements him by saying "You really are strong shinki, honestly I see why you are the strongest of the dark sign, you can use light speed attacks, and your power is on a different level. That's expected from a B-rank".Shinki then asks diablo how are you able to react to my attacks, and also able to not get damaged by any of them?!", diablo then smiles and says "Isn't it obvious, I'm basically untouchable". Diablo further explains that his powers are divided into sections and that each percentage of power determines how destructive he gets. He further explains to shinki saying "10 percent of my power is enough to wipe out a city, 20 percent can easily wipe out countries, 50 percent alone gives me enough energy to destroy planets with ease. And when I'm at 100 percent, I can destroy reality and mess with time as much as I like. To put it simple, I'm basically god. Every single ability and power that is in existence and the ones yet to exist, were created by me!", diablo then tells him that he cant be affected by attacks despite how fast or strong they are, especially if the attack has to do with reality warping or space manipulation or even time or plot manipulation. Shinki who was keeping calm then sighs and says to diablo "It doesn't matter, since I'm going to lose to you. And plus, even if this is a hopeless battle, I'm not running". Diablo then smiles and then tells shinki to bring it on. Shinki then powers up a massive amount of red energy as it was releasing a giant wave of wind that was enough to shake the mountains, he then monologues to himself saying "I'm going to see this till the end so I can see how strong kazuki has become" he then yells out one word "Overkill" as he dashes of with a speed faster than light towards diablo. As they both were fighting while destroying countless mountains and causing nuclear explosions, diablo says to himself that "Wow you really are strong shinki, if you where their with kazuki till now as a big brother, he'll be proud", Shinki then begins to blast multiple beams at rapid fire at diablo,but diablo was just flying and dodging them at an incredible speed, while doing backflips in the air. Diablo kept on dodging shinki' light beams and asks shinki if that's all he's got, shinki then charges towards diablo with an incredible speed as they begin to wipe out mountains just by flying past them. Shinki then flashbacks to when he was a kid as a man who seemed to be in his twenties with black hair, tells him that he is very strong and has potential, the man then smiled at him. Shinki then yells out a loud scream as a giant magic circle appears from the sky and blasts a very powerful amount of red lightning at diablo which was incinerating everything. He then creates another giant attack which seemed to be an arrow made out of red energy. Diablo seeing this then tells shinki that "You really are strong, I suppose that attack will be enough to wrinkle my jacket tho. Guess I'll have to show you 50 percent of my power then". Diablo's fingers starts to spark with dark energy. As shinki blasts his attack at diablo with a speed even faster than light, diablo explains saying "This attack alone could wipe out the entire planet, so I hope I'm careful" diablo then says the word "Black eraser" as he launches dark energy out of his fingers, as it slices through shinki's light arrow and flies out of earth's orbit. The attack was so powerful that it wiped out a large number of starts. Diablo then says that he wasn't expecting his black eraser to be that powerful. The red energy over shinki's body then fades away as shinki falls to the ground. Diablo then flies back to the ground as he looks at shinki lying unconscious, diablo then tells shinki that "As much as I'd like to kill you, I have to let you go, and the reason is because kazuki is the one who wants to kill you and he's looking for answers which you alone can answer". Diablo then walks away and tells shinki that he understands his pain and he wishes him the best. As sorata and kenji were seeing this from a distance, kenji asks sorata if they should help him and sorata responded saying "Nahh lets leave him alone. He has alot of things going through his head right now." Shinki then gets up from the ground with a deep hole in his chest. He opens a portal and enters it.