The Battle Plans

The air in the war meeting room was thick with tension. Emperor Ming Jian and Empress Xia stood at the head of the grand table, surrounded by their top generals. Each man's face was etched with a mix of determination and anxiety, aware that their decisions today could shape the fate of the empire.

Empress Xia, ever the picture of cold, calculating authority, surveyed the room keenly.

"Generals, we have called you here today to finalise our defensive strategy against the Mongol threat," she began, her voice steady and commanding.

"We must decide who will hold the main gate, oversee the walls, and remain by my side. These roles are crucial to our success," Emperor Ming Jian nodded, his expression serious.

The generals began to discuss amongst themselves, offering their suggestions and preferences. General Li Feng remained silent, his mind focused on his strategy. He knew that controlling the walls would be vital to allowing the Mongol forces to infiltrate the city. However, being stationed at the main gate would also serve his purpose well.

"Your Majesty, I believe General Li Feng should be stationed at the main gate. He is our best general, and his presence there would ensure the strongest defence," General Mo Tingfeng, always eager to assert his dominance, spoke first.

General Tan Ling and General Dong Guo quickly voiced their agreement, hoping to align themselves with what they perceived as the most logical choice.

"Indeed, General Li Feng has proven himself time and time again. He should be our first line of defence," General Tan Ling added.

"Yes, his skills are unparalleled. He can hold the gate and prevent the Mongols from breaching our walls," General Dong Guo concurred.

"General Li Feng's leadership and strategic mind make him the ideal choice for such a critical position," General Bai, who had remained silent until now, nodded in agreement. While unaware of the three generals' hate, General Bari worded out the truth.

"While I agree that General Li Feng is our most capable leader, I believe his skills would be better utilized by the emperor's side, advising and ensuring that our overall strategy is flawlessly executed," Empress Xia, sensing an opportunity to keep a closer watch on General Li Feng, interjected.

This suggestion immediately put General Li Feng on edge. He knew that being confined to the emperor's side would severely limit his ability to carry out his plan. He maintained his composure, but his mind raced, searching for a way to counter Empress Xia's proposal.

The three corrupted generals, however, saw this as blatant favouritism and were quick to voice their opposition.

"With all due respect, Your Majesty, General Li Feng belongs on the battlefield. If he is truly the invincible general, he should be out there defending our walls and gate, not sitting behind them," General Mo Tingfeng argued, his tone edged with resentment.

"Exactly. We need him where the fight will be fiercest. Keeping him by the emperor's side would be a waste of his talents," General Tan Ling added, his disdain for the empress thinly veiled.

"The people need to see their greatest general leading them. It will boost morale and strengthen our defence," General Dong Guo, ever the sycophant, chimed in,

Empress Xia's eyes narrowed slightly, the challenge to her authority clear. She knew that if she continued to push for General Li Feng to remain by the emperor, it would appear as if she were prioritizing her agenda over the empire's needs. Reluctantly, she had to concede, knowing that forcing the issue could turn the other generals against her.

"Very well," she said, her voice icy but controlled. "If that is the consensus, then General Li Feng will oversee the defence of the walls and main gate."

"I will do everything in my power to ensure the walls hold firm and the gate remains unbreached," General Li Feng bowed his head respectfully, hiding his relief.

Empress Xia, though seething internally, nodded in acknowledgement. She consoled herself with the thought that having General Li Feng outside might still work in her favour. If he failed, it would be his downfall, not hers.

The meeting concluded with the assignments made clear. General Mo Tingfeng, General Tan Ling, and General Dong Guo would support the various strategic points within the city, while General Bai would manage logistics and supply lines. General Li Feng, entrusted with the most critical role, prepared himself for the task ahead.

As the generals filed out of the room, Emperor Ming Jian turned to whisper in Empress Xia's ears.

"Are you certain this is the right course of action?" he asked quietly.

"We shall see. Sometimes, the best-laid plans require a bit of improvisation," Empress Xia forced a smile.

