[Sponsored] Chapter 117: War

[This Chapter Is Sponsored by terrance smith! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]

Under the dark clouds, the spring rain seemed to show no signs of stopping, continuing from day to night. The atmosphere in Konoha Village, which was peaceful just yesterday, now feels oppressive today.

The Hokage's office building is brightly lit under the gloomy sky. Inside the highest conference room, all the elite ninja from the village have gathered, excluding those on duty, on missions, or stationed outside.

Special Jounin do not have the qualifications to attend this meeting. Officially, there are only two titles for Jounin in the village. One is Jounin, who are already considered the elite of the village. The other is Special Jounin, a title that is more of an honorary recognition given to those who possess specific abilities at the Jounin level or have made significant contributions.

Rather than calling them Special Jounin, they could be termed Honorary Jounin. However, there's another title, Elite Jounin, which isn't an official title among the Five Great Ninja Villages but is merely an informal designation.

They are considered the elite among Jounin or have earned their reputation from enemy ninja villages. Such ninjas are referred to as Elite Jounin.

Inside the Hokage's conference room.

As the attendees arrive one after another, the brightly lit conference room is filled with the strong scent of tobacco.

"Everyone's here."

There are more than a hundred Jounin present, but this is not the full strength of Konoha. After all, there still need to be Jounin stationed elsewhere after this incident.

The prominent families all have serious expressions on their faces. Today's events were too sudden, and everyone seems to be struggling to process what has happened.

The oppressive atmosphere is even thicker than the time after the Nine-Tails' rampage. Even Jiraiya, one of the Three Legendary Sannin, has personally attended.

In just a few short years, the previous Hokage still had an aura of unyielding authority, but now, his cheeks seem more haggard.


At the sound of that hoarse command, all the Jounin respectfully sit, looking at the village's top leaders, the F4. Everyone looks grim, as no one ever imagined they would be pushing away a Kage-level powerhouse.

The Third Hokage looks around the room. After exhaling a thick puff of smoke, his eyes carry a heavy and hoarse tone, "Orochimaru's public experiments with forbidden jutsu on humans are now known to all. Regarding the village's decision, which is also my decision, does anyone have objections?"

His aged face, now showing age spots, still bears the aura of a dominant ninja. Even in this moment, he remains like a tiger overlooking Konoha.

Everyone remains silent. Even Uchiha Yoru is silent. This is politics! Some things are clearly assigned from above, but as long as you keep them under wraps, even if everyone knows, it's fine. But once exposed, it becomes a problem.

This is still being considerate. If Orochimaru had outright defected, the higher-ups would deny any involvement and lay all the blame on him. Now, they're just trying to put an end to this matter messily.

For instance, what were Orochimaru's human experiments? What forbidden jutsu was he researching? How did he manage to avoid the Anbu Black Ops, Root, Police Force, Intelligence Division, and numerous ninja scouts? How did he manage to openly bring so much research funding, equipment, and specimens to the village?

Can all this be pursued? So, anyone who steps up now to investigate will end their political career and be blacklisted, becoming a scapegoat.

You either play by the rules of politics, or if you don't have the power to overthrow everything in Konoha, you can't overturn the table.

As expected, after seeing everyone silently accepting the decision, the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, hoarsely said, "The head of the Anbu Black Ops, 'Sarutobi Mei', has violated regulations, causing instability in Konoha. She will be relieved of her duties. Due to her grave negligence, her execution is set for three days from now!"

"Also, Sarutobi Shinzo's performance in the Land of Lightning was unsatisfactory. He is now demoted to Vice Commander of the frontlines. Nara Shikaku will assume the role of Commander."


Everyone is shocked but also understanding. After causing such a massive incident, Hiruzen had to provide an explanation.

The Jounin present aren't fools. Even if they don't know now, Jounin has strong investigative abilities. In a few days, everything will be clear.

Therefore, Hiruzen directly addressed the issue, even making a harsh decision regarding the main culprit. Remember, this person is his daughter-in-law.

"Sarutobi! Mei is very skilled. Executing her now will only weaken Konoha."

At Hiruzen's decisive action, Konoha's top leaders are all shocked. After hearing it, a senior ninja, Koharu Utatane, frowned and discussed the current situation.

"Orochimaru's expulsion will cause turmoil throughout Konoha and even the Land of Fire. Now is a time of crisis and need for Konoha. I suggest temporarily detaining Mei on the frontlines to redeem her sins. After all, the strength of an Elite Jounin is indispensable in any ninja village."

Following Koharu Utatane's words, Homura Mitokado also voiced his opinion, "Sarutobi, I think Koharu Utatane's proposal is good. The strength of an Elite Jounin is a crucial force on the frontlines, and no one knows what might happen."

At this moment, all the ninja are mostly silent. However, some, like Uchiha Shisui hidden among the crowd, are filled with resentment. Hearing the leaders speak, he finds it ironic. An Elite Jounin? Why not mention the loss of a Kage-level powerhouse that could deter enemy nations?

The elite Jounin from the Ino-Shika-Cho clans all give wry smiles. Chōza Akimichi puts on a simple smile, "I agree with the two advisors. After all, the role of an Elite Jounin on the frontlines is crucial."

"I also agree."

"Indeed, the head of the Anbu Black Ops has worked hard. This time, no one knew things would escalate to this point."

"I agree."

After someone spoke up, one by one, the elite ninjas nodded in agreement. Most of them didn't want to be involved in such matters. Some were staunch supporters of the Third Hokage and naturally spoke up for their own.

"Let's discuss the matter of Sarutobi Mei later, Sarutobi! Now, we need to address the turmoil after Orochimaru's exile." The elderly woman, Koharu Utatane, who had been involved in politics for years, first sent out a signal and then swiftly changed the topic.

As expected, upon hearing the main issue, the Third Hokage frowned and spoke gravely, "I have already sent orders to the border areas to be on guard, especially as some smaller countries might exploit this to instigate disputes between the larger nations."

After such an incident, the Third Hokage's primary concern was its potential detrimental effects, and he had already issued several commands.

However, at that moment, when Shimura Danzo saw the figure of an Uchiha, one of his eyes immediately revealed a malicious glint, "Third, the matter of the police force's 7th squad, which Uchiha Yoru is in charge of, seems unresolved."

The atmosphere instantly turned tense. Everyone closed their mouths, sensing that the climax was about to unfold. With Orochimaru expelled, what was to be done with this direct disciple?

Facing the indifferent gaze of Shimura Danzo, Uchiha Yoru calmly looked at the Konoha F4 and said, "The 7th squad of the police force only executes the orders from the root division."

"How audacious!"

Shimura Danzo snorted coldly, but internally, he was amused. Although no one had anticipated the matter with Orochimaru, it had already occurred. Now, it needs to be dealt with promptly. For Danzo, this might not necessarily be a bad thing.

This event shattered the Sarutobi clan's fantasy of dual Hokages. After all, no one expected such a fierce reaction from Orochimaru. Look at how White Fang simply went home quietly, unlike Orochimaru, who straightaway aimed to become a rogue ninja.

His rivals were almost all eliminated, but the power left behind by Orochimaru remained, representing a formidable strength that Danzo now wished to harness.

Hyuga Hizashi's face turned pale upon hearing this. He had thought he had found a strong ally, but it turned out to be a liability. Uchiha Shisui clenched his fists, while Hatake Kakashi covered his face, showing no emotion.

Facing the challenges from Konoha's highest authorities, Uchiha Yoru remained calm, even turning his back to everyone, signaling them not to act recklessly.

They were in a weak position! They couldn't resist everything, but this was a community, a village with rules. If they couldn't break the rules, they would retaliate within their boundaries.

"Lord Third Hokage, the police force operates independently from the other Konoha divisions, possessing autonomy. They are only accountable to the Hokage, but they also have the responsibility to assist other departments, right?"

Uchiha Yoru directly ignored Shimura Danzo. Knowing that Danzou was targeting him, he needed to garner enough power in the upper echelons. Therefore, he needed allies, like the Third Hokage, especially since the high command owed him for this incident.

The Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, responded gravely, "Indeed, the police force has the duty to assist all departments."

"So, Uchiha Yoru, the captain of the 7th squad of the police force! In assisting the former deputy head of the root division, what has he done that's so audacious?"

With that statement, Shimura Danzo was filled with rage. For many years, no one had dared to challenge the authority of Konoha's upper echelons. They, the F4, had been unchallenged for years. Now, a young upstart dared to do so.

Speaking of the deputy head of the root division, everyone knew that it was Orochimaru's previous position.

Koharu Utatane, seeing all this, narrowed her eyes and said, "Danzo, you have already been suspended."

Looking at the F4 in their guise of fairness, seemingly standing up for justice, but in reality, one was playing good cop, and the other, bad cop.

"Lord Hokage, this is proof of the 7th squad of the police force assisting the root division."

Uchiha Yoru slowly took out a scroll from his robe. Many were surprised at that moment, but soon everyone began to ponder.

Did Orochimaru have foresight? Or was it that the Uchiha clan was always prepared to protect themselves if something went wrong?

"The former deputy head of the Root Department once specially ordered me to raise research funds from major clans on the pretext of village secret research, claiming that the Root Department and the village would make up for it later. This is everyone's IOU."

Once again, Uchiha Yoru took out a scroll from his chest. Although he looked calm, at this moment, all the major clans were restless, and many looked at Shimura Danzo.

However, when Shimura Danzo, who took over the money scroll, opened it with a sneer, his eyes widened instantly, shocked by the sequence of numbers.

Upon seeing this, the Third Hokage couldn't help but snort coldly, giving Danzo a displeased glance. "If you hadn't made such a fuss, how could this have happened? All this money serves you right!"

As for the 500 million from the Sarutobi clan, he felt even more heartbroken. It wasn't about the money, but the loss of a Kage-level combatant under his command.

Uchiha Yoru sneered in his heart, thinking how the power Orochimaru left behind after his defection has become a hot cake. Some with no deep ties might not care, but quite a few marked ninjas did.

Only two people were really confident in taking over this power - the Third Hokage and Danzo. Meanwhile, Koharu Utatane and Homura Mitokado, responsible for diplomacy, lacked Danzo's ambition at their age.

Danzo wanted to recruit people to the Root Department? How many ninjas in Konoha would be willing?

"Indeed, it was personally signed by the former deputy head of the Root Department." The head of the Aburame clan, usually inconspicuous, said in a deep voice. Their clan lent a significant 50 million.

Once one person spoke, other clan leaders also expressed their opinions. Shimura Danzo, seeing this, was filled with rage, and even the Third Hokage was annoyed.

They didn't expect this situation. Now, what's the difference between Orochimaru and a defector? It's just a facade for Konoha.

The legendary Sanin, Tsunade, distanced herself from Konoha, while Jiraiya roamed outside, gathering intelligence, at least not participating in village power struggles.

Now, because of Orochimaru's research for Konoha, a disaster was sparked by those seeking benefits. They took away all research materials and funds, which essentially means they gained nothing. They even forced a Kage-level power to flee to another country. This is almost tantamount to defection.

"Given the village's current financial constraints, once stability is achieved, these funds will be gradually repaid to the respective clans." Homura Mitokado frowned, looking at the large amount of money, expressing the village's determination. The clans were relieved to hear this.

Because of this huge sum, no clan wanted to kick Orochimaru while he was down. Orochimaru was now on the edge of being listed as an S-rank rogue ninja. Once he crossed that line, it would mean he absconded with the money, and they wouldn't be able to claim it.

Likewise, the higher-ups in Konoha were very cautious, considering it unwise to list Orochimaru as an S-rank rogue ninja just because of the money.

"Uchiha Yoru, I hope the ninjas in charge of the Water Country frontline can be consoled in the name of the Police Force's Seventh Squad. What do you think?"

The climax is here. The Orochimaru matter is coming to an end. However, the real focus now is on Orochimaru's direct force, the Ninjas at the frontline.

Having been stationed at the border for many years, Orochimaru has numerous followers, including many fanatics. The Third Hokage, with a serious expression, mentioned this, hoping to appease them with Uchiha Yoru, Orochimaru's disciple.