P2W 4 - Land of Fire Border

It was drizzling lightly when Uchiha Shisui noticed Uchiha Yoru in the distance. It was evident that Shisui had been waiting for a while.

On the other hand, Uchiha Yoru acted as though nothing had happened and casually shrugged, asking, "What brings our genius Shisui into action? How can I assist you?"

The two entered the forest, and Shisui smiled as he retrieved a scroll from his weapon pouch and handed it to Yoru.

"Yoru-niisan, these are the jutsu granted to you by the elders, along with the necessary funds. We need to gather at the village gate tomorrow morning at six o'clock."

After briefing Yoru on the mission details, Uchiha Yoru shook his head with a sigh. He understood the urgency of the Uchiha clan, but it was regrettable that their efforts this time would be in vain.

After discussing the important matters, Uchiha Shisui's expression turned serious as he said in a low voice, "Yoru-niisan, once you're finished with your business, for the time being, try not to provoke her. It could harm her."

Shisui's meaning was clear. The Uchiha clan was already in a delicate situation, and interacting with other civilian shinobi could lead to trouble and have negative consequences for both sides.

Upon hearing this, Uchiha Yoru glanced at Shisui with a puzzled expression and playfully teased, "Shisui, you'll understand once you have a girlfriend in the future."

Shisui was left speechless by Yoru's shameless words. He looked at Yoru, who was only a year older, unable to comprehend his thinking.

The two returned to the Uchiha clan quickly. At a time when Konoha had just experienced the Nine-Tails incident and was in need of reconstruction, while all the shinobi were busy and overwhelmed, the Uchiha clan was preparing for relocation.

Back at their temporary residence assigned by the clan, Uchiha Yoru unrolled the scroll. In addition to two B-rank ninjutsu, there were exercises and manipulation techniques for the Sharingan, as well as some important notes. Having the Sharingan was not enough; it required training. Just like the Three Tomoe Sharingan, there were varying levels of strength.

When Yoru saw the various training methods to enhance the Sharingan, he shook his head and smiled. Although the system was rigid, its service was considerate. Exchanging a One Tomoe Sharingan not only allowed his body to adapt perfectly and reach the pinnacle of a One Tomoe Sharingan, but it also provided countless experiences and techniques.

Indeed, the system's exchange brought him to the peak. It truly lived up to its price. However, as he looked at the last A-rank ninjutsu, his eyes narrowed.

"I didn't expect it to be this technique."

Looking at the familiar ninjutsu, Uchiha Yoru shook his head and sighed, "Indeed, the Uchiha clan is undoubtedly the number one powerhouse in Konoha. Kakashi's Sharingan, he wants to preserve it not only because of his relationship with the Fourth Hokage but also because he needs to maintain a certain level of prestige."

It wouldn't do for the Uchiha clan to lower their status just because you're the Hokage. It's not enough. That's why Kakashi resorted to this ninjutsu. It can be considered as barely dealing with the situation.

"No wonder in the original story, when Kakashi was teaching Sasuke, the Third Hokage and others didn't intervene. The reason lies here."

The Chidori, an A-rank ninjutsu, is Kakashi's self-created and renowned technique. It is a ninjutsu that can reach its utmost potential when combined with the Sharingan. Not to mention the Uchiha clan, even among the lightning attribute users in Konoha, it is considered quite rare. That's why this technique has been put on hold.

A glimmer of the Sharingan appeared in his eyes. He solemnly memorized every detail written on the scroll. Activating the Sharingan was not for show-off purposes. After all, what's the point of showing off when you're alone in a tent?

Naturally, this precious ninjutsu scroll of the Uchiha clan has sealing techniques applied to it. Only when viewed with the Sharingan will the correct contents appear. If viewed with ordinary eyes, some parts will naturally differ. The important key elements will be altered. Whoever practices it without knowing will definitely have a bad outcome.


In the early morning of the next day, outside the gates of Konoha, a considerable number of people had already gathered. Teams of ninja assembled and then transformed into shadows and disappeared.

"Yoru-niisan, let's go. We can discuss the mission on the way."

When the Uchiha figure appeared, there was an evident invisible exclusion among the Chunin and Jonin among the passing ninja.

This time, the Uchiha clan had a considerable number of members. Eight Uchiha members accompanied him, and the captain leading the team was evidently Uchiha's genius, Shisui.

As the captain, Shisui personally led the team at the forefront. After distancing themselves from the people behind, he spoke in a low voice, "Yoru-niisan, this time we are going to the border of the Land of the Sea, where Orochimaru-sama is stationed."

Yoru, the Uchiha, took the scroll and narrowed his eyes as he read its contents. He nodded gently and said, "I see, so this is the signal sent out by the Uchiha."

Konoha suffered heavy losses during the Nine-Tails' attack, and even the Fourth Hokage perished. The extent of the losses can be imagined. The various regions of the border became restless, and that's why the Third Hokage was able to regain power smoothly. It was because only Hiruzen Sarutobi could stabilize the current situation in the shortest possible time.

After three days, Uchiha's position was essentially determined: relocation! Be on guard! This was an indisputable fact, and the Uchiha clan had its means of coping.

Their approach was to release a signal of goodwill. Similarly, Konoha series also released their signals. After all, if you ask me to relocate my clan, I will do so. With the current situation in turmoil, the Uchiha clan needs to regain trust, and the village needs the Uchiha's power.

And they were the first signal sent out by the Uchiha, serving and executing missions in the border areas. After all, just because of a lack of trust, all the Uchiha elites were hoarded inside the village. I'm afraid even Hiruzen Sarutobi won't be able to sleep at night.

In this special period, both sides began to release their goodwill. The Uchiha started sending out their forces to protect Konoha, in order to prove that they also wanted to regain trust. Similarly, in the eyes of the Uchiha, Konoha also released goodwill. "Hello, I'm good, and everyone can be good."

"Shisui, this mission takes us to the border. Orochimaru-sama is truly formidable, stationed at the frontlines and effectively guarding against the Hidden Cloud Village of the Land of Lightning and the Hidden Mist Village of the Land of Water."

Yoru smiled as he squinted his eyes, and Shisui's expression was clearly positive. It was probably because the relationship between the clan and the village had stopped deteriorating, and the signals of goodwill from both sides gave him hope and relieved his heart.

Shisui's mood was evidently good, and he smiled and nodded at Yoru. "With Orochimaru-sama stationed at the frontlines, guarding against both the Land of Lightning and the Land of Water, we Uchiha will go to support the frontlines."

Konoha experienced such a major event, and even the Fourth Hokage perished. It would be strange if other villages didn't take advantage of the situation. After all, it can be inferred from the original work that after the night of the Nine-Tails' attack, although there was no major war in Konoha, there were localized small-scale conflicts and even secret probing between nations.

In the original work, Shisui descended from the battlefield with the Mist ninja, and the incident with the Hyuga clan that occurred during the negotiations with the Hidden Cloud Village of the Land of Lightning can be used to infer the struggles between nations.



(Hidden Cloud Village of the Land of Lightning / Komugakure)

(Hidden Mist Village of the Land of Water / Kirigakure)