Meeting the other side.

Character intro design 3-

Tommy immediately lowers his head and apologizes to Mark :

"I'm sorry Boss, I got a little carried away."

Mark then looks serious, and says:

"I said no your boss. Let's go, I have things to do yet, I've had enough of touring the school for today!"

Then Mark looks at Luan, and at his watch, but he doesn't seem surprised to meet Luan, it seems that he already knew him.

Lena then speaks:

"Hey Mark, where's your manners? This is Luan our vice president of the Student Guild, greet him, Luan this is the two new students, Mark and Ren."

Luan then greets them:

"Hello, I hope you like the school here, welcome to ST High School, if you need anything come to our Student Guild."

Mark then nods his head and thanks him.


And just as Mark is turning to leave, Derick appears.

Then Lena continues talking:

"Hi Derick, you showed up at a good time, this is Derick the grandson of Principal Han, they are the two new students."

Derick looks at Mark and the clock and says:

"Oh, I know, I just found out today...welcome!

Tommy, mumbles something to Mark, and they leave.

Intro: Mark lives in another country and has just returned to Rivercity to live with his father Mr. Scoot. Scoot they don't have a good relationship with each other, he is a serious person, he doesn't like to talk and interact with people, he has his reasons for that, but he is more open with his friend Ren who is training with him, Ren is also a quieter and more reserved person, but he knows how to be impactful with few words, he has good physical endurance and is great in combat, he is the strongest among them, he will be Mark's partner in the Awakening Test.

Luan then turns to Lena and says:

"Wow, what a good aim you have! I can already compete with you Derick!"

Derick, nods admitting his good aim.

Lena, smiles shyly and says:

"Oh, I'm not that good, but thanks."

Bianca then comes close and says:

"Hey guys, I need Lena to practice with."

Lena, forgot for a moment that she was training, says goodbye to the boys and goes back to training:

"Oh, sorry Bianca I really forgot about our training, Ow Luan talked to me OMG, so cute!"

"Lena, you're so funny haha"

Intro: Lena is a very charismatic girl, she plays the flute and practices singing in her spare time with Mary, most of the time she is an athlete and plays tennis with Bianca, who is a very quiet person, but who likes gossip, so she is always aware of everything about the school.

Luan and Derick then get rid of the girls, and decide to go to Grandpa Han's house to ask some questions, Grandma as always brings tea to him and asks them to wait in the garden, Grandma Han comes right away and starts talking to the boys, Luan fills him with questions:

"Who is the new student,this Mark? Is he our opponent from the other group? He's got the same watch as mine..."

"Calm down Luan, one question at a time! Yes he will be the opponent of you two, he was out of the country and recently returned to Rivercity just like you, he is the son of Mr. Scoot, a long time opponent of our family he is a one..."

Derick looks at Grandpa Han, waiting for him to complete his sentence:


Luan then waits for Grandpa Han to answer, and speaks:

"What? What is he? A gangster? A murderer?"

Justin, Derick's father, appears smiling and interrupts them and replies:

"He's a...rock in the Becker family's shoe! But it's not so wrong to say gangster too hehe"

Intro: Justin is the second son and the youngest of Grandpa Han, he is a doctor and Director of the University Hospital of the Becker Academy Group, he is usually more patient and very calm, a little opposite of his son Derick, but he has a good relationship between them, has a younger son and an older son, but mysteriously his older son disappeared. And he has been a Enchantment Hunter in the past along with his older brother.

Grandpa then scolds him:

"Justin, don't talk like that, you'll scare the boys!"

Then he sits down in one of the armchairs, and with him is Ryan, Derick's little brother, he is 3 years old. While Luan is distracted by Ryan, because he really loves children so he is distracted playing with Ryan, Derick asks Grandpa Han to continue talking, since Luan has deviated from the focus.

Then Grandpa Han continues:

"Well I will never deny a new student at school, no matter whose son he is, the boy doesn't look so much like his father, he's a good kid! And together there is Ren, son of an old friend of ours they make beautiful swords / daggers and are handmade, they are true works of art, that sword in the hall was a gift from him."

Luan even distracted is paying attention, so he speaks:

"Oh... that sword that Derick once picked up, and ran after me when we were little?"

Derick looks at Luan, wanting to grab him by the neck.

Then Justin, starts laughing and says:

"Wow Luan, do you remember that? What a scare that day! Haha"

Luan then gets pensive:

"Yes,although I don't remember many things when I was a 5 year old, this I remember, I still have some dreams...recurring that day..."

Derick then says:

"How I regret not hitting you that day...".

Luan looks at Derick in amazement:

"Derick how terrible, I thought you loved me!"

Derick then retorts:

"I do, distantly."

Luan also retorts:

"You can't live without me, I know!"

Then Luan goes to talk to Grandpa Han in private, to clear up some doubts and also try to find out who will be the Wizard Support of the other team, but Grandpa still does not know who it is, because at the last minute he hears a change of participant. Grandpa Han also talks privately with Derick. Then the boys go to train, and today the fight training, plus Luan's endurance training, climbing the wall all over again.

Luan is shocked at how much he has to train and says:

"Hey, all this I think it was not an idea to come here today!"

Derick then says:

"Get going, you're too lazy lately! Get ready to train the time today, we have to do each stage of the test, in 20 min right?"

