[Sponsored] Chapter 171: Merry-Go-Round

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Under the night sky outside the inn, dazzling colored lights spin around, accompanied by the cheerful and innocent singing of children, laughter ringing out everywhere.

From the initial feeling of being stifled, to the endless spinning of the carousel, there was no choice. After all, Sesshomaru (Uchiha Yoru) in the distance was busy discussing a deal with someone.

Amidst the envious stares of numerous children, they saw a young lady who just wouldn't come down from the carousel. She must be rich.

As time passed, under the dazzling lights and familiar nursery rhymes, Tsunade's gaze gradually became blurred. At this moment, she seemed to be taken back to the happiest time of her childhood.

No worries back then, all she had to think about every day was how to have fun after training—gambling and the carousel she played on as a child.

She vaguely remembered, being the princess of the family, she excitedly sat on the carousel, playing all night long, surrounded by the envious gazes of her peers.

However, growing up, the carousel she once considered childish and boring once again made her feel unbounded freedom.

Sesshomaru (Uchiha Yoru) in the distance, seeing Tsunade's eyes becoming dreamy on the carousel, slowly curled his lips.

Indeed, what the ancestors said was right.

"If her heart is worn, take her on a carousel ride."

As a mature ninja like the Sannin Tsunade, what hasn't she seen or experienced? Being a princess of the Senju clan, she's not like Uzuki Yugao, a naive apple.

Yugao is of common origin; for her, a few B-rank ninjutsu and some valuable items can touch her heart.

But Tsunade is different; not to mention A-rank techniques, even S-rank ones don't faze her. Why worry about not having S-rank techniques when you have a grandfather like the Second Hokage? She probably has all the forbidden jutsu of Konoha.

Moreover, what valuable item hasn't she seen? Even if you put a mountain of gold before her, Tsunade would most likely be shocked, then think of gambling it away.

A princess with a long-closed heart and a commoner girl experiencing her first love are different.

For Tsunade, who has already seen the glories of the world, a straightforward approach won't work. Only the purest things might open her long-closed heart.

Thinking of this, he considered that his large sacrifice this time would require reimbursement from the elder, given the invaluable worth of Princess Tsunade of the Sannin. Even if the clan had to bleed themselves dry, they would willingly do so and still smile.

As time flowed, night deepened. The bustling streets started to empty.

Sitting on the dazzling carousel, as the innocent laughter around her gradually dwindled and finally disappeared, Tsunade suddenly snapped back to reality.

Her brown eyes shining, she realized that she was the only one left on the carousel that was originally packed with people.

The moment she turned her head back, Sesshomaru was still calmly sitting in the distance, sipping tea, seemingly enjoying its fragrance, while the person who was with him had long disappeared.

At this moment, Tsunade felt a shock in her heart. She had been so careless. Although she had deliberately disguised herself, she found that she couldn't help but gradually get lost in the innocent and cheerful laughter.

"Miss, this is the change from the money that the gentleman paid earlier."

Although it was late at night and had delayed the stall owner's closing time, the owner's face was filled with a joyful smile. It's not easy to encounter a big spender. He had initially prepared to ask the little girl to close the stall, but then the tea shop owner from across the way came over and placed a large bill in his hand.

He had reserved the merry-go-round until the young lady got off. Although he still needed to give change, the owner still couldn't help but smile. After all, who would dislike making money?


Coming to her senses, Tsunade hurriedly ran over. She saw that Sesshomaru, who exuded an aristocratic aura in his actions and speech, was still sipping tea. She pretended to be flustered.

In response to Tsunade's role-playing, Sesshomaru gently took the last sip of tea without lifting his head, took out a bill, placed it on the table, and then stood up to leave.

"Safe travels, sir."

The tea shop owner sent him off with a smiling face full of courtesy. Sesshomaru gave an almost imperceptible nod. His pride represented his status, but this slight nod also represented the etiquette of the aristocracy.

Tsunade also inadvertently noticed that they were the last customers left in the tea shop, and there were as many as three teapots left—obviously all drunk by him.

At this moment, the corners of Tsunade's mouth slowly curled up. She pretended to be a flustered young girl while secretly sizing him up, and inwardly praised this little devil.

