Chapter 95: Yoru's Hehe Moments

The Yamanaka Clan.

For Uchiha Yoru, who came to visit, the Yamanaka Clan showed great respect and even invited Chōza Akimichi, the head of the Akimichi clan.

"Because Shikaku is still on the front line, the two of us represent the three Clans: Yamanaka, Nara, and Akimichi, in welcoming Yoru-sama's arrival."

Indeed, these three tribes – Yamanaka, Nara, and Akimichi – are truly working together. As soon as he arrived for a visit, the Yamanaka Clan promptly informed Chōza Akimichi. They even mentioned that Shikaku Nara couldn't come because he is on the front line.

The respect shown was not only for Yoru's presence but also for the Uchiha clan and Orochimaru. The fact that both clan leaders received him in person indicated their respect for his strength.

The three of them sat in the living room, the aroma of hot tea filling the air. Uchiha Yoru displayed a political smile and raised his cup, saying, "Thank you for your hospitality, respected elders. I apologize for intruding."

Inoichi Yamanaka and Choza Akimichi both wore kind smiles on their faces, though their hearts were full of tension. Could it be that Orochimaru was trying to win over their clans, the Yamanaka, Nara, and Akimichi?

Damn it, Shikaku had already given them a heads-up. They knew a bit about the situation and were filled with seriousness.

Beneath Yoru's polite smile, there was a mocking smirk in his heart. His teacher was about to be driven out of the center of power in a sorry state. He wouldn't miss this chance to gain some benefits before it was too late.

"Respected elders, Sarutobi Shinzo's recent achievements on the frontlines have greatly pleased Orochimaru-sensei. He believes that Konoha has promising successors..."

Wow, Uchiha Yoru really knew how to speak at length, but Inoichi Yamanaka and Choza Akimichi were nervously shocked. Orochimaru was truly something. His political instincts were so sharp; he already guessed the situation from just this much.

Now, Konoha's excessive praise for Sarutobi Shinzo's achievements was simply to boost their reputation. It was quite similar to what Minato did back then.

"Orochimaru-sensei believes that Konoha is on the path to peace, except for the constant conflicts on the border with the Water Country. He's planning to request funds to go there, but Konoha is struggling financially right now."

With the conversation reaching this point, nobody in the room was foolish. Inoichi Yamanaka and Choza Akimichi looked at Uchiha Yoru, who seemed to have a hint of bitterness behind his smile, and they exchanged knowing glances.

Could it be that Orochimaru had sensed the political climate and chose to abandon the plan? It was possible. After all, during the Fourth Hokage's election, Orochimaru had left for the frontlines after the signal from the Third Hokage.

It was almost identical, just different people. Sarutobi Shinzo's reputation was nowhere near comparable to Minato's.

He's here to ask for money! Before he leaves, he can't become Hokage. Therefore, he needs money for his research.

After exchanging a glance, Choza Akimichi and Inoichi Yamanaka both displayed expressions of astonishment. Orochimaru asking for money? That was unexpected.

Uchiha Yoru lowered his head and revealed a hoarse smile. "Orochimaru-sensei's research has hit a bottleneck and requires a substantial investment. Therefore, I'm here on behalf of my teacher to borrow money from the Yamanaka, Nara, and Akimichi clans."

Borrow money?

Choza Akimichi and Inoichi Yamanaka were taken aback. It was the first time someone had come to borrow money from them. Meanwhile, Uchiha Yoru had a smug smile. He was representing his teacher; if they needed money, they could go find Orochimaru-sensei.

"I hope the two esteemed clan leaders will offer their support. After all, I'll be visiting the Sarutobi clan to meet Hokage-sama."

A trump card! Uchiha Yoru's words caused both Choza Akimichi and Inoichi Yamanaka to breathe a sigh of relief. If he visited Hokage-sama, it seemed like Orochimaru was truly giving up. Although the situation was awkward, as leaders of prominent clans, they had thick skins.

Both of them smiled, and Choza Akimichi even pretended to pat his belly, putting on a friendly expression. "Orochimaru-sama has made great contributions to the village. The Akimichi clan has also benefited on the battlefield. Whatever funds are needed, the Akimichi clan is willing to provide them without charge."

