Dawn's Inquiry

As the first rays of sunlight pierced through the horizon, Zhang Wei and Lei Feng emerged from their lodgings, their resolve unwavering despite the challenges that lay ahead. With Kulan yet to return, they seized the opportunity to gather information while the town was still stirring from its slumber. The absence of the general provided them with a rare chance to explore without the risk of immediate scrutiny.

Their destination was the government offices, a bastion of local governance and knowledge. Stepping through its ornate doors, they were greeted by the hushed whispers of townsfolk going about their early morning routines. The grandeur of the office's architecture spoke volumes of the town's history and importance within the empire.

Inside, Zhang Wei and Lei Feng were met with the sight of clerks and officials bustling about, their quills scratching against parchment as they recorded the town's affairs. With measured steps, they approached the front desk, where a weary clerk looked up from his work to greet them.

"Good morning," Zhang Wei began, his voice softening into a warm smile. "My friend and I are travellers from a distant village, seeking to learn about the happenings in your town. We're particularly interested in understanding the leadership structure here, as well as any connections this town might have with the empire at large."

The clerk, initially taken aback by their direct inquiry, relaxed somewhat at Zhang Wei's explanation.

"Ah, I see," he responded, his demeanour shifting to one of cautious friendliness. "Well, you've come to the right place. Our town has a rich history and strong ties to the empire, overseen by General Liang."

Lei Feng, sensing the clerk's guarded demeanour, interjected smoothly.

"We're eager to learn as much as we can about your town's customs and traditions," he said, his tone congenial yet subtly probing. "Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated as it helps make our small village better."

The clerk, now more at ease with their presence, nodded in agreement.

"Of course, sirs. I'll do my best to assist you with your inquiries," he said, his tone warmer and more forthcoming than before.

As Zhang Wei and Lei Feng engaged the clerk in conversation, they carefully navigated the delicate dance of information gathering, balancing their curiosity with the need to avoid suspicion. With each carefully chosen word, they edged closer to uncovering the secrets that lay hidden within the town's walls.

The clerk furrowed his brow in thought, recalling the recent happenings within the town.

"Well, there hasn't been much out of the ordinary as of late," he began, his voice trailing off as he considered his words. "Although, I believe there was talk of a visit from the general's envoy last week. Something about reinforcing the town's defences."

Zhang Wei and Lei Feng exchanged a meaningful glance, their minds racing with the implications of this information. It seemed that their timing could not have been more fortuitous. With the general's attention diverted elsewhere, they had a window of opportunity to gather intelligence and lay the groundwork for their next move.

"Thank you for your assistance," Zhang Wei said, inclining his head respectfully to the clerk. "We appreciate your cooperation."

With their inquiries concluded for the time being, Zhang Wei and Lei Feng made their way out of the government offices, their thoughts consumed by the task ahead. As they stepped back out into the morning sunlight, they knew that their journey was far from over. But armed with newfound knowledge and determination, they were more prepared than ever to face whatever challenges awaited them on the road ahead.

As Zhang Wei and Lei Feng stepped out of the government offices, their minds buzzed with the information they had gathered. General Liang Xiaodan, a name unfamiliar to Zhang Wei's knowledge of the empire's generals, now stood at the helm of this town's governance. The lack of concrete information about his allegiances left them with more questions than answers. Was General Liang a man of integrity, dedicated to serving the people under his command, or was he another cog in the corrupt machine of the empire?

Their conversation turned to the implications of their findings as they walked through the bustling streets of the town.

"It's hard to say which side General Liang is on," Zhang Wei mused, his brow furrowed in thought. "We'll need to gather more information before we can make any judgments."

Lei Feng nodded in agreement, his expression thoughtful.

"Indeed," he replied, his voice low. "But one thing is clear: House Liang, the name of the government offices we visited, holds significant influence in this town. We'll need to tread carefully as we continue our investigations."

They continued to discuss their next steps as they made their way through the winding streets, their senses attuned to any signs of surveillance or suspicion. With each passing moment, the weight of their mission grew heavier, their determination to uncover the truth unwavering.

As they delved deeper into their analysis of the information they had gathered, Zhang Wei and Lei Feng remained acutely aware of the risks they faced. The shadows of uncertainty loomed large around them, but they knew that only by pressing forward could they hope to unravel the mysteries that lay hidden within the town's walls. With resolve in their hearts and determination in their eyes, they forged ahead, ready to confront whatever challenges awaited them on their quest for truth and justice.

With their investigations in the town yielding little more than uncertainty, Zhang Wei and Lei Feng found themselves at a crossroads. With no new leads to pursue and the day wearing on, they decided to take a moment to rest and regroup while they waited for Kulan's return.

Settling into a nearby inn, they ordered a simple meal and found a quiet corner to sit and discuss their next steps.

"It seems we've hit a dead end for now," Zhang Wei remarked, his tone tinged with frustration. "Without more information, we're just spinning our wheels."

Lei Feng nodded in agreement, his expression thoughtful.

"I agree," he replied, running a hand through his hair. "But perhaps this lull in activity is an opportunity to reassess our approach. We need to be strategic about our next move if we're going to make any headway."

As they mulled over their options, Zhang Wei's thoughts drifted to Erdene and the Head of Mongol Camp. He wondered how they were faring in his absence, whether they were facing any new challenges, and if Erdene had received their message about their safe arrival in the town. Though he trusted Erdene's leadership, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him whenever he was separated from her and the others.

Lei Feng sensed his companion's unease and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"We'll get through this, Zhang Wei," he said, his voice steady with conviction. "We've faced worse odds before and come out on top. We just need to stay focused and keep moving forward."

Zhang Wei nodded, grateful for Lei Feng's steadfast support. Together, they made a pact to remain vigilant and resolute in their pursuit of justice, no matter the obstacles they encountered along the way.

As they finished their meal, Zhang Wei's thoughts returned to Kulan and the task that lay ahead. With a sense of determination, he signalled to the innkeeper for a fresh sheet of paper and a quill, preparing to draft a new message to be sent out with Kulan upon her return.

Lei Feng watched as Zhang Wei wrote, his expression one of quiet contemplation.

"What will you say in the message?" he asked, curious to know Zhang Wei's thoughts.

Zhang Wei paused for a moment, considering his words carefully.

"I'll let Erdene know that we're quite unsuccessful in extracting much information on how we are resuming our journey so she can expect fewer messages and updates for a while," he replied, his tone decisive. "We'll also request any updates she may have from the Head of Mongol Camp and advise her to remain vigilant in our absence."

Lei Feng nodded in agreement, satisfied with Zhang Wei's plan. With the message written and sealed, they set it aside to await Kulan's return. In the meantime, they decided to make the most of their time in the town, taking the opportunity to rest and recharge before resuming their journey.

As they settled in for the evening, Zhang Wei and Lei Feng found comfort in each other's presence, drawing strength from their shared resolve to see their mission through to the end. With the promise of a new day on the horizon, they closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the days ahead.

As they drifted off to sleep, Zhang Wei and Lei Feng were filled with a sense of anticipation for the journey that lay ahead. Despite the challenges they had faced and the obstacles that still loomed on the horizon, they were determined to press forward, driven by a shared sense of purpose and a belief in the righteousness of their cause.

With Erdene and the Head Mongol Camp standing steadfastly behind them, they knew they were not alone in their quest for justice. And as they surrendered to the embrace of sleep, their dreams were filled with visions of a brighter future, where freedom and justice reigned supreme.