Chapter 69: Spies Everywhere

In the forest, emerging from the shadows, Uchiha Yoru walked slowly and stood atop the towering tree, gazing at Mitarashi Anko, who was training in the distance.

"Yoru-niisan, these are the preliminary investigation results," said Shisui, his mood clearly not high, even forcing a smile.

After taking the information scroll handed over by Shisui and reading it at a glance, Yoru couldn't help but widen his eyes, looking at Shisui's investigation report.

"Shisui! What is this?" Yoru couldn't believe it. The village's surveillance had gone too far.

Shisui seemed greatly affected by the revelation and forced a smile. "Yoru-niisan, in the preliminary investigation, there are twenty-three spies from the Anbu, Root, and Intelligence divisions planted in the Seventh Division of the Police Force."

Spies? Shisui's words were a euphemism; they were clearly sent to spy on them.

What was the purpose of this? Did they not trust the Uchiha clan? Or did they not trust Orochimaru?

Looking at Shisui's strained smile, Yoru felt that this might be a good opportunity. He put on a firm look and stared solemnly into Shisui's eyes.

"Shisui, this is just the village trying to figure out what we are up to. Don't take it too seriously. You have to trust the Hokage!"

At this moment, Yoru seemed like someone trying to comfort Shisui, bearing all the pain in his heart for the sake of the clan and the village. This made Shisui's heart ache.

"Big Yoru-niisan, you've done so much for the clan and the village, but they still don't believe in us, don't believe in Lord Orochimaru," thought Shisui sadly. The fact that the village doubted them was the most heart-wrenching.

However, Yoru maintained a serious expression. "Shisui, let's put an end to this investigation. You just need to remember that Lord Orochimaru will change everything that is decaying."

"Decaying!" Hearing these words, Shisui's heart trembled slightly, but he had to admit that perhaps the village was indeed decaying, to treat Lord Orochimaru in such a way.

"Yoru-niisan, you can rest assured that we will hold on until Lord Orochimaru becomes the Fifth Hokage," said Shisui, placing all his hopes on Lord Orochimaru, hoping that the new Hokage would cleanse the decay of the old era.

Yoru, on the other hand, smiled, giving Shisui the appearance of hoping for the village's future. However, Shisui didn't know what was going on in Yoru's mind.

It seemed that Shisui had now put all his hopes in Lord Orochimaru, and his plan was already halfway successful.

As the lightning flickered in his palm, the information scroll that Shisui had painstakingly investigated turned to ashes before his eyes. Yoru patted Shisui's shoulder reassuringly after completing all this.

"Shisui, focus on your duties in the Police Force. The rest will be taken care of by Lord Orochimaru once he becomes the Fifth Hokage."

Yoru appeared as an intrepid person carrying countless burdens, comforting Shisui. At this moment, Shisui wanted to say something to console him, but he didn't know what to say.

Uchiha Shisui's life, as seen in the original story, showed that he possessed great strength, but he was someone who liked to place his hopes on others, a typical escapist personality.

Just then, a commotion came from afar, and Shisui quickly suppressed his emotions and respectfully said, "Yoru-niisan, I'll leave first."

"Go ahead," Yoru replied.

Watching Shisui's departing figure, Yoru squinted his eyes. The village's behavior was truly ugly. Root, Anbu, even the Intelligence Division dared to intervene, turning the Seventh Division of the Police Force into a sieve.

It was almost like a spy nest. Force alone couldn't resolve this; at best, it could handle the overt part, while the hidden part would grow even deeper.

"Spies?" Yoru coldly sneered in mockery. He would let everyone know what it meant to pay someone back in their own coin.

Swish, swish~ The sound of figures moving through the forest was accompanied by a flurry of falling leaves. Yuhi Kurenai appeared beside him, and the two stood side by side, gazing calmly at the training grounds in the distance.

With his dark long hair slightly curled, the red twins calmly looked at each other. At this moment, Yuhi Kurenai lacked the gentleness she had during class gatherings, instead exuding a sense of intellectual beauty, especially in her eyes, resembling red agate, revealing a sense of composure.

"Kurenai, it's been a long time," Uchiha Yoru said with a smile, gesturing with his hand, and Yuhi Kurenai calmly nodded in response.