He's not bad, cold on the outside but warm on the inside. It's a pity that you're from the Uchiha clan. Given tonight's circumstances, I won't give you too hard a time later.

For several consecutive days, the Land of Whirlpools seemed calm, even the skirmishes between Leaf and Mist ninjas had diminished significantly. Posing as Sesshomaru, he began to gain fame in the town for his excellent medical ninjutsu.

Using medical ninjutsu, he befriended various powerful rogue and renegade ninjas, while also amassing funds. He even openly expressed interest in the weapons of the First Hokage, without any concealment.

Collecting famous swords, making foreign allies, and doing so with complete transparency—all for the purpose of reviving his clan.

In this chaotic area, it may be hell for those with weak abilities and ordinary people, but it's a paradise for the powerful.

So, it wasn't surprising for people that Sesshomaru planned to rejuvenate his clan here. After all, this lawless land is their best sanctuary.

What's different is that Sesshomaru now has an extra tail. Acting young for so many days had made Tsunade feel somewhat stifled. However, seeing that she could stay in the most luxurious hotel and enjoy good food, she chose to submit.

After all, there was still no information on her grandfather's weapon, and she also lost her recent gambling funds. She also suspected whether her appearance had caused those operating in the shadows to temporarily cease activities. Now she hides, waiting for those lurking in the shadows to emerge.

Leaf Village.

Inside the Uchiha clan's territory, the Great Elder Setsuna and the Uchiha clan leader Fugaku sat face to face.

"Fugaku, Yoru needs some resources for a secret mission on the front lines. I have quite a collection of fine swords that are unknown to outsiders. I'll pick two and send them over."

"This time, the Sarutobi clan is quite disgraceful, using such means to seize power. Hmph, such laughable and underhanded tactics. Daring to covet the position of Hokage without strength is ridiculous."

Elder Setsuna couldn't help but scorn and mock, a ridiculing smile appearing on his face. If the village's higher-ups really intend to elevate this person, then it would be a joke.

The strongest among the Five Great Nations is Konoha, yet its leader is the weakest?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Setsuna couldn't help but ridicule himself. Meanwhile, Fugaku shook his head and said solemnly, "Yoru sent a letter saying he needs a large amount of funding to investigate the First Hokage's weapons. He also said he is preparing to find a target and carry out the clan's mission."

Hearing this, Elder Setsuna's expression became serious, a glimmer of joy appearing in his murky eyes. Could this young man actually bring him some unexpected joy? If Senju's young girl could really be successful, it would be the most heartening news for someone of his generation.

The enmity between the Senju and Uchiha clans is quite deep.

"I'm old and will not take anything with me when I die. Let me handle this."

This sentence from Elder Setsuna made Clan Leader Fugaku frown, showing a serious expression. "Elder, isn't it a bit too early now?"

Seeing Fugaku's petty demeanor, Elder Setsuna shook his head and laughed at himself. "You can't underestimate this kid. A disciple of one of the Three Sannin, Orochimaru, and his achievements on the front lines. He's only seventeen but has already defeated the renowned Suikazan Fuguki."

"His strength and background are among the best of the younger generation in our clan. If I don't start transferring power now, when should I wait until? Don't worry, other young people may be impulsive due to their arrogance, but this boy deserves to be valued by Orochimaru; he is naturally gifted."

He's too old and might leave at any moment. The current situation of the Uchiha clan is quite awkward, and he understands that it's due to the instability at the village's borders. Otherwise, the rift with the village would be even greater.

Therefore, he decided to start transferring his authority early, and Uchiha Yoru is the successor he has chosen.

Inside the Hokage's office.

Everything that happened on the front lines of the Land of Whirlpools had been reported in detail to Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage. He frowned as he looked at the information in his hands, nodding silently to himself. To be Hokage, one must have the means; what he wanted were results.

"It seems that Uchiha Yoru truly does have feelings for the village."

After receiving information from various sources, the Third Hokage began to lower his guard around the genius Uchiha Yoru, but it was merely a relaxation, not a complete letting down of his guard.

Now, the only reliable force in the village was his own son. Seeing his son's abilities, he couldn't help but frown and sigh.

"Shinzo, if only you were a little stronger, then I wouldn't be so exhausted."

