[Sponsored] Chapter 189: Marking...

[This Chapter Is Sponsored by jajayche990! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]

"Or, our child could take the last name Senju."


As Tsunade had just taken a sip of her drink, she sprayed it all over Uchiha Yoru, coughing repeatedly.

With her face dripping with the spilled drink, some even landing on her mouth, Uchiha Yoru helplessly shook his head and wiped it off, "I'm speaking from the heart."

"You!" Tsunade was rendered speechless by his words.

Looking into Uchiha Yoru's sincere eyes, she wondered if he was serious, her gaze wavering.

Seeing Tsunade, Uchiha Yoru, with unhidden indifference, shrugged and casually said, "The pride of the Uchiha clan wouldn't allow me to marry into another family, and you have the pride of the Senju clan too."

"If you're willing, I'll still be an Uchiha, you'll still be a Senju, and I absolutely won't let you take the 'Uchiha' surname. In this way, each of us retains our identity, without tarnishing the reputation of the Senju and Uchiha clans. Our future children will take your surname."

Impressed by Uchiha Yoru's classic remark and his casual, confident demeanor, Tsunade listened, clearly considering his well-thought-out plan.

After hearing him out, Tsunade, with a cold laugh, said sarcastically, "So we each do our own thing? Does that mean you can continue to play around outside, like with Terumi Mei from the Hidden Mist Village, your village sweetheart, or maybe Orochimaru's disciple, Anko?"

Tsunade coldly exposed some of his affairs, but Uchiha Yoru was not the least bit flustered; instead, he shrugged nonchalantly.

"The 'sweetheart' Uzuki Yugao you mentioned is from the Anbu, and my first love and classmate Kurenai Yuhi was sent by the Third Hokage. As for Anko..."

Pointing to his head, Uchiha Yoru showed a pitiful expression and sighed, "You should know about her situation. My appearance became her mental support, but now she's somewhat extreme."

Despite his casual and easy acknowledgment of everything, like a typical playboy, Tsunade's pupils shivered at what she saw in his eyes.

Being one of the Legendary Sannin, Tsunade, despite not being in the village for many years, still had her own network and sources of information in the village, enabling her to eventually become the Fifth Hokage without much difficulty.

Uchiha Yoru had always been known for his honesty. Lies, especially in matters involving both benefits and emotions, were bound to be exposed eventually.

When lies are exposed in a relationship fueled by emotions, it often leads to the parties becoming enemies.

On the other hand, in a relationship based on mutual benefits, the worst outcome upon the exposure of lies is both parties becoming indifferent to each other, acting like strangers, or even collaborating again under new beneficial circumstances.

Thus, interests are the purest, while emotions are the most difficult to control.

The combination of interest and emotion is the most solid existence.

Therefore, Uchiha Yoru never planned to hide anything and admitted everything openly.

"You." Looking at Uchiha Yoru's relaxed smile, Tsunade felt complex emotions, wondering what kind of environment could produce such an outstanding man.

Not only did he never bear any grudges, but he even vowed to initiate a revolution to change everything.

A lover who is a spy, and a first love who is also a spy, all this happening to a teenager who is still dealing with the psychological impact.

How old is the other party? According to her information, it means that the life of a fifteen-year-old boy is surrounded by spies, and he seems well aware of it.

Moreover, when talking about the names of these two people, Uchiha Yoru only had a clear smile in his eyes, with no trace of resentment or dissatisfaction. This was what truly shocked Tsunade.

"You! Don't you hate them?"

Putting herself in his shoes, if she were in his position, facing nothing but lies and deceit, could she smile as brightly as he does? Thinking about this, Tsunade fell silent, finding him more enigmatic the more she wanted to understand him.

At the same time, she felt a maternal sorrow for such a young boy, a fifteen-year-old who had already been guarded against and even had spies sent after him by his own village.


Hearing this, Uchiha Yoru shook his head with a smile and said, "I was a bit upset when I first found out, but later, I got over it. It seems they are also hesitating. At least for now, they haven't chosen to betray."

His cheerful smile hid a sorrow difficult for others to understand. Seeing this, Tsunade couldn't help but laugh and shake her head, "The old fools in the village really should be six feet under by now."

Just thinking about the old men in the village made Tsunade feel disgusted. She had clearly seen the huge benefits that arose from the tragedy of the Senju clan, and how these people rose to power on the inheritance left by her clan.

