Chapter 201: Something Major Happened

"Clan head!"

"Lord Yoru, we've been betrayed. Uchiha Genten is a traitor, he has assassinated the clan head."

The elite members of the Uchiha clan quickly reported the information. At this moment, Uchiha Yoru realized that Uchiha Fugaku, with only one Sharingan eye, looked somewhat pale and purplish. The black-purple pigment in his eye sockets was clearly a sign of poisoning.

There was a wound in the abdomen where blood continuously flowed out, and notably, the blood was purplish-black.


When he saw the reinforcements, Uchiha Fugaku, who was usually stern, showed a rare smile on his face, and Uchiha Yoru hurriedly approached.

"Don't touch me! These are nano insect-level poison bugs!"

Just then, Uchiha Fugaku urgently shouted to stop him, but he spat out a mouthful of black blood.

At that moment, a figure appeared. Uchiha Yoru, in the distance, had a face full of anger. Approaching him was a shadow clone.

Uchiha Yoru quickly put on rubber gloves and said calmly, "Clan head, what you need to do now is suppress the raging chakra in your body. Otherwise, the poison will spread throughout your body following the flow of chakra in your veins."

"You guys protect the Clan head!"

The real Uchiha Yoru shouted to the four people, and finally, he looked around at the gradually dispersing firestorm with a murderous intent.

In the firestorm, some survived by using Earth Release to defend themselves, while others used Water Release. Their cooperation meant almost no one died directly.

This was an elite force.

"This is Fire Release!" A masked ninja was shocked as he looked at his burnt arm, and the ninjas behind him protecting him all had burns; they were scalded by high-temperature water.

In the final moment, they used Water Release, but in the firestorm, the water rapidly evaporated, turning the water barrier into boiling water.

Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation

In an instant, another terrifying level of ninjutsu burst forth. At the same time, Uchiha Yoru, surrounded by lightning, transformed into a lightning bolt and disappeared from the spot.


In the remnants of the firestorm, there were screams and the sound of colliding ninjutsu.

Sage Art: Lightning Release - Chidori

Sage Art: Fire Release - Ash Hiding Technique

In the midst of the chaotic battle, Uchiha Yoru instantly activated his Mangekyo Sharingan. With the boost of Sage Art: Chidori, his speed increased to another level. Then, with the Ash Hiding ninjutsu, a large area was set ablaze, obstructing vision.

This elite force, comparable to ANBU, screamed continuously, not because they were weak, but because their opponent was overwhelmingly powerful.

They had already used a lot of chakra in their ambush, and now facing Uchiha Yoru, who had activated the Cursed Seal and Mangekyo Sharingan, his combat power was among the strongest at the Kage level.

With the massive increase in chakra after merging with Mokuton, a succession of large-scale ninjutsu roars crazily one after another.

Powerful ninjutsu capable of moving mountains and overturning seas are large-scale attacks, while at the same time, Raiton ninjutsu swiftly shuttles through the sea of flames, with no one able to withstand it.

Boom~ Various ninjutsu are poured down crazily, and this group of masked ninjas is quite eerie.

The captain in charge of this operation couldn't help but sweat coldly when he saw this scene, realizing this was beyond his level.

"Retreat! The plan has changed, the mission has failed!"

The signal to retreat is issued immediately. This is a well-trained group, each member fearless of death. Some are responsible for a suicidal rearguard while the rest, already prepared, scatter and escape without hesitation.

A flash of lightning streaks by, and the masked captain, looking at his pierced chest, reveals an indifferent smile.


Blood flows continuously. At this moment, Uchiha Yoru's face looks extremely unpleasant. A complex seal pattern appears on his arm, hindering the flow of chakra in his arm.

"The capture plan has failed, the destruction plan is complete!"

Facing certain death, the captain chooses to use his life to buy time, revealing an indifferent smile and uttering cold words.

Upon hearing this, Uchiha Yoru reveals a cold smile, "Capture failed? It seems you are from the Root. Although I don't know how the information was leaked, your so-called 'capture' must be related to the Mangekyo Sharingan of the clan head."

"If the plan failed, then you have absolute confidence in your toxin destroying the Mangekyo Sharingan."

Under the flashing lightning, Uchiha Yoru slowly raises his head, revealing his strange eyes, causing a shock to the opponent.

The Uchiha clan still has a pair of Mangekyo Sharingan!

However, the next moment, darkness engulfs him, and as life fades away, the prohibition inside his body activates, his body sizzles, and flesh and bones visibly corrode into stinking white smoke, leaving behind only his clothes and weapons.

This is a common trick of the Anbu, Root, and secret units of various countries. The body is rigged with prohibitions that activate upon death, completely destroying the body to prevent information leakage.

Under the lightning and thunder, the battlefield is filled with the roaring of powerful ninjutsu, arriving quickly and leaving just as fast.

In just a short moment, the surrounding forest is covered with fires and countless traces of ninjutsu.

The empty clothes of about a dozen people prove their recent existence.

"Clan head!"


As Uchiha Itachi descends from the sky after ensuring safety, everyone sees the son of the clan head showing sorrowful and angry emotions for the first time.

With three tomoe in his eyes showing ferocity, at this moment, no one cares about the genius who opened three tomoe at just nine years old; instead, they are all sorrowfully looking at their clan head.

"Cough cough, don't come near me."

At this moment, the weakened Uchiha Fugaku coughed up a mouthful of black blood, then raised his head, showing a strained smile. Looking at the Sharingan in his son's eyes, he revealed a proud smile.

"Itachi, worthy of being my son, you have awakened the three-tomoe Sharingan at the age of nine."

"And you, Yoru." Uchiha Fugaku turned his head and looked at Uchiha Yoru with a complex and regretful expression.

"Mangekyō Sharingan, the Uchiha clan has actually awakened two pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan, haha."

A line of tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. Uchiha Fugaku, filled with unwillingness, relied on the two pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan. With these, the Uchiha clan had enough confidence to contend with the higher-ups of Konoha, waiting for the next generation of talents to grow up.

He had seen the hope of the clan's glory in his hands, but then...


Watching Fugaku spit out fresh blood again, everyone gasped in shock. Meanwhile, the shadow clone Uchiha Yoru spoke in a low, hoarse voice, "Clan head, this is a nanoscale poison bug, which has spread throughout the body along the chakra pathways."

"Clan head/Father!"

Everyone, being elite ninjas, knew what it meant for the poison to spread throughout the body - it was almost like waiting for death.

"Yoru, you are the most brilliant genius of the Uchiha clan now and the strongest existence besides me. Now! I want you to take on the responsibilities of the clan elder ahead of time."

"Here, now you are the supreme commander!" Uchiha Fugaku's vision was blurring, but he was relieved to see Itachi before his death. Now, what he was most concerned about was the clan.

Hearing the clan head's words, Uchiha Yoru knew what it meant. Under his subdued emotions, his heart was even more excited.

"Clan head, although your eyes have been infected with nanoscale poison bugs, the power of the Mangekyō is still intact. Now I need to remove this Mangekyō Sharingan and seal it. Once we break the poison bug's curse on it, it will become a powerful aid for the clan in the future."

Hearing such ruthless words from Uchiha Yoru, everyone did not get angry, and even Uchiha Itachi silently looked at his father.

Amidst the unnerving sound of flesh being separated, Uchiha Fugaku's blurred vision gradually fell into darkness as his only eye was removed.


The Mangekyō Sharingan was placed directly into a test tube. Then, Uchiha Yoru solemnly began to form hand seals. Under the sealing jutsu, the Mangekyō Sharingan slowly degenerated into an ordinary eyeball as it lost chakra, and the black-purple range of the