In the depths of the palace, Zhang Wei waited, knowing that the decisions made today would shape their rebellion's success. The tension in the capital was just beginning to rise, and soon, the true battle would commence.

General Li Feng strode through the bustling corridors of the palace, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. The meeting had gone better than he had hoped, with his assignment to oversee the walls and main gate providing the perfect cover for the upcoming infiltration. He couldn't wait to share the news with Zhang Wei.

As he reached the wing of the palace where Zhang Wei was waiting, he found the young man pacing anxiously. The moment Zhang Wei saw him, he rushed over, his eyes full of questions.

"How did it go?" Zhang Wei asked, his voice a mixture of hope and apprehension.

"Better than expected. I've been assigned to oversee the defence of the walls and the main gate. This gives us the perfect opportunity to implement our plan," General Li Feng allowed himself a rare smile.

"Our prayers had been answered! It means we can control the flow and ensure the Mongols slip in undetected," Zhang Wei's eyes widened with relief and excitement.

"Precisely," General Li Feng replied, his tone more serious now. "But we must be cautious. Empress Xia tried to place me by the emperor's side, likely to keep a closer watch on me. The corrupted generals, fortunately, opposed her. We have their selfishness to thank for this victory."

"What's our next step?" Zhang Wei nodded, absorbing the information.

"We need to ensure that our loyal soldiers are strategically placed at key points along the walls and gate," General Li Feng explained. "We'll have to manage this discreetly. Any sign of unusual activity might arouse suspicion."

"We have to inform Captain Xue, Sergeant Chen and Lieutenant Wang about this," Zhang Wei offered. "They got connections and status among the troops who are sympathetic to our cause. We can start placing them where they need to be."

"Good," General Li Feng agreed. "But remember, we must maintain the appearance of normalcy. The emperor and empress will be watching us closely."

"I'll handle it. We'll make sure everything looks routine," Zhang Wei understood the gravity of the situation.

"This is a crucial moment. If we succeed, the empire will be free from the tyranny of Emperor Ming Jian and Empress Xia. We must stay vigilant and united," General Li Feng placed a hand on Zhang Wei's shoulder.

"Agreed," Zhang Wei said firmly. "We'll start making the arrangements immediately."

As Zhang Wei set off to rally their allies within the ranks, General Li Feng couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Despite the immense pressure and danger, Zhang Wei had grown into a capable and determined leader. The resolve that had once been shattered was now stronger than ever.

Returning to his quarters, General Li Feng began drafting detailed instructions for the deployment of his loyal soldiers. He needed to ensure that each man understood their role and the importance of their mission. Every detail had to be meticulously planned to avoid detection and ensure success.

Meanwhile, in the capital, the tension continued to build. The streets buzzed with rumours and speculations about the impending Mongol assault. Families prepared for the worst, stockpiling supplies and fortifying their homes. Merchants worried about their goods and livelihoods, while children watched the hustle and bustle with wide, fearful eyes.

Imperial soldiers patrolled the streets, their presence a constant reminder of the looming threat. Under General Li Feng's command, some soldiers managed to calm the citizens with reassurances and a show of discipline. In contrast, soldiers loyal to the corrupted generals often resorted to intimidation and force, exacerbating the public's fear and unrest.

As night fell, the city was a mixture of uneasy silence and hushed whispers. The preparations for the defence were well underway, but for those in the know, the true battle was yet to come. Hidden within the shadows of the grand palace and the city walls, plans were being laid for a coup that would change the fate of the empire.

General Li Feng and Zhang Wei knew that the following days would test their resolve and cunning like never before. With each passing hour, the Mongol army drew closer, and the time for action approached. The stage was set, and all they could do now was wait and prepare for the storm that was about to descend upon the capital.

As Zhang Wei returned to the palace under the cover of darkness, he felt a sense of foreboding mixed with determination. The fate of the empire rested on their shoulders, and there was no turning back. The rebellion they had worked so hard to plan was finally about to begin, and they would need every ounce of their strength and cunning to see it through to the end.