"Three Hundred Million."

Cough cough~ When Choza Akimichi heard this number, he choked on his tea and started coughing violently. His round face turned red, but he continued to force a hoarse laugh. "It's okay, it's okay. The Akimichi clan is willing to lend to Orochimaru-sama."


Goodness gracious, he actually thought it was just a few million, but then his mother opened her mouth and it was Three Hundred Million! They really think their money comes blowing in with the wind.

At that moment, Choza Akimichi immediately closed his mouth, no longer daring to mention anything about doing things without compensation. Even a Hundred Million from the Yamanaka, Nara, and Akimichi Clans is not a small sum.

Meanwhile, Inoichi Yamanaka, the head of the intelligence department, wore a worried expression. As someone who knew about Orochimaru's affiliation with the Root, he was aware of the forbidden research he was involved in.

After exchanging a glance, Inoichi Yamanaka and Choza Akimichi displayed expressions of concern. Without Shikaku around at this moment, it was indeed troublesome. Especially since the other side represented both the Uchiha and Orochimaru, two powerful figures they didn't want to provoke. After all, what if something unexpected happened in the future?

After all, nobody anticipated that the Fourth Hokage, a master of space ninjutsu, would die within a year of taking office. Who could have predicted that? What if another unexpected event occurred?

"Cough, Yoru-sama, you know that after the Third War, everything is in shambles. Even though it seems peaceful now, there are still tensions along the borders. However, we're having a bit of difficulty producing this Three Hundred Million at the moment."

As Inoichi Yamanaka danced around the topic, Yoru maintained a serious expression. He slowly pulled out a scroll from his pocket and unfurled it, placing it in front of them.

Thinking they could deceive him, Inoichi Yamanaka and Choza Akimichi stared at the opened scroll, dumbfounded.

Could things really turn out like this?

The scroll was filled with records of loans – essentially IOUs. It started with "Inuzuka Clan: 30 million funds," "Aburame Clan: 50 million funds"... Practically every major clan in Konoha was listed. Except for the Hyuga and Uchiha, nearly all wealthy and influential clans were on that list.

Wow, Konoha only had so many clans to begin with, and now all of them had been swept up. Looking at the situation, it seemed like they were prepared to visit the Sarutobi Clan next, with the same request.

After a shared glance between Inoichi Yamanaka and Choza Akimichi, a sense of helplessness filled them. It seemed there was no escaping this situation. After all, they couldn't disregard the face of Orochimaru, one of the Legendary Sannin.

Other clans might not understand the situation and could consider this an investment in the future Hokage. Wasn't that better than directly taking sides? Investing some funds could yield significant returns. At the very least, they'd gain Orochimaru's favor.

However, Inoichi Yamanaka and Choza Akimichi knew too well the current political landscape within Konoha. With an exchange of glances, they shared an unspoken understanding. Choza Akimichi's expression revealed his inner turmoil – they were truly going to take a hit this time.

Inoichi Yamanaka, on the other hand, shook his head in frustration. A Hundred Million! They had assets, but this was liquid capital. Coming up with such a huge sum all at once was truly a painful experience.

"Cough, Yoru-sama it's not that our three Clans don't want to support Orochimaru-sama's research, it's just that our current resources are a bit tight." As if afraid of upsetting him, Inoichi Yamanaka put on a determined expression and extended his hand. "Our Yamanaka, Nara, and Akimichi Clans are willing to lend Lord Orochimaru 80 million each."

Seeing Inoichi Yamanaka's determined appearance, Yoru nodded with a grateful expression. "On behalf of Orochimaru-sensei, I thank theYamanaka, Nara, and Akimichi Clans for their support. Thank you!"

After expressing his gratitude, he signaled, and Inoichi Yamanaka saw that the other didn't hesitate to agree. He felt a bit stunned, and then regret hit him – he should have said less. This guy was the embodiment of following orders. He'd take as much as he was given, without thinking about securing better terms for his master.

But once the words were spoken, with no other option, Inoichi Yamanaka helplessly turned to look at Choza Akimichi. However, the large man just gave him a puzzled expression, seemingly oblivious to his friend's gaze.

