Alex no demon volume 5 chapter 9

After ukina makes her appearance as she gently decends to the ground and huges the fragments of light that were remaining of Zodia. As soon as her presence is felt by deo, alex and kazuki,a cold shiver is sent down their spine with terror in their eyes. Alex, deo and kazuki look back and see ukina with murderous intent, ukina says to herself "I'll be the one to carry out Zodia's will!", kazuki who was in terror asks himself "Were the hell did she come from? And this presence....what is this? Wait a minute, this is ukina! The original leader of the dark sign!". Kazuki turns to alex, but was surprised to see alex with anger and tears in his eyes, with him grining his teeth in rage and with veins popping out of his face. Alex seeing ukina starts to have the memories of his grandfather rushing in his mind, he also remembers the last moment he saw ranpo before departing from him on mount law, he also remembers ukina being the person who ranpo fought and most likely killed him. Alex in his memories remembers fugaku told him "Your grandfather is dead" and remembers the soft smile his grandfather once gave him. Alex screams In rage as a powerfull amount of demonic energy just bursts out of his body. He dashes towards ukina at a speed he had never moved at before, and summons his sword of destruction. As he was about to slash her with his sword, he yells in anger with his eyes glowing red "You bastard! Your gonna pay for what you did to grandpa! I'm gonna kill you!", he calls out "Blade of death: World ender", the same attack that cut the moon. Ukina who was unfazed just grabs alex sword strike with two of her fingers, she says "You're such a lousy one. Stupid creature" and then prepares a golden beam of light and hits it on alex and sends him flying accross mountains. Kazuki was in complete shock and disbelief "Did she just catch alex's world ender.... with just her fingers!??! What the hell!", he exclaims to himself staring in disbelief. As he activates his divine mark given to him by diablo, kazuki was about to look forward and charge towards her. Before he even knew it, ukina was already behind kazuki without him being able to notice her untime. Kazuki was just in pure terror as he asks himself "Wait a damn minute! How the heck is she behind me? I didnt even precieve her movements! She's just as fast as zodia, no! She's faster!", he turns around with the attempt to blast his spiritual shuriken attack at her. Kazuki's arm suddenly started having blood bursting out of it before he could shoot his attack, kazuki was in more shock and says to himself "Wallahi, I'm finished!". Ukina turns around and kicks kazuki accross the battlefield, deo transforms his arm into a cannon with the attempt to shoot her, but the moment ukina takes a step towards him, deo felt an unpleasant feeling of fear. Every step ukina took towards him was making deo not only feel fear, but seeing over a million visions of himself laying dead. Deo just collapses to the ground on his knees and was trying to hold himself from vomiting, he says to himself "Hey now! Wow! Wow! Wow! What kind of presence is this? Its like my mind has been completely altered. How is she that powerfull!". As ukina was walking towards deo, she brings out her holy god sword. Suddenly from a distance, a huge amount of energy was bursting out of alex body with him screaming in anger. This tremendous amount of energy started to crack a certain part of space and time, this also caused the sky to change into multiple colours at once, it was also twisting the laws of nature by causing huge lightning storms. Alex was not only doing that, but the level of energy he was exhibiting was twisting the laws of reality, causing at least two to three dimensions to clash with each other. Ukina still wasn't fazed at all as she says "You want to scrap?", her body started to glow with a golden light and she had angel wings made of golden light. Alex picks up his sword of destruction and launches himself at her, he yells "I'm going to fucking eat you!". Alex and ukina starts to clash with their swords, the sword or destruction that defies all laws, and the holy god sword that is the embodiment of creation. Alex and ukina were clashing swords, with alex yelling in anger and striking his sword recklessly and at a devastating speed, and ukina being able to keep up with his speed and still wasn't fazed. Alex and ukina started flying all over the sky while clashing sword, alex was just sending giant slashes at her that were destroying mountains, while ukina was just flying and dodging them. Kazuki comes flying with the apperance of a purple lightning bolt with the attempt to use his lightning sword to strike her, ukina just spots him with the corner of her eyes and was not fazed. She just raises her leg and kicks kazuki to the ground with no effort. Alex then powers up a huge amount of energy into his katana, causing it to turn into a giant saber made out of red energy. Kazuki seeing this just yells at alex "No don't do it alex! You'll take out the planet with that thing!". Alex just yells "Shut up!", he calls out "Blade of death: Demon Berserker cypher!". He let's out a loud scream as he attempts to land it on ukina, ukina just stretches out her hand still unfazed and grabs the attack. Kazuki and alex are dumbfounded by this, deo in shock says "This has to be cheating, she just held alex craziest attack... with one freaking arm! We're cooked!", kazuki on the other hand just says "You know what? I'm not even surprised anymore! But what the fuck is happening?!" Alex had nothing but rage in his eyes, ukina then absorbs the entire attack, leaving Alex in shock. Ukina snaps her finger and suddenly, deo, alex and kazuki see themselves in another dimension with a red sky, and a moon. The three boys wonder to themselves "Where the hell are we?! Did we just get teleported to another dimension?". Ukina kicks alex to the ground, stretches her arm out and says "Here, you can have this back.", and blasts the attack she absorbed from alex back to him causing an explosion. Ukina raises her sword to the sky and Says "This dimension is my own world! I am zakiel, the god of angels and creation! And in this my domain, you all will die!". She starts to create sun's out of her holy god sword. She says "This will be the end of your existence! Pitiful creatures!