Epilogue Adults 3- Old Times. Part 1

Announcement : Intro to the new webnovel, novel - School Time- Old Times, when Luan and Derick's parents were hunters 25 years ago. It will be released soon :))

Cover Art in comments-->

25 years before..

The year is 1998, Ana Bianchi moved with her family to Rivercity, her family has always been considered very strong wizards and magicians, Ana is 15 years old and didn't really like to practice her skills, she just wanted to look like a normal person, without having to worry about family matters, she was enrolled at ST High School belonging to the Becker Group, that's where she met Principal Han Becker, Luke Becker and Justin Becker, and also Mr. Scoot. In the first few days of school, Ana found it difficult to socialize because she was a foreigner, and it was halfway through the school year, many groups had already been formed, at first she felt upset, because she wanted to change schools, that is, she was facing a phase of rebellion and change, that's when she came up with the idea of taking part in the vote for the Student Guild, a total stranger decided that it was a way to make herself known, but she didn't know who she would be up against being the current President Luke Becker, and Justin Becker as vice-president, the first meeting wasn't very pleasant. 




Ana has been attending school for a week, she is still getting to know the school and when she is walking through the Second Courtyard, she hears voices, and notices that some boys are arguing, one of them is sitting on the bench, this is Luke Becker, he has blond hair and green eyes, and along with him is his brother Justin, he has black hair and blue eyes, and is holding someone by the collar of his shirt, Ana seeing the situation interpreted that Justin, was abusing a student and as she was born with a vigilante spirit, decided to intervene: 


"Aren't you ashamed to do that to a fellow student?" 


Justin is surprised and quickly loosens the boy's shirt collar and tries to explain himself: 


"Oh, it's not the way it seems..." 


Ana shakes her head in the negative and interrupts him: 


"There's no excuse for that, I'm going to report you now, losers!" 


Justin tries to retort, but Luke gets up from the bench, pats Justin on the back and says as he turns his back to Ana: 


"No need to explain yourself Justin, ok fine, do as you see fit." 


Ana stares at Luke's back, she feels challenged, so she doesn't think twice and goes to the Coordinator's office, and decides to report what happened, but she doesn't know the names of those involved, she has no idea who they are, but she reports it anyway, and takes the opportunity to sign up for the vote for Student Guild President, how she will win we don't know, but she needs to put together a group and a slate, her main objective is to put an end to bullies in the school, she can't stand this kind of behavior. She looks at the groups that are taking part in the vote, and finds an Electoral Slate with an open position, she looks at the other groups, they are already complete and there is a group with more prominence, she at first reads the surname "Becker" but doesn't pay attention to the details, she then goes down to the cafeteria because break time is ending and she hasn't even eaten anything yet, She goes to the queue to get a quick snack, and finds a mixed group of girls and boys, they are standing in the middle of the queue talking, this already makes Ana irritated, when she notices someone picking up a snack and taking it to the two boys who were in the Courtyard (Luke and Justin), then she thinks: (Those two again, on top of that they're slackers, making someone buy and take snacks for them, I need to find out their names, and gather evidence against them!) 


Ana sits down at a table next to theirs, their backs to her, while he eats his snack, she watches the two, they don't even notice her presence and continue chatting, they seem to be well known in the school, many people greet them, she decides to focus her attention on the paper she needs to fill out to run for the electoral slate they were recruiting and goes back to her classroom. The lessons last until the afternoon, before leaving she also applies for a reading group, she ends up being late leaving school so she decides to take a quicker shortcut that she discovered a few days ago that takes her to the street outside her house, it's an empty lot and an abandoned shed, she usually goes there to write, and curl up as much as she can to avoid going home to practice magic, her parents make sure she practices magic every day, they are very demanding in this regard, so she does her best to curl up as much as she can, she likes to write, and has a specific notebook for her writing. 




Some time passes and Ana decides to go home, meeting two other boys, one of whom is wearing a uniform, she notices that he is wearing the same school uniform as hers, and she doesn't remember seeing him before, she continues to watch them, and sees that he has a poster in his hands, and she remembers seeing him on the Guild Election panel, she tries to go unnoticed, but one of the boys sees her and says something to her, But she pretends not to hear and continues walking, heading towards a hole in the wall, which by the way leads to the street where her house is, the boy then insists, Scoot catches his eye and realizes that Ana is from the same school as hers, and for some reason seems to know her, interrupts the boy, he then introduces himself and extends his hand to greet her: 


"Hey man, be quiet, don't listen to him, we're from the same school, well, let me introduce myself, I'm Scoot." 


Ana has heard this name somewhere before, but can't remember where, so she greets Scoot, and takes the opportunity to ask him about the poster in his hands, Scoot then confirms that he is and that he is recruiting helpers, he notices Ana's interest, and invites her to join his group, Scoot is running for the position of President, he notices Ana's interest, so he decides to offer her an invitation, to be the Treasurer. Ana thinks for a few moments, but decides to accept, she shakes Scoot's hand and thanks him for the invitation, they add each other's cell phone numbers and arrange to meet tomorrow at break time, Ana goes through the hole in the wall and leaves for her house. 