With the gradual dissolution of turmoil at the borders, only the Land of Water remained a concern. The Third Hokage rarely showed a smile of relief.

Under his leadership, Konoha would once again welcome peace. At this point, he hadn't even noticed that nearly half of his hair had turned white due to the busy work in recent years.

After experiencing so many setbacks and hard work, the Third Hokage officially entered the stage of aging. He could even feel his chakra slowly decreasing in a way he couldn't perceive.

Though the Nine-Tails incident and the Orochimaru event were beyond expectations, looking out the window at the sunlit village, Hiruzen showed a relieved smile.

The village was moving in the direction he had hoped for.

Root Division.

In a dark secret chamber, Danzo Shimura frowned as he looked at the information in his hands. "Are you sure that Uchiha Itachi, the young clan leader of the Uchiha clan who is only eight years old, is investigating secretly?"

Below was a Root ninja kneeling on one knee. Hearing Danzo's question, he lowered his head and spoke in a deep voice, "According to the spies we have planted, Lord Hokage's people have been frequently contacting Uchiha Itachi."

Hearing this, Danzo sneered. This was indeed like Hiruzen, always adept at using others to achieve his goals, especially skilled at manipulating people to betray their own.

"Our planted spy was cautious. Uchiha Itachi has been secretly investigating the Nine-Tails incident from years ago and has even secretly read his clan's archives."

"Uchiha Itachi's teammate is someone we've trained secretly. He once covertly overheard Itachi mentioning the word 'Mangekyou.' Although he didn't understand, Itachi revealed killing intent when he pretended to overhear it by accident. This made us take the word 'Mangekyou' seriously."

Listening to the report, Danzo's face darkened considerably. Mangekyou! This extremely tempting yet terrifying power, he didn't expect that the Uchiha clan had actually awakened a pair. So, who exactly possesses this Mangekyou?

Information about Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Setsuna, Uchiha Shisui, and Uchiha Yoru, among other skilled members of the Uchiha clan, kept flashing through his mind.

The evolution of the Sharingan is through the loss of love or experiencing great pain; it evolves under extreme emotional fluctuations. Those who fit these criteria can be eliminated.

Firstly, Uchiha Setsuna is already old. The older one gets, the more mature and cautious they become, decreasing the chance of awakening the Sharingan. What about the younger generation?

Could it be Uchiha Yoru? After all, the incident with Orochimaru is a huge stimulus. No, according to intelligence, the person in question has a unique physical constitution, naturally strong with abundant chakra.

"Tell me every detail you have on Uchiha Itachi."

The Mangekyō Sharingan is extremely important to Danzo, even something he fears. Upon hearing the news, his face immediately turned serious, with murderous intent forming in his eyes.

"Uchiha Itachi's teammate is one of us. According to the description, Itachi showed killing intent after hearing those three words. He then hid but also warned the other party using his identity. It's clear that they are hesitating, but ultimately chose to let it go."

"No! I want to know what Uchiha Itachi has been doing at the frontlines! Who among the Uchiha has he been in contact with? Isn't Uchiha Yoru his teacher? Has there been any contact?"

As Danzo's mood grew darker, his subordinates continued to report in detail, even repeating some events several times, but Danzo still seemed impatient.

In the end, Danzo concluded that something as important as the Mangekyō Sharingan wouldn't be disclosed by Uchiha Yoru to a disciple with whom he is not very close.

Uchiha Shisui hasn't had significant emotional fluctuations lately. Considering his age and other factors, it's unlikely that he would disclose this, especially since it's the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Even ordinary Uchiha don't know about the Mangekyō, and it's not surprising that Uchiha Itachi, as a young clan leader, would know. What's surprising is how old is Itachi?

An eight-year-old child, even if he's a genius, according to intelligence, has only evolved to have double tomoe in his Sharingan. So how did he know about the Mangekyō Sharingan?

There's only one conclusion! The person who activated the Mangekyō Sharingan must be someone close to Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi's closest person could only be his parents!

Uchiha Fugaku!

Upon reaching this conclusion, Danzo suddenly gasped, unable to hide his astonishment, saying, "Well done, Uchiha clan leader, I have underestimated you."

Although this is just his speculation, once he had this doubt, he needed to come up with a counter-strategy.