Chapter 86: Solution

"Add another seal to the Caged Bird Curse Mark! Combine the curse mark with a seal! Make sure it's impossible for anyone to control them!"

Upon hearing this novel idea, Hyuga Hizashi's face lit up with excitement. Indeed, the Hyuga branch had always focused on breaking the curse mark, but they had never considered adding another seal.

What did the Caged Birds hate the most? Being manipulated by the main family, right? What if no one could manipulate them anymore? Or if the main family lost its power to control the Caged Birds?

Sealing the Caged Birds meant they couldn't be sensed anymore, effectively solving the issue they had faced.

In the face of this ingenious idea, Hyuga Hizashi was suddenly inspired with a new perspective.

"Thank you, Yoru-kun. If this works, the Hyuga branch is willing to pledge allegiance to Orochimaru-sama!"

At that moment, Hyuga Hizashi bowed again with a renewed determination, making a strong commitment.

Seeing Hizashi's decision, Uchiha Yoru nodded and said, "Senior Hizashi, you're too kind. Orochimaru-sensei has always believed that the conflict between the Hyuga main and branch families is unnecessary cruelty. While he's ruthless towards enemies, he's quite lenient towards his own."

Uchiha Yoru mentioned his mentor without hesitation, showing a sincere smile instead of guilt.

Hizashi began to steady his emotions, nodding in agreement. "The Hyuga branch will always remember your kindness, Yoru-kun."

For the members of the branch who had left, if they wanted to stand firm in Konoha or even rebuild the Hyuga clan, they needed an advantage. Becoming Hokage might be out of reach, but what about the future?

If the Hyuga branch fully supported Orochimaru's bid for Fifth Hokage, they could gain concessions from other clans like the Ino-Shika-Cho trio and establish a new Hyuga clan.

"Senior Hizashi, this matter is crucial. Please keep it discreet. I'll inform you when we make progress."

"Is there anything you need, Yoru-kun? The Hyuga branch will do its utmost." Having resolved to support Orochimaru, Hizashi was now resolute.

Solving the Caged Bird issue was essential; the branch family was both willing and able. It was a win-win situation.

"There are two things: research funds – since Senior Hizashi's visit won't go unnoticed, especially by those monitoring the Uchiha. Using funds as a pretext can provide cover."

Uchiha Yoru's composed smile impressed Hizashi, causing him to silently praise Orochimaru's choice to entrust so much to this disciple. His strategies were advanced, and his thinking was meticulous.

"Of course, the most important thing is information on the Caged Bird Curse Mark."

Hizashi's resolute nod showed his commitment. "Rest assured, Yoru-kun. Next time, I'll bring the Caged Bird Curse Mark data along with the funds."

Protection! What could justify Hizashi's personal visit? Only providing funds to Orochimaru behind the scenes could serve as a reasonable explanation.

Hearing this, Uchiha Yoru smiled. As confident as he was, he knew that Konoha's leadership had responded. The time until their plan was revealed was running short.

Finally, Uchiha Yoru personally saw Hizashi off, maintaining a friendly smile.

But beneath that smile was a sense of urgency. Watching the departing figure, Uchiha Yoru squinted at the snowflakes falling from the sky.

With his changes, Orochimaru's influence hadn't diminished much. Some villagers were even wondering why discussions about the Fifth Hokage hadn't progressed.

It seemed that some were getting impatient. Uchiha Yoru turned to look at Konoha's iconic Hokage Rock and sighed softly, "If we had a choice, a straightforward yet powerful ninja might make things easier."

Snowflakes fell over Konoha, heralding the arrival of a new year. Everyone had grown one more year older, and those born during the Nine-Tails' rampage had now turned three years old.

Uchiha Yoru, at the age of sixteen, had already reached a height of around six feet (1.8 meters). His recent growth spurt, especially due to physical training, had resulted in his body becoming more defined. However, unlike the explosive muscles seen in the Land of Lightning, his physique leaned towards a more streamlined and agile form.