"Yes, as we always train to do everything in 20 minutes, since the Test has a maximum duration of 2 hours, and there are 4 stages, it will take us 1 hour and 20 minutes to complete, apart from the part that we will be separated and with possible unforeseen events, we have to meet in the 3rd stage in 1 hour!"

-It's ok, then get ready for

Derick tries to knock Luan down with a kick, but Luan dodges after all his Kung Fu is up to date!

"Wow, you're smart today huh Luan?"

"I'm good at fighting, when I want to be!"

"Hm, so you've been hiding your secrets from me?"

"Secrets? I don't have secrets, I already told them that day when you decided to accept me as your partner in the test, remember?"

"Oh, I remember, but I feel like you're still hiding something from me?"

And points to Luan's watch, Luan consents and then speaks:

"Ok, about that we will have to wait until the day of the Test, we need to pass the Test first!"

Derick nods, hinting that Luan is right.

"Ok, let's see if you're really good at fighting....

And he kicks Luan again, while Luan tries to defend himself."

"Oh, Derick I was kidding!"

They continue their training, meanwhile Grandma is with Ryan on her lap and talking to Justin:

"These kids are growing up so fast! But they brighten up the house, I'm glad we have Luan around again."

"Yes, Mom even Derick has changed somehow."

"True dear, I'm happy, but I'm just missing Luke, so that my heart is finally warmed all over."

Justin agrees and speaks:

"Hum, me too, I miss him, but he shouldn't miss me so much...he abandoned us for over 5 years.."

Grandma retorts:

"He didn't abandon us dear, he needed time to heal and to redeem himself again, I am so looking forward to his return..."

Justin then smiles and says:

"Yes me too, how nice that they were able to come to an agreement."

Grandma adds:

"Yes, I understand, but now I'm worried about one detail, how Luan will react to his Father's return, I'm thinking of some way they can connect again."

Grandma also gets thoughtful and says:

"I hope they can somehow, it's a lot of years away from Luan, but don't think too much dear, everything will work out in due time Your Father will make a notification in a few hours, he has already left everything prepared."

Meanwhile, at Mr. Scoot's house, there is a dinner party to celebrate Mark's return, along with Mr. Scoot, Mark's older brother, and Lena's parents, as they are partners and very close friends.

Intro: Mr. Scoot, is a very ambitious and unscrupulous person, very influential in the business field, he is CEO of his company and has friendship with many influential people, and hates the Becker family, what he can do to hinder them he will do, whether for good or for evil, has a bad relationship with his son Mark, but in a way managed to persuade Mark to participate in the Test the Awakening.

Lena is in the garden of the house and notices that Mark is leaving the Pool house and calls him to talk, Lena looks at the Tennis Court (they used to play together some years ago)

"Hey Mark come here, did you move back into the Pool house?"

", hi Lena, yes it's the best place in this house."

Lena then says:

"How about that, did you get around the school a lot?"

Mark replies:

"Not much, I had other things to do. I didn't have time to walk around."

Lena then continues to try to make conversation:

"Hmm...well you should be a little distracted, but I believe if you came back it wasn't just to study, right?"

Mark replies:

"Exactly, it wasn't exactly to study...."

Lena continues:

"Then under the ball in Tommy's face...."

And then Mark cuts her off:

"Lena...just don't pry..."

Lena is surprised and says:

"What? Tommy's almost always harassing someone, it was out of control until Luan arrived...."

Mark interrupts her again:

"You don't have to tell me what happened, I know."

Lena then frowns and says:

"Tommy will listen to you, your father has been working as your father's secretary for so long, and Tommy is always up to something."

Mark frowns and finishes his dialog:

"I'm not responsible for Tommy, I have nothing to do with his problems, I don't want to talk about this subject, I have many other problems to worry about."

He then becomes reflective:

(I wouldn't even want to have come back to this house in the first place.)

And Lena stares and thinks.

(Wow, he changed a lot, before he talked, what happened in that time for him to change so much?)

Lena then goes to push him to play a game of tennis, while Lena's parents see the two together and get all excited and say to Mr.Scoot

Oh how lovely the two of them chatting they look so good together! He would be a good husband!

(Yes, yes the two almost killing each other)

Mr. Scoot is holding a glass of wine, gives a slight smile and says:

"Hm...may be is a possibility, if it is for the good and the future of the company."

Secretary Lee at that moment receives a message, and realizes that he needs to notify Mr. Scoot he comes close and bends down to speak:

"Excuse me Mr.Scoot, I think you need to look at your cell phone, a notification just came in."

"Intro: Secretary Lee, Mr. Scoot's faithful assistant and Tommy's father, as the secretary is very faithful, Mr. Scoot always authorizes him to cover up the disciplinary proceedings that Tommy responds to at school for harassment caused to students, making it difficult for the Student Council with the ST High School Board to resolve student lawsuits "

Mr. Scoot then looks away and looks at his cell phone, still maintaining his slight smile.

He then reads a forwarded message.

"We inform you that Mr. Han Becker will be leaving his position as Principal at ST High School belonging to Gruop Academy Becker, thus assuming the position of Vice Principal, and appointing him as the new Principal Luke Becker."

"The formal party will be held on Friday at 19:00, the invitation will be sent out by tomorrow, with information about the venue. "

Mr. Scoot's facial expression closes completely.

(Luke Becker..Grrr)

"Secretary Lee, let's prepare a "welcome gift."
