[Sponsored] Chapter 133: Crystal Release

[This Chapter Is Sponsored by jose vega! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]

Under the night sky, a small village glows with fiery red light. Even miles away, one can smell the scent of warfare carried in the smoke.

"Yoru, there's a promising child in that village ahead."

Several miles away, on a small hill, Uchiha Yoru and Orochimaru gaze distantly at the village and the unfolding events, a sight they've grown accustomed to seeing.

The ninja world is in chaos. Even small villages within the Five Great Nations could be attacked and burned by rogue ninjas and bandits at any moment. Inside the borders of the big nations, it's relatively better, but outside it's total anarchy.

"Heh, someone praised by you, Teacher, must possess a powerful bloodline."

Uchiha Yoru chuckled, racking his brain but unable to recall who this prospect that Orochimaru had identified during this time might be.

Orochimaru's current obsession is his research into achieving immortality. Especially after hearing clues about soul-based jutsu, he could hardly care about anything else and let out a raspy smile.

"Indeed, a very promising child. Consider it a gift from me to you."

Orochimaru's distinctive raspy laughter echoed as his body slowly transformed into a puddle of mud. Uchiha Yoru sighed in slight frustration, "It seems you've found traces of the Uzumaki Clan ruins, Teacher. Even the version of you here is a clone."

In the original story, didn't Orochimaru later find the Uzumaki Clan's ruins? Within it, the Death God mask that could devour his own sealed arms. So when did Orochimaru find this place?

One must remember, Orochimaru had been sealed away before this. It's likely he had found the location much earlier but hadn't figured out how to exploit the Death God. Only after being unsealed, and gaining chakra through other means and acquiring more information, did he manage to exploit the Death God's powers.

The secrets of the Uzumaki Clan undoubtedly piqued Orochimaru's interest, leading him to search for the Uzumaki ruins earlier.

"I wonder which child with potential you are praising, Teacher?" Uchiha Yoru narrowed his eyes in curiosity. Like a curious cat, he wanted to know if this child had appeared in the original story or was someone entirely new.

Flames filled the sky, as a wooden village was engulfed in a roaring fire. The cries and screams suddenly ceased, leaving only the crackling sound of houses burning in the inferno.

A very eerie scene. Though the air was filled with the scent of blood, there was no sound, as if this was a completely deserted village.

Inside one of the burning houses, the flames illuminated Uchiha Yoru's face. At that moment, his eyes widened in astonishment as he gazed at the corpses inside, or rather, the bodies that looked like they had been frozen in disbelief just moments before their death.

All the corpses were encapsulated in pink crystals. Each of them had been alive when they were sealed inside these crystals. In this enclosed space, without air, it was evident that the ordinary thieves had already died, as the time they were sealed inside had clearly exceeded their limits of endurance.

"Crystal Release! So it's you."

Upon seeing the pink crystal, Uchiha Yoru finally recalled a ninja who had made few appearances and was almost forgotten by others. This ninja had made a striking entrance and was initially considered by Orochimaru as his first choice for a reincarnation vessel.

Bloodline Limit · Crystal Release female ninja 'Guren'.

Her debut was absolutely stunning, and her power was formidable. Based on her track record, Guren's overall strength was close to Kage-level. After all, she battled many from the Hidden Leaf Village and even faced off equally against characters from the Naruto Shippuden series. Her strength surpassed that of the average Jonin, and one could speculate her strength to be close to elite Jonin or even almost Kage-level.

Although she had a critical weakness – her Crystal Release was entirely vulnerable to soundwave-based techniques – this couldn't overshadow Guren's fleeting brilliance.

"Indeed, a ninja with great potential, though overshadowed."

At this moment, a look of realization appeared on Uchiha Yoru's face. Among the ninjas Orochimaru had taken in during this period, only Guren fit the bill, especially considering the age of Kimimaro and the others didn't match the current timeline.

Even though she was a ninja who had fewer appearances and was overshadowed by the main plot, she was truly exceptional.

Looking at the crystal in his hand, Uchiha Yoru narrowed his eyes, revealing a meaningful smile. "A bloodline with great potential. Thank you for the gift, Orochimaru-sensei. I gladly accept."

