P2W 12 - Success

Orochimaru, hidden in the shadow of a tree trunk, suddenly showed a hint of panic. Instinctively, he took a step back, revealing a fierce and sinister grin on his face. "You're dead!"

That was a close call! He was almost scared out of his wits. If he hadn't cleverly discovered his opponent's flaw, retreating in such a frightened manner would have been utterly embarrassing.

A dark figure flashed and landed on a thick tree trunk. The Elite Chuunin, with a sinister smile, attacked the somewhat panicked Orochimaru with a long sword. A mocking expression appeared on his Orichimaru's face, as his opponent realized too late and was filled with dread.

Concealed in his sleeve, Orochimaru's hand had already formed the seals: Yin - Rat - Sheep - Rat - Yin. Chakra flowed inside him, instantly replacing his panicked expression with a sneering smile as he raised his hand.

"Hidden Shadow Snake Hands!"

With a hoarse and mocking smile, several poisonous snakes suddenly sprang out from Orochimaru's arm, attacking the startled Orochimaru. Fear overwhelmed the renowned Sannin, and he displayed a look of sheer terror.


People can disguise themselves with transformation jutsu, but they can't fake their ninjutsu! The Elite Chuunin, who led the team, lost his will to fight under Orochimaru's signature ninjutsu. He quickly threw his ninja sword and used his legs to leap backward, seeking escape.


Having witnessed the signature ninjutsu, Orochimaru was certain. At that moment, he had no desire to fight anymore. His mind was solely focused on escaping.

But then, bird chirping sounds echoed from behind—an endless chorus of bird chirping!


Splat! Blood splattered as the Elite Chuunin screamed in agony. A streak of lightning transformed into an afterimage, passing through his body and severing his right arm.

"Damn it! Uchiha Yoru, why haven't you mastered this ninjutsu yet?"

Orochimaru, now revealed on the tree trunk, displayed annoyance and a somewhat girlish rage. As a burst of white smoke dissipated, Anko's figure appeared, instantly causing anger to surface in the fallen Elite Chuunin.

"You're not Orochimaru!"

The Elite Chuunin realized he had been tricked. From the start, his opponent had used Orochimaru's fearsome reputation to intimidate him. Anyone would have thought they had encountered Orochimaru for real under the Hidden Shadow Snake Hands technique. Little did he expect it was a fake.


Two students rushed over. The three of them formed a triangular battle formation. However, Anko, who had revealed her true identity on the tree trunk, looked angrily at Uchiha Yoru, who had landed on the ground.

Yoru's lightning was still crackling in his hand, slowly dissipating. With a spinning tomoe in his eye socket, he laughed embarrassedly. "Anko, your opponent was a taijutsu user and evaded this finishing move at the last moment."

Originally aimed at his opponent's back, it ended up severing an arm. It wasn't ideal, but it was still effective. After losing an arm, an ordinary ninja's combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced, especially without the ability to use ninjutsu.

As the lightning dissipated from her palm, Uchiha Yoru stared at his prey below and revealed a smile.

120,000 Ryo! Used to accelerate Chidori training, an A-rank ninjutsu. He wasn't a genius, but he could become one through spending money. Although not yet proficient, he could already fully utilize it in battle.

In an instant, Uchiha Yoru shot shurikens from his hand. From a high vantage point, the shurikens flew densely, catching two people off guard. The injured Elite Chuunin reacted swiftly, leaping high into the air. Startled, he looked down and realized the shurikens were bound by thin steel wires. In the dim forest, it was difficult for an ordinary person to notice.

Uchiha Yoru pulled both hands back, causing the shurikens to loop back due to the force. In an instant, the two lower-level ninja were entangled by the wires.

The Elite Chuunin, who had leaped into the air, angrily threw his shuriken to break the wires binding his two students. But someone was faster. With perfect coordination, Mitarashi Anko, standing beside Uchiha Yoru, swiftly formed hand seals: Snake - Dragon - Rabbit - Tiger.

"Fire Style: Dragon Fire Technique!"

With a shout, Anko took a deep breath, displaying immense power in her young chest. She exhaled, releasing a towering fire dragon straight down.


Amidst miserable screams, the flames engulfed the two young lower-level ninja in an instant. The air was filled with a nauseating stench.

The fallen Elite Chuunin, still with blood dripping from his right arm, stared at the two young geniuses before him. Sweat streamed down his face as he was shocked by the rapid turn of events. He couldn't help but nervously swallow his saliva.

"You... You are Orochimaru's disciple, Mitarashi Anko!"

The Elite Chuunin's face turned pale as he looked in shock at the two individuals. Their coordinated actions and distinct ninjutsu, along with one of them being a female ninja, matched the intelligence about Orochimaru's disciple.

Both Hidden Shadow Snake Hands and Dragon Fire Technique were C-rank ninjutsu and didn't consume much chakra. Mitarashi Anko sneered at the enemy, mocking him. "That's right, I am Mitarashi Anko, one of the Three Sannin and Orochimaru's disciple. Surrender quietly."

The opponent anxiously looked at the other person, noticing the red eyes in their eye sockets. Through gritted teeth, he said, "I didn't expect there would be an Uchiha ninja here too, with Sharingan!"

They were too cunning—one with Sharingan and the other a disciple of the legendary Sannin. Even in a direct confrontation, he wouldn't have the confidence to survive, let alone their craftiness with one trap leading to another.

"Hehe, ninjas survive by using their brains, especially when it comes to intelligence."

Uchiha Yoru couldn't help but smile at the opponent's gnashing teeth. He knew he was infuriating him.

But what he said was true. Unless one reached the later stages of overpowering strength, ninjas in the early stages relied on intelligence and calculations to overcome the strong with the weak, the many with the few. It wasn't about face-to-face battles, hand seals, and ninjutsu. That was just a fantasy.

Huff, huff.

The opponent's face suddenly changed, and his body stiffened as he breathed rapidly. His plan to escape was ruined. Sensing the changes within his body, he couldn't believe what he was experiencing. Trembling, he looked at the two young and exceptional Konoha genius ninjas before him and said with a quivering voice, "When did you poison me?"

He had talked too much, secretly observing the escape route. But now his chakra seemed uncontrollable, and dizziness washed over him. Being experienced, he knew he had been poisoned.

As his consciousness faded and dizziness overcame him, he remembered the moment the young boy had used Chidori to sever his arm. That was his only opportunity to be poisoned. Looking at the smiles on the faces of the two youths before him, he collapsed onto the soft grass with a thud.


Yo, listen up, I got a story to tell

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