Alex no demon volume 5 chapter 18

After kojin had declared the elite squad 10 and the black fire group as the protectors of the city, he proceeds to say to the civilians "Now that we've got that out of the way, I have important news to tell you all. I will be stepping down as the Lord of this city", this statement alone didn't just surprise the teenagers and the rest of the civilians, diablo who seemed to be taking a nap in the park while sitting down with his arms and legs crossed on a bench, opens one of his eye due to that statment, but he didn't seem surprised at all. Kojin continues to say "I know it's abit shocking but it's true. My injuries from the war did significant damage to me, one can even call me a walking Corpse. As I stand, my heart has stopped beating and I'm just using my sheer will to stay alive.", everyone is shocked, both the citizens and the elite squad, veronica on the other hand was just standing at a coner, but didn't seem so surprised nor fazed on hearing the news. Kojin address the public "I will die in about three days. But.... someone you all know, someone you can all trust with your lives will take on my position.". Alex wonders to himself "Someone who can take the position of *lord*, someone we all know?", serena also seemed to be confused as she asks herself "Who could it be? It could be someone who is far stronger than kojin.", she turns to kazuki "You dont seem to be too surprised at all kazuki. Do you know who it is?". Kazuki with his hands folded replied "Hm, its simple once you think of it. Its obviously...", kojin declares "The next person in line who would take my position as the Lord of the city, someone who has far surpassed me in power. The woman you all know as the strongest female soldier In the world! Veronica Welford!" The citizens start to cheer on as veronica walks forward and begins to look down at them with a straight face. Serena, sukuna, luck and runo seemed to have a beat up expression on their faces, "We're doomed! She's gonna train us till our bones break", was the thought going through their minds, Raquel in the background just had a nervous smile on her face as she tries to raise their spirits "Ehh, calm down now. Its not going to be that bad. I hope.", sukuna turns to kinto "You dont seem to be surprised at all, even tobi and kazui aren't even surprised.". Kinto responded to her "Its no surprise at all. Right now aside from diablo, she's the strongest person on this planet. Even alex and kazuki with their new god like powers cant beat her in power, at least for now.", meanwhile diablo just had a smile on his face while sitting in the park. He looks to the bright sky and monologues to himself "Looks like your being the strongest female soldier in the world finally paid off, although it would have been great if *HE* were alive to have actually achieved that dream himself, rather than you trying to carry that dream for him. Oh well, it is what it is.". While veronica was waving to the citizens of the city that were cheering her on "Ichiki, I know it was your dream out of three of us for you to be the Lord of this city when we all grew up. But ever since you died, I've been thinking of carrying your will. Before I make a move, I'll ask myself what you would do in the said situation.", she pictures the 14 years old version of herself huging ichiki and diablo, accompanied by kazuma who happened to be their team leader at the time. After the ceremony, the entire squad is gathered in kojin's office, kojin explains to them "As you all heard from the ceremony, I'm going to die in the next three days. I don't have the power to continue to live anymore. I suffered a great explosion in the war, my internal organs suffered heavy injuries like burns and crazy internal bleeding, not even the medical team could fix the problem. And my heart stopped beating as well. I've been using energy to pump my heart for months now, but my energy reserves aren't that high. I can only keep this up for two more days. This is my final mission to you all, continue to fight for this city, even if it costs you your life. You all... are dismissed." As everyone leaves the room, kojjn calls back alex "Hey alex boy, wait for a moment. I want to tell you something". Alex turns around to listen to kojin, kojin tells him "It's from your grandpa in the After life", this makes alex eyes widen in joy, kojin tells him "He told me to tell you *No matter where you are In life, I'll always believe in you*", alex while hearing this see's kojin as his grandpa ranpo for a few seconds. Alex was overwhelmed with joys for a moment and then proceeds to smile "When you get to the after life, tell the old man that I said that I'm continously getting stronger, and that I've far surpassed him", kojin just smiles and tells him "I sure will", he makes his exist. Later in the evening, son and kojin were standing at the balcony of their house, son asks "So what was it like? The fight against saito.", kojin pauses for a moment after taking a deep sigh "It was.....", he tries to remember the crazy fight he had against saito and tells son "Words can't describe how I felt during that fight. I was definitely sad, having to see my own son burning himself to death, just to fight me. At the same time, it felt sensational. Seeing him finally surpass me in power, he was no longer the sweet, weak boy I once knew. He was a powerful, deranged mad man who would burn everything in his path to get what he wanted." Son seemed a little depressed from hearing that, but ends up getting a hug from kojin. Kojin let's go of him and places his hands on son's shoulder, he tells him "I'm sorry I have to go so soon, but i have to atone for what I've done in the past. But promise me one thing, that you'll continue to get stronger." Son seemed to be depressed for a moment, but ended up smiling "Yeah, I'll get stronger. Don't you worry.", he and kojin do a fist bump.