When she arrives home, her mother has already returned from the law firm where she works with her husband, she notices that Ana has arrived later than she should have, and calls her: 


"Ana, you're late, you have to train for 2 hours today!" 


Ana nods, she tries not to retort or argue with her parents, the last time she got angry and they argued, she almost accidentally set the house on fire trying to control the elements, and ended up being grounded for days, she is still training to avoid getting out of control, she goes straight to her Father's Office who is working in his law office, there are many books and there are several books on a table, Ana sits down takes a book of Magic, and starts practicing. The next day, she meets up with Scoot and the other members of the group introduce themselves, they sit down at a table in the cafeteria and as they eat, they talk about their plans for the Election, Ana seems to be very committed about it, she's very communicative when she needs to be. The rival group then sits down at the table next to theirs, Scoot stares seriously at one person in particular, his eyes seem to be on fire, it's Luke Becker, they really don't get on at all, Scoot as always teases him, but Luke doesn't even pay attention to him and keeps smiling. 


"The king of the school has arrived..." 


Ana then realizes that it's the two boys from the other day, she then grimaces in disapproval, Luke then recognizes Ana, and is a little surprised to see the girl from the other day, sitting with Scoot's group, they talk to each other, Justin looks at Ana, and notices that she's looking at the two, almost glaring at them, and says: 


"Oh, that looks like her... she's with Scoot, so it doesn't look good."   


The two of them sit down at the table and talk, and as usual someone brings them their snacks, Ana can't stop staring and gets indignant about what she's seeing, she ends up calling them "slackers" in a low voice, Scoot listens and laughs, and agrees with Ana, the two of them finish their snacks, and each one goes to their class, later Scoot hands Ana some flyers and asks her to deliver them, Ana follows Scoot's advice, she goes to the school exit gate, and starts introducing herself and handing out the flyers to the students, some take them, others ignore them, but Ana doesn't stand still, when she sees that someone has ignored her, she stands in front of the person, gives a nice smile and makes people notice her, and takes the flyer. 


"Hi, I'm Ana, please vote for our slate for the Student Guild Election, I promise to put an end to the Privileged, equal rights for all, and not to slacker Bullies!" 


But as always, some people pick up the leaflets, don't even look at them properly and throw them on the floor. Ana gets angry, but she knows that this always happens, regardless of the situation, so she picks up the leaflets, crumples them up and puts them with some other leaflets that are left over. 


"People, as usual making a mess...." 


As she gets up, she bumps into Luke, who is coming out of the school gate, and ends up knocking over the rest of the leaflets that were in his hand. He promptly bends down to help, but Ana notices that it's one of the boys she calls losers, so she interrupts him: 


"It had to be you, I don't need your help, I'll get it myself." 


Luke even picks up one of the flyers, and notices that it's about the Student Council election, with Scoot as president, Caroline as vice-president and Ana as treasurer. 


(Ah, it's about the election is the slate of...President- Scoot, blah, it had to be him...and Vice President....Ana? Who's Ana? ) 


He nudges Justin, who is coming up behind him, and asks: 


"Justin, you're on Scoot's ticket...but can you tell me who Ana is?" 


Ana then, without listening, raises an eyebrow, takes a deep breath and, without thinking twice, retorts: 


"I.... am Ana!" 


Then she pulls the flyer out of Luke's hand. 


Luke looks surprised, not understanding anything. 


"Oh, sorry, I didn't know..." 


"You don't know about school affairs, because you're busy abusing students and making them into servants!" 


"Hm, excuse me, what do you mean? What are you talking about? I don't think you know who I am..." 


Ana interrupts him. 


"Ah, typical privileged playboy phrase..."you don't know who you're talking to?~ 


"What? That's not what I said... and that's not what I meant..." 


Ana turns away, picks up the rest of the flyers and puts them in her backpack. While Luke stands there not understanding anything, he looks at Justin and says: 


"What the hell was that? 


Justin laughs, also without understanding, and prefers not to add fuel to the fire, so he just says: 


"I don't think she liked us very much, in short, let's go home, we have to train, Dad's going to work hard today, we're already late!" 




Luke walks home, talking to himself, he's not used to being treated like this, except with Scoot, who always does everything to annoy him, but he's used to it. 


"Wow, she didn't even let me finish talking...I still went to help her..." 


Justin just listens to him talking to himself, but in fact, even though they are the Headmaster's sons, at no time do they take advantage of the situation, they weren't brought up to do so, Grandpa Han always brought them up to be helpful, honest, and never to use their social position to take advantage of someone, and always to value honesty, and he disapproves of any kind of behavior that goes against this. Although Luke agrees with his father's upbringing, he tends to be a bit more rebellious, and gets angry more easily, which makes him more aggressive when he needs to be. Justin is calmer in parts, as he prefers to resolve matters before Luke, which is why they have an agreement that all problems that occur in the Student Guild should be passed on to Justin first, so that he can analyze them more calmly, and only pass on the problems. Justin is exactly like a shield for Luke, Justin only gets into a fight if there is no other alternative. 


The two of them are approaching the abandoned lot and run into a bunch of kids. 

