P2W 43 - Power

Uchiha Shrine


In a dimly lit secret room, Uchiha Yoru knelt respectfully before the clan head, Fugaku, and the elder, Setsuna.


After a long pause, Fugaku finally appeared calm and turned to Setsuna to speak.


"Elder Setsuna, Uchiha Yoru's contributions to the clan are evident."


Hearing these words, Uchiha Yoru's heart trembled with anticipation. Finally, after all his hard work, the clan was going to acknowledge him. It was only fair that people who worked hard should receive recognition and rewards. The one in power should understand the principle of incentives and consequences.


The elder, sitting on the side, glanced calmly at Uchiha Yoru and nodded slightly. "Indeed, you have done well, especially by becoming Orochimaru's disciple."


Setsuna's words brought a hoarse smile to his face, and he exchanged a meaningful glance with Uchiha Yoru before shaking his head at Fugaku. "My health is deteriorating, and someone will need to take over in the future."


Fugaku, after listening, nodded composedly. "Uchiha Yoru has worked hard. The Seventh Division of the Police Department happens to need a new captain."


The Police Department! It held real power, equivalent to the police force of Konoha. Each division was responsible for a specific area of the village.


Upon hearing this, Uchiha Yoru lowered his head even further, his heart pounding with excitement. Despite his reputation as Orochimaru's disciple, he was still just an ordinary ninja.


In the ninja world's hierarchy, civilians were like ordinary citizens, while ninjas held positions of power as public officials. However, even the strongest jinin, like Hatake Kakashi, were just military commanders. They may be well-known, but they lacked real power.


For example, if Kakashi wanted to stay in Konoha, the current Konoha's Sixth Division could detain or investigate him, and he would be powerless.


There were very few departments with real power in the ninja world, and their sphere of influence was limited. No matter how powerful a ninja was, unless they reached the level of a Kage, they had to compromise under authority.


Being the captain of a division in the Police Department was a true step into the world of power. Of course, this was only within the Uchiha clan's realm, as the Uchiha's relationship with Konoha was delicate.


With Fugaku's words, complete silence enveloped the room. Setsuna squinted his eyes, deep in thought.


Observing this scene, Uchiha Yoru cursed internally at the cunning old foxes. Nevertheless, he maintained an appearance of excitement and apprehension on his face.


"Although Orochimaru-sensei is on hold, he instructed us to ease tensions between Konoha and other clans as much as possible."


Setsuna chuckled hoarsely, giving a significant glance at Uchiha Yoru before shaking his head at Fugaku. "The Teacher said that Uchiha can act as a bridge for communication with the major clans. Thawing the accumulated frost will take time."


Setsuna couldn't help but burst into laughter and applause. "Good! Good! Truly worthy of Orochimaru! Thawing the accumulated frost will indeed take time."


Fugaku, beside him, also smiled. Others might not grasp the underlying meaning, but those familiar with wielding power easily understand.


Although Orochimaru was on hold, he wouldn't give up. He sought to establish new contacts and relationships with various clans during his hiatus. Reconciliation and negotiation for future interests could be pursued over time, resulting in a mutually satisfactory outcome or a situation where the strong prevailed and the weak had to relinquish some benefits.


Orochimaru didn't need to personally intervene in this matter. Now that the Uchiha clan was fully aligned with him, they became the spearhead. The Uchiha clan saw this opportunity as a chance to rebuild trust with the major clans in Konoha. It was practically a golden opportunity that had landed in their laps.


Though the Uchiha might be isolated, they could now represent Orochimaru. After all, who knew who would become the Fifth Hokage in the future? Accidentally offending them would be troublesome if they ascended to that position.


Despite their agreement with the actions of the Sarutobi clan, it didn't mean they wanted to sever ties with Orochimaru.


"Fugaku, I think Shisui is quite competent. He has served in the Police Department for a long time and can be appointed as Yoru's deputy. He will quickly familiarize himself with the duties and make changes to the Seventh Division."


Setsuna wore a smile. After all, Uchiha Yoru had brought significant progress to the clan.


Fugaku also smiled and nodded. "Very well, starting today, we appoint Uchiha Yoru as the captain of the Seventh Division of the Police Department, directly under Orochimaru-sama's jurisdiction. He will be responsible for patrolling the security of the western streets of the village."


What a grand gesture! They were directly handing over one of the divisions of the Police Department to Orochimaru. It was a generous move that not only displayed their unwavering support for Orochimaru but also allowed them to operate under his name.


As for it being Uchiha's Police Department? In politics, some disguises are necessary before exposing true intentions.


After hearing these words, Uchiha Yoru nodded firmly. "Thank you, Clan Head and Elder, for your trust. For the Uchiha!"


The Police Department comprised nine divisions, each responsible for patrolling and maintaining security in different areas of Konoha, both within and outside the village.


Patrolling the outskirts was a tedious job, requiring a larger team, while patrolling within the village was relatively easier.


In that moment, Uchiha Yoru was filled with excitement. He had truly entered the center of power and had begun wielding a portion of it. In the future, he would have the qualifications to speak at the clan council.


Setsuna looked at the young Uchiha Yoru and couldn't help but show an approving gaze. They hadn't misjudged him. He had brought great benefits to the clan and become a hero of the Uchiha.


While appreciating his efforts, Setsuna, as an experienced strategist, offered a few words of advice.


"Clan Head, I recall that several members from the Seventh Division were transferred to the border. It seems there is a personnel shortage."


Setsuna gave a meaningful look to the clan head. After a moment of confusion, Fugaku realized what he meant. He nodded firmly and said, "The Seventh Division needs more personnel, especially considering their responsibility for the western streets."


Fugaku and Setsuna wore thoughtful expressions, looking at Uchiha Yoru. He cursed internally at the bureaucracy that existed everywhere.


"Just say it clearly if you have something to say! If I hadn't followed Orochimaru and learned about these things, there would be times when I wouldn't understand."


"Clan Head and Elder, rest assured. Many elite members returned with Orochimaru-sensei. The Seventh Division will quickly restore its structure."


Both Fugaku and Setsuna smiled instantly. They secretly admired the young man's ability to grasp the bigger picture at such a young age.


The meaning behind their words was straightforward. When they mentioned the personnel shortage in the Seventh Division, they were essentially offering the Seventh Team as a gift to Orochimaru.


The Seventh Team, consisting of elite members under Uchiha and Orochimaru's command, was a gesture of goodwill toward Orochimaru. It demonstrated that the Uchiha clan was bold enough to offer tangible power as a gift.


The purpose was clear to everyone; it was a mutually beneficial arrangement driven by self-interest.


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- Xynusder

- MysticalPup

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