P2W 28 - Yoru's Hehe Moments

Konoha's Frontline: The news of Sarutobi Shinzo's arrival to replace the defense of the Land of Lightning has caused dissatisfaction among many people.

They were the ones who achieved success by following Orochimaru-sama's orders, and now someone else is coming to take credit for their work. It's not just about stealing Orochimaru-sama's credit, but also diminishing their own achievements. How could they be satisfied with that?


Uchiha Yoru respectfully entered a wooden house on the frontlines to meet with Hyuga Hizashi, the head of the Hyuga clan's branch family. Under his composed and respectful demeanor, Yoru showed his deference. He bowed and said, "Yoru-kun, you're too polite."

Yoru, a chuunin, had to address Hizashi, an elite jounin, as "sama" to denote the difference in status, especially within prominent clans.

As Orochimaru's disciple, Yoru had to show respect to Hizashi as his representative. It was a matter of honor that came with his status, so the two exchanged polite words.

"Hizashi-sama, Orochimaru-sensei asked me to inquire about the allocation list for the Land of Lightning as the frontline is about to be rearranged."

Originally, there was only one frontline, but now there would be two commanding officers, one for the defense of the Land of Lightning and the other for the Land of Water. This meant that the combat personnel on the frontline, especially those from major clans, would need to be mobilized.

Uchiha Yoru's visit as Orochimaru's representative was highly significant. In everyone's eyes, even if the village delayed Orochimaru's ascension for political reasons, it was only to gain benefits during this period. But no one expected a high-ranking shinobi like Yoru to defect.

In response to Yoru's question, Hyuga Hizashi nodded respectfully and said, "You can call me Hizashi, Yoru-kun, there's no need to be so formal."

The Hyuga clan placed great importance on etiquette, but Yoru, who understood this, didn't take the casual words lightly. He nodded with a smile and said, "Captain Hizashi, I'm counting on you."

Addressing Hizashi as "Captain" showed respect from a chuunin to a jounin and helped build a closer relationship. It seemed that Hizashi's use of "sama" was too distant, while the title of "captain" could bridge the gap. Hearing this, Hizashi displayed a strained but amiable smile.

Though strength was crucial in the ninja world, social skills played a significant role until one reached the level of an esteemed figure who looked down upon everything.

"The Hyuga clan has already made the necessary arrangements. Yoru, this is the list from the Hyuga clan. Take a look."

With news of a commander being airdropped to take credit, the major clans had long prepared for it. Uchiha Yoru's smile grew wider as he opened the scroll. As expected, everyone in Konoha believed that Orochimaru would become the Fifth Hokage sooner or later. The Hyuga clan had placed their bet on Orochimaru-sensei this time.

Most of the personnel allocated to the Land of Lightning were members of the Hyuga branch family. While the Land of Water primarily consisted of Hyuga branch members, the inclusion of the leader of the Hyuga branch in the list spoke volumes. Moreover, several members of the main family would be coming from the rear.

The Hyuga clan's sincerity was evident. Uchiha Yoru smiled and nodded, saying, "Thank you, Captain Hizashi."

"Yoru-kun, you're too polite."

The courtesy was well-orchestrated, and the advance inquiry to the major clans was for the sake of this list. It served to assess the loyalty of those seeking shelter and also presented an opportunity for the prestigious clans to discuss any concerns beforehand.

Privileges never disappear, from ancient times to the present.

In that moment, Uchiha Yoru squinted his eyes, understanding why the Hyuga clan had been deceived. It seemed that they had chosen the wrong side politically, but did Uchiha really care? The Uchiha clan had never held a significant political position in Konoha since its founding.

"Captain Hizashi, there's something I'm unsure whether to say or not."

After hesitating for a moment, Uchiha Yoru displayed a hesitant expression. Although Hizashi was a member of the branch family, he was still considered half a clan leader. With an imperceptible furrow of his brows, Hizashi silently guessed that it must be a test from Orochimaru-sama rather than Uchiha's intention.

Uchiha Yoru smiled lightly and nodded, "Captain Hizashi, you probably know about the ANBU situation in the village."

ANBU? That single phrase instantly put Hizashi on guard, and he guessed that it was Orochimaru-sama's test, not Uchiha's.

Uchiha Yoru continued with a relaxed smile, "Captain Hizashi, you must be aware of the challenges Orochimaru-sensei will face after becoming the Fifth Hokage, just like the situation after the Fourth Hokage took office."

Since the establishment of the ninja villages, there had never been a case where the previous Kage did not die before the next one assumed office. However, the Third and Fourth Hokage of Konoha had been the first exceptions, which led to an obvious power conflict.

The Third Hokage was still a Hokage, even though he had to step down, but what was his position exactly? Although he was considered a high-ranking elder, there was still a distinction. Therefore, when discussing the matter, Konoha decided to preserve the Third Hokage's ANBU authority. (In the anime, during the Nine-Tails attack, someone exclaimed that it was the Third Hokage's ANBU, which means that the Fourth Hokage also had his own ANBU.)

As a result, the Third Hokage's ANBU became an independent division, similar to Root, while the newly appointed Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, had to reorganize his own ANBU. Until then, he would rely on the existing ANBU.

The moment Hizashi realized this issue, a slight disturbance appeared on his face. If Orochimaru succeeded as the Fifth Hokage, his first problem would be forming his own ANBU.

"Yoru-kun, what are you trying to say?" Although Hizashi had already guessed something, he remained composed. The temptation was significant, but obviously, it wouldn't be casually presented to him.

Seeing Hizashi's interest, Uchiha Yoru smiled and nodded. "That's right, Orochimaru-sensei's Fifth Hokage ANBU will need manpower."

Extending an olive branch, rallying support in advance, and offering tangible benefits—the ANBU were akin to the ancient emperor's Imperial Guards. They were the confidants of the Hokage.

"What do you need?" Hizashi remained cautious. Although the temptation was strong, he knew it wouldn't be presented so easily.

Seeing Hizashi's eager expression, Uchiha Yoru smiled. He nodded and said, "Funds, preferably in gold. In the future, both the Hyuga and Uchiha clans will have two members each."

The ANBU were usually selected from common shinobi to avoid involvement with clan interests. But the two spots shouldn't be underestimated. After all, the members selected from major clans were undoubtedly elite jounin.

Becoming a team leader in the ANBU was almost guaranteed for those with such strength. It was real power.

Hearing this, Hizashi couldn't help but breathe faster, while Uchiha Yoru maintained his smile. He would gather funds, even if it meant using his teacher's influence. As a disciple, he should be there to solve problems for his teacher.

Would Orochimaru-sama be upset if he found out? After all, no one believed that having more money could be a burden. If it were someone else, Uchiha Yoru might have hesitated, but it was Orochimaru-sama, a person completely dedicated to his research, who was also willing to delegate authority.

Moreover, Uchiha Yoru knew he had to seize as many opportunities as possible while he could. If his teacher were to defect later, there might not be another chance.



(In the anime, during the Nine-Tails attack, someone exclaimed that it was the Third Hokage's ANBU, which means that the Fourth Hokage also had his own ANBU.)


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