Chapter 101: Migration


Inside the Hokage's office shrouded by nightfall, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane frowned as they looked at the Third Hokage.

"Hiruzen, given the Hyuga clan's rigid nature, pressing them this way might actually lead to a corpse being handed over."

From the beginning, they had intended to discipline the Hyuga clan, to let them know that the village of Konoha was ruled by the Hokage, not by their prestigious family. The era of the Warring States had long become history.

The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, exhaled a puff of thick smoke and said, "In these troubled times, the so-called dignity of the Hyuga clan still has them living in the Warring States era. If we are to discipline them, we need to wake them up. Only when they recognize reality will they understand their place. After all, we also have to deal with the Uchiha clan next."

The Uchiha Clan!

When the name of this prestigious family echoed in the office, both Mitokado and Utatane's brows tightened. This clan was much more troublesome than the Hyuga clan.

Disciplining the Hyuga was ultimately a political move, and they hadn't really done anything on the matter of interests. If the Hyuga clan were to truly collaborate with the Uchiha, then they'd truly be on opposing political sides. What would await them wouldn't be discipline, but targeting.

The Hyuga clan elders aren't fools, nor are the major families of Konoha. No one wants to ally with the Uchiha, only the commoners who don't understand the high-level struggle would.

"Dealing with the Uchiha clan won't be easy," said Utatane, very aware of the Uchiha's background. His tone grew serious when discussing them.

"Hiruzen, the Uchiha clan far surpasses the Hyuga clan in both resources and number of ninjas, especially those Uchiha elites who have activated the Sharingan. They can take on two at once. We must be careful," said Utatane.

Having walked together through many years of war, both Utatane and Mitokado were well aware of how terrifying this prestigious family was. Hiruzen, after hearing this, exhaled another circle of smoke from his pipe, "After dealing with the Hyuga clan in the village, the isolated Uchiha clan will be hard to support. Recent intel from the Land of Water indicates that radicals are preparing to create disturbances at the border. We'll send the Uchiha elites then."

Hearing Hiruzen's steady plan, both Mitokado and Utatane looked at each other and let out a sigh of relief.

"Since you, Hiruzen, have a plan, that's good. The Uchiha clan does indeed need a slow and steady approach."

In the land of the Hyuga branch family, a meeting was convened under the guise of a clan gathering, and various elite ninja from the branch families were assembled. This scene naturally did not escape the attention of the main family, but they chose to ignore it.

In the eyes of the main family, what significant impact could the branch family under the control of the Caged Bird Seal make? This time, it was most likely just Hyuga Hizashi, the head of this branch family, making posthumous arrangements.

That night, dark clouds covered the moonlight, seemingly foretelling significant events.

In the dim meeting room of the branch family, elite members with protective headbands and white pupils gathered.

Under the tense atmosphere, all present were elite ninja, and most held the rank of special jonin. This was not a small amount of power in Konoha.

The Byakugan and Gentle Fist techniques are renowned in the ninja world, but the Hyuga elites are mostly special jonin, as their abilities are somewhat limited compared to the Sharingan.

Moreover, the most powerful aspect of the Byakugan is its scouting ability; it's like it was made for war.

"What! Why was the Clan Head being blamed when it was killed inside of the Main Family.?"

"Damn it, again! Why?"

"Why do we, the branch family, have to die for the main family?"

After Hyuga Hizashi calmly revealed some information, the group immediately became agitated, each member of the branch family expressing their pent-up anger.

Four individuals exchanged glances and discreetly took defensive stances, prepared to take action at any slight misstep.

Hyuga Hizashi calmly looked at everyone and slowly took out a scroll from his bosom.

"The Caged Bird Seal has troubled the Hyuga clan for hundreds of years. This scroll represents breaking that fate. It's your choice."

As he spoke, Hyuga Hizashi removed his headband in front of everyone. When the ugly curse mark was revealed, his Byakugan activated, and chakra surged, forming a black seal around the curse mark.

"What is this?"

At this moment, everyone was stunned, looking at Hyuga Hizashi's forehead. Then someone spoke.

