True Face of the Empress (R18)

In the lavish chambers of the Emerald Lotus, Empress Xia, Yi Liu, surrendered herself to the comforting ritual of her night bath. The chamber, adorned with delicate silk tapestries and intricately carved jade fixtures, emanated an aura of tranquillity and grace.

As the warm water cascaded over her body, Empress Xia luxuriated in the serene atmosphere it bestowed. The familiar fragrance of blooming lotus flowers permeated the air, blending harmoniously with the soft melodies played by her musicians. This sanctuary provided her respite from the relentless demands of her position.

Surrounded by her trusted attendants and devoted maids, their eyes concealed behind a mask of unwavering loyalty, Empress Xia observed the subtle changes in Emperor Liang Wei that had caught her attention. In recent days, his demeanour had shifted, his actions portraying a newfound determination and resolve. His once carefree nature had transformed into a focused and intent spirit.

Empress Xia contemplated the catalysts behind this transformation. She understood how power could mould individuals, shaping them into unfamiliar versions of themselves. The Emperor's evolving character intrigued her, revealing depths she had not anticipated.

"How intriguing," she murmured to herself, her voice a mere whisper. "That man, what reason him to change? What hidden desires burn within his heart?"

As she emerged from the bath, her skin adorned with a delicate sheen, Empress Xia glimpsed her reflection in the mirror. Her penetrating eyes, reminiscent of pools of obsidian, mirrored the thoughts swirling within her mind. She was acutely aware of the intricate webs of intrigue that enmeshed the imperial court, as well as her place within them.

Empress Xia comprehended the weight and price of loyalty, intimately familiar with the consequences it carried. She was surrounded by individuals who owed their allegiance to her, bound not only by duty but also by shared ambitions. In the shadows of her chamber, whispers of dissent mingled with the fragrant perfumes, serving as a reminder of dormant plans awaiting their time to unfurl.

"His transformation presents an opportunity," she whispered with unwavering determination. "An opportunity for change, for progress. An opportunity I shall seize."

As her attendants draped a silken robe around her slender form, Empress Xia contemplated the Emperor's subtle shifts in behaviour. Though nuanced, they held significant meaning, capturing her unwavering attention. The way he carried himself with newfound authority, the intensity that infused his gaze when addressing courtiers and ministers—these were signs of a man no longer content with the stagnant status quo.

The maids flitted around her, their movements orchestrated with practised precision. Yet, behind their veiled eyes, Empress Xia discerned the divided nature of their loyalty, their hearts bound to a cause surpassing their allegiance to the Emperor. It was a delicate balance, a clandestine dance meticulously choreographed by her, each step bringing her closer to her ultimate objective.

"Patience, my dear ones," she whispered, her voice suffused with an air of quiet authority. "Our time will come. The tides of power are shifting, and we shall ride them to victory."

Empress Xia's thoughts turned to her pivotal role in this intricate game of power. She had been chosen for her intellect, her ability to navigate the treacherous currents of court politics. While her captivating beauty was undeniable, it served merely as a veil concealing her true purpose—a purpose intricately entwined with the ambitions of those who sought to reshape the kingdom's destiny.

Before Empress Xia could enter her bedroom with the delicate robe draping her form, she sensed the presence of the mysterious man, her secretive ally in their covert mission to bring about change in the kingdom. His true identity remained veiled in mystery, adding an aura of intrigue to their encounters.

She had been eagerly awaiting his return, knowing he had acquired valuable information regarding the Emperor's hidden affairs. Anxious yet composed, she prepared to hear his report.

"Young Master, Lady Xia is ready to receive you," one of the maids addressed the visitor with deference as she approached him, bowing respectfully.

Empress Xia, her heart fluttering with a mixture of anticipation and caution, gestured for the maid to lead the way. The chamber hummed with an air of suspense as she entered, her gaze immediately meeting his intense stare. Immediately, she signalled for the maids to leave her alone with the man and they followed.

"Darling," she acknowledged her voice a gentle murmur filled with familiarity. "What have you discovered? Share your findings with me."

The man, a mysterious figure shrouded in shadows, exuded an enigmatic presence. His eyes, sharp and penetrating, hinted at the secrets he held, yet his true intentions remained elusive.

"Liu," he replied, his voice carrying a blend of respect and intimacy. "I have uncovered that the Emperor having a secret affair. He maintains a concealed relationship, but I have yet to ascertain the identity of his paramour."

Empress Xia listened attentively, her mind already weaving the threads of intrigue and strategy. This new revelation presented both an opportunity and a challenge, as they sought to exploit the Emperor's vulnerabilities to their advantage.

"Continue your investigation," she urged, her voice steady and commanding. "Unravel the truth behind this affair, as it may hold the key to our victory."

