P2W 18 - Calculation

Konoha Border

Uchiha Yoru returned to the village and met with the clan leader, Uchiha Fugaku. This time, Fugaku brought his eldest son along to gain experience in the war, accompanied by a group of elite clan members.

Inside the dimly lit tent, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Yoru sat facing each other in a formal position. The customs and hierarchy were deeply ingrained in their minds.

The protocols were strictly followed, especially among the noble families, leaving no room for error.

The formal position required kneeling on the floor with both knees, resting the buttocks on the heels, and extending the feet flat on the ground. Hands were placed on the knees or thighs, back kept straight. Men slightly spread their knees, while women kept their knees together.

In simpler terms, it was called seiza.

"Clan leader," Yoru spoke up.

In the dim candlelight, Yoru intentionally appeared exhausted, trying to convey a sense of mental strain. Observing this, Fugaku frowned and asked in a deep voice, "Yoru, any progress?"

Over the past three months, the Uchiha clan had invested significant resources. Although the situation seemed favorable, especially with Orochimaru accepting Yoru as his student, which indicated a certain direction, there hadn't been any recent developments. Fugaku was curious about the thoughts of the future Hokage.

Noticing Fugaku's serious expression, Yoru hesitated for a moment before sighing deeply. "Orochimaru-sensei is publicly the overall commander on the frontlines, but secretly, he is conducting human experimentation research in secrecy. This is an almost top-secret mission, and furthermore..."

Seeing Yoru's hesitation, Fugaku reassured him, "Don't worry, the clan has no intention of interfering in the village's secret mission. You are aware of this, and currently, only a few elders, you, me, and a select few others in the clan are privy to this information. It remains a secret within the clan."

This was the truth. The current focus of the Uchiha clan was not on secret missions but on regaining their power in Konoha.

Observing Fugaku's expression, Yoru hesitated before continuing, "Clan leader, according to the clues provided by Orochimaru-sensei, it seems that high-ranking officials in the village, especially ANBU Root leader Danzo and the Third Hokage, are extremely wary of the Uchiha clan."

"Orochimaru-sensei mentioned that due to their fear of another Nine-Tails incident, the Third Hokage is publicly trying to appease the situation, while Danzo secretly suspects and marginalizes the Uchiha clan. They are even planning to secretly restart the Wood Release ninja program to prevent the Sharingan from controlling the Nine-Tails again."

"What!" Fugaku's face displayed shock and a trace of anger. "They still don't trust the Uchiha clan. Even at a time like this, they are planning to guard against us."

The Wood Release program specifically aimed to counter the Uchiha clan, as it was widely known that the Sharingan and Wood Release were the most effective against tailed beasts. Although the Sharingan was powerful, it had always been limited by Wood Release.

Fugaku's anger prompted Yoru to speak coldly, "Those who prefer to work in the shadows are always like this."

Many clans in Konoha were close to Orochimaru, especially the Hyuga and Uchiha clans.

Orochimaru came from a commoner background, and his supporters had accumulated over the years. However, after the Fourth Hokage's failed election less than a year ago, many clans that were once close to Orochimaru gradually distanced themselves. No one expected such a turn of events, nor did they anticipate the Fourth Hokage's short-lived reign.

"By the way, I brought the clan's elite members this time and plan to return in a few days. I've entrusted you and Shisui to properly guide Itachi."

"Yes, clan leader, rest assured!" Yoru replied, earnestly patting his chest. His eyes brimmed with determination.

This time, Yoru's sincerity wasn't a deception. He genuinely meant it.

How old was Itachi now? Five years old? No! Last year, during the Nine-Tails incident, Itachi turned five. He's six now.

Yoru distinctly remembered that in the original story, Itachi witnessed the brutality of the battlefield at the age of four, experienced the Nine-Tails incident at five, and entered the ninja academy at six.

Itachi was still too young to attend the academy, so naturally, he hadn't developed a passionate allegiance to the Will of Fire. At this stage, he was likely confused. It was a good opportunity to guide him properly and steer him towards the right values.

Witnessing Yoru's dedication to the clan, Fugaku couldn't help but display a touched expression. "Yoru, rest assured, the clan will treat you fairly. If this mission succeeds, it will be beneficial for both of us. Even if it fails, we still have you."

As a father and a clan leader, Fugaku still held hope that his eldest son would join the ranks of the future Hokage.

Even if the mission didn't succeed, Yoru would still have the opportunity to form connections with future elite members of the clan, such as himself and Shisui. Yoru murmured to himself not to underestimate anyone. The clan leader's calculations were indeed astute. Regardless of the outcome, he wouldn't be at a loss.


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