Chapter 71: Fish Hook

Under the cover of the night, the Village Hidden in the Leaves emitted a sense of tranquility.

Inside the office of Division Seven of the Police Force, moonlight streamed in, revealing a slight disorder in the room, along with three figures.

"Is this intelligence false? An enemy nation's scheme? Why?"

Kakashi found himself immersed in deep self-blame. The intense, murderous aura emanating from Uchiha Yoru's two Tomoe Sharingan kept echoing in his mind. He knew that if he dared to leak this information, his enemies would undoubtedly strike him down.

"But what if it's true!"

At this moment, Kakashi considered a possibility that sent a shiver down his spine. Fear and anxiety clouded his eyes.

The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, was a formidable tactician, but the recently acquired data hinted that Danzo was also ruthless. Meanwhile, the Uchiha clan, despite enduring immense pressure, carried the responsibility of safeguarding Konoha.

"Is protecting Konoha the true duty of the Police Force?" Kakashi whispered, reminiscing about the commitment he made when joining the force - the determination to protect the village.

"Is this the real Uchiha?"

Kakashi forced a bitter smile, finding irony in the fact that the Uchiha clan protected Konoha despite exhibiting traits of pride, arrogance, and conceit. However, he sensed something deeper beneath those qualities.

Pride, strong self-esteem, arrogance, and conceit were all Uchiha traits, but Kakashi had experienced something more profound hidden beneath these surface characteristics.

The Third Hokage was a master schemer, Danzo was unscrupulous, and the Uchiha clan was somehow connected to the Nine-Tails attack. In this moment, Kakashi's thoughts were in turmoil, and he even felt a deep sense of unfamiliarity.

Konoha, the peaceful and heartwarming village, seemed different from what he had imagined. Hidden beneath its facade was boundless darkness.

"The Nine-Tails was manipulated by the Sharingan, Root secretly collecting Sharingan! Could it be?!"

Suddenly, Kakashi realized a frightening possibility, and fear gripped him. He held his left eye with the Sharingan, and his mind raced with disturbing thoughts. "Kurama was controlled by the Sharingan, but the Sharingan isn't exclusive to the Uchiha. So, if Root is indeed collecting Sharingan, it adds another suspicious lead to the Nine-Tails incident. And Root is linked to the Hokage line. Does the Third Hokage know? What role does he play in all of this?"

At this moment, Kakashi looked at his fellow classmates with complex emotions, unaware that the numbness caused by the Lightning Release paralysis was gradually wearing off. Similarly, Uchiha Shisui couldn't remain calm.

Shisui's three-tomoe Sharingan spun wildly in his eyes, but eventually came to a stop. In the office of the Police Force, under the moonlight, Uchiha Yoru sat calmly on a chair.

"Yoru!" Kakashi attempted to speak but found it difficult to find the right words, ultimately falling silent. Uchiha Yoru gazed calmly at both of them sitting in their chairs and said, "Let's forget about tonight's events. Erase them from your memory. Shisui, you are still part of the clan, and Kakashi, I still consider you my comrade. Even on the battlefield, I would trust you with my back."

Closing his eyes slowly, Uchiha Yoru sat in the office chair, seemingly relishing the moonlight. But to the two others, it seemed as if he was shouldering the burden of everything and moving forward.

For Shisui's three-tomoe Sharingan, the intelligence they acquired had been deeply imprinted in their minds due to its powerful insight and copying abilities.

Uchiha Yoru secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After waiting for three days, he had finally hooked his fish. He had initially intended to catch Kakashi, but to his surprise, Shisui had become an unexpected gain.

He had deliberately concealed simple information in the office, concerning the Uchiha clan's three battles that led to seemingly self-destructive blindness. These clues seemed to point to ANBU Black Ops or Root secretly plotting to collect Sharingan. So far, there were six pairs of missing three-tomoe Sharingan.

This information was all true, but whether it pointed to Root or ANBU Black Ops was information he had added himself. However, he also knew that the additional information he included was true.

When trying to deceive someone, no, when trying to recruit Kakashi into his team, the most important rule was to never fabricate information because lies would inevitably be exposed.

In the original work, it wasn't explicitly stated when Danzo started transplanting the Sharingan. However, based on some analysis from the anime, it could be inferred that he had acquired the power of the Sharingan before the Uchiha massacre. After all, Kakashi, while in ANBU Black Ops, was ordered by Danzo to retrieve his Sharingan, and Danzo used the Izanagi technique when taking Shisui's right eye.

From these instances, it could be deduced that Danzo had already acquired the power of the Sharingan before the Uchiha massacre, especially since his transplanted arm was created by Orochimaru. After the massacre, Itachi joined Akatsuki, and Orochimaru became obsessed with the Sharingan after being defeated. At that time, how could Orochimaru kindly give Danzo such resources?

Therefore, it could be concluded that Danzo's transplanted arm with the Sharingan was created before Orochimaru's defection.

"Y-You...!" Kakashi clutched his shoulder wound, looking at his old comrade with mixed emotions. However, seeing the atmosphere in the room, he silently used the Body Flicker Technique to leave the office, becoming a small black dot that leaped away into the night.

With only two people left in the office, Yoru's expression became serious.

"Yoru-niisan my surname is Uchiha! I am a member of the Uchiha clan, and I have the right to know everything!"

As he spoke, Shisui showed a tinge of shame, as if all the darkness burdened Uchiha Yoru's shoulders as he moved forward, while he himself remained oblivious despite his abilities.

"Yoru-niisan, please! I am an Uchiha too!"

Finally, Uchiha Shisui bowed respectfully, making his request. With his head lowered, he waited for the response he hoped to hear, feeling as if he couldn't lift his head.

Seeing Shisui's determination, Uchiha Yoru's seemingly feigned composure gradually dissipated. In the dim office, a faint, tired sigh filled the air.

"Shisui, remember this - the glory of the Uchiha name. The village was founded by the Uchiha and the Senju. Now that the Senju are no longer here, the Uchiha must shoulder the responsibility of protecting the village."

At this moment, a resolute expression filled Uchiha Yoru's face, as if he was telling Shisui, "Your thinking is somewhat narrow. How can you only think about your clan? Don't forget about the village."

This revelation startled Shisui, and he unconsciously noticed the clarity of his changing beliefs. In his mind, protecting Konoha as an Uchiha became more determined, and he now viewed the village as the creation of the Uchiha and the Senju.

Gradually changing a person's beliefs was never an easy task, and Uchiha Yoru never intended to shatter anyone's beliefs. Instead, he wanted to replace those beliefs with what he believed in before their original beliefs fully took root.

In this moment, Shisui unknowingly found his beliefs becoming clearer. In his heart, protecting Konoha as an Uchiha grew more resolute, and he now regarded the village as the creation of the Uchiha and the Senju.

"The village belongs to the Uchiha!"


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