Night's Strategy

Under the cover of darkness, our trio devised a plan to create a distraction that would draw the attention of both the Mongols and the wildlife. They scoured the surrounding area for signs of predatory activity, hoping to lure predators such as wolves or bears into the hunting ground. By unleashing nature's fury, they aimed to disrupt the Mongols' meticulously planned hunt and create chaos that would work in their favour.

As they discussed their strategy, Erdene emphasized the importance of timing and precision.

"We need to ensure that the predators arrive at just the right moment," she explained. "Too soon, and the Mongols will be able to regroup and defend themselves. Too late, and Tagadhur may have already made his kill."

Zhang Wei nodded in agreement, his expression thoughtful.

"We'll need to coordinate our efforts carefully," he said. "Lei Feng and I will set up traps to attract the predators, while Erdene keeps watch for any sign of movement from the Mongols."

"We should also be prepared to defend ourselves if the predators become too aggressive. We don't want to become the prey in our trap," Lei Feng, always the practical one, suggested.

Under the cover of darkness, our trio devised a plan to create a distraction that would draw the attention of both the Mongols and the wildlife. As they huddled together, brainstorming ideas, their first thought turned to creating distressed animal sounds. However, based on their previous experience with trying to imitate bird calls, they quickly realized the futility of this approach.

"I don't think any of us have the vocal range or skill to pull off convincing animal sounds," Zhang Wei remarked with a wry smile. "We'd probably end up attracting more attention from the Mongols than from any nearby predators."

"Agreed. We need something more... natural, something that doesn't rely on our questionable vocal talents," Erdene nodded in agreement.

"What about using scent markers? We could collect scents from predators and strategically place them around the perimeter of the hunting ground. That might attract them more effectively than any sound we could make," Lei Feng chimed in.

Lei Feng's suggestion of using scent markers sparked a brief discussion among the trio. However, they soon realized the challenges of collecting scent from predators without proper equipment. Getting close enough to a predator to gather its scent could be dangerous, not to mention the difficulty of extracting it without spooking the animal.

"I'm not sure we have the means to collect scent from predators safely," Erdene voiced her concern. "And even if we could, there's no guarantee it would attract the right kind of predators."

"I think Lei Feng's idea has merit, but it's too risky given our current resources. We need something more practical, something that won't put us in harm's way," Zhang Wei nodded in agreement.

"What about baiting with animal carcasses? We could use parts of the meat for our sustenance and strategically place the leftovers to attract predators. It's a more straightforward approach and minimizes the risk to us," Lei Feng considered their options for a moment before speaking up again.

Erdene and Zhang Wei exchanged a glance, both recognizing the practicality of Lei Feng's suggestion.

"That might be our best option," Zhang Wei conceded. "It's a simple yet effective way to create a distraction without putting ourselves in unnecessary danger."

With their plan decided, our trio set off to find suitable carcasses to use as bait, their minds focused on the task ahead and the success of their mission.

As our trio embarked on their impromptu hunt, they faced the challenge of acquiring a carcass quickly without the luxury of trapping. With none of them equipped with ranged weapons, they had to devise a strategy that would allow them to bring down an animal swiftly and efficiently.

Lei Feng, known for his resourcefulness, suggested using makeshift weapons crafted from their surroundings.

"We'll have to get creative," he remarked, scanning their surroundings for suitable materials.

Erdene nodded in agreement.

"We'll need to fashion something sturdy enough to take down prey without getting too close," she added, her eyes alight with determination.

Zhang Wei, ever the strategist, began to formulate a plan.

"Let's split up and search for materials we can use to make weapons. We'll reconvene once we've found what we need," he instructed his voice firm with resolve.

With a sense of purpose, our trio dispersed into the surrounding area, scouring the landscape for branches and other objects that could be fashioned into makeshift weapons. After a thorough search, they regrouped, each carrying their improvised weapon.

"We'll have to make do with what we have," Zhang Wei remarked, examining the crude spear he had fashioned from a sturdy branch and sharpened stone.

Erdene and Lei Feng nodded in agreement, their expressions determined. With their makeshift weapons in hand, they set off once more, their sights set on securing a carcass to use as bait for their distraction. Despite the unfamiliarity of their weapons, our trio remained focused on their goal, determined to overcome any obstacle in their path.

