P2W 9 - Yoru's Hehe Moments

Land of Fire Border

"Shisui, this isn't enough. You should know Anko is not just a pretty face, but she's also Orochimaru-sama's student. It took a lot of effort for me to establish a connection with her. That's how I joined Anko's team."

Inside Uchiha's tent, Uchiha Yoru entered looking exhausted, and he began venting his frustrations. Shisui, visibly surprised, listened intently.

"Yoru-niisan, are you saying you've already teamed up with Anko?"

Shisui widened his eyes in disbelief. How could it have happened so quickly? They had only been at the frontline for less than half a day, and the other side had already completed half of the mission.

Seeing Shisui's shocked expression, Yoru smirked secretly. Being surprised alone wouldn't get you anywhere. Don't you know that courting girls requires money?

It definitely requires expenses, and significant ones at that. How else can you justify being a disciple of Orochimaru, one of the Legendary Sannin?

Yoru needed to convey a message to Shisui, making him understand that even ordinary friendships require investments, let alone someone like Anko, who is like a wealthy young lady. She can't be won over easily.

"Hey, Shisui, this time I had to swallow my pride to convince Anko. And, and...!"

Yoru hesitated, as if he had something difficult to say. Shisui eagerly nodded, "Yoru-niisan, there's no one else here. You can tell me anything."

That's the line I've been waiting for. Yoru wore a troubled expression, pretending to gather his determination, and let out a deep sigh.

"Shisui, there's something you don't know. Anko and Yuhi were friends in school. As you already know, my looks are my advantage. Now that I've broken up with Yuhi and Anko is with us, you know what that means."

Yoru's expression revealed his dilemma, and Shisui's face turned serious in an instant. Of course, he understood! How could he not?

They all went to the same school. Shisui must have heard about Yoru's reputation. When it came to talent, Kakashi Hatake was undoubtedly the genius. But when it came to looks and popularity with women, it was definitely Uchiha Yoru.

Naturally, Shisui imagined a cliché scenario where Yoru and Yuhi, as good friends, became a couple while Anko, their close friend, silently supported them. And now, that opportunity seemed to have presented itself.

Seeing Shisui's determined expression after imagining the scenario, Yoru's eyes revealed a hint of sympathy. It was as if he was saying, "I admire your sacrifice for the clan."

But deep down, Yoru cursed Shisui, calling him a blockhead. No wonder he was easily deceived and became a fool. Didn't he realize that he could provide the funds?

"Shisui, Anko has been my friend. This time, I explained the difficult situation our clan is facing, and Anko agreed to talk to Orochimaru-sama to see if she can help me become Orochimaru-sama's student."

After Yoru finished speaking, Shisui was moved. This was a crucial factor that directly impacted the rise and fall of their clan.

If Yoru truly became Orochimaru's student, then in the future, the Uchiha clan would regain the trust of the Hokage's lineage within the village.

After all, Orochimaru was undoubtedly the future Fifth Hokage. Besides the relationship between father and son, the most reliable relationships among shinobi were those of teammates, mentors, and disciples.

In Shisui's eyes, it was clear that Anko was trying to help Yoru become Orochimaru's student, taking on the role of a mentor. The only thing missing was the emotional connection of a mentor-disciple or a father-son relationship.

A mentor-disciple relationship was equivalent to the bond between the Third Hokage and the Legendary Sannin or even, in this era, as emotional as a father-son bond.

"Yoru-niisan, are you saying that Anko is willing to let Orochimaru-sama become your mentor?"

Shisui's excitement was evident. If this relationship could be confirmed, it would be similar to the Fourth Hokage and Kakashi. People would immediately recognize Yoru's strength, and the Uchiha clan would once again earn the trust of the Hokage.

Yoru let out a sigh of relief and said, "Shisui, my trusted messenger, I think you need to inform the clan. Anko has gone to meet Orochimaru-sama. She's quite confident it will work out. But..."

At this point, Yoru wore a bitter smile and continued, "Funds! I need a significant amount of funds. You know, Anko is Orochimaru-sama's disciple. She doesn't lack any ninjutsu or secret techniques. Whether I can advance further as Orochimaru-sama's disciple is unclear, but Anko must not give up."

"Anko is different from other female ninjas, so I have to rely on the clan's resources."

Yoru's meaning was straightforward. Anko was now a wealthy young lady. She lacked nothing. She's helping me now, but it's based on the feelings we had in school. However, as time goes by, I'll lack everything while she won't. Once the feelings fade away, how can a rich girl be interested in a poor guy?

In short, the clan needs to provide me with various resources and turn me into a wealthy nobleman. Only then can we be a perfect match, like a prince and princess.

Shisui's face showed sudden realization. Although he had never had a girlfriend, he understood this principle. Only when the distance between two people is reduced can they communicate better.

"Don't worry, big Yoru-niisan. I'll inform the clan right away. You can count on me."

Shisui nodded with determination. Even though he knew Yoru had his own motives, who didn't? Yoru achieved his missions using his looks, obtained the necessary items, and satisfied his personal desires. Was he wrong?

Absolutely not.

Seeing Shisui's attitude, Yoru couldn't help but feel ashamed. He sighed, but deep down, he was secretly delighted. It seemed he had to act quickly. He had to take advantage of the clan before Orochimaru's defection.

If he didn't exploit the clan, it would benefit Konoha after the clan's extermination. It's better to turn the clan's resources into his own power.

Since the clan assigned him this mission, he had already started planning, maximizing his benefits, and rapidly strengthening his own power.

Exploiting! It was the only way now. The meager rewards from missions were too slow. He had to exploit the clan's resources to enhance his strength quickly. Once Orochimaru defected, his power would also be formidable. At least he would gain the clan's attention and have more opportunities for missions and benefits.

Yoru pondered in silence. Exploiting the clan's resources was necessary, but it wasn't enough. After all, Orochimaru's defection was only two years away. So he needed a second path.

A path that would allow him to exploit the clan's resources in the long run—a path involving selling various information for massive profits.

With this in mind, Yoru smiled. Konoha's turmoil was the perfect source of information, and he was on the frontline.