Alex no demon volume 5 chapter 41

The girls are already set to play volleyball, serena and sukuna were on the left side, and runo and luck were on the right. Raquel was acting as the referee, she explains to them "The rules are simple and easy. All you have to do is to make sure the other team cant catch the ball. It has to touch the ground of the other team, is that understood?" Runo then say "We're not as stupid as the boys, you know? We understand the game, now let's play". Raquel blows the whistle and says "Start!", she proceeds to throw the ball up in the air. As it was coming down, serena had already charged up some electricity to her palm and legs as she jumps into the air and slaps the ball to runo's and luck who are the opposing team. Luck seeing this exclaims "I've got thus!", her legs seems to be hardening as she then kicks the ball back into the air, runo jumps in the air and proceeds to punch the ball back to serena and sukuna's team. Sukuna charges up some plasma energy, jumps into the air and then punches the volleyball back to them with a huge amount of power. Luck and runo then proceed to both punch the ball together, runo with her crazy physical strength that rivals that of baraka, as well as luck who has the ability to harden her body millions of times harder than the strongest of metal. While the girls were going back and forth with the volleyball they were playing, this caused electricity and plasma, as well as huge waves of wind from luck and runo to fly around the place. Son while preparing the meals was abit surprised as he says "The girls seem to be going at it. Who do you think would win?", deo replies "I'm willing to bet more on lucks and runo", alex states "Nah, I'm putting my money on serena and sukuna", kinto while carrying the pots tells them "You guys should stop goofing around before they find out and rock your shit." As the four girls continued to play, serena started to spin around like a tornado of electricity as she just kicks the ball high up into the air "Sukuna, it's all yours!", sukuna runs at an incredible speed before she jumps into the air with a crazy amount of plasma all over her body. She jumps into the air and is about to kick the ball back to the opposite team. Unfortunately for her, runo just appears infront of her and the ball and says "Sorry, can't allow that.", she steals the ball away from sukuna by kicking the ball faster than she could, this leaves the ball flying to serena. Serena seeing the ball flying to her at rocket speed charged up a crazy amount of energy as she proceeds to punch the ball. The balls wasn't fazed in the slightest as it kept rolling on her fist, serena kept on throwing rapid punches of electricity to the ball several times just so it could stop and fly back to the other team. But as she continued to punch the ball with powerful bolts of electricity, the ball kept on rolling faster which led it to blitz past her and hit the ground without her being able to react, she turns around in shock "Huh? How? It kept on rolling and building momentum despite how strong I was punching it.", she exclaimed. Luck then explains "That's because of my ability. Aside from being able to harden my body and increase my physical ability, I also have the ability to increase the mass and momentum of anything that I touch or touches me. I can only do it for a few minutes tho, but its hard.",raquel then exclaims "5 points for luck and runo", given the fact that she was the referee. Sukuna then lands back to the ground and in confusion she asks luck "Wait a sec, you just said you have the ability to increase the mass of anything you touch, didn't you?", luck replied "Yep that's precisely right.", runo then whispers "Does that mean you increase the power of kazui's dick every time you have the opportunity to do it?", all the girls, including the boys after hearing this were just silent in shock, kazui was even slowly turning his head away in shame. Luck stutters for abit "Ummm... Well... you see, I ummm... Yes, I do use my ability to increase his body mass and power in bed.", both the boys and girls except Raquel were surprised, the boys turn around to kazui and yell "What the fuck bro??!?!? Horny ass motherfuckers!", raquel was just trying to tease runo by saying "Damn, I didn't know you had it in you to do that type of stuff",(She and alex have done worse.) Luck is just flustered as she yells "Ohh that's enough!", later as the sun was going down with the camp fire being set already, everyone was sitted at the dinning table with the varieties of food infront of them, their eyes were in excitement seeing how good the food they prepared was. They all yell in excitement "Thank You for the food" and start to eat. While eating, raquel complements the food "This tastes really good, seriously.", runo replied "Yeah you're right, the food is good. Can't believe we made this.", mori then says "You know, we were the one's who cooked most of the food.", runo then says "To be honest, these chicken wings tastes well, who could have thought that the boys could cook much." Serena replied "Now now let's not go to that level yet. Although how are you guys good at cooking so well if i may ask?" Alex(Lived on his own his whole life), kazuki (Lived on his own his whole life), mori (Survival instincts), deo (His brother thought him), baraka (Watched both his parents cook together), kinto (Harsh training from his mom), son (Sets everything on fire and calls it food), Kazui (Same situation as son), tobi (Just put oil in a frying pan and the rest is history) the boys in unison all say together "Ehn, it's just talent" The girls just get a nervous smiles on their faces, serena asks herself "You sure it isn't poison we're taking?"