"Yoru, you should know you've been targeted."

Facing Yuhi Kurenai's warning, Uchiha Yoru smiled and shook his head. "By the Third Hokage or the ANBU Black Ops?"

In response to his counter-question, Yuhi Kurenai revealed a rarely known side of her, displaying a sense of aloofness. Her red eyes exuded calmness as she gazed steadily at Uchiha Yoru, who turned his head slowly. The two of them stood side by side, looking calmly at the training grounds in the distance.

"Yoru, even during our time at the ninja academy, your eyes showed greed. I used to think you were after money, but now I realize I underestimated you. The Uchiha clan pushed you into the spotlight, but at the same time, you also became one of the many who lost their way," said Yuhi Kurenai calmly.

Uchiha Yoru wore a smile. In the world of shinobi, how many were fools? Especially among women, they matured earlier psychologically than men.

"Don't worry, Kurenai. Your concerns won't materialize. Once Orochimaru-sensei becomes the Fifth Hokage, I will be the Hokage's personal disciple, and the Uchiha crisis will be resolved by my hands."

Uchiha Yoru's face beamed with confidence. Yuhi Kurenai sighed slightly upon hearing this. Though she didn't understand politics, she knew it was never that simple.

"Hopefully, it will be as you wish," she said in resignation, silently praying for everything to go smoothly. When she turned to look at Yuhi Kurenai's delicate face, Uchiha Yoru smiled, but his eyes flickered with guilt.

"I'm sorry for not intending to deceive you. I just didn't want you to worry like this. But, Kurenai, it looks like you bear some kind of mission," Uchiha Yoru quickly changed the topic, extending his hand in a signature gesture, causing Yuhi Kurenai, who thought he was going to hold her hand, to freeze momentarily.

After hearing these words, Yuhi Kurenai gave her boyfriend a disapproving look. "You're joking, right? The Hokage is currently investigating the Nine-Tails incident."

"Hmph, not only the Hokage but the Uchiha clan is also doing its best to investigate," Uchiha Yoru adopted a determined expression. He knew who was truly responsible for the Nine-Tails incident, but it was a dirty affair that could not be cleaned easily.

Perhaps because of Orochimaru's actions, nobody could predict the future. Considering the village's current situation, Orochimaru was the only suitable candidate. Gradually, Yuhi Kurenai eased up, realizing that even Maito Gai was there to protect Kakashi. She sighed in resignation, "Yoru, I hope the village can achieve permanent peace."

"That day will come," Uchiha Yoru smiled, a cold sneer forming in his heart.

First, the covert arrangements were made for spies like "Yugao Uzuki" and "Hayate Gekko," then it was Kakashi and Might Guy, and now it's Yuhi Kurenai. Truly, they've employed numerous strategies, both overt and covert.

Or one could say, Yuhi Kurenai is just a disposable piece, a pawn to protect Kakashi, even Might Guy's existence serves to protect Kakashi; it's all part of the Third Hokage's plan.

If one didn't know that Kakashi in the original story left the ANBU shortly before the plot began, seeing someone else employing these tactics would make them question life.

In the original story, Kakashi spent so much time in the ANBU; does the Third Hokage really have no idea about the mental trauma? It's hard to believe, but even then, it took such a long time.

The result now is that Asuma, Might Guy, and other classmates went together to plead for him. Even though Asuma played a role in it, the Third Hokage's agreement resulted in two birds with one stone.

One is the son of an old man pleading for you, the other is that the old man cares for you.

Then Kakashi and Might Guy joining the police force already raised suspicions, and now there's Yuhi Kurenai in the open. What does this mean? It's meant to confuse and distract; Yuhi Kurenai's appearance disrupts thoughts and protects the real spy, Kakashi.

As a result, people will likely have a moment of realization, thinking they misunderstood Kakashi. They might believe Kakashi was brought by Might Guy for some easy job and rest.

With each layer building on the other, Yuhi Kurenai, Might Guy, Kakashi, and the ANBU spies are unaware of each other. If any side gets exposed, it would create a false sense of relaxation and lower their guard.

The Third Hokage's methods are cunning indeed; he truly deserves the title of the longest-serving Hokage in history.


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