With makeshift spears in hand, our trio stealthily approached the lone deer, their movements guided by the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the trees. As they encircled the unsuspecting prey, they positioned themselves strategically, forming a triangle around the deer with each member stationed at a point.

Erdene crouched low behind a bush, her breath steady as she poised herself for the impending throw. Zhang Wei and Lei Feng mirrored her actions from their respective positions, their focus solely on the target before them.

With a silent exchange of glances, they prepared to execute their plan. Erdene let out a low whistle, the signal for their coordinated attack. In unison, they hurled their makeshift spears towards the deer, aiming for its vulnerable flank.

The spears cut through the air with precision, guided by years of hunting experience and a shared determination to succeed. As they soared towards their target, the trio held their breath, hoping that at least one of the spears would find its mark.

With a thud, one of the spears struck true, piercing the deer's side and bringing it to the ground with a startled cry. The triumphant moment was short-lived as the deer thrashed in pain, its struggle echoing through the quiet forest.

Rushing forward, our trio swiftly dispatched the wounded animal, their movements efficient and methodical. With the carcass secured, they quickly set about preparing it for use as bait, their adrenaline still coursing through their veins from the successful hunt.

As they worked, a sense of accomplishment washed over them, tempered by the knowledge that their task was far from over. With the bait prepared and their distraction in place, our trio set off once more, their determination unwavering as they continued on their mission to confront Tagadhur and disrupt the Mongol's plans.

With the deer carcass strategically positioned as bait, our trio took extra precautions to ensure its effectiveness. They divided the carcass into three parts, spreading them out in different areas of the hunting ground. This calculated move increased the likelihood of attracting predators, as the scent would be dispersed over a wider area, enticing carnivores from various directions.

Zhang Wei surveyed their handiwork with satisfaction, noting the strategic placement of each section of the carcass.

"This should do the trick," he remarked, his voice low with anticipation. "With any luck, we'll have our distraction soon enough."

Erdene nodded in agreement, her eyes scanning the surrounding forest for any signs of movement.

"I believe it," she said, her voice tinged with determination. "Now we wait."

Lei Feng remained vigilant, his senses attuned to the subtle sounds of the night.

"Let's hope the predators take the bait quickly," he added, his grip tightening on his makeshift spear. "We don't have much time."

As they settled in to wait, the forest seemed to come alive with the sounds of the night. Crickets chirped in the underbrush, and the occasional hoot of an owl echoed through the trees. In the distance, the faint howl of a wolf carried on the breeze, a promising sign that their plan was already taking effect.

An hour passed in tense anticipation, each minute feeling like an eternity as they waited for the telltale signs of predators drawn to the scent of the bait. Finally, their patience was rewarded as the unmistakable sound of rustling underbrush reached their ears.

Zhang Wei tensed, his gaze fixed on the source of the noise.

"Here they come," he whispered, his heart pounding with excitement.

Sure enough, emerging from the shadows came a pair of wolves, their sleek forms moving with silent grace as they approached the bait. With predatory instinct, they sniffed the air, drawn irresistibly towards the scent of fresh meat.

However, as they observed the wolves from their vantage point, it became clear that the predators were more cautious than expected. Instead of eagerly devouring the bait, the wolves circled the carcass warily, sniffing the air with suspicion.

Zhang Wei frowned, his eyes narrowing as he watched the scene unfold.

"They're hesitant," he murmured, his voice tinged with frustration. "We need them to take the bait."

Lei Feng nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the wolves' movements.

"We'll have to wait and see if they eventually take the bait," he said, his tone resigned.

Realizing that their plan might not yield immediate results, Erdene sighed softly, her shoulders slumping with fatigue.

"We've done all we can for now," she said, her voice tinged with disappointment. "Let's return to our makeshift camp and get some rest. We'll reassess the situation tomorrow."

With a shared sense of resignation, our trio reluctantly withdrew from their observation point, their hopes of a swift resolution fading with each step. As they settled down for the night, the forest enveloped them in a blanket of darkness, the distant howls of the wolves serving as a haunting reminder of the challenges that lay ahead.