City's Secrets

Li Zhen carefully disembarked from the horse carriage, his heart still heavy from the conversation he had with Chief Changming before he left the village. The journey to the city had taken a toll on him, but he knew he had to be focused and vigilant as he navigated the unfamiliar territory. Yang Gui, his dear friend, never noticed and realized that the village officer had snuck in for the journey.

"Thanks for the ride, Gui," Li Zhen said, patting Yan Gui's shoulder. He let out a small chuckle, appreciating Yang Gui's carefree nature.

"You... you scared me, Zhen! I had no idea you were in there!" Yang Gui's eyes widened in surprise as he processed what Li Zhen had said. His playful demeanour returned after a couple of seconds from the initial shock. "Zhen! Why didn't you tell me you were in there? We could have chatted or done something together during the trip!"

"I didn't mean to spook you, Gui. I just needed some quiet time," Li Zhen smiled apologetically. "I needed some time to think and prepare for what lies ahead. Besides, I didn't want to bother you during your journey. You know how important your trade is, and I didn't want to distract you."

"Well, next time, just let me know you're hitching a ride, alright? We could have chatted or sung some songs on the way there!" Yang Gui shook his head, his playful spirit returning.

"Of course, Gui. I'll keep that in mind next time," Li Zhen nodded, grateful for Yang Gui's understanding.

But before they can separate in their way, Li Zhen ought to give him some advice. An important piece of advice that Yan Gui should learn and keep onto it as soon as he can.

"You should be more cautious, Gui. Check your carriage as frequently as you can. Just because you've made a stop at a place that you trusted dearly could guarantee that no harm is following you. Not everyone can be trusted, and I wouldn't want anything to happen to you or your goods," Li Zhen warned, his serious nature coming to the forefront.

"Yeah, you're right. I should be more careful. You never know who might take advantage of my kindness," Yang Gui nodded, realizing the importance of Li Zhen's advice.

With that settled, Li Zhen bid farewell to Yang Gui and set off to explore the city on his own. The bustling streets and crowded markets were a stark contrast to the quiet serenity of his village. Li Zhen's senses were overwhelmed by the sights, sounds, and smells of the city, but he remained focused on his mission.

As Li Zhen delved deeper into the heart of the city, he couldn't help but be captivated by its vibrant yet troubled atmosphere. The once grand streets now bore the scars of rebellion and struggle. Buildings stood with their walls adorned with messages of protest and defiance, a testament to the people's resilience and determination for change. Despite the victory over Emperor Liang Wei, the aftermath of the rebellion left a lingering sense of unrest and uncertainty in the air.

"Excuse me, I'm new to the city. Can you tell me more about what has been happening here?" Approaching a group of women who were huddled together, Li Zhen politely asked.

"We've been through a lot, young man. The Ming Clan led the rebellion to overthrow Emperor Liang Wei, and for that, we are grateful. He ruled with an iron fist, and the common folk suffered greatly under his reign," the women exchanged glances before one of them, a middle-aged woman, stepped forward and spoke with a mix of weariness and determination.

"Tell me more about Emperor Liang Wei's rule. What was it like for the common people under his leadership?" Her words echoed the sentiments of the elderly fruit vendor, but Li Zhen couldn't shake the nagging feeling that there was more to the story. He mustered the courage to ask.

The woman's expression hardened, and her eyes flickered with a mix of pain and resentment. "We endured much suffering under his rule. Emperor Liang Wei was a harsh and oppressive ruler. He cared little for the common folk and taxed us heavily while living a life of luxury with his loyalists. Many families struggled to make ends meet, and we yearned for change."

Li Zhen listened intently to the two of them. After all, he knew Emperor Liang Wei in a different light. His sister had shared stories of a compassionate and just man. So is he certain that Liang Wei was as tyrannical as they say? Either way, he thanked the women for their insights and moved on to question others, hoping to piece together the puzzle of Emperor Liang Wei's true nature.

As he weaved through the crowded streets, Li Zhen encountered a street performer with a melancholic tune emanating from his instrument. The sound seemed to mirror the prevailing mood of the city. Not that he is a professional in tune, but the nature behind such a tone almost gave him a hint.

"Sir, it seems like your music reflects the city's sombre atmosphere. Can you tell me your thoughts on the recent events?" Intrigued, Li Zhen approached the musician and asked.

"Ah, young traveller, the rebellion has brought both relief and apprehension to the city. We were liberated from Emperor Liang Wei's oppressive rule, but at what cost? The aftermath of a rebellion is never simple. The Ming Clan now wields power, and we hope they will govern with fairness and justice," the musician paused, giving Li Zhen a contemplative look before responding.

Li Zhen couldn't help but sense a hint of caution in the musician's words, as if he, too, questioned the uncertainties that lay ahead. It was becoming clear to Li Zhen that the rebellion and its consequences were far more complex than he initially thought.

As Li Zhen continued his exploration, the commotion around him intensified. He saw people running in one direction, their expressions a mix of excitement and anxiety. Curiosity getting the better of him, Li Zhen stopped one of the passersby.

"Excuse me, what is happening over there?" He asked, eyes widening at the parade forming along the main street.

"Ming Jian, the leader of the Ming Clan, is about to make an important announcement at the palace's main gate. They say it's about the new ruling of the city, now that Emperor Liang Wei is no more," The man gasped for breath, trying to compose himself before responding.

Li Zhen's heart skipped a beat upon hearing the news. He had arrived in the city just a couple of days after Emperor Liang Wei's death, and now he was about to witness the change in ruling right before him. Not wasting any more time, Li Zhen joined the crowd and hurried towards the palace's main gate. As he approached, he noticed that the palace guards were working alongside members of the Ming Clan to maintain order among the eager citizens.

The anticipation in the air was palpable, and Li Zhen could feel the weight of history unfolding before him. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of excitement and anxiety, as the people eagerly awaited the announcement that would shape the future of their city.

The palace guards stood stoically, their expressions inscrutable as they maintained order amidst the throng of citizens. The members of the Ming Clan, distinguishable by their emblem of a fiery phoenix, moved with purpose, ensuring that everyone was safe and secure.

As the moments ticked by, Li Zhen's mind raced with questions. What would the new ruling entail? How would the city be governed now that Emperor Liang Wei was gone? And what role would the Ming Clan play in shaping this new era?

Finally, a hush fell over the crowd as Ming Jian emerged from the palace, flanked by his loyal followers. His presence was commanding, exuding strength and determination. The people gazed at him with a mixture of reverence and curiosity, eager to hear what he had to say.

But to their surprise and confusion, a figure emerged from the palace beside Ming Jian. It was Empress Xia, dressed in regal attire, her expression serene and composed. The crowd gasped, unable to fathom why the late Emperor Liang Wei's wife would stand calmly beside the leader of the rebellion that had caused his downfall.

Whispers rippled through the crowd as they tried to make sense of the unexpected sight.

"Is that the Empress? What is she doing there?"

"I thought she would be mourning her husband's death, not standing next to the one who led the rebellion."

Li Zhen, too, was taken aback by the sight. He had expected to see the Empress in mourning, perhaps seeking justice for her late husband's death. But there she was, standing tall and composed as if the events of the past days hadn't affected her at all.