Initiation and Bureaucracy

Zhang Wei and Hong Yi stood before a grand, intricately carved desk within the palace, where an austere-looking bureaucrat awaited them. They exchanged glances, the enormity of the situation sinking in. Their induction as official soldiers under General Li Feng was a significant step, but it came with its own set of challenges, the first of which was the labyrinthine bureaucracy of the palace.

The bureaucrat peered at them over a pair of delicate, wire-rimmed spectacles, his quill poised above a sheaf of parchment.

"Names?" he asked briskly, not bothering with formalities.

"Li Zhang Wei," Zhang Wei replied, his voice steady.

"Goh Hong Yi," Hong Yi added, offering a polite nod.

The bureaucrat scribbled their names onto parchment with practised efficiency.

"Positions?" he continued, his quill poised for more writing.

"Soldiers under General Li Feng," Zhang Wei responded.

The bureaucrat raised an eyebrow.

"General Li Feng, you say? Quite a prestigious assignment for newcomers," his tone held a hint of scepticism, a common sentiment among palace bureaucrats who often questioned the rapid rise of certain individuals.

Zhang Wei and Hong Yi exchanged glances again.

"We've trained diligently under Captain Xue and Lieutenant Wang," Hong Yi explained. "Our skills have been honed for this position."

The bureaucrat offered a perfunctory nod, seemingly satisfied for the moment.


He said, turning to a set of wooden cabinets behind him. With meticulous care, he selected two neatly folded bundles, each containing the rich azure and gold attire of the palace soldiers.

"Here are your uniforms," he stated, passing them to Zhang Wei and Hong Yi. "Wear them with pride. You'll be expected to don these whenever you're on duty."

As Zhang Wei and Hong Yi accepted the uniforms, the bureaucrat continued.

"Now, paperwork. You'll need to fill out these forms detailing your background, training, and skills. The palace requires a comprehensive record of its soldiers."

Zhang Wei and Hong Yi exchanged glances yet again, this time with a shared sense of exasperation. They were soldiers, skilled in combat and tactics, not bureaucrats. Nevertheless, they accepted the stack of forms and began the laborious process of completing them.

Hours passed in a haze of quill scratches and parchment rustles as Zhang Wei and Hong Yi diligently filled in every detail on the forms. Names, birthplaces, family histories, training regimens – nothing was spared. Each line they completed felt like another step deeper into the web of palace bureaucracy.

Zhang Wei's past was a complex tangle of truths, half-truths, and omissions. He knew that revealing too much could be dangerous, not only for him but for those he still cared about in his village. One particular question on the form left him stumped: "Father's Name." It was a simple query, but one that struck at the heart of a painful mystery.

"What should I put down for my father's name? I don't even know it," He glanced at Hong Yi, his voice barely above a whisper.

Hong Yi paused, his expression thoughtful.

"Well," he replied quietly. "You could use your uncle's name. Li Zhen was it? It's the truth, after all. As for your mother… how about his wife, your auntie?"

Zhang Wei nodded gratitude in his eyes. It was a small deception, but one that would hopefully shield his family from any unwanted attention. With a newfound determination, he filled in the names, Li Zhen and Li Lanxin, on the form.

When they finally completed the last form, the bureaucrat inspected their work with an appraising eye. His gaze lingered on the entries for a moment, but he did not comment. Instead, he nodded in approval and signalled for them to return the paperwork.

Zhang Wei and Hong Yi exchanged a glance, a silent acknowledgement of the secrets they had woven into the fabric of their official records. As they handed over the forms, they couldn't help but wonder how these deceptions might shape their future within the palace. The bureaucratic hurdles were indeed endless, and their journey as palace soldiers had only just begun.

"Acceptable," the bureaucrat muttered, giving them a begrudging nod of approval. "Return these to me promptly."

With a sense of relief, Zhang Wei and Hong Yi left the bureaucracy behind, clutching their uniforms and newly filled-out forms. They had surmounted the initial challenges of palace life, but they knew that more trials awaited them. This was just the beginning of their journey as soldiers within the imperial palace, where rigid routines and strict protocols would shape their every move.

As they exited the grand chamber of bureaucracy, they found themselves in a corridor filled with the bustling activity of palace life. Eunuchs and courtiers hurried past them, their colourful robes swishing as they went about their duties. The air was thick with the scent of incense, and the distant sound of music and laughter hinted at the opulence that lay hidden within the palace's walls.

"Well, that was quite the ordeal, wasn't it?" Hong Yi glanced at Zhang Wei, his expression a mix of anticipation and uncertainty.

