Chapter 89: Mission

With a creaking sound, the wooden door slowly swung open, revealing a dimly lit, empty living room that flickered with light. A delightful aroma of food wafted through the air.

Uchiha Yoru, the one who had opened the door, squinted his eyes. His three-tomoe Sharingan rotated coldly as he scanned the surroundings, his grip on the Kusanagi sword remaining firm, creating an eerie atmosphere.

Amidst the aroma and the inviting glow of the room, he couldn't help but wonder who was at his house and had even prepared a meal.

Even though he had undergone training in the ninja school, he was left bewildered in this moment, unable to deduce who might be responsible, despite countless images flashing through his mind.

Chakra adhered to his feet, allowing him to walk silently on the wooden floor. Uchiha Yoru slowly made his way to the entrance of the living room.

Inside, a simple meal and a fragrant soup were arranged on the table. The warmth wasn't overpowering, but the aroma in the air was rich.

No one?

Uchiha Yoru narrowed his eyes. As soon as he caught the aroma in the air, he held his breath. Simultaneously, venomous snakes emerged from his sleeves, slithering silently across the room to open all the windows.

Could there be poison in the aroma? The instinctual response was ventilation.

In the well-lit room, Uchiha Yoru calmly proceeded toward the second floor. Venomous snakes hid in the corners and blind spots along the walls, prepared to strike when least expected.

With a gentle rustle, as the wooden bedroom door was pushed open, a figure emerged inside. Uchiha Yoru's Sharingan narrowed with a tinge of surprise. The walls outside the room were already covered with venomous snakes, but they remained hidden from view within the bedroom.

In an instant, all the snakes froze. As Uchiha Yoru took in the scene within his bedroom, he was truly perplexed. Nevertheless, he managed to maintain a forced smile.

"Yugao Uzaki, care to explain why you're in my house? And why in my bedroom?"

At this point, a dangerous edge crept into Uchiha Yoru's smile. The venomous snakes outside extended their tongues once more, poised to strike.

Meanwhile, Yugao had meticulously tidied up the bedroom, even arranging the bed and smoothing out the sheets, as if preparing for sleep. However, this wasn't her own house.

Yugao was now kneeling on the wooden floor, maintaining a respectful posture from when she had opened the door. Her head remained bowed, and her shoulders trembled slightly.

"Captain Yoru, I heard from my sister, Yoshiko, that you might help me with my current problem."

In a voice trembling on the brink of inaudibility, Yugao spoke, resembling a forsaken kitten. Hearing this, Uchiha Yoru narrowed his eyes and asked, "What problem?"

What exactly was Yugao plotting? Was it her own scheme or orchestrated by ANBU? As Uchiha Yoru pondered, Yugao's next words astounded him, followed by a cunning smile.

"Captain Yoru, my father..."

As Yugao revealed her burden of enormous debt, Uchiha Yoru couldn't help but deeply regard the girl. Oh, ANBU, resorting to such methods to get close to him. Perhaps he had underestimated the world of ninja or, more likely, he had been careless.

In the ninja world, there were secret missions like assassinations, interceptions, escorts, and searches. Similarly, there were covert missions, particularly espionage.

Espionage involved getting close to the target and exploiting all available means.

With a subtle gesture of his fingers, the venomous snakes lurking around the bedroom's exterior walls retreated into the shadows. His vigilance remained.

"Three million ryo of debt is indeed a heavy burden for an ordinary ninja like you."

Uchiha Yoru calmly entered the bedroom, his grip on the Kusanagi sword loosening. Though he was cautious, he wasn't letting his guard down entirely.

Although it was for a mission, Yugao's pale face and her visible nervousness seemed genuine. Nonetheless, Uchiha Yoru offered a wry smile. A cunning ANBU, a cunning Third Hokage. Layers upon layers, these tactics were unending.

Yugao, in her inexperience, either believed or pretended to believe what was in front of her. It was time for Uchiha Yoru to respond.

As he thought this, Uchiha Yoru calmly nodded. "You haven't eaten, have you? Bring the food from downstairs up here. Let's eat together in the bedroom."

"Huh? Yes, yes, Captain."

Yugao's thoughts seemed slightly behind. She hurried to her feet, performing a rushed bow before scurrying downstairs, visibly flustered.


In the bedroom, Yugao sat on her knees in front of the table, her head lowered, emitting an air of helplessness and confusion. Amidst the torment she felt, she tried to enjoy her meal.

At the dining table, Uchiha Yoru calmly finished his last bite of food. After wiping an imaginary trace of food from his mouth with a napkin, he nodded in approval, saying, "Your cooking skills are impressive, though I'm not particularly fond of onigiri and sushi."

Hearing his words, Yugao hastily placed the untouched bowl she held onto the table and quickly bowed, saying, "I apologize, Captain. In the future, I will do my best to prepare dishes that you enjoy."

Something about her response seemed off. "In the future?" This thought triggered an unnoticed surge of resentment within Yugao. He had joined the ANBU, so how did he end up with a spy's mission?

A spy! Although she was a civilian, she was aware of the existence of spies that the village secretly cultivated. These spies operated independently from the six major ninja departments and held significant influence. They could command the cooperation of the Konoha's six main departments when necessary, yet remained a secretive unit without any overt combat capabilities.

