Approaching Destination

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, Zhang Wei and Lei Feng watched with anticipation as the town they had been journeying towards finally came into view. With excitement coursing through their veins, they decided to set up camp on the outskirts, wanting to arrive at the town fully refreshed and ready to explore.

Finding a suitable spot beneath the shade of a towering oak tree, they unloaded their belongings from the carriage and began to set up their temporary home. With the sounds of birdsong and rustling leaves filling the air, they prepared for a peaceful night's rest, knowing that tomorrow would bring new adventures and discoveries in the town ahead.

Zhang Wei and Lei Feng sat by the crackling fire, their faces illuminated by its warm glow as they discussed their plans for the following day.

"We should split up to cover more ground," Zhang Wei suggested, his voice carrying with it a sense of determination. "I'll head to the local taverns and gather information from the townsfolk, while you can visit the marketplace and see if you can learn anything there."

Lei Feng nodded in agreement, his mind already racing with strategies to make their information-gathering process as efficient as possible.

"And once we have gathered what we need, we can reconvene here and discuss our findings," he added, his tone reflecting his confidence in their ability to work together seamlessly.

Zhang Wei leaned back against a tree, his thoughts drifting to the task ahead.

"We need to find out which general governs this town," he mused, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Once we know that, we can determine the best approach to gather information about the empire's activities."

Lei Feng nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the surrounding landscape as if searching for answers in the shadows.

"That will depend on you as only you know the crest and symbol," he admitted, his voice tinged with a note of caution. "And yeah, with a clear plan and a bit of luck, we can uncover the secrets this town holds."

As they continued to discuss their plans, the fire crackling softly in the background, Zhang Wei couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation that coursed through his veins. Tomorrow would bring new challenges and opportunities, and he was ready to face them head-on.

With Lei Feng by his side, he felt confident that they could overcome any obstacle that stood in their way. As they settled in for the night, the faint sound of laughter drifted on the breeze, a reminder of the bustling town that awaited them come morning.

As they approached the town, Zhang Wei's keen eyes scanned the horizon, searching for any signs of the town's crest. When he finally spotted it, his heart sank. The crest belonged to none other than General Dong Guo, one of the most corrupt and feared generals in the empire. It was adorned with menacing symbols and dark colours, sending a chill down Zhang Wei's spine.

Lei Feng noticed the change in Zhang Wei's demeanour and furrowed his brow in concern.

"What is it?" he asked, his voice low with apprehension.

Zhang Wei swallowed hard, his mind racing with thoughts of the danger they were about to face.

"It's General Dong Guo's crest," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "We need to be cautious. His men will be on high alert, and my face is well-known to them."

Lei Feng's eyes widened in understanding, and he nodded solemnly.

"We'll need to tread carefully," he agreed, his tone serious. "I'll do my best to keep us unnoticed as we enter the town."

Zhang Wei nodded in appreciation, his grip tightening on the reins as they approached the town gates. With each passing moment, his anxiety grew, knowing that they were entering the lion's den. As they rode through the gates, he couldn't shake the feeling of impending danger that hung in the air. All they could do now was hope for the best and pray that they could navigate their way through the town without attracting any unwanted attention.

The tension in the air was palpable as Zhang Wei hid among the layers of blankets in the carriage, his heart pounding with anticipation. When the guards approached and ordered them to stop, both Zhang Wei and Lei Feng felt their hearts sink. They knew trouble was brewing.

As the guards bombarded them with questions and demanded to inspect their cargo, Lei Feng tried to reason with them, explaining that they were just travellers with provisions for their journey. But the guards were relentless, forcing their way into the carriage and rummaging through their belongings.

Lei Feng's attempts to reason with the guards fell on deaf ears as they continued to interrogate him and search through their belongings.

"Sir, we mean no trouble," Lei Feng pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation. "We're just passing through, on our way to the next town."

The lead guard, a burly man with a stern expression, scoffed at Lei Feng's words.

"And what brings you to our town, hm? Travellers like you don't just wander in for no reason," he growled, his tone accusatory.

Lei Feng, his patience wearing thin, tried another approach.

"We're traders," he said, gesturing to the crates of supplies. "We buy goods from one town and sell them in the next. That's all."

Zhang Wei remained silent, trying to blend into the shadows as the guards searched. His heart raced as they opened crate after crate, finding nothing but food supplies and camping equipment, just as Lei Feng had claimed.

However, when they reached the final crate and discovered the stash of weapons hidden inside, Zhang Wei's heart sank even further. He knew they were in trouble.

The guards exchanged sceptical glances, clearly unconvinced by Lei Feng's explanation.

"And where are your goods, huh?" one of them demanded, pointing a finger at the crates. "All we see here are weapons and camping gear."

Lei Feng hesitated, his mind racing as he searched for a plausible response.

"Well, you see, those weapons... they're for protection," he stammered, his voice faltering slightly. "The road can be dangerous, and we need to defend ourselves."

The lead guard narrowed his eyes, clearly not buying Lei Feng's story.

"Protection, eh? From what, exactly?" he pressed, his tone sceptical.

Lei Feng did his best to come up with a believable excuse, claiming that the weapons were for self-defence against bandits and wild animals in the forest.

"You know how dangerous it can be out there," he pleaded, hoping to appeal to the guards' sense of reason. "Wild animals or even bandits."

Lei Feng struggled to conjure up a convincing excuse, insisting that the weapons were essential for defending against the dangers of the forest – bandits and wild animals lurking in the shadows. But the guards merely scoffed, their laughter ringing hollow in the tense atmosphere.

"You expect us to believe that?" one of them jeered, eyeing the arsenal of weapons sceptically.

As the situation spiralled further out of control, the guards brazenly demanded a hefty sum of money under the guise of a "tax." Zhang Wei and Lei Feng exchanged dismayed glances, realizing they were falling victim to the corruption that plagued the town. It was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that their hard-earned savings were being extorted from them by those sworn to uphold the law.

Reluctantly, Lei Feng surrendered the bag of money they had meticulously set aside for emergencies. He argued for a portion to be returned, but the guards remained unmoved, callously dismissing his pleas.

"You'll manage with what you've got," one of them remarked casually, snatching the bag from Lei Feng's grasp with a greedy grin.

Feeling defeated and frustrated, Zhang Wei and Lei Feng watched helplessly as the guards confiscated their hard-earned money and allowed them to continue on their way. As they rode away from the town, anger simmered beneath their calm exteriors, knowing that they had been taken advantage of by those sworn to protect them.

With heavy hearts and empty pockets, Zhang Wei and Lei Feng were finally allowed entry into the town. Their spirits dampened by the unfairness of their encounter with the corrupt guards, they trudged forward, carrying the weight of their newfound destitution. Every step felt like a reminder of their vulnerability in a world where power and greed often triumphed over justice and integrity.

As they entered the bustling streets of the town, their eyes scanned the faces of the people around them, searching for signs of empathy or understanding. But all they found were indifferent gazes and indifferent stares, a stark reminder of the harsh realities of their journey.

Nevertheless, Zhang Wei and Lei Feng remained resolute in their mission, determined to persevere despite the obstacles that lay ahead. With their resolve strengthened by adversity, they pressed on, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in their quest for truth and justice.

As they rode through the crowded streets, their spirits were lifted by the prospect of discoveries and the possibility of allies in unexpected places. With each step forward, they embraced the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that together, they were stronger than any obstacle they might encounter. And so, with heads held high and hearts filled with determination, they ventured deeper into the heart of the town, ready to face whatever trials awaited them on their path to justice.