[Sponsored] Chapter 196: My Struggle

[This Chapter Is Sponsored by Red Rabbit! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]

"However, there is one aspect of the mister's philosophy that I cannot agree with."

At this moment, Nagato no longer displayed his usual indifference, but was instead in a state of frenzied excitement upon encountering a kindred spirit.

"The world is full of bloodline ninja, just like carps crossing the river. Prejudices between people are like a huge mountain, not to mention some are from the Land of Fire, others from the Hidden Cloud Village, already under the shadow of hatred. How can they unite as one? Even if such a person appears, how can they quell the hatred?"

"Therefore, I believe what the ninja world lacks is a presence like the God of the Ninja World, the First Hokage, who could suppress the entire world with his power."

Nagato excitedly shared his thoughts, something he had dared not reveal to others for many years, not even to his own people.

After all, his ideas were too advanced, beyond the understanding of others, who would more likely consider him delusional.

Observing Nagato's obsessive and frenetic demeanor, Uchiha Yoru feigned a carefree smile and waved his hand: "This is just a book, an ideal world. People who have suffered a lot dream of another ideal world, which obviously cannot be taken as reality."

"But I do agree with what you said."

For the first time, Nagato heard someone affirm his philosophy, which stirred an indescribable excitement in him. Meanwhile, Uchiha Yoru maintained a relaxed smile.

Between them, it seemed as if one was seriously considering how this ideal world should proceed, aspiring to make it a reality, while the other's relaxed smile seemed to discuss how the ideal world in his book could be more logical.

"But as you said, a strong presence like the God of the Ninja World, even if it's the legendary Sage of the Six Paths, poses a problem. While this figure is alive, there might be peace in the ninja world, but what happens when they die, as all humans must?"

This rhetorical question left Nagato stunned, while Uchiha Yoru continued, shaking his head with a sigh: "Just like the First Hokage, the God of the Ninja World in his time, upon his death, war broke out in the ninja world."

The two men, one serious, the other seemingly discussing the rationality of a book's content.

Seeing Nagato in a daze, Uchiha Yoru slowly took out his red-covered book from his tool bag, "Since you like this book so much, Nagato, I will give it to you."

After leaving the manuscript, Nagato seemed lost in confusion, while Konan, who had been listening, was moved and stood up to see the visitor off.

At that moment, in Konan's eyes, the visitor was no longer just an ordinary ninja, but a fellow believer in the peace of the ninja world.

"Take care, sir."

This change in attitude was certainly felt by Uchiha Yoru, who said to Konan, "You should talk more with Nagato. He's become somewhat introverted, seemingly lost in the world of this book."

Uchiha Yoru seemed to be speaking from the perspective of a medical ninja, discussing a patient's condition, but Konan's usually cold face showed a rare smile of gratitude.

"Take care, sir. I will take good care of Nagato."

As Konan bowed deeply, a look of melancholy flashed in her eyes. The conversation between two people from different worlds had resonated with each other.

The visitor thought Nagato was lost in the fantasy world of the book due to years of disability-induced introversion, but only Konan knew that this was the direction they had been striving for.

"Itachi, let's go."

After stepping out, the figures of Uchiha Itachi and his teacher, Uchiha Yoru, a tall and short silhouette, once again walked onto the street, their backs gradually disappearing into this ordinary inn.

They tread on the thick snow. Uchiha Itachi, who rarely showed curiosity, turned to look at his teacher.

"Teacher Yoru, can I see the book you wrote?"

During their recent conversation, he sensed his teacher's philosophy in the book, and its philosophy resonated with him, feeling like the Will of Fire. No, it seemed like an upgraded version, not limited to one village or country, but rather a philosophy of peace starting from the entire ninja world.

Why are there wars in the ninja world, and what restrains the evil in human nature? Some of the stories in the book seemed to explain it all. The evil in human nature can be controlled by mutual understanding, but what if someone harbors malicious intent? In the end, everything points to one thing: power! Only those with power can talk about mutual understanding, and even if they dislike the evil ones, they are forced to accept it.

"It just so happens that I have the manuscript of this book here, with many of my interpretations. If you don't mind, Itachi, I'll give this book to you."

Uchiha Yoru took out a book identical to the one he had given to Nagato from his tool bag, smiling and jokingly added,

"However, Itachi, remember one thing: everyone should have their own thoughts, not just imitate others. So, you can read this book, but you should view and judge it from your own perspective."

It wasn't clear if Uchiha Itachi understood or not, but he respectfully took the red-covered book with both hands and carefully placed it in his tool bag.

For Uchiha Yoru, this scene brought only a smile to his eyes. The things he wanted to do had already begun to unfold.

The first step was to spread his philosophy, letting more people know and even accept it, especially on the border frontline. In those tedious days, books became the best spiritual medicine to pass the time.

Moreover, the most attractive part of the book was the theory of bloodline supremacy, quietly spreading among the bloodline ninjas on the frontlines.

Bloodline ninjas represent strength, often occupying higher positions in the ninja corps, and thus, the civilian ninjas would gradually notice and be drawn to a book that the powerful bloodline ninjas liked.

After all, the novels in the ninja world almost always start with civilians and follow cliché plots, lacking the emotional richness of this book.

Especially since this book contained many hidden messages. At first glance, they might go unnoticed, but as one delves deeper, they would be drawn to its philosophy, gradually shaping their vague understanding.

Most ninjas detest war and yearn for peace, especially those who had just experienced the Third Great Ninja War, who were well aware of war's cruelty. This book would not have been so appealing if it were placed in the peaceful era at the start of the story.