"This is a seal, a sealing technique for caged bird, but also the existence that breaks the fate of caged bird. The main family has enslaved the branch family for so long, are you all willing to endure this forever? Even if you are willing, what about your children?"

"We are not rebelling; we are merely fighting for freedom!"

"For freedom! The opportunity to break fate is right in front of you. If you all agree, we can join forces to seal the caged bird for you right now."

Those who had already sided with Hyuga Hizashi removed their headbands. When they channeled their chakra, the Caged Bird seal showed signs of being sealed.

The room was filled with disbelief. How could fate be broken so easily?

There were not many people, but these were elite jonin. Apart from those currently away, only about fifteen were present.

With Hyuga Hizashi and four of his closest confidants, that made five. The remaining ten branch members had various reactions, revealing the emotions they had suppressed for years.

"Is this for real!"

Up to this point, some people still can't believe it. Among them are those who once wanted to resist the fate of a bird in a cage, but all of them now look completely desperate. Suddenly, there seems to be a glimmer of hope, and all of this feels too unrealistic.

Looking at everyone, Hyūga Hizashi's expression became serious as he spoke in a solemn voice, "The Hyūga family doesn't possess this ability, but you all know about Root, right? Lord Orochimaru has long joined Root. After going through countless Root documents, this sealing technique was developed."


When people hear about this department, countless people feel their skin crawl, but at this moment, they are filled with gratitude. After all, it lends credibility.

The most famous human experiment carried out by Root back then was the Wood Release project. Only such a place could research a seal to break the fate of the "caged bird."

Hyūga Hizashi also silently nodded his head. Indeed, as Lord Yoru said, someone has to take the blame for all this. Yoru a disciple of Lord Orochimaru, and Orochimaru is a member of Root. Naturally, it can be blamed on Root.

With Root taking the blame, the nature of the matter would change. After all, if Lord Orochimaru directly interfered, it would be akin to intervening in the affairs of a wealthy family, which is taboo.

But if Root endorses it, and Root is a force under the Hokage, then it is entirely an affair of the Hyūga clan being interfered with by the Hokage's side. With such a big backing, the main family could only focus their resentment on the Hokage's side.

"Gentlemen, your families have already been secretly sealed in the last few days without them knowing. All the genin and chūnin in the branch families within the village have been included, and as elite jōnin, you should know the importance of keeping information confidential. Therefore, you are the most critical part and the last step."

After Hizashi brought out Root's endorsement, they were filled with excitement. In their minds, this was already the top echelons of Konoha interfering with the affairs of the Hyūga clan. Naturally, it wasn't they who were rebelling against the family.

"Clan leader Hizashi, I'm willing!"

Sure enough, someone stepped forward. Faced with the opportunity to break the fate of the "caged bird," they were filled with excitement, and the first person stepped forward, emotionally revealing their forehead.

Thus, under the secret vigilance of Hizashi and his four close associates, they finally sealed the "caged bird" on everyone's forehead without any danger.

Under the veil of night, years of comfort within the Hyūga clan made the main family forget to be vigilant. After all, no one thought that something would happen within the village.

Within the territory of the branch family, the elderly, weak, women, and children were awakened one after another. All of them walked out in confusion, unaware of what had happened, but it must be significant.

Some toddlers and children fell asleep under the gentle night. All of this happened silently.

Dark clouds covered the moonlight. Even in life-and-death situations on the battlefield, Hizashi had never been so nervous. This time, his palms were full of sweat, and his entire back was soaked with cold sweat.

Just then, a sound came from behind. Hizashi turned his head nervously.

"Who is it!"

Behind the main gate appeared the figure of Hyūga Hiashi. At that moment, Hyūga Hizashi had not yet reacted, and two upper ninjas from the Hyūga branch family quickly flashed to both sides, forming an encircling stance.

"Clan Leader!"

Someone was filled with shock and fear upon seeing Hyūga Hiashi. But Hyūga Hiashi looked at Hyūga Hizashi calmly, "I'd rather you call me 'big brother.'"

"Don't be so reckless in the future. Some people have the desire to rebel against fate, while others have already become accustomed to enslavement. Those people are fine, they are just unconscious."

