Chapter 58: Spar (1)

Outside the Konoha barbecue restaurant.

The streets were sparsely populated under the night sky, as most people had retired to their homes. Only a few ninjas and essential workers remained, scattered throughout.

The darkness of the night provided a perfect cover for the ninjas, who moved swiftly and silently across the village rooftops.


As Uchiha Yoru called out, his voice filled with a sense of longing and nostalgia, Kakashi Hatake turned his head to look at him. His gaze was empty, as if he expected Yoru to have something to say.

However, upon seeing Kakashi's expression, Uchiha Yoru shook his head. But when he noticed the hopeful look in Might Guy's eyes, he couldn't help but be intrigued. With a chuckle, he suggested, "We don't know when we'll meet again. How about a spar at the training grounds?"

Kakashi Hatake's life was marked by unyielding stoicism, unwashable sins, an ever-present Sharingan, and an elusive pursuit of intimacy.

It's hard to determine the most tragic character in Naruto, but Kakashi Hatake undoubtedly belongs to that list.

At the age of seven, he lost his father and became an orphan. This turned him into a cold and efficient machine focused solely on completing missions. Just when he found solace in his bonds, he experienced the sacrifice of his comrades.

First, Uchiha Obito was crushed under a half-collapsed boulder, an immovable stone. Later, Kakashi himself pierced Rin Nohara's chest with the Chidori, forever staining his hands with unerasable blood. During the Third Great Ninja War, Kakashi lost all his teammates, and during the Nine-Tails' rampage, he lost his sensei and his sensei's wife.

"The clash of young, genius ninjas! Haha, Kakashi, this is youth!"

When Might Guy heard Uchiha Yoru's suggestion, he became instantly excited, as if injected with energy. He patted Kakashi's shoulder heavily and said, "Kakashi, you're the most exceptional genius ninja in Konoha. Before the clash of genius ninjas of our generation, how about we have a duel? Let's see who reaches the training grounds first."

Might Guy even winked at Uchiha Yoru, his acting skills lacking finesse, as if saying thank you. Uchiha Yoru shrugged and smiled casually. He understood Might Guy's desire to help Kakashi, even though he doubted it would make a significant difference. Nevertheless, it presented an opportunity for Kakashi.

What Uchiha Yoru was truly thinking, no one else knew. As the gathering was about to disperse, everyone became intrigued by his suggestion. Sarutobi Asuma, in particular, wore a thought-provoking smile as he looked at Kakashi.

"Kakashi, this time you have to show us the true power of a Jonin. In a battle between you and Yoru, who do you think will come out on top?" Asuma's tone grew slightly weightier, clearly indicating his desire to witness a spectacle.

Witnessing this scene, Yuhi Kurenai, with her crimson eyes, looked at her friend Mitarashi Anko's expectant gaze. A glimmer of understanding flashed in her beautiful eyes. Anko wasn't as straightforward as she appeared to be. After all, she was Orochimaru's disciple.

Kakashi Hatake stared at everyone with lifeless eyes, well aware of their intentions. Just as he was about to decline, Might Guy embraced his shoulder and laughed, "Kakashi, my eternal rival, let's settle our score before the clash of genius ninjas. Let's see who arrives at Training Ground 43 first. I'll count to three."

"Kakashi and Uchiha Yoru's showdown, the ultimate clash of the Sharingan. Yoru, don't embarrass yourself," said Mitarashi Anko, who didn't shy away from making a bold statement. She cheered for the two of them, waving her hand and adding to the lively atmosphere.

"I'll be the referee." With a mischievous demeanor, Mitarashi Anko laughed and stepped forward, raising both hands and pointing at Kakashi and Might Guy. She shouted, "Are you ready? Let the first round begin!"

"3, 2, 1! Start!"

At the command, Might Guy let out a spirited shout and transformed into a green blur, sprinting swiftly through the streets of Konoha. Though Kakashi wanted to decline, it was clear he stood no chance. Coupled with Might Guy always seeking opportunities to challenge him, Kakashi instinctively followed closely behind. However, his indifferent expression revealed his lack of investment in the competition.

Training Ground 43.

Illuminated by the moonlight, a gust of wind swept over the grassy field, causing leaves to dance in the air. Kakashi Hatake's silent and indifferent figure emerged, followed closely by a series of shadows.

"Yo! Kakashi, you truly are my eternal rival!"

Despite losing this comical competition, Might Guy didn't feel defeated. He burst into laughter, radiating fighting spirit, and gave Kakashi a thumbs-up, as if trying to ignite his passion.

However, Kakashi, only fifteen years old, had already experienced too much tragedy in his life. It was surprising that he hadn't succumbed to darkness.

Observing Might Guy's poor acting, Kakashi understood his deliberate attempt to stoke his fighting spirit. Yet, there was no ripple in Kakashi Hatake's eyes. He continued to regard everyone with his lifeless expression.

"Asuma, do you think Yoru's Chidori is stronger, or is Kakashi's better?"

As the flickering shadows arrived one after another, Asuma Sarutobi landed and casually lit a cigarette. Ebisu, who had just arrived, engaged in a nonchalant conversation with Asuma, seemingly unaware of any wrongdoing. Soon, he realized his error and awkwardly lowered his head, hiding his eyes behind sunglasses. Asuma smiled slightly but remained silent. He flicked his lighter and ignited the cigarette dangling from his mouth.

Ebisu's comment clearly aimed to gain favor. In any world, there were always people seeking to climb the ladder by aligning themselves with those in power. Isn't Uchiha Yoru one of them?

"Haha, Kakashi, it's time for Yoru to challenge you."

Might Guy's passionate heart was clearly focused on Kakashi. Pretending to laugh heartily, he gestured a thumbs-up and winked at Uchiha Yoru, as if saying, "Yoru, you have to ignite Kakashi's fighting spirit."

Apart from Kakashi, Uchiha Yoru was undoubtedly Might Guy's closest friend at school. After all, Yoru never looked down on him.

Training Ground 43, embraced by the moonlight, allowed the shinobi present to witness everything. Anko's face brimmed with excitement as she cheered, "Yoru, don't embarrass our teacher, Orochimaru."

Yuhi Kurenai observed the atmosphere, a gleam of light flashing in her eyes.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Asuma Sarutobi casually gazed at the center of the training ground, his eyes filled with seriousness. Behind him, Genma Shiranui, Hagane, and Ebisu wore similar solemn expressions. After all, Kakashi Hatake, the prodigious genius of their generation, was known for his skills. And then there was Uchiha Yoru, who had awakened the Sharingan!

Yuhi Kurenai and Anko watched the scene unfold in the center of the training ground. Only Might Guy secretly gestured to Uchiha Yoru, urging him to give it his all. Worry flickered in his eyes too.