Chapter 99: Trouble in Hyuga Clan

In the Konoha, inside a small pub.

Tapping his fingers on the table, the 16-year-old Uchiha Yoru exudes an air of authority as he sizes up the three 18-19-year-old ninjas sitting across from him. The trio seems somewhat uneasy.

It's not that their mental states are poor; they are simply embarrassed. As bodyguards for the Fourth Hokage, they were unable to protect him. Now they are coming, faces unashamed, to curry favor with the prospective Fifth Hokage.

The three feel as if their faces are burning with shame, but they also feel cornered.

"Shiranui Genma, Raidō Namiashi, Iwashi Tatami, known as the 'Team Genma,' were once favored by the Fourth Hokage. Born as commoners and achieving this much at your age shows exceptional talent," Uchiha Yoru said, exuding an air of authority despite being younger than the trio, who didn't seem to mind.

"I have never met you three, but I remember Orochimaru-sensei mentioning that the Fourth Hokage once told him that his bodyguards, the Team Genma, had mastered the 'Flying Thunder Formation.' I'm curious, is that true?" Uchiha Yoru asked.

The trio was momentarily stunned, but then realized that Orochimaru was a student of the Third Hokage, part of the same team as Jiraiya, who was the mentor of the Fourth Hokage. So, knowing such a secret seemed plausible.

Shiranui Genma hesitated for a moment before firmly saying, "Yes, the Fourth Hokage did teach us the 'Flying Thunder Formation.' If you need it, we are willing to share it."

At this moment, Uchiha Yoru smiled. This was like their letter of introduction. By giving him this technique, they were imprinting his mark, or perhaps that of Orochimaru's lineage.

After all, this advanced ninjutsu was taught to the three of them by the Fourth Hokage. Even though the Fourth Hokage has passed away, this ninjutsu involves some secrets. Therefore, if they want to pass this technique on to others, they need to report it to the current ruling Hokage.

Right now, it's clear that the three people want to use this ninjutsu as a stepping stone, a letter of introduction.

"I'm curious," Uchiha Yoru began, "we're meeting for the first time, but I trust my judgment. You three don't seem like the type to abandon your principles. What drove you to join the Seventh Division of the Police Force?"

His words touched the trio deeply, lightening the weight of their long-carried burden. They had been suffering from rumors and accusations since the Fourth Hokage's death.

Iwashi Tatami, his eyes reddening, slammed the table and said with a quivering voice, "We're not cowards, nor do we fear gossip. Some people just don't treat us like human beings. We're afraid that we might end up being killed by our own people without even knowing why."

At this moment, Shiranui Genma wanted to intervene, but ultimately sighed in resignation. The floodgates were open, and Raidō Namiashi also began to speak.

"We didn't abandon our beliefs, nor did we want to. Yes, we failed to protect the Fourth Hokage, and we're prepared for any punishment. Even if it's just guarding a gate, we deserve it. Even if they execute us, we accept it. But it can't go on like this."

At this moment, the two men, Raidō Namiashi and Iwashi Tatami, were filled with anger. Finally, it was Shiranui Genma who sighed softly, looking at Uchiha Yoruichi and telling the truth.

"Lord Yoruichi, the three of us have been a team since graduation. Some time ago, people from the Root Division secretly attacked us."

"Root Division?" Upon hearing this, Uchiha Yoruichi immediately understood. The other side thought it was the Root Division that attacked them that night. He calmly shook his head and said, "Although I don't know much about the Root Division, if they had acted, the three of you would have already secretly disappeared from Konoha."

Though the words were somewhat dismissive, they were also true. If the Root Division had acted, the three would have silently disappeared from the village.

However, after hearing this, Iwashi Tatami gave a wretched smile and sarcastically said, "Yes, but unfortunately we three have important things in our minds, like the secrets of the Flying Thunder Formation. The Root Division uses secret techniques to enter our mental worlds to directly extract our memories. This is a secret technique from the Yamanaka clan of the Intelligence Department."

Though they were ordinary people, they had served as guards for the Fourth Hokage for a year, so they did have some knowledge and naturally knew about the Yamanaka clan's secret techniques.

"Probably they initially hesitated to act. Now that the heat has died down, we're useless. They probably first investigated the Flying Thunder Formation, and soon we'll be accused of either betraying or endangering the Fourth Hokage. Or maybe we'll just silently disappear from the village for appearing cowardly in facing the Nine-Tails."

Seeing Iwashi Tatami's sarcastic words and true feelings, Shiranui Genma and Raidō Namiashi also shook their heads with wry smiles. They knew it was a real possibility.

There was another possibility, which was to force the three of them to join the Root Division, becoming expendable in missions.

Upon hearing this, Uchiha Yoruichi finally understood everything. These three were cornered by the Root Division, otherwise, they wouldn't have shamelessly asked to join Orochimaru's team.

Clearly, in their eyes, Orochimaru was the most powerful figure now and the most likely to become the Fifth Hokage. If they joined him, they'd naturally be protected.

"Lord Yoruichi, it's not that we're afraid to die. We just don't want to die so pitifully. Even if we're sent to the battlefield now, we'd rather die there than suffer at the hands of the Root Division."

