Alex no demon volume 2 chapter 49

As alex was in the void of his mind while making contact with his inner demon, the demon tells him "So you decided to lose your humanity, huh? Well it doesn't matter, im the embodiment of you". It stretches out its hand as its says "Give me your hand and let me give you power, power that you will use to burn the world down along with everything you hate". As alex stretches his hand out, a man with purple hair with a white armour and a purple cape grabs him by the hand and tells him not to do it. As alex turns around and asks him who he is, the man says "I'm kazuma, but you can call me dad.". In the real world as alex was in his demonic state with his body turning into thick red flames while shooting fire balls out of his body, a bright light bursts out of the ground as it was turning him back to normal. As soon as the light disappears, bara see's alex as his normal self. Alex says to himself "You've got it dad I'll take notes", bara then smirks as he says "Wow, you finally came back to your normal form, I wonder how you will beat me now". Alex with a smirk on his face then responds "Sorry I went abit over board, although you seem to be talking big while you body is in shambles. Your robotic armour isn't even regenerating at all, why dont we fight fair with no extra powers, just hands". Bara then smiles as he says "I dont know what happened to you just now, but im low on energy." bara leaps towards alex as they both start to fight in close range combat. Meanwhile, Raquel wakes up as she see's herself on mori's laps while he was healing her with a magic circle on her head. Raquel then asks were she is, serena tells her to hold still so that mori can heal her injuries completely. Raquel then asks were alex is as son responds saying "He seems to be going toe to toe with that robot guy somewhere, but dont worry mori used his third eye to check and it seems he is back to normal. By the way, has anyone seen deo?". Raquel then says "Alex had some kind of wierd power flowing over his body, I felt pure hatred and anger in it" Son then says "Its okay, we also felt it from here as well. Although if my dad was here, non of these would have happened" Baraka then says that "I'm glad everything is alright for now, at least we were able to attend to the injured citizens and took the rest to safety so it alright". But meanwhile kinto and rin just got to the city, they see the entire place completely destroyed. Rin was in shock as she says "I've never seen destruction as intense as this" kinto then zooms of as he tells rin "Stay here". As kinto was able running around the rubble looking for people to save, he see's his friends as he approaches them and asks "You guys, what the hell happened here? The city is totally gone", son then replies him saying "Its about damn time you came back, did your mission in the iron country take you that long?", sukuna then responded saying "One of the dark sign members wipe out the entire city and alex seems to be battling with him". Kinto then sighs as he says "He thinks he can handle everything by himself. But at least knowing him and that unexplainable power of his, he should be just fine". Baraka then tells kinto "You seem to be very sure of yourself", kinto then says "Why wont I? Its alex we are talking about here". Meanwhile bara and alex were exchanging blows as they both were dodging and blocking each of their hits. At some point, alex lands a solid blow on bara and bara punches him on the stomach as he then says "Wow, your hand to hand combat isn't bad, honestly I'm impressed" alex then gets up as he says "If you think I'll loose to you, then you are freaking wrong". Bara then prepares a beam and blast it at alex, but alex dodges it and activates his energy fist (Plus 20) as he starts flash stepping around bara. Bara begins to launch beams at alex, while alex was flash stepping around him and dodging his attacks. Alex then flash steps behind him as he starts throwing a barrage of blows. As alex was about to land the finishing blow, bara punches him on the face and smacks him into a wall, he then realizes that he has been fighting a doll the whole time. He gets annoyed and yells out Saying "Alright kid let's end this right now. I'm sick of your games, just let me kill you so I can take you to lord ukina already!". Alex then charges towards him as he was preparing a blade of death. He then says "If you want to end this, then let's do it already", bara then charges up a lazer beam as he charges towards alex. Both of them clash their attacks at each other and were struggling to overtake on another. As they both were struggling to over take one another, bara says "You were literally black listed by the higher ups as a threat, people of this city are afraid of you but choose not to react because they feel that the special forces will handle you. knowing that, why are you still fighting for a place that wants you dead?". Alex then responds saying "Because I have a dream to accomplish, why the hell would i let a bunch of npc's make me feel bad. And plus i have friends who surport me. So why the hell should i care?!" Alex's blade of death then over takes bara's attack as alex uses his blade of death to hit bara which completely caused an explosion, that sends him flying. After the smoke clears, bara is seen on the floor with his body burnt, he says "This world fears people with power, I was once a scientist who created alot of weapons for the military of the city of raijin, and my works were undeniably magnificent. Although, the higher ups from the country, including the lord, lady shinra were scared that id turn against them, due to the weapons i created. They sent assassins to kill me, I ran but ended up being stabbed on the neck and was left in the forest to die. But ukina found me and saved me. Although, i was getting pretty blood lusted and power thirsty, so can understand a little bit of why they tried to kill me." alex then responded saying "It doesn't change the fact that you are evil, but at least I understand you pain". Bara then smirks as he whispers saying "Ukina, you gave me a reason to live and for that I'm grateful. But it looks like my time is up, I'm sorry I couldn't carry out the mission, im a failure who just went by his own emotions". As bara closes his eyes, he snaps his fingers as a giant missle flies straight from the sky and was headed towards the city. Alex then senses this as he looks up and sees a missle heading towards the city and asks bara what he did. Bara then flashbacks to the fun times he had in the dark sign as he says "I hope all of us end up getting what we want. Sorry guys, but I think this is a fitting end for me". Alex jumps out of the way while the missle obliterated bara into a ashes which caused an explosion. As soon as the smoke finally clears, bara had completely turned into ashes as Alex just sighs and says "Rest in peace". Meanwhile in mount law while the entire place was completely destroyed, rampo was on the ground bleeding while fugaku was injured but his body was regenerating. The divine beast of the wind was also completely injured as it dematerializes into the millennia stone, ukina was floating in air as she creates a giant light beam in the shape of an arrow and tells ranpo "What a sad look on your face.Sorry old friend, but this is the end" as she launches her attack at rampo which completely destroyed the entire mount law.