P2W 26 - Planting Doubts

[Host: Uchiha Yoru (One Tomoe Sharingan)]

[Chakra Level: Chunin (LV3)]

[Chakra Nature: Fire (LV3), Lightning (LV4)]

[Swordsmanship (Physical Skills): LV4, Medical Ninjutsu LV4]

[Gold: 12.35 million]

Inside the Konoha camp, Uchiha Yoru wore a worried expression, while Shisui, sitting across from him, looked ashamed, seemingly unable to help.

"Shisui, we need rare materials for Orochimaru-sensei's research at this critical moment. Our only currency with the outside world is gold."

Observing Yoru's troubled face, Shisui nodded solemnly and said, "Don't worry, Yoru-niisan. I'll contact the clan. Consider this funding for the current project."

He pushed a heavy briefcase forward, filled with gold. However, instead of feeling happy, Uchiha Yoru wore a troubled expression and sighed as if burdened with worries.

Shisui couldn't help but show a puzzled expression as he witnessed this scene. "Yoru-niisan, if Orochimaru-sama is facing a significant funding gap, I will report it to the clan head and request additional resources."

By this point, Yoru had embezzled over ten million, which, when converted, amounted to at least fifty million, equivalent to one and a half times the bounty for Asuma Sarutobi.(1)

In the original text, the bounty for Kakuzu in the underground was 30 million, and for Asuma Sarutobi it was 35 million. Some say that these prices are for elite Jonin, but everyone forgets about their identities.

A regular ninja had a certain value, but if they had additional status and influence, their worth would increase exponentially.

Asuma Sarutobi was a member of the "Guardian Shinobi Twelve" in the Land of Fire, equivalent to being the chief bodyguard of a country's president. As the son of the Third Hokage, Asuma Sarutobi had an undeniable identity.

It was almost like being the president's son. After all, the life of the Third Hokage's son was valued at thirty-five million. How could other elite Jonin compare?

Moreover, bounties were similar to situations in the previous world where people needed high-profile individuals assassinated. Regardless of the purpose, after completing such a mission, one could live a comfortable life, if not indulging themselves for a lifetime.

Therefore, Asuma Sarutobi's bounty of thirty-five million was definitely a significant sum.

Currently, the Uchiha clan had gradually provided Orochimaru with over a hundred million in financial support, which was more than enough. However, Yoru had taken half of it as kickbacks.

"Sigh, Shisui!"

At this moment, Uchiha Yoru wore a hesitant expression, instantly confusing and worrying Shisui. He spoke in a deep voice, "Yoru-niisan, are you facing difficulties? The clan has ordered that if anything happens, the elite Uchiha forces on the front line should prioritize your missions."

It had to be said that the Uchiha clan had put in a lot of effort to win over Orochimaru, the future Fifth Hokage. In the original work, they had no direction, but under Uchiha Yoru's leadership, they now had a clear goal. Orochimaru needed money? Fine, they would invest in it, all for the sake of gaining trust, the trust of a future Hokage.

Seeing Shisui's confused expression, Yoru showed a hesitant and worried look. He spoke in a deep voice, "Shisui, Orochimaru-sensei has sacrificed a lot for the village, and now it seems that Danzo is using this situation to threaten him."

"What?!" Shisui was shocked to hear this and couldn't hide his astonishment. He then spoke in a low voice, "Yoru-niisan, what's going on?"

It had to be said that in Shisui's eyes, the Third Hokage, Danzo, and the other high-ranking officials were all disciples of the Second Hokage. Especially Danzo, he was like the Hokage's right-hand man. How could he threaten Orochimaru, who was not only the future Fifth Hokage but also a disciple of the Third Hokage?

If you were to tell them that Orochimaru, one of the legendary Sannin and a disciple of the Third Hokage, intended to defect, they would scoff in disbelief.

Yoru shook his head and sighed, indicating that he didn't know the details. "I'm not sure about the specifics, but from what I gather, Orochimaru-sensei seems to be facing pressure from Danzo, who doesn't want him to become the Hokage."

"And what about the Third Hokage? Doesn't he know about Danzo?"

At that moment, Shisui paused, not voicing the rest of his thoughts. However, seeing Yoru's bitter smile, he seemed to understand something.

How could the Third Hokage not know? After all, he was the Hokage. But why didn't he stop it? It seemed like he didn't want Orochimaru to become the Hokage.

All these questions remained buried deep in Shisui's heart, and his mind buzzed with thoughts. In his perspective, Orochimaru was solely viewed as a potential Hokage, filled with trust and respect. But suddenly, he seemed to realize that both Danzo and the retiring Third Hokage's radiance had dimmed slightly.

This was the influence of a preconceived notion. Under the halo of being Orochimaru, filled with trust and respect, the retiring Hokage's halo naturally faded a bit.

Especially when they were compared side by side, it further confused him. Why would the Third Hokage turn a blind eye and even seemingly not want Orochimaru to become the Hokage? After all, Orochimaru was a disciple of the Hokage.

"Don't worry, Yoru-niisan. This time, I will personally report the importance of the situation to the clan head. I will ensure Orochimaru-sama's success!"

At that moment, Shisui had come to accept the idea of human experimentation. After all, the Second Hokage had done it, and even the Third Hokage had conducted such experiments during his reign. It was all for the village, and Orochimaru-sama was doing it under orders. Moreover, just look at the successful results.

Seeing Shisui's determination, Yoru also showed a resolute expression and nodded earnestly. "I'm counting on you, Shisui. Danzo has almost completely cut off Orochimaru-sensei's research funding, but this is our only chance. Regardless of the success of this experiment, as long as Orochimaru-sensei becomes the Fifth Hokage, the Uchiha clan will regain the trust of the Hokage and regain its position at the center of power in Konoha."

These words were filled with determination and a longing for the future. Yoru didn't criticize the Third Hokage or speak ill of Danzo. He simply emphasized that Orochimaru's achievement in becoming the Fifth Hokage was unstoppable due to his Wood Release experiments.

After all, nobody could have imagined that a ninja of Orochimaru's caliber would defect. As one of the legendary Sannin, a disciple of the Third Hokage, and a formidable competitor for the Fourth Hokage, Orochimaru's reputation alone was enough to make others believe, especially at a time like this.

"Don't worry, Yoru-niisan. The Uchiha clan may lack some things, but they never lack wealth."

Damn, what a bold statement! Truly deserving of being the top clan in Konoha. At that moment, Yoru, who had felt somewhat guilty, secretly murmured to himself that he still had to work hard.

Look, they said it themselves, the Uchiha clan, the top clan in Konoha, may lack everything else, but they never lack wealth. What's wrong with spending some of their own money? Isn't that normal?


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- Andrew Smith

- João Pedro França

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