Hot neighbor?

Kan looked around, wondering what to do but by surprise the girl who appeared momentarily incapacitated suddenly pushed Kan on the chest with her hand, causing Kan to fall on his butt, then she dragged herself to the corner of the stairs and began to do something weird.

"Helayi... Bentaki!!" The girl chanted and suddenly, a blue hue enveloped her hand. The hue was radiant and with the glowing hand, she lifted it and placed against her forehead while the whole time, she maintained a steady gaze at Kan with her bloodied face. 

In matter of moments, the glow died down but so did something else.

"Huh? She stopped bleeding?" Kan thought, observing the outpour of blood from her forehead had stopped. 

The girl cleaned her face with her palms before getting up and looking around as if she lost something. The whole time, ignoring kan's presence. 

Kan stood up as well staring at the girl with a mixture of confusion and intrigue.