"It certainly was. But we made it through, Hong Yi. Now, all that's left is to figure out what comes next," Zhang Wei chuckled softly, relief evident in his voice.

"I heard we'll be assigned to the same units. At least we don't have to visit each other from time to time," Hong Yi nodded, adjusting the bundle containing his new uniform.

"Lucky for us, then. Now, let's go get changed into these uniforms. General Li Feng must be waiting for us," Zhang Wei agreed, knowing that the palace's vastness could easily separate even the closest friends.

They made their way through the labyrinthine corridors of the palace, eventually arriving at the soldiers' quarters. Here, they found a few fellow recruits also in the process of changing into their palace attire.

As they donned their uniforms, Zhang Wei couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had brought him here. From the moment he had left his village to the arduous bureaucracy they had just endured, he had come a long way. And yet, he knew that the path ahead would be even more challenging.

With the azure and gold uniform now adorning his frame, Zhang Wei felt a profound sense of responsibility settle upon his shoulders. He was no longer just a youth from a remote village; he was a palace soldier, a guardian of the empire. And he was determined to prove himself worthy of the trust that General Li Feng had placed in him.

"Ready to face whatever comes our way, Zhang Wei?" Hong Yi finished adjusting his uniform and grinned at Zhang Wei.

"Absolutely. Let's make the most of this opportunity and show them what we're capable of," Zhang Wei returned the smile, his eyes filled with determination.

As they left the soldiers' quarters and made their way to their assigned units, they knew that the rigid routines and strict protocols of palace life would demand their unwavering dedication. But they were prepared to meet the challenges head-on, for their journey had only just begun, and the palace held many secrets yet to be uncovered.

Zhang Wei and Hong Yi navigated the winding corridors of the palace, following the directions given to them by a helpful eunuch. They were soon greeted by the sight of soldiers in their azure and gold uniforms, each unit identified by the emblem embroidered on their chest. The palace soldiers were a diverse group, hailing from different regions of the empire, and the sight of so many faces from various backgrounds was a testament to the vastness of the empire itself.

As they approached their assigned unit, led by Sergeant Chen, Zhang Wei couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension. This was the beginning of a new chapter in his life, and he was determined to make the most of it. Hong Yi, though slightly nervous, wore a look of determination that mirrored Zhang Wei's own.

Sergeant Chen welcomed them with a warm smile.

"Ah, so you're joining us," he said, his voice carrying a reassuring tone. "I've heard good things about both of you, and this is our unit. We're like a family here, and we watch out for each other."

Zhang Wei and Hong Yi exchanged greetings with their new comrades, feeling a sense of camaraderie that eased their initial nervousness. These were the soldiers they would train and fight alongside, and they were determined to earn their respect.

"As palace soldiers, our primary duty is to protect the imperial family and maintain order within the palace grounds. You'll receive further training in combat and tactics, but always remember that discipline and loyalty are our guiding principles," Sergeant Chen wasted no time in outlining their duties and responsibilities.

Zhang Wei listened intently, absorbing every word. He knew that the palace held its own set of rules and hierarchies, and he was eager to learn how to navigate them.

Their training began immediately, with drills and exercises designed to hone their combat skills and instil discipline. General Li Feng's expectations were high, and Zhang Wei was determined not to disappoint.

As the days turned into weeks, Zhang Wei and Hong Yi settled into the routine of palace life. They woke before dawn for rigorous training sessions, followed by lessons in palace etiquette and protocol. Every movement, every word was carefully scrutinized, and they learned to move with a precision that matched the gears of a well-oiled machine.

Through it all, they formed bonds with their fellow soldiers, each day strengthening their sense of unity and purpose. Sergeant Chen's guidance proved invaluable, and Zhang Wei found himself learning not only the art of combat but also the subtleties of palace politics.

The palace's rigid routines and strict protocols became second nature to Zhang Wei and Hong Yi. They understood that their every action reflected not only on themselves but also on General Li Feng's trust in them. The empire's power dynamics were intricate and often treacherous, and they learned to navigate the currents of influence and ambition that flowed within the palace walls.

In the quiet moments between training and duty, Zhang Wei often found himself reflecting on the journey that had brought him here. He had come a long way from his village, and the challenges he had faced had only strengthened his resolve.

As he looked out over the sprawling palace grounds, he couldn't help but wonder what other secrets and trials lay ahead. The palace held mysteries and intrigues that would test their loyalty and dedication to the utmost.

But Zhang Wei was ready for whatever came his way. He had found his place within the palace's hallowed halls, and he was determined to make a difference in the heart of the empire. The journey had been long and arduous, but it had led him to this moment, and he was prepared to face the future with unwavering courage and determination.