The man nodded, his gaze unwavering as he accepted his task. The weight of their shared ambitions rested upon his shoulders, and he vowed to leave no stone unturned in his quest for knowledge.

"I will not rest until their secrets are laid bare," he affirmed, his voice brimming with determination. "Together, we shall expose the Emperor's weaknesses and seize the opportunity to reshape the kingdom."

Empress Xia's lips curved into a subtle smile, her confidence in their alliance unwavering. She knew their destinies were intertwined, and united, they possessed the power to alter the course of the realm.

As the man prepared to depart, Empress Xia reached out to touch his hand, a gesture laden with unspoken desires. Their desires had been building up over the weeks of separation, and with the opportunity presented by their solitude, she felt the need to act.

"Wait, Darling," Empress Xia seductively called out to the man, allowing her robe to slide off her shoulder, revealing her bare body that derive into an elegant form. "Why the rush? Now that we're alone after all this time, why don't you embrace me as you did every other night?"

"But, Liu..."


"No objections," Empress Xia commanded after interrupting the man's words with a deep kiss.

Their tongues intertwined passionately as the man succumbed to his desires. He peppered her lips with more kisses, pulling her closer with intensity. Lifting her onto his waist, they continued their passionate exchange, their desires reaching new heights.

As they reached the bed, the man gently placed Empress Xia on the soft mattress. The springs responded with a soft bounce, causing her alluring breasts to sway enticingly. In response to the invitation, he teasingly nibbled on her erect nipple, playing with it playfully.

Simultaneously, the man's hands explored her body, guided by practised precision. His left hand caressed her other nipple, while his right hand ventured to the depths of her desire. Every touch sent shivers through her body, intensifying her longing.

"Ahh!" Empress Xia couldn't help but release a passionate moan from the exquisite teasing. Before she could cover her mouth to muffle the sound, the man quickly silenced her with a passionate kiss.

The passionate sounds they made didn't worry the man, knowing well the precautions Empress Xia had taken. Her maids had been positioned strategically around the Emerald Lotus, engaging in feigned conversations. If anyone were to investigate the source of the moans, they would only encounter the maids and assume the sounds came from them.

Undeterred, the man continued his advance, undressing himself as he rose from the reddened and panting Empress. His scarred, toned body contrasted against her delicate frame. Witnessing his masculine figure, Empress Xia provocatively ran her tongue along his chest.

With a swift motion, the man's pants dropped to reveal his fully aroused manhood. Empress Xia had always taken pride in her well-groomed and neatly trimmed mound of hair, a symbol of her femininity and sensuality.

So, she couldn't help but notice that her lover's pubic hair was equally thick, perhaps even more so than her own. Instead of allowing Empress Xia to pleasure him orally as she instinctively moved towards it, he restrained her and positioned himself at her entrance, his length brushing against her navel.

"You desire me that much?" Empress Xia teased, even though she was the one craving his touch.

"Says the woman who stopped me from leaving," the man replied, playfully slapping his member against her stomach, intensifying her yearning.

"E-Enough playing around," Empress Xia scowled, tugging at his hand, urging him to penetrate her.

"Not until you ask properly," the man teased again, lightly tapping her quivering lips with his words.

"P-Please? Darling... Ah, Ahhh!"


"Ahh, more!" Empress Xia pleaded as they changed positions, exploring new depths of pleasure.

They yearned to go beyond the boundaries of their previous encounters, eager to explore uncharted territory. Sensing her desires with an uncanny intuition, the man adjusted his rhythm skillfully, ensuring that each movement propelled her further into a realm of unadulterated bliss.

His hands, guided by an innate understanding of her body, traced deliberate paths along every curve and contour, evoking waves of sensation that rippled through her being. Meanwhile, his lips and tongue wove a delicate tapestry of caresses upon her skin, igniting her senses with a symphony of sensuous pleasure.

Their encounter, illicit and hidden from prying eyes, became an all-encompassing fusion of passion and forbidden desire. Time lost its meaning as the hours melted away, devoured by the insatiable hunger they shared.

In the depths of their carnal longing, they ventured into a labyrinth of untamed urges, surrendering to a shared exploration of pleasure that knew no bounds. It was a dance between two souls consumed by a fire that burned brighter with each stolen moment, pushing them to the brink of their desires.

"I'm reaching my climax, Liu," the man whispered in her ear, maintaining his rhythmic motions.

"Inside, Darling," Empress Xia requested, interlocking her legs behind the man's back to prevent him from withdrawing. "Ah, Ahhh!"


They both panted heavily, intimately entwined, and locked in a passionate kiss.

In the opulent chambers of the Emerald Lotus, Empress Xia and her lover embarked on a clandestine journey, united by their shared ambitions. Their forbidden liaison held the promise of change and power, echoing through the palace halls as a secret known only to them.