In the end, Inoichi Yamanaka picked up the brush that appeared on the scroll and wrote down the loan amount, finally signing his own name. He pressed his bleeding finger onto the paper, leaving his imprint.

As he pressed his bloodied finger, white smoke appeared from the scroll, revealing an identical paper – the IOU.

"Thank you, Inoichi-sama. Please keep this IOU. When the funds from Root are allocated, you can present it to Orochimaru-sensei."

Seeing the IOU in his possession, Inoichi Yamanaka's expression of frustration eased. From the way things were going, it seemed they were being fair. Their preparations were thorough. It appeared that the research was truly facing a major problem. If that was the case, waiting a bit to get the money back wasn't a big deal.

Rolling up his scroll, Uchiha Ye respectfully rose and bowed to the two. "Thank you for your hospitality, Clan Leaders. I still need to pay a visit to the Sarutobi Clan. I won't take up any more of your time."

"Please prepare the funds as soon as possible, preferably in gold. You can deliver it to the Seventh Division of the Police Force, to my office. The loans from the others have already been processed."

"Understood, we'll get everything ready and deliver it tomorrow."

They truly were sticking to official business. After Uchiha Yoru left, Inoichi Yamanaka sighed softly, "Choza, do you think if we had said 50 million instead, he would've tried to negotiate?"

But instead, he was met with a reproachful look from Chōza Akimichi. "Come on, Inoichi, it's clear this kid is all business. He wouldn't have bargained, even for a single yen. He wouldn't waste more words than necessary."

Of course, that was just a way to put it. Given Orochimaru's reputation, if they asked his disciple for money, they'd have to offer their faces too.

"Well, it seems we're not doing too bad. Look at the Hyuga and Uchiha clans – they probably invested a lot. And did you notice, their names weren't on the loan list earlier?"

Though it was painful, Inoichi Yamanaka found some amusement in the situation. Looking at the Hyuga and Uchiha clans, he imagined they were suffering big losses. Betting big on Orochimaru, and not even getting any interest? Quite the loss.

"Yeah, let's just hope this matter concludes soon so we can get our money back."

Clearly, Chōza Akimichi was most concerned about his own purse. Inoichi Yamanaka had already figured that out and gave his friend a hearty pat on the back.

"Haha, Choza, don't worry. This will be resolved in two or three years at most."

The Sarutobi Clan.

When Uchiha Yoru arrived at the Sarutobi Clan, it was already evening. The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over Konoha.

In the spacious living room, the one receiving him was the current Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen. At the moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen held a brush in his hand, calmly and leisurely writing the character for "ninja."

And seated in front of him, Uchiha Yoru glanced at the calligraphy on the white paper with a look of disdain. You're really into calligraphy in the ninja world, as if you can truly combine ninjutsu and art? There are only two artists in the entire ninja world.

"Hehe, getting old, can only pass the time by writing characters."

After finishing his stroke, Sarutobi Hiruzen revealed a kindly and cheerful smile. He looked at his calligraphy with satisfaction. Looking up at the young man, he could tell from his gaze that this person's age prevented him from appreciating his calligraphy. He shook his head and sighed, truly trying to teach a cow to sing.

"Uchiha Yoru pays respects to Grand Teacher."

Under the eaves, one has to bow. He cursed inwardly, but Uchiha Yoru's face displayed an expression of respectful admiration.

According to reason, Orochimaru was the disciple of the Third Hokage, and Uchiha Yoru was Orochimaru's disciple. Naturally, they were considered part of the same lineage as the Hokage. However, political struggles have always been ruthless, something even readers could discern from the original work.

And then there's that Konohamaru. Not only could he freely enter the Hokage's office, but after the Third's death, he even set up traps in the information database to hinder Tsunade. He treated the Hokage's office as his own. It's evident how influential the Sarutobi Clan is.

Looking at Uchiha Yoru, the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, puffed on his cigarette, blowing smoke rings. Finally, he sighed softly.

"Orochimaru is probably still blaming me. He didn't even discuss such a big matter as taking you as a disciple with me."

It's clear that Sarutobi Hiruzen is both complaining that Orochimaru took in an Uchiha without considering his feelings and feeling complex emotions. After all, Orochimaru was his most highly-regarded disciple back then. Now, he has to suppress him for the sake of Konoha.


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