Inside the police department office, Uchiha Yoru returned to work after the New Year with a friendly smile. The recent arrival of new snow had refreshed the entire village, creating a new atmosphere.

Outside the police department, under the moonlight and the wind, Hayate Gekko casually waved to Yugao Uzuki as a greeting. Although the two were familiar with each other, neither knew the other's true identity.

At this moment, Yugao Uzuki's face displayed a forced smile that couldn't conceal her weariness. Hayate Gekko furrowed his brows as he observed, then softly inquired, "Yugao, I heard your father left behind a substantial debt. Are you alright?"

After years as classmates, Hayate Gekko and Yugao Uzuki were well-acquainted. However, both kept their ANBU missions in mind, refraining from revealing their true feelings. After all, ANBU mission confidentiality was paramount.

"I'm fine, Hayate."

Despite the smile on Yugao Uzuki's face, her deep sadness was apparent. Seeing this, Hayate Gekko's own smile wavered, revealing a hint of concern. He wanted to help his classmate, especially given his fondness for her, but his current public identity as a regular Chunin wouldn't allow him to offer the substantial aid required.

Ultimately, Hayate Gekko found himself unable to reveal his ANBU secret, though he was eager to assist Yugao Uzuki. He said with concern, "Yugao, if you're facing difficulties, please don't hesitate to speak up. My family still has considerable resources."

In truth, Hayate Gekko was well aware of Yugao Uzuki's situation, given his fondness for her. Yugao Uzuki, upon hearing the subtle implication from Hayate, frowned and shook her head, saying, "Hayate, I'm alright. I can handle this."

Borrowing money from a classmate to settle her debts? Setting aside the exact amount of her debt, the more pressing issue was that ANBU had carefully crafted her persona to get closer to their target. If Hayate Gekko were to repay her debts, she'd truly find herself in a difficult situation.

"Yugao…" Finally, Hayate Gekko opened his mouth, but the words he wanted to say to help his friend remained unspoken. He could only watch as Yugao Uzuki, with a forced smile, entered the office building. A bitter smile was all he could manage in response.

Hayate Gekko found himself regretting his lack of courage, knowing that his hesitation today had inadvertently pushed his classmate further into her predicament. In essence, the ANBU mission had led Yugao Uzuki into the abyss.

Seated in his brightly lit office, Uchiha Yoru habitually closed his eyes to rest while awaiting his assistant's delivery of the day's reports. His intention was not to slack off but to conserve energy for the challenges that lay ahead.

In his courtyard, four figures resembling Uchiha Yoru practiced different activities. One calmly honed his swordsmanship, while the other three meditated, focusing on altering their chakra's nature.

Shadow Clone Jutsu, rated as a B-rank difficulty technique, had an upgraded version called the 'Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu,' classified as A-rank. Both were inventions of the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju.

This technique used a significant amount of chakra to increase the number of clones formed. The Multiple Shadow Clones could generate over a thousand at once. Given its intense chakra consumption, Tobirama Senju had classified it as a forbidden technique and sealed its information within the Forbidden Scroll.

Similarly, this technique was one of the most potent and "broken" non-affinity techniques. While it expedited training, the fatigue increased proportionally. Without exceptional recovery abilities, one couldn't utilize this jutsu effectively. Recovery pertained to both the body and spirit.

However, this technique wasn't as all-powerful as it might seem. Physique-oriented Shadow Clones couldn't be sustained for long, while training clones in jutsu faced the challenge of chakra. In the original story, Kakashi mentioned that he could only use Chidori four times a day. Similarly, using jutsu meant expending chakra, and after a few uses, the clones would disperse.

This technique had limited usefulness, making it best suited for training in chakra nature transformation with minimal chakra consumption and no risk of harm. Training swordsmanship with a clone was more about refining the speed and accuracy of strikes.