Since that incident, those who remained had abandoned the Senju surname. The people who carried the mission of revitalizing the Senju clan died early, completely cutting off the rise of the Senju.

This is also why the name of the Senju is almost extinct in the ninja world today.

Looking at Tsunade, Uchiha Yoru also showed a hint of melancholy and sighed, "Thanks to the Senju, the higher-ups of Konoha have inherited the will of the Second Hokage, but it has become distorted. They have always targeted the Uchiha clan, especially after the losses of the three wars."

"Especially after the Nine-Tails incident, the Uchiha clan has been unable to wash off the stain. Now, although our family business is still okay, our clan's strength is no longer what it used to be. We've been marginalized, just like now."

As he said this, Uchiha Yoru shrugged and showed a wry smile, "The Uchiha are skilled in Fire Release, but many of our elites are assigned to guard against the Mist ninja. I think some reasons are obvious."

"Hey, hey, little Uchiha, don't talk to me about this. I'm not a Senju now, and besides, it's all those old men's doing, not mine."

Clearly, Tsunade didn't want to shoulder this trouble, and Uchiha Yoru chuckled lightly in response.

Tsunade casually pushed a cup of sake towards him, but Uchiha Yoru gently shook his head, closing the lid of the sake bottle, "Excessive drinking is harmful to health. I see that you have neglected the basic skills of a ninja in recent years."

Being lectured after so many years, Tsunade glared at him, but felt a warmth in her heart. Since she lost her family, who else cared for her? Her status was too high to reach, with great honor came the loss of some ordinary things.

"Annoying brat, you're not in a position to lecture me."

Facing Tsunade's stubbornness, Uchiha Yoru shook his head and murmured to himself, "According to the information, Orochimaru-sensei's forbidden technique has made great progress. Moreover, the last time he confronted Jiraiya in Konoha, I could sense the residual natural energy on him."

While speaking, Uchiha Yoru glanced at Tsunade without leaving any trace and teased jokingly, "It seems that Princess Tsunade has become the bottom of the Sannin."

Tsunade, always prideful, raised an eyebrow upon hearing this and said with a sarcastic smile, "That's a poor attempt at provocation."

However, Tsunade felt a sense of urgency in her heart. The Sannin were not only companions but also formidable competitors, especially Jiraiya and Orochimaru, who came from humble beginnings and now not only had caught up to her but also seemed to be subtly surpassing her.

If Jiraiya mastered Sage Techniques, then she really wouldn't have much to say. As for Orochimaru, Tsunade narrowed her eyes; he was an absolute genius, especially in his talent for ninjutsu.

She was also aware of his secret research on forbidden jutsu. If he really made a breakthrough...

Thinking about this, it seemed like her two former companions from humble beginnings had not only caught up with her but even surpassed her slightly.

"Brat, your curse mark seems interesting, not like the one from Orochimaru."

Tsunade suddenly showed a thoughtful smile. Although she wandered the ninja world, she had her own intelligence network. She was fully aware of the events in Konoha, including Orochimaru's development of the curse mark.

Although her information was limited, she had thoroughly examined Uchiha Yoru's body. His curse mark seemed more like a power inherent to him.

Speaking of the curse mark, Uchiha Yoru nodded with a smile, "Correct, my curse mark was born from the one developed by Orochimaru sensei. As for the differences, it seems like a secret of the body."

The human body itself is a great treasure. For example, no one can clearly explain why Yamato could awaken Wood Release and others could not, among many other mysteries.

"Since we are parting ways this time, you should study it well on your own, consider it a parting gift."

Seeing Tsunade's interest in his curse mark, Uchiha Yoru smiled, leaned in, and opened his mouth to reveal his teeth.

His two canine teeth, enhanced by chakra, protruded a little, and upon seeing this, Tsunade just formed a few seals with her hands.


The canine teeth pierced the skin of her neck, the scent of blood lingering on her tongue, accompanied by a sweet fragrance at the tip of her nose.

As the power of the curse mark flowed in, a black, burning Sharingan symbol slowly appeared on Tsunade's neck. She frowned, the heat and pain from the curse mark on her neck made her involuntarily scrunch her eyebrows.