The calm voice echoed in the night. Hyūga Hiashi walked slowly towards Hyūga Hizashi as if nothing had happened. Just as the two brothers passed each other, Hiashi calmly said, "After leaving the Hyūga clan territory, head straight to where you want to go. Don't linger, and don't stop even if the village discovers you. Also, take care!"

After passing each other, Hyūga Hiashi slowly disappeared in the direction of the clan's grand gate under the solemn night, while Hyūga Hizashi looked complicatedly at his older brother's retreating figure.

"Big brother, take care as well."

Under the night, Hyūga Hizashi hurriedly led the remaining people out of the clan territory. Thanks to the management system of the Hyūga clan, the branch family was on the periphery, while the main family enjoyed the protection of the branch family.

Beneath the night, hidden behind the tall walls of the main family's courtyard, Hyūga Hiashi looked calmly at the wall. Beneath the ferocious veins in his eyes, it was only after he saw his younger brother leave and disappear into the clan territory that he let out a faint sigh.

"Hizashi, this time it's my turn to protect you. Take care."

After standing up, Hyūga Hiashi calmly returned to the main family's house. In the courtyard of the main family, however, there were several unconscious branch family ninjas lying on the lawn.

Some people will rebel when there is hope, but others have already accepted the habit of enslavement. They had already developed a servile mentality towards the main family.

The dark clouds in the sky slowly dispersed, revealing the bright moonlight that sprinkled down on the earth. Under the calm night of the Hyūga clan territory, no one noticed that the branch family had already been deserted, even the breaths of ordinary people had disappeared completely.


Members of the Hyuga Branch Family, numbering in the hundreds, including both ninjas and civilians, rushed frantically towards the address of the Police Force's Seventh Division.

Thanks to the Hyuga clan's strict traditions, they happened to be on the outskirts of the village. Unlike the Uchiha clan who were driven into the forest, this location meant that they didn't alert anyone at the outset.

This grand movement immediately stunned the night patrol of the Police Force, the ninjas on duty in the village, and some in the Anbu. They were all astonished at what was happening in the village in the middle of the night.

"Stop! What are you Hyugas up to?"

Shadowy figures, including patrol teams from the Police Department, Anbu members, and stationed Konoha squads, appeared before this large force. Although they yelled, they were filled with shock.

What a sight! Not just women and children, but seemingly entire families, and no less than a hundred ninjas, each staring with their white pupils.

At this moment, everyone was shocked, sensing a big issue. Although the details were not yet clear, everyone knew that such a grand display had never been seen in Konoha before.

Facing these obstructions, Hyuga Hizashi, the leader of the Branch Family, stepped forward and shouted, "Step aside, the Hyuga Branch Family is acting on orders from the Root division. The 'Caged Bird' has been lifted, and we're going to the Police Force to pledge allegiance to Lord Orochimaru. Who dares to obstruct us!"

"Everyone continue, do not stop. Anyone who obstructs us is committing treason. We are going to join the Root division! Pledge allegiance to Orochimaru!"

At this point, not even the patrol team, let alone the Hokage, could stop them.

Facing the onslaught of the Hyuga Branch Family, everyone was panicked, especially due to the frenzied look in their eyes.

"Quick! Report to the Hokage!"

"Quick! Report to the Chief of Police!"

Both the Police Department patrol and Anbu, as well as the village squads, cried out. They knew this was beyond them and had to be reported.

A big issue had arisen!

The Konoha was immediately alarmed. In the dark, figures leapt around like fleas, and countless people were awakened, watching this migrating army in astonishment.

After this group declared their allegiance to the Root division and Orochimaru, everyone was dumbfounded. Nobody dared to stop them. They could only watch helplessly as events unfolded.

It was fortunate that after the Nine-Tails disaster, the Konoha began focusing on emergency preparedness for civilians. While ninjas could react quickly, civilians couldn't, and the losses during the Nine-Tails attack were due to the village never having experienced such unrest before.

As a result, the Hyuga Branch Family applied this preparedness to tonight's mass migration, something nobody expected. Even Hizashi later felt fortunate that the village had mandated emergency preparedness for everyone, including the wealthy families.


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