Furthermore, Yoru himself created only four clones due to his accelerated recovery ability. As for the original protagonist, Uzumaki Naruto? His training with the jutsu was possible due to his massive chakra reserves. He could afford the consumption, combined with his abnormal recovery ability.

At the police department.

"Yoru-sama, these are today's reports, and there are also a few Genin who caused a disturbance after drinking last night. They were apprehended and need your approval."

Yugao Uzuki proficiently handed over the prepared documents and reports, though her exhausted appearance was difficult to conceal.

Uchiha Yoru naturally didn't overlook this. After all, ninja possessed keen observational skills. However, he pretended not to notice and instead focused on reviewing the materials that required his approval.

"These three Genin returned from a mission and caused a disturbance after drinking. Given their recent tension from the mission, let's administer a lenient punishment. Inform them to compensate the tavern owner for damages, and they'll be allowed to return home."

For ninja transgressions, especially those without causing significant harm, Uchiha Yoru tended to pacify the situation. He opted for a peaceful resolution, advising apologies and necessary compensation, with a focus on safeguarding the ninja community.

Yugao Uzuki seemed accustomed to this routine. She nodded slightly and observed as Uchiha Yoru approved and stamped the documents. In terms of political direction, as a Shinobi, she naturally leaned toward favoring the ninjas.

After all, ninjas are groomed as tools from a young age, and their tasks are intertwined with various challenges and adversities. It's natural for them to have emotional issues, so it's not uncommon for them to exhibit sensitive behavior.

Having contributed significantly to the village, she still hopes the village can show some leniency.

Coincidentally, the actions undertaken by Uchiha Yoru, which nearly elevate the status of ninjas, also symbolize Orochimaru. This has garnered favor for Orochimaru among many, especially due to his success in the eyes of many towards the Sannin, Orochimaru.

"Furthermore, our recent financial expenses have left us with a surplus. It might be appropriate to reward the hardworking ninjas, especially those facing hardships at home. Of course, rewards shouldn't be given thoughtlessly; they should be based on their performance."

"Lately, peace has gradually settled in the Land of Fire, and prices across various regions are stabilizing. This is particularly true for food. It's a good time to make purchases and ensure to allocate a portion for the orphanage. After all, the children in the orphanage are leading quite challenging lives."

Seated at his office desk, Uchiha Yoru calmly resolves one ninja concern after another. His administrative efficiency in the ninja world is undoubtedly top-tier.

After all, there are no dedicated courses for teaching administrative skills in the world of ninjas. Instead, it's a realm where children are molded into ninja tools. As a result, administrative tasks can prove to be quite vexing for most ninjas, and mastering the intricacies of these matters requires continual experience.

Yet, Uchiha Yoru seems to possess an inherent aptitude for this. Just as the office door swings open, Uchiha Shisui walks in and is met with a scene he's all too familiar with, evoking a look of admiration in his eyes.

These are the very administrative tasks that leave him baffled and uncertain of how to proceed. He fears mishandling one aspect might lead to dissatisfaction, but under his elder brother Yoru's guidance, these tasks seem effortlessly managed.

In this moment of reverence and reflection, Shisui grasps the reason behind Orochimaru's high regard for Yoru. Yoru's approach to handling administrative matters is unparalleled, a perfect blend of efficiency and finesse.

Tasks that used to be headaches with no satisfying resolution in sight are, in the hands of Uchiha Yoru, aptly addressed, leaving both parties content.

For instance, in the event of a tavern dispute, the best approach has always been one of reconciliation. Delving too deeply into the matter would only result in the loss of ninja patrons. These ninjas share friendships among themselves, and word spreads quickly. Ultimately, it's their loss.

Ninjas are a proud bunch, and when released in such a manner, they'll inevitably come to their senses and realize their mistake. The Police Department's approach offers them a way out, one they eagerly accept. They compensate financially, shake hands, and reconcile. If they happen upon a tavern owner who handles matters astutely, they might even invite them for a friendly drink, nurturing a bond that extends beyond animosity into future camaraderie.


— 50 Advance Chapters!

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