Alex no demon volume 2 chapter 53

While alex was in the comfort of his living room playing video games, serena knocks at the door and tells Alex to open up. Alex opens the door and says "Yo serena, what's up? This is a surprise, you never really come to my place often", serena then says "Let me guess, you are probably just back to your normal day routine as you are just playing games all day while reading manga". Alex then tells her "Well I can't let you stay outside so come on in". Serena then responds "I came here to tell you that kojin calls for you, he seems to be really demanding of you for some reason". Alex then sighs and tells her to give him 5 minutes to prepare himself, later on alex and serena enters kojin's office. Alex says "Hey kojin, Serena told me it was urgent. So what's up" kojin then tells alex "I'm fine, but I need to tell you something. Before I say anything, first off all I just want to thank you for saving the city, it takes a person with bravery to have fought like you did". Alex then giggles and says "Come on its nothing really, but I appreciate the thanks tho", kojin then says "Alright alex I have two things to say to you and serena and its concerning diablo". Serena who seems to be abit frightened says "Yeah it's true, I haven't heard from him since. I was thinking he was probably goofing around and decided not to show himself, but it's been 4 months since he left and hasn't come back", alex then says "Its about time I heard from him, what's up with him? Haven't heard from him nor seen him, I was starting to get worried tho". Kojin then says "I hate to break it to you both but, diablo has been sealed away". Serena who seemed confused asks "I dont get it, what do you mean sealed?". Kojin further explains "I sent diablo on a mission to prevent the leader of the dark sign from achieving her goal which included destruction of the world. Knowing diablo, I cant imagine him dying nor losing, so I asked veronica to do some investigating and she came back with a report of diablo being sealed away in some kind of box called the reality sealer". Serena hearing this then says "Wait, diablo is sealed? Someone actually did something to diablo? I'm starting to get worried", alex then smirks and says "It's diablo we are talking about here, we dont need to get worried at all. I can bet he's having a good time in that box that's he's trapped inside, and plus we all know him, he will be alright. We just need to figure a way if bringing him back that's all. And plus that goofy 29 year old guy of a teacher is freaking OP, he isn't going down at all". Veronica then smiles as she says to herself "Diablo really has a student who seems to understand him well, alex reminds me off ichiki during our days when we were under kazuma". Kojin then smiles and says "I'm glad to see how you are processing this, but there is something else I have to tell you and you wont believe me if I say this, so someone else is here to explain to you". Fugaku who was sitting on the other side of the office unnoticed then says "Alex boy, how are you doing? its been a while", alex then responds in excitement saying "Oh old man fugaku, what's up, you look alright. Were you able to take care of that mysterious lady and that bird". Serena was confused on who fugaku was and veronica explains saying "That's lord fugaku, the third lord of the city before kojin.", serena was amazed as she says "Are you serious?". Fugaku then says "Alright alex boy, I dont know how to say this, but ranpo is dead". Alex gets a terrified look on his face and then just laughs and says "Oh come on now, what kind of joke is that? You almost had me for a sec. Okay now what did you really want to tell me?". Fugaku then explains to Alex telling him "I know it sounds sudden but you have to believe me, your grandfather is dead. When you flew of to the city to stop the attack, your grandfather and I stood back as I fought the divine beast while he fought ukina, the entire mount law was completely obliterated, although I rebuilt it back using my earth technique". Fugaku then realized Alex's face was facing the ground with a serious look on his face, alex then asks him if he's telling the truth and it's not some kind of joke, fugaku tells him that "I myself could have died as well. But I'm lucky to be alive, it seems like ukina was after him. I know this is sudden so I'm sorry for your lose". Alex eyes start to cover up in tears as he says "I see how it is, I'll be going off now", as he just runs out of the office. Kojin then sighs as he says "I'm the one who is supposed to be crying. After all i've been friends with ranpo since day one, but it's hard to believe that ranpo is dead, what the hell is ukina thinking" Serena feeling bad for Alex says "It cant be, alot must be going through his head right now".