An Unusual Proposal 

As days turned into weeks and their duties within the palace continued to demand their time and attention, Zhang Wei's earnest desire to speak with General Li Feng about the growing corruption had not been fulfilled. The urgency of the situation weighed heavily on his mind, like a shadow that refused to dissipate.

Zhang Wei and Hong Yi, who had made it their shared mission to uncover the truth behind the mistreatment of the people, found their attempts to schedule a conversation with the general postponed repeatedly. Duties piled up, missions required their attention, and their progress within the ranks continued to come with increasing responsibilities.

However, there came a day when the rotation of their routine patrol allowed them to finish their tasks earlier than expected. As they walked the city's streets, completing their rounds with a sense of ease, Hong Yi sensed an opportunity. It was a chance to provide Zhang Wei with a glimpse into a different aspect of the city and perhaps find the answers they sought.

Hong Yi, always resourceful and ever-ready to support his friend, decided it was time to introduce Zhang Wei to this world of whispered secrets and veiled truths. Over a simple meal, amidst the clinking of dishes and muffled laughter of fellow diners, Hong Yi revealed his plan.

With a mischievous grin, he leaned in, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial hush.

"You know, Zhang Wei," he began. "If you truly want to get to the bottom of what's happening in the city and the palace, you need to consider alternative sources of information."

Zhang Wei, his brow furrowed with curiosity, listened intently. He had learned to trust Hong Yi's judgment, even when the ideas seemed unusual.

Hong Yi explained that this particular pleasure house, though known for its extravagant entertainment, also held a reputation for having the most skilled eavesdroppers in the city. The ladies who worked there, despite their profession, had an uncanny ability to overhear conversations and gather information from a wide array of clientele, ranging from nobles and scholars to common folk and, significantly, palace personnel.

"The place is a treasure trove of secrets," Hong Yi whispered, leaning closer to emphasise the gravity of his proposal. "Those ladies, they've heard it all, Zhang Wei. They know more about the inner workings of this city and the palace than anyone else."

Zhang Wei, initially taken aback by the idea, contemplated it deeply. He understood the value of diverse sources of information. Still, the notion of visiting such an establishment made him uncomfortable. The strict discipline of the palace had moulded him into a figure of honour and dignity, and the thought of stepping into a pleasure house felt incongruous with his character.

"Think of it, Zhang Wei. To truly uncover the corruption within the palace and put an end to the mistreatment of the people, you need every piece of the puzzle. The palace's hidden corners, the shadows where the unjust hide – this is where the pieces may lie," Hong Yi, ever the persuasive friend, continued.

After a moment of reflection, Zhang Wei nodded. He recognized the wisdom in Hong Yi's proposal. The palace's intrigue and corruption extended far beyond what met the eye, and to expose it, they needed to understand it from every angle.

With a mixture of trepidation and determination, Zhang Wei agreed to accompany Hong Yi to this unusual place. The journey into the unknown, as it so often did, began with a single step, and for Zhang Wei, this step led into the heart of intrigue, pleasure, and whispered secrets.

The establishment, known as "The Whispers' Delight," was nestled in a quaint corner of the city. Its vibrant signboard depicted a masquerade mask and a quill, an emblem of the secrets concealed and revealed within its walls.

Zhang Wei and Hong Yi entered the establishment, its interior a blend of opulent decoration and subdued lighting. Beautifully adorned women, dressed in silks of rich colours, glided gracefully among the guests, their eyes sparkling with allure, their smiles as seductive as the secrets they held. They offered not just their company but also a promise of escape from the world's troubles.

Amid the sensuous and bustling surroundings, Zhang Wei and Hong Yi stood out like beacons. Their Imperial Guard uniforms, polished and pristine, were a stark contrast to the opulence of the pleasure house. It was as though a slice of the disciplined palace life had been transported into this realm of decadence and desire.

