It's time to go back to college. Even though everything only happens in a day, it's been 12 years for me and I can barely remember what college even looks like.
*While I'm walking to university I see a familiar girl*
Madaren: Todoki?
*She looks back at me*
Todoki: Osoki? Oh I didn't even notice you, What's up.
Madaren: I'm doing good, how about you?
Todoki: I'm fine. Do you also go to TUS (Tokyo University of Science)
Madaren: Yeah I do.
Todoki: What class are you in
Madaren: I'm in-
*An alarm sound starts playing, following by crowds of people screaming and running away*
Todoki: A Dungeon break? We have to leave now?
Madaren: I'll be back.
Todoki: What are you saying right now! WE HAVE TO LEAVE.
*I take my sword out my inventory*
Madaren: Try and help as many people as you can, this won't take long.
Todoki: W-what?
Level 80? These ants are barely B Rank, But there are hundreds of them so this may take some time.
Each blast will kill at least ten.
Oh no, her foot seems to be stuck in some rubble. I need to help her. Is Todoki trying to help her?
Todoki: When I count to three, I'll lift this rock and you'll pull your leg out.
Woman: O-okay.
Todoki: One, two-
*A Ant approaches the two*
Woman: Oh NO! Just forget about me and run.
Todoki: I won't do that.
Woman: Just GO-
*I arrive and slice the ant in half*
Todoki didn't just run and instead helped the people like I told her to do. What's this feeling in my heart?
*I lifted the rock off of the woman easily*
Todoki: *Looks at Madaren bewildered and thinks* I didn't know he was a hunter, and a good one too.
Now that I think about it, Wasn't he shorter before? Did he just Awaken yesterday? That would explain why he was laying on the ground when I found him.
Madaren: Can you walk?
Woman: I don't think so.
Shit I don't have that much time and I need to get rid of these ants fast, I can't be everywhere at once. Can I think of a healing spell? I do have Affinity for Reinforcement Magic.
Her leg is reversing all the way back to normal. It looks like I'm reversing time on her leg. This isn't a healing technique at all. This is something more powerful and better.
Woman: Thank you! Thank you so much.
Madaren: Don't worry about it, now go and find a safe place.
Todoki: I didn't know you were a hunter.
Madaren: I just Awakened yesterday and I'll be back. I gotta take care of the monsters.
*I Omnidash away*
Todoki: What was that?! I didn't even see him.
Finally, That's the last of them.
*A guild arrives*
Okina: Where are the monsters? *They look around* Who did this?
That is the Rising Sun Guild. The second strongest Guild in Japan. And the woman leading the group is called Okina. She is a A-Rank Hunter who specialises in
Madaren: Sorry guys, you arrived late and I happened to be in the area.
Okina: You did this?
Madaren: Yes I did.
Okina: *Look back at the group and back to me* We must thank you for protecting the people.
Madaren: It's fine, it's my job as a hunter after all.
Okina: May we ask, what is your rank?
Madaren: SS-Rank.
Okina: What?! I'm sorry but can we check your Identification?
Madaren: Here you go.
I hand them my ID.
Okina: That is unbelievable. There are only a handful of SS-Ranks, And one so young too. It is an honour to meet you.
*The group bows*
Oh no, I'm getting a little embarrassed.
Madaren: Oh no please raise your heads-
*The IMA Butchers arrive*
Butcher: Madaren Osoki?
Madaren: Yes?
Butcher: You are the one who killed all of these monsters, right?
Madaren: Yes I have.
Butcher: Ok, Once we determine the price we will pay you.
I forgot about the Association buying monsters from me. Most of the time, monsters can drop mana cores that are extremely efficient for energy and power. Or other material can be used like leather for armour or horns for daggers.
Butcher: Ok. Each ant costs about 20,000 Dollars, and we have counted about 224. So the IMA will be wiring you… 4,480,000 Dollars.
Madaren: WHAT!.
Just from B-Ranks alone! I guess I got so much because there were lots of them.
Butcher: Minus taxes 4,100,000 Dollars.
Madaren: Uhh, Thanks.
Butcher: Don't thank me kid thank the IMA.
*He walks away*
He's right, why did I just thank a guy for doing his job uhh I'm so embarrassed.
Five Days Later
Todoki and I have been talking a lot for the past five days, Now we decided to finally go out. Right now I'm waiting for her at a Cafe. I just arrived about a minute ago and I'm so ner-
Todoki: Hi, I hope I didn't make you wait long.
Madaren: Oh no you didn't I just arrived here.
Todoki: Good, Ooo man I'm really craving a cinnamon bun.
Madaren: I've never been that crazy about those or any sweets to be honest.
Todoki: What!? That's the craziest thing I ever heard!
Madaren: What, that I don't like cinnamon buns.
Todoki: Ah! Don't say that again my heart.
*We both laugh*
Waiter: What would you two both like?
Todoki: I'll have a mocha and a cinnamon bun
Madaren: And I'll have black coffee and a…
Screw I'll go for something sweet.
Madaren: Pain au chocolat
*Todoki looks at me and gives a sly grin, I look at her with confusion*
Waiter: Great, that'll be ready shortly.
*The waiter leaves*
Madaren: What was that grin for?
Todoki: I thought you said you didn't like sweets.
Madaren: Well I decided to try one out.
Todoki: You'll like it
Madaren: We'll see.
*We've been talking and laughing for the past five minutes and our drinks and sweets have arrived. I take a bite out of my pain au chocolat*
Madaren: Mmm. You were right! It's delicious.
Todoki: I told you.
Madaren: Wow you should try it!
Todoki: W-what do you mean
Madaren: Here, take a bite.
*I try to give my Pain au chocolat towards her hand*
Todoki: F-fine.
*she closes her eyes and opens her mouth*
T-that's not what I met. I was gonna pass it to her but I can't stop now or we'll both be embarrassed
*I feed her the pastry*
Madaren: H-How is it?
Todoki: *Todoki says while blushing* i-it's good.
Y-you know what? Here, try out some of my cinnamon bun.
*she takes the cinnamon bun and shoves it in my mouth*
Madaren: *mouth blocked* Ithh relly guood
*We both laugh*
*I'm walking her home*
Madaren: It was really nice getting to hang out with you.
Let's hang out again some other time.
Todoki: Yeah let's. *We arrive to her door* See you again tomorrow at Uni?
Madaren: See You.
*Todoki pauses for a moment and then kisses me on the cheek and goes inside of her house and closes the door*
Was nice.
Todoki: Ohmagad, Ohmagad, Ohmagad. I just kissed him, Well it was only on the cheek but still. I hope he didn't hate it. Maybe he thinks I like him but he wants to stay friends. Ahh, I don't know what to do!!
Todoki: Huh?
Madaren: Today was fun.
Todoki: *It's him!* Yeah it was.
Todoki and I talked for about thirty minutes.
Todoki: I'm about to pass out. See ya tomorrow
Madaren: Bye.
I can't wait to hang out with her again. She looked great in that dress. I don't know if I can sleep tonight, I'm just so excited!