At this moment, Shiranui Genma also spoke. After they found out what happened to Iwashi Tatami, all three were enraged. But after the anger, they felt more stifled. They'd rather commit suicide than fall into the hands of the Root Division, so they decided to join Orochimaru.

Just as they made up their minds, they saw Orochimaru and Uchiha Yoruichi returning from a mission in the evening.

They naturally didn't dare to stop Orochimaru on a mission, but Uchiha Yoruichi was approachable.

"I've naturally heard about the cruel methods of the Root division from my teacher," Uchiha Yoruichi said, looking at the three people with a face full of hatred. "What Root has done is indeed hateful."

"Don't worry. Tonight, the three of you will follow me to the police department to go through the formalities. It's a waste for Konoha to assign such an elite team just to guard the gate."

After hearing the experiences of the three, Uchiha Yoruichi angrily slammed the table to express his feelings. The three people present, who were from Team Genma, were visibly touched by his reaction.

Ever since they caught Root's attention, they have been unable to eat or sleep, fearing that they would disappear from Konoha or be taken back to Root's base for cruel interrogations and experiments. Now, finally finding someone they can lean on, could put their hearts at ease.

The reputation of Root was so huge that they felt uneasy. Uchiha Yoruichi smiled, thinking that being blamed for Root's actions wasn't new, and he could gain three capable assistants. Especially since they were loyal, it would be all the better.

For the three, they hadn't betrayed the village. They just wanted to live and had taken refuge under Orochimaru within the village, which was part of the Hokage's lineage anyway. They were not estranged.

That night, they all went to the seventh division of the police department's office building. They even decided to resign from their gatekeeping jobs the next day due to the intimidation of Root, which not even the Hokage could retain.

Choosing to stay under the Hokage could risk falling into Root's hands, and they'd rather be laughed at in the police department. They knew too well the close relationship between the Third Hokage and Root.

In the following days, Konoha seemed peaceful. High-ranking officials were negotiating with envoys from the Cloud Village of the Land of Lightning. Root and the Third Hokage were busy with their plans, and there was an unusual troop movement at the front lines, aimed at the Cloud village.

Uchiha Yoruichi from the police department was almost too happy to open his eyes lately, as all the wealthy clans in Konoha, even the Third Hokage, had sent funds.

Only the Hyuga family seemed a bit depressed, different from before, as if they couldn't catch their breath.

Time flies, a month later.

The Fourth Raikage of the Hidden Cloud Village angrily slammed his fist on the table, cursing: "What a wicked old man Sarutobi Hiruzen, truly despicable."

"Lord Raikage, some elite squads from Konoha have started to reinforce the front lines. At the same time, Orochimaru, one of the Three Legendary Ninjas, has been spotted near the Land of the Sea."

Hearing the report from his subordinates, the Fourth Raikage couldn't help but stand up and curse: "This Sarutobi old man is truly cunning, damned be he."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's tactics are really crafty. The front lines are reinforced, and one of the Three Legendary Ninjas, Orochimaru, even appeared at the border. This is a clear threat. Do you dare to start a war with Konoha? Do you dare?

Out of anger, the Fourth Raikage could only swallow his broken teeth. It's not that he didn't dare, but a confrontation would reveal that Hidden Cloud Village simply didn't have the resources. Konoha has already shown their strong foundation in previous wars; they could easily withstand the pressure.

"Send orders to the envoy team heading to Konoha. No matter what, just stall them. Hiruzen must give an explanation."

Feeling slighted, the Fourth Raikage could only vent his frustrations through such rogue tactics. After all, not only Konoha but their Cloud Village had also suffered from the recent wars.

Konoha, Hyuga Clan.

Dim candlelight illuminates the room. In this quaint, historical room, six clan elders of the Hyuga family sat on both sides.

And sitting at the head was the Third Hokage, wearing his Hokage hat. He lowered the brim and puffed smoke from his pipe.

"Now, the head envoy from the Land of Lightning has been killed within Hyuga territory. Regardless of the reason, this is Konoha, and Hidden Cloud Village has used this as an excuse to say that Konoha immediately violated the newly signed alliance agreement, putting forth many unreasonable demands."

"Even recently, due to disagreements, tension has risen at the border." The crafty Third Hokage calmly shifted the pressure onto the Hyuga Clan.

You Hyuga people boast of being a powerful clan like the Uchiha, right? Fine, now someone has died on your doorstep; you deal with it.

Expect me to clean up your mess? If war breaks out at the front line, the Hyuga Clan will be Konoha's sinners, and it's all caused by you.

Would anyone believe you if you claim that the Cloud Village envoys deserve death for kidnapping a Hyuga bloodline?

One sentence: right now, the Hyuga Clan is in an awkward position. Sarutobi Hiruzen's tactics are crafty; he's cleanly removed himself from the situation. Since Hyuga's territory is almost exclusively under their control, it's up to you to say what to do next.

After finishing his sentence enveloped in smoke, the Third Hokage calmly waited for the Hyuga Clan to take a stance. He was in a win-win situation and could take this opportunity to discipline the Hyuga Clan.


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