The ladies who worked at "The Whispers' Delight" were skilled not only in the arts of entertainment but also in the art of discreetly overhearing and understanding the secrets of the city. Their ability to blend into the tapestry of the city's life and extract valuable information was unparalleled.

Their arrival, although distinctive, was greeted with warmth and curiosity. Mei Lin, the owner of the establishment, recognized them immediately, having hosted soldiers from General Li Feng's troop before. She approached with a welcoming smile, her presence a blend of business acumen and maternal care.

"Ah, the lovely boy, Hong Yi, a new friend he brought," she said with a knowing glint in her eyes. "I never expected to see another young man here. It seems my little place of whispers has found its way into even the most disciplined corners of the empire."

Her words had a disarming effect, putting the soldiers at ease despite the foreignness of their surroundings. Hong Yi couldn't help but appreciate the blend of opulence and comfort offered by this haven. As he glanced at Zhang Wei, he noted the hesitancy in his friend's eyes.

Their arrival was met informally as if they had been visitors before. Zhang Wei couldn't help but inquire.

"Have you been here before?"

"Yes, I have, actually. Sergeant Chen brought a few of us here not too long ago. It's a place where you can let off some steam, relax, and maybe pick up a tidbit or two about the city's pulse," Hong Yi, with an honest smile, admitted.

Zhang Wei recollected the time when Sergeant Chen had extended the invitation to him as well. It had been a rare moment of relaxation that the sergeant had offered, a gesture of camaraderie beyond the battlefield. But Zhang Wei, with his unwavering commitment to his training and learning, had declined. The memory of that invitation stirred within him, a reminder of the path he had chosen and the journey he was on.

Mei Lin observed Zhang Wei's unease and thought of a solution.

"You know, I think we can put your tab under Sergeant Chen's," she suggested with a sly smile. "He's a regular here, and it's not unusual for him to treat his fellow soldiers to a night of relaxation."

"Is it alright for us to put it on Sergeant Chen's tab?" Zhang Wei inquired cautiously. The idea of Sergeant Chen finding out about their presence in such a place was unsettling. However, Hong Yi, understanding the importance of their mission, reassured his friend.

"Don't worry, Zhang Wei. Sergeant Chen won't mind," Hong Yi replied with a reassuring smile. "We're here for a reason, and we can't let minor concerns deter us."

Mei Lin, who had been observing their exchange, nodded with a subtle understanding.

"Very well," she said, with a gracious gesture. "Now, follow me."

As Zhang Wei and Hong Yi settled into the plush surroundings, Mei Lin noticed Zhang Wei's curiosity about the workings of the pleasure house. Sensing his curiosity, she approached with a warm, understanding smile.

"Welcome to the Garden of Serenity," she began. "Here, our purpose is to provide more than just entertainment."

Seeing Zhang Wei's inquisitive expression, she continued.

"Our companions, from young girls to mature women, are skilled in the art of conversation. They're not just here for company but to listen, understand, and engage in discussions on a wide array of topics. Many say our women have the sharpest ears in the city. Guests often find themselves sharing stories, secrets, and even rumours without even realizing it."

Mei Lin's explanation made Zhang Wei feel more at ease in the unfamiliar environment. He turned to Hong Yi and whispered.

"It's amazing how this place has become a hub of information."

Hong Yi nodded in agreement, appreciating the discreet way in which Mei Lin described the establishment's unique role in gathering and sharing knowledge.

"This is a place where secrets are bought and sold, my dear guests," Mei Lin explained. "The ladies are skilled in the art of discreet conversation. They can make even the most guarded of individuals open up and share their innermost thoughts. It's a delicate dance where everyone leaves with what they seek, be it entertainment, companionship, or the satisfaction of curiosity."

Zhang Wei listened intently, taking in the intricacies of how "The Whispers' Delight" operated. It was far removed from the world he knew, yet the valuable information it could provide might just be the key to unravelling the palace's mysteries.