P2W 36 - Shrewdness


The village of Konoha was bathed in bright sunlight, creating a vibrant and serene atmosphere. It was a time of peace and prosperity, and the village thrived in this environment.

Inside the Hokage's office, the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, sat with a smoking pipe in his mouth, observing the state of Konoha through a crystal ball. He let out a relieved sigh, his weariness evident.

"Hiruzen, you've been working hard lately," remarked Homura Mitokado, who sat alongside Koharu Utatane, both sipping hot tea. However, Utatane's words only elicited a sigh from the Third Hokage.

"You guys... Ah, Orochimaru may have strayed from the right path, but it shouldn't have come to this."

As a mentor, Hiruzen couldn't believe that his own student would claim all the credit for himself and attempt to overshadow him. It left him feeling somewhat melancholic.

Observing Hiruzen Sarutobi berate himself, Homura Mitokado calmly sipped his tea and said, "Hiruzen, Orochimaru joined Danzo's Root. Root is a hidden organization, similar to ANBU. So you shouldn't blame yourself. It was Orochimaru's choice."

When Orochimaru failed to become the Fourth Hokage, he joined Root.

Koharu Utatane also noticed Hiruzen's hesitation and melancholy. She sighed and shook her head. "Hiruzen, now is not the time to hesitate. Orochimaru is too dangerous, and he has infiltrated the Hyuga and Uchiha clans. If Orochimaru becomes the Hokage, it could bring turmoil to Konoha."

From a political perspective, the factions and families aligned with the Third Hokage had enjoyed stability for many years. If Orochimaru were to take over, it would directly threaten their interests.

The power dynamics were already established among the high-ranking officials and the Ino-Shika-Cho clan. If Orochimaru acted as a lone wolf, it might be manageable. However, he had his own group of followers who would try to claim a piece of the pie.

And Hiruzen Sarutobi himself believed that Orochimaru had chosen the wrong path. Once Orochimaru became the Fifth Hokage, the political landscape of Konoha would need to be reshaped, leading to inevitable instability.

Hiruzen glanced deeply at his two old friends. Everyone had their own selfish desires, but the challenges Konoha faced were significant.

"Perhaps you're right. After all, Orochimaru is no Minato."

In the end, Hiruzen Sarutobi chose silence and compromise. From the beginning, he had chosen to watch as others propelled everything forward, even with the backing of the Sarutobi clan.

Minato Uzumaki's appointment as the Fourth Hokage had the advantage of not having his own faction. After assuming office, he needed to establish his own political allies, and the previous Hokage's faction was perfect for that purpose.

As the older generation stepped aside, the new generation emerged. Wasn't this ideal? However, Orochimaru had his own faction, and that made a difference.

Exhaling a mouthful of smoke, Hiruzen Sarutobi slightly lowered his Hokage hat and said in a solemn tone, "Let's put an end to it. Konoha's stability is more important than anything else."

Was the Third Hokage mistaken? From a political standpoint, he was not. Konoha couldn't afford any more upheaval. The current stability was the best situation they could hope for, considering the trials they had endured.

Konoha had recently experienced three devastating wars, where even young students were sent to the battlefield. It had taken a toll on everyone. Just as they had begun to recover from the wars, the Nine-Tails Incident occurred, resulting in the loss of numerous elite shinobi, including the recently appointed Fourth Hokage.

This was a blow on top of an already weakened state. Konoha needed time to recuperate.

If Orochimaru were to seize power, the balance of power in Konoha would be disrupted, leading to political struggles. Moreover, Orochimaru's obsession with experiments had driven him down the wrong path.

Konoha was currently vulnerable, and Hiruzen Sarutobi didn't want to see it descend into chaos once again.

"Hiruzen, don't worry. The village needs three to five years to recover," reassured Homura Mitokado, understanding the underlying meaning of Hiruzen Sarutobi's words. It was also a sense of guilt shared by all of them. After all, Orochimaru was their former disciple, and the Third Hokage nodded solemnly in agreement.

This was a political struggle. Once Orochimaru formed his own faction, separate from the original Hokage's faction, conflicts arose, especially when the influential Hyuga and Uchiha clans aligned with Orochimaru. These two clans held significant sway.

Therefore, Orochimaru's biggest challenge in becoming Hokage was confronting the families within the original Hokage's faction. They had already divided the spoils of interest and would not allow anyone to take it away and redistribute it.

"Hiruzen, give Shinzo a few more years, and he'll be ready to take the lead."

Homura Mitokado's words brought a smile to Koharu Utatane's face. Hiruzen Sarutobi, however, lowered his head slowly, his eyes reflecting a complex mix of emotions.

Everyone had their own self-interest!

Shinzo Sarutobi, the son of the Third Hokage and the former head of ANBU, now commanded the frontlines. Though his strength might not match that of the Sannin, he was undoubtedly the strongest among the new generation.

Furthermore, his position represented the interests of the entire Hokage faction.

It wasn't just the selfishness of Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane; it was a decision made by the entire Hokage faction. If Shinzo Sarutobi became Hokage, he would safeguard everyone's interests, and Konoha would remain intact.

Konoha would still be Konoha, but with a new, youthful leader.

Upon hearing these words, Hiruzen Sarutobi silently agreed. Perhaps, deep down, Konoha's stability was more important than anything else. He had endorsed Minato Uzumaki for the sake of the village's stability, and now he silently accepted his own son ascending to the position of Hokage.

From a political perspective, if Shinzo Sarutobi became the Fifth Hokage, Konoha would remain stable. The interests of the major clans would remain unaffected, and there would be no turmoil.

From a personal perspective, as a father, he felt a surge of pride seeing his son become Hokage alongside him.

"Hiruzen, keep a close eye on the Uchiha clan. As the situation on the frontlines stabilizes, we must be cautious of any trouble stemming from the Uchiha."

Finally, the discussion turned to Konoha's most pressing issue. Hearing this, Hiruzen furrowed his brow and fell deep into thought.

"The ANBU has already begun monitoring the Uchiha, and preparations are underway to approach the new generation. The Uchiha clan needs a ninja who will carry on the Will of Fire."

As he spoke, Hiruzen Sarutobi's eyes displayed determination. Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane smiled and nodded in agreement. "We'll follow your lead, Hiruzen."

One must admit, Hiruzen Sarutobi's methods were quite cunning. He kept a close watch on the situation while also making arrangements to win over the new generation of Uchiha.

From the beginning, the plan was to have someone from the Uchiha clan on their side. They needed to ascertain if there was any connection between the Nine-Tails and the Uchiha and stay informed of the Uchiha's actions. After all, having control over the Nine-Tails was like holding a sword over Konoha's head.