Inside the burning village, a little girl gazed in terror at the lifeless village, tears streaming down her empty eyes.

With her face illuminated by the fire, Guren collapsed to the ground, kneeling without making a sound. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she looked at the village, feeling as if she was the only person left in the world.

However, at that moment, a figure slowly emerged from one of the burning houses, seemingly unaffected by the flames due to a powerful chakra protection.

The figure slowly stepped out of the burning house. He wore a pure white, broad coat, black pants, and his chest slightly exposed, revealing eye-catching muscles. A dark arm guard covered his forearm, extending to his palm. Around his waist, he wore a finely crafted black leather belt, with a ninja blade inserted horizontally.

When the figure emerged, Guren's eyes were hollow and lifeless. At this moment, she had lost all hope and resistance towards the world. Perhaps anyone could easily kill her.

Uchiha Yoru, emerging from the flames, naturally noticed the limp young girl. A hint of pity appeared in his eyes. In this chaotic world, facing such tragedies, despair had become the main theme. It's a distorted world.

Uchiha Yoru slowly approached the girl, revealing a seductive smile. "I'm interested in your power. Come with me."

His enchanting voice echoed by her ear. At this moment, Guren's hollow gaze quivered, and her unfocused eyes began to refocus.

It was as if she had awakened from darkness. Guren slowly raised her head, and saw his handsome yet gentle smile genuinely gazing at her.

In the darkness, she seemed to see a beam of light filling her heart and soul.

"My name is Uchiha Yoru. I need you."

Under his unique charm and alluring voice, in this twisted ninja world, his voice sounded like a melody from the heavens. Guren seemed to have grasped something. Her limp body, as if infused with strength, shakily reached out to hold his gentle hand.

At this moment, warmth enveloped her. It seemed she had found her purpose in life.

"Lord Yoru."

Currently, Guren was still a girl of about ten years old. Uchiha Yoru, holding her cold hand, showed a gentle smile filled with pity. "Let's go."

From somewhere, a surge of strength flowed through her body. Guren, trembling, slowly rose. Even she didn't notice that she was clutching the hand that had given her warmth, as if she never wanted to let go in her life.

The tall and short figures slowly left the village chief, standing outside the village, looking at the raging flames. Guren's eyes were filled with endless sorrow and despair. Her home was gone.

But feeling the warmth from his hand, Guren slowly turned her head, looking at the figure that gave her warmth. A glimmer of hope appeared in her black eyes.

Uchiha Yoru, gazing at the burning village, sighed deeply. "The ninja world has always been chaotic like this."

"Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld."

With a single hand seal, the jutsu was activated instantly, but it brought a lifelong unforgettable visual shock to the young Guren beside him.

The village's ground instantly turned into a massive swamp. The burning houses collapsed continuously, but the entire village was slowly sinking, or rather, being submerged by the swamp.

In just a moment, the fires that illuminated their faces slowly faded. All of this, in Guren's astonished eyes, seemed like an illusion. If not for the cool breeze that blew away the heat from the flames, she might have thought it was all a dream.

The original village was swallowed by the swamp, turning into flat land. It was as if nothing had ever happened here, as if there had never been a village.

"People die like a candle extinguished. I hope they can be reborn in a relatively peaceful nation in their next life."

Uchiha Yoru sighed deeply, holding Guren's hand, and they slowly disappeared into the darkness. As they were leaving, Guren still couldn't help but glance back with her shocked eyes at the village she had always lived in.

Power! An astonishing power! I want to become Lord Yoru's power!

At this moment, a firm look appeared in her young black eyes, already taking root and sprouting.


Inside the simple wooden house, the room illuminated by a bonfire, Guren lay on the warm lap, utterly enchanted by this atmosphere and feeling.

"So that's how it is."

Through Guren's narration, he learned everything. In the chaotic ninja world, some villages still train children who understand chakra. Even if they don't know ninjutsu, those with chakra will have far greater strength than ordinary people.

Children who can refine chakra become extremely valuable. Guren's parents died in wars, and she was raised by the village. After showing her talent in refining chakra, she naturally received support from the village.

Unfortunately, this time the village was attacked by a group of bandits. In fear and rage, Guren's bloodline ability fully awakened, uncontrollably killing all the bandits. But she also lost everything she had.

