Chapter 51: Yakushi Nono

Yakushi Nono, the most exceptional spy, had already noticed the eavesdropper outside, but she remained calm. In fact, she preferred to expose everything about the orphanage to Konohagakure. She knew that the conflicts above were beyond her involvement.

"The child's name is Yakushi Kabuto, also from this orphanage. The director should know him well. By the way, this child comes from the roots."

Yakushi Kabuto, a thirteen-year-old talented spy, was taken aback when he was discovered. His troubled expression was noticed by the children playing with him.

"Big brother, what's wrong?"

Innocently, the children spoke their minds, but in an instant, Yakushi Kabuto regained his composure, offering a kind smile. He wiped his eyes gently and said to the children, "It's nothing. Come, let me tell you a story about ninjas."

While Yakushi Kabuto played happily with the children, a turmoil surged within him. Uchiha Yoru had already uncovered his true identity, but when did he expose him?

The director! I hope nothing happened to the director!

Yakushi Kabuto's heart was in chaos, and inside the office, Yakushi Nono also showed signs of panic. As the most formidable spy of Konohagakure, her composure was shaken.

The surname "Yakushi" and the name that reminded her of something unpleasant. With just a glance through the window, she took a deep breath and regained her calm state.

In an instant, this exceptional spy of Konohagakure had already analyzed everything. Images of Kabuto, sent to her by the Root, flashed through her mind—his appearance gradually maturing and becoming more rugged, while the children outside appeared delicate and gentle.

She immediately considered a possibility. Despite her disdain for the Root, her overwhelming feeling was powerlessness.

On the other hand, Uchiha Yoru enjoyed the moment, sipping his hot tea. The smile on his lips conveyed a sense of satisfaction from wielding such authority.

After a while, Uchiha Yoru finally set down his empty teacup. He looked at Yakushi Nono, who was about to refill his tea, and waved his hand with a smile. "In the future, Yakushi's team will be responsible for the connection between the Police Department and the orphanage. Monthly supplies will be delivered."

"Understood. Thank you, sir." Despite being smaller and less powerful, Yakushi Nono showed a respectful demeanor.

This was the advantage of power. As long as one remained within this circle, those with power could exploit the weaknesses of others, and rules had to be followed.

"The news will soon reach Danzo's ears. Orochimaru's intentions are clear. Neither side will act recklessly, and the orphanage will remain safe, avoiding getting involved."

Rising from his seat, Uchiha Yoru smiled in a relaxed manner. His visit had certainly attracted the attention of the ANBU and the Root. That's why he came in person. No one would believe otherwise.

Thus, he used the orphanage and the children to spread the fame of the Sannin once again, making Orochimaru's name resonate throughout the village. This was his overt goal, and he wasn't afraid of what the village would say. After all, everyone would think that Orochimaru had initiated a counterattack.

"Hehe, the director makes excellent tea. Let's keep in touch."

As he got up, Uchiha Yoru patted the shoulder of the legendary female ninja in front of him and smiled, while Yakushi Nono nodded in response with a smile. "Sir, you're too kind."

Their interaction seemed normal, but it carried a hint of strangeness.

Under Yakushi Nono's smile, there was a tinge of bitterness. She knew that the other party was trying to win her over. Being Orochimaru's disciple, Uchiha Yoru held her weakness in his hands. Moreover, his intentions were clear: he wanted her to become a double agent.

She belonged to the Root, and after today, Danzo would definitely contact her. The Root wanted to know about the other side, and the other side also wanted to know about the Root.

"Sir, I entrust the well-being of the orphanage to you from now on."

In just a moment, Yakushi Nono made up her mind. Orochimaru had a good chance of becoming the Fifth Hokage now. She couldn't say it was a hundred percent certain, but she was confident it was about seventy to eighty percent. Once she won this gamble, the future of the orphanage would be secured, and she would no longer have to worry about its supplies.

Therefore, her statement of entrusting it to him was her declaration. Uchiha Yoru smiled and nodded after hearing it. "Director, you're too polite. It's all for the village."

In Uchiha Yoru's mind, a cold smile appeared. Danzo, you cunning old man, I'll first plant a double agent in your Root. Return the favor in kind.

Yakushi Nono? Hmph, she was just the public face. Everyone would likely forget about a nameless person like her.


After leaving the orphanage and returning to the Police Department, Yakushi Kabuto respectfully reported the documented information from the orphanage.

"Sir, the orphanage currently has 238 orphans, thirteen of whom can perform Chakra extraction. There is one director and one vice director..."

Sitting in his office and listening to the brief report, Uchiha Yoru squinted his eyes as he examined the ordinary Yakushi Kabuto. No one would expect the magnitude of achievements this bloodline-less youth would attain in the future.

"Kabuto, after the Third Great Ninja War and the Nine-Tails' rampage, the village suffered heavy losses. Thus, the orphanage lacks resources, and these supplies were reluctantly squeezed out from the Police Department. Sigh."

With a half-smile in his eyes, Uchiha Yoru looked at the young boy. Although he didn't fully believe it, he believed in Yakushi Kabuto.

Yakushi Kabuto's current weakness was the orphanage's director, and the director's weakness was the orphanage's children and Yakushi Kabuto.

It was a twisted world where ninja power was immense, and countless tragedies occurred.

Gently tapping the desk a few times, Yakushi Kabuto deliberately revealed the seal on his tongue when speaking. Uchiha Yoru nodded lightly. "Kabuto, you come from an ordinary background, but your talent in medical ninjutsu is extraordinary. Study it well."

"Yes, sir!"

Although Yakushi Kabuto appeared relaxed, cold sweat had already formed on his back. He had exposed himself! But for the sake of the director, he had no choice but to expose himself and become the other side's spy.

A double agent! He was the trump card, while the director was only the public face.

Watching Yakushi Kabuto leave the office after delivering the normal report, Uchiha Yoru let out a sigh of relief. He truly needed Yakushi Kabuto.

One reason was that the boy could provide him with an extra pair of eyes within the Root. The other reason was the boy's talent in medical ninjutsu. Since Yamato's Wood Release was artificially created, it was possible to create other bloodlines as well. The bloodline options within the system were too expensive, and there might be some issues with the artificial ones. However, when combined, they could solve all problems.

Lastly, it could bring an end to one tragedy in this twisted world.