Sealing Technique: Evil Sealing Method

Tsunade formed a seal and instantly, sealing runes with tadpole patterns crawled over her skin, forming a circle around the curse mark.

The sealing technique locked the power of the curse mark in a specific area, instantly relieving the pain from the power's sting.

However, feeling the warm touch on her neck, Tsunade's face turned red and she coldly snorted, "Brat, aren't you done yet?"

Even though she warned him, Uchiha Yoru still bit down hard before releasing his mouth.


A crisp sound echoed from her neck. Uchiha Yoru, releasing his mouth, couldn't help but lick his tongue, savoring the taste, and narrowed his eyes with a smile, "This is like leaving a mark of Uchiha Yoru on Princess Tsunade."

Upon hearing this, Tsunade immediately let out a snort of disdain, wiped the saliva from her neck with a hand wave, and said with annoyance: "Brat, I've already told you, our ages aren't compatible."

"An older woman is a treasure, a woman thirty years older bestows a kingdom; although the age gap isn't thirty, it's still half a kingdom."

"The grudge between Senju and Uchiha, do you think that's possible?"

"You just said it yourself, you're not a Senju." Uchiha Yoru shamelessly retorted, "Besides, whether the Senju rise again depends on you."

As he spoke, his gaze fell upon her flat stomach. Tsunade's forehead throbbed with veins as she coldly sneered, "Brat, you really are going all out for your clan's mission."

She had just seen the letter from the old Uchiha Setsuna, which completely instructed to abandon all dignity, as long as he could win her, Tsunade, over. After that, Uchiha Yoru would take over the elder's responsibilities.

It was a blatant temptation.

In response to Tsunade's words, Uchiha Yoru shrugged his shoulders, smiling and shaking his head: "The clan mission is one thing, but my own choice is also very important."

"I don't want to have regrets." Uchiha Yoru's expression became even more serious with these last words.

Facing his earnest confession, Tsunade scoffed disdainfully and waved her hand in boredom, though a hint of amusement was in her eyes. After all, no woman dislikes being pursued by a young and handsome man.

And not only was he a young "puppy", but he was also strong, came from a good family, and most importantly, he opened his Mangekyō Sharingan for her.

As a princess of the Senju clan, she was well aware of the existence of the Mangekyō Sharingan.

The Sharingan, also known as the "Cursed Eye," evolves through intense emotional stimulation.

But the Mangekyō can only be activated through the immense pain of losing someone very close.

"Little puppy, are you planning to be a kept man?"

Faced with Uchiha Yoru's frankness, Tsunade also gave up and provocatively said.

"Kept man?" Hearing this, Uchiha Yoru looked puzzled, pointed to his nose and laughed: "The medical ninja said I have a weak stomach, soft food is suitable for me, and I prefer to eat soft food toughly."

Immediately, Tsunade showed a purely happy smile. When they were together, there was no need to be so guarded; they could say whatever they wanted. After all, he was someone who would give his life for her, why hold back?

"I clearly saw on the battlefield, when your Sharingan evolved into Mangekyō, one eye evolved directly, while the other evolved slowly. Can you tell me about the evolution of your other eye?"

Even among ninjas, asking about someone's ultimate move is not usual. Clearly, Tsunade's curiosity was more about provocatively trying to stir up problems between them.

But Uchiha Yoru didn't care about this at all. He was almost ready to risk his life; would he give up everything over this little issue? That would be disappointing.

Besides, he trusted Tsunade.

"The Mangekyō in my left eye was activated when Orochimaru-sensei was expelled. The awakened dōjutsu, Sanrinmyōjin (?)I call it the 'Sage Eye', capable of manipulating sage chakra to enhance ninjutsu and genjutsu."

(TL: Don't know what Sanrinmyojin is… looks like a mix of exorcism, lol)

"Orochimaru!" Hearing this, Tsunade muttered to herself, her mind filled with the intelligence from that time. It seemed this Brat wasn't in the limelight yet, still a minor character.

"At that time, well, all of our Uchiha clan pinned our hopes on the future Fifth Hokage, believing only a new Hokage could bring hope."

Uchiha Yoru said casually, but Tsunade, knowing the difficulty of activating the Mangekyō, calmly looked at the young man in front of her. Though he seemed relaxed, she knew it must have been activated under the despair of all hope being shattered.

Otherwise, the Mangekyō would have been commonplace.