The ANBU, known as the "Special Assassination and Tactics Special Force," was an elite ninja unit specializing in covert operations. Their missions often involved assassinations, ambushes, pursuing targets, and safeguarding important individuals.

Sensing Yugao's unease and subtle resentment, Uchiha Yoru raised an eyebrow. He seemed to have found a way to handle the situation and smiled slightly. He mentioned a strategy involving using counterespionage tactics.

"Yugao, this is a red wine from the Uchiha clan. It has rejuvenating effects for girls and promotes blood circulation for ninjas."

Uchiha Yoru casually retrieved a bottle of red wine from the counter in the bedroom and picked up two wine glasses. This house had been granted to him by the clan and was fully equipped, even containing various alcoholic beverages and fine teas. Being from a prestigious family, one might choose not to indulge, but the provisions were essential.

To bolster her courage, or perhaps feeling cornered, Yugao took the offered wine glass and drank a large gulp. She coughed and choked due to the unfamiliar taste, her face turning red. Uchiha Yoru noticed her pale hand gripping the glass.

Either she was an adept spy, capable of convincingly feigning authenticity, or she was genuine. Beyond her fabricated identity, the panic and fear she displayed today were real.

Considering her age and the information he had gathered through covert investigations, she likely hadn't had the time for intensive training until after her graduation.

Not everyone possessed the talents of Kabuto, so Uchiha Yoru nodded, understanding that even in this situation, he needed to find her vulnerabilities.

No one is flawless. Orochimaru's obsession with research, Hokage's loyalty to Konoha's stability—these were vulnerabilities. Similarly, he had his own, like the intoxicating allure of power and the desire to become stronger in this world, to wield authority, and perhaps even achieve immortality.

Women are enigmatic creatures. Yugao's eyes reddened after downing the wine. She knew she couldn't resist, especially given the mission from the ANBU leader and the significant resources invested. She had to continue, and the person in front of her was an elite member of the Uchiha clan. If exposed, her fate would be worse than death.

"Captain, can you help me resolve my current dilemma?"

Having finished the wine, Yugao had decided to throw caution to the wind. Especially under the influence of alcohol, she stared directly at him with her red eyes.

Uchiha Yoru smiled and nodded gently, "Yugao, you're very beautiful and have an untainted background. With your talents, I'll invest a million ryo annually. I can help you clear your debt first, and in three years, I'll restore your freedom, if you're willing."

Uchiha Yoru's smile and proposal left his intentions clear. A total investment of three million ryo for a chance to secure the future of a potential special jonin was a deal he wouldn't pass up. Despite the risks, he was confident in her future achievements.

"Captain Yoru, I will hold you to your word." Yugao's determination, fueled by alcohol, led her to remove her ninja attire, revealing the form-fitting outfit underneath.

Under the moonlight, in the dimly lit bedroom, the two figures embraced each other, resembling lovers in a tight embrace.


Early the next morning, inside the bedroom, Yugao was curled up like an injured kitten, while Uchiha Yoru watched her with trembling eyelashes. He didn't speak; after all, it was her first time, and such an experience might be difficult for her to accept all at once.

Holding her delicate white jade hand, Uchiha Yoru gently nodded, squinting his eyes. The slight calluses on her hand were from frequent training in sword techniques. Although chakra had improved her physical condition, it would take prolonged chakra cultivation for the old calluses from ninja training to disappear.

In this ninja world, people were not only mentally mature at an early age, but the same applied to experiences like this. Looking at the protagonist in the original story, you could tell that getting married at 17 was considered normal.

The young girl, Yugao, exuded a youthful and innocent aura. Growing up as a commoner, she had limited resources, so her training mostly focused on physical techniques, giving her skin an extra level of elasticity.

Chakra, indicative of medical ninjutsu, flowed through his fingers as he gently caressed her quivering skin. Though Yugao kept her eyes shut, pretending to sleep, she could still feel the effects of the medical ninjutsu.


As the morning sunlight streamed into the room, Yugao sat up in a panic, her eyes fixed on the plum blossom on the pristine white bedsheet. The room was now empty except for her.

Uchiha Yoru's handsome appearance stood out even among the Uchiha clan, known for their good looks. Along with his gentleness from last night, Yugao found a hint of comfort.

In reality, she was the one who had gained an advantage. His identity, strength, background, and appearance were all far beyond her reach.

Her nerves eased slightly as she noticed a letter left on the table. The message read, "I've gone to work. Breakfast is ready. I've taken the day off for you; consider it a day off."

The note ended with a reassuring smiley face. In that moment, warmth flooded Yugao's heart, and her eyes welled up with slight tears.

The ANBU loyalty had only given her cold missions, even having her spy within her own village. They had orchestrated everything to place her by his side.

However, as she had realized during this time, he was a good person, accepting of ninjas, even the events of last night!

"Thank you, but I'm afraid I might disappoint you."

Yugao gazed at the simple, lukewarm rice porridge on the table, still showing a faint smile.

But that smile quickly faded. She knew she could be moved, yet she remained committed to her mission: infiltrate Uchiha Yoru's side, gather intelligence, and gradually integrate into the Uchiha clan to uncover their internal secrets.


— 50 Advance Chapters!

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