After all, humans are forgetful creatures. A decade or so after the war, the new generation would not understand the cruelty of war, and the older generation would gradually forget, naturally reducing the resonance of the book's ideas.

"Teacher Yoru, I understand."

The young Uchiha Itachi nodded firmly, understanding his teacher's intent, but he too was a ninja who longed for peace and wanted to see what exactly was written in the book.

And so, as the two of them, one tall and one short, made their way back, elsewhere…

In the inn, Nagato leaned against the bed, continuously flipping through an old book. Every page bore signs of wear, even containing the original author's insights and various interpretations.

When the book closed, an unusual blush appeared on Nagato's usually impassive face, causing Konan, who was nearby, to worry.

"Nagato, are you alright?"

"Konan!" Nagato, taking a deep breath, revealed his mysterious Rinnegan eyes, once cold but now filled with determination.

"This book, I think you must read it. It's no longer just a simple book, but an ideology! A book with the thought of peace in the ninja world, filling the void in our own beliefs."

At this moment, the book 'My Struggle', a red-covered volume, had become Nagato's treasured life philosophy. Konan, stunned, nodded: "Okay, I will study it carefully."

She had never seen Nagato so resolute. The Nagato she knew, though powerful, merely inherited Yahiko's ideals. His firm beliefs were actually hollow, but now she saw real resolve in Nagato's eyes.

In the original story, despite Nagato's years of struggle, he was swayed by the protagonist's words, due in part to the protagonist's aura, but more importantly, because Nagato's ideals were inherently hollow, mostly inherited from Yahiko.

"Konan! Before we gather the Tailed Beasts, I need to recover my body!"

Nagato's resolute words instantly brought a radiant smile to Konan's face. Nagato was finally living with his own fighting spirit, not just dwelling in pain and guilt.

"Before the start of spring, the elders from the Fire Temple visit the Daimyo of the Land of Fire. They should be on their way now; we just need to investigate properly."

Listening to Konan, a strand of red hair fluttered before the Rinnegan. Nagato's gaunt face showed a youthful spirit as he said firmly: "Good! Our target this time is the senjutsu of the Fire Temple."

"Within three days, I will find out everything," Konan nodded firmly.

"Find the senjutsu training method of the Fire Temple. If this doesn't work, then the Temple itself is our next target!"

Nagato's determination was unprecedented. He needed a healthy body to live longer. He even had a plan in mind.

Recover, continue with Akatsuki's ideology, and after establishing peace in the ninja world, seek immortality. The longer he lived, the longer the world would remain at peace.

Back in the inn, Uchiha Yoru was unaware that his deliberate statements today had such a profound impact on Akatsuki's Nagato, filling the void in his beliefs and reigniting his fighting spirit. 

Time passes by, and in a warm house under the snow, the young Uchiha Itachi's eyes gleam with passion and determination. He is holding a red book, revered as a guiding classic.

He frequently writes down his insights in another notebook, carefully flipping through the well-read book, as if afraid to damage its fragile pages, feeling unworthy to leave his own notes on it.

"Itachi, this is just another ideal world of mine, not yours. You don't need to be so obsessed. You should think from your own perspective and even propose your own critical ideas."

Uchiha Yoru looks helplessly at Itachi, who seems obsessed, but his smile reveals his excitement at being taken seriously by someone else.


Itachi solemnly closes the red book, considered supreme in his life. Looking at his teacher, his calm eyes hide an inexplicable fervor.

"Teacher Yoru's philosophy is no longer limited to a family or a village, but to the entire ninja world. Each reading brings new insights."

Itachi feels ashamed compared to his teacher. He once looked down on other ninjas, thinking they were simple and thoughtless. But now, he realizes he is no different.

His thoughts were once only about his village and family. But now, he understands that compared to Teacher Yoru, he is merely a firefly's light against the bright moon.

Suddenly, a swift hawk from Konoha knocks at the window.

Opening the window, a cold breeze dispels the warmth inside. Itachi and Yoru look solemn.

Yoru retrieves a secret letter from the hawk's leg, and his pupils shrink upon reading its content.

"Not good! Elder Deiku has been ambushed en route, and all his companions are dead."

Despite expecting it, Yoru is still shocked by the decisive actions of the Akatsuki organization.

"Itachi, pack up the good stuff. We need to leave immediately."


Realizing the gravity of the situation, Itachi quickly gets ready, and the two vanish from the inn.

Two shadows disappear into the snowy streets of Short Book Street.

Fire Temple.

Under the snowy sky, the sacred Fire Temple of the Land of Fire reeks of blood.

Bodies are everywhere, and six figures in black and red cloud uniforms coldly erase traces of their jutsu inside the temple.

Painful groans echo as one of the Six Paths of Pain, the Human Path, holds the head of the temple's chief monk.

The old monk's face is blank, drooling uncontrollably, as his memories are being extracted by a secret technique.

Under the terrifying power of the Human Path's Rinnegan, no brain seal can resist, and the memories are easily accessed.

Meanwhile, in a dark cave near the Fire Temple, a gaunt Nagato shows a slight smile.

"Konan, we have collected all the Senjutsu training from the Fire Temple."

Konan smiles and nods, "Nagato, make sure to erase all traces. It's not yet time for Akatsuki to be exposed."

The Fire Temple holds significant status in the Land of Fire. Their actions were too conspicuous, requiring careful erasure of all evidence since it's not yet time for Akatsuki to reveal themselves.

"Senjutsu, truly a miraculous existence."

After battling a high monk of the Fire Temple trained in Senjutsu, an unexpected Senjutsu attack caught the Six Paths of Pain off guard. If not for the Rinnegan's bizarre and powerful abilities, it would have been difficult to handle.