After all, if Guren had not awakened her bloodline ability earlier, she wouldn't have caught Orochimaru's attention. It's possible the village decided it was better to get a good price for her than to try to protect a bloodline ninja.

Just like Haku, she showed her bloodline ability but didn't fully awaken it. Only in the face of death did she fully awaken her Ice Release bloodline.

"Lord Yoru, in the future, I will become your strength, the most powerful tool in your hands. Please don't abandon me."

The twisted ninja world has also twisted its inhabitants' humanity. Young Guren seems to have found a purpose to live for, her eyes filled with tears of hope as she whispered weakly.

Looking at young Guren, who suffered such emotional trauma at such a young age, Uchiha Yoru nodded gently and said, "Alright, you will be my strength in the future. I hope you won't disappoint me."

As if receiving a promise, under the warmth, Guren's eyelids couldn't hold up anymore, slowly closing.

Her young body, having experienced so much and awakened her bloodline ability, it's a wonder she hasn't mentally collapsed.

Although he has become accustomed to this ninja world, every time he witnesses such aspects of humanity, he can't help but sigh at the twisted ninja world.

His hands shimmered with the pale green chakra of medical ninjutsu, gently examining and healing Guren's delicate body. Although she had practiced chakra and strengthened her physique, there were some hidden injuries that no one had noticed.

Fortunately, Guren is still young and hasn't participated in battles. Her body hasn't been overused, and there are no major hidden injuries. After all, chakra not only strengthens but also nurtures the body. Minor bruises and injuries heal faster with a chakra-enhanced physique.

She's already twelve years old, but probably due to being female, she's malnourished, making her slender. However, she has a good foundation, especially after awakening her bloodline, her potential has been unlocked.

After carefully examining Guren's body, Uchiha Yoru revealed a satisfied smile and concluded that male chauvinism is human nature.

Although women can cultivate chakra, many are treated as mere vessels for carrying on the lineage, especially if both parents have chakra.

Thus, women with chakra are considered precious commodities. Only powerful female ninjas with real strength can achieve a certain status. As for the more stable major ninja villages, they're relatively more progressive, but many ninjas still hope their partners possess chakra as well.

With the rising sun of the second day, when she opened her eyes, Guren showed a terrified expression. The surroundings made her instantly realize that last night was not a nightmare.

"Lord Yoru!"

There was no one around in the vast emptiness. Guren, in panic, opened the door of the wooden house in a flash, and her pupils immediately filled with fear.

Fierce wind!

The strong gust of wind brushed her cheek, making Guren involuntarily swallow. Her legs trembled as her frightened eyes stared at the abyss below. She was almost shattered to pieces.

This wooden house was built on a cliff that seemed endless. When the door was opened, eagles soaring high were visible.

"Lord Yoru."

An eagle, carrying Uchiha Yoru, landed in front of the wooden house. Guren, who was initially startled upon waking up, now showed a relieved smile upon seeing the figure on the eagle's back. It was as if telling him that all of this was not a dream but a reality.

The person who brought warmth to her truly exists and is not just a dream.

"Were you scared?"

The home of the spirit beast eagle was built on this endless cliff. It's a small spirit beast family, with less than twenty members in total.

"No, no." Seeing the gentle smile of Uchiha Yoru, Guren's face turned red as she quickly shook her head to explain, seemingly afraid of being looked down upon because of her timidity.

"Lord Yoru, Miss Guren."

The eagle spirit beast was very respectful, and even its tone was humble. Uchiha Yoru was their powerful master, and Guren, being a cherished ninja and also a bloodline ninja, would be extraordinary in the future. Therefore, the knowledgeable eagle was very respectful.

"I..." Guren was clearly still a bit at a loss with the situation, but the eagle, acting as if everything was as expected, folded its wings and with its sharp claws gripped the tough wall, lowering its head. Uchiha Yoru lightly laughed as he stepped down from the eagle's back.

"Lord Yoru, if you have any instructions, please let us know. Also, we will take good care of Miss Guren."

The eagle nodded respectfully, then spread its wings and soared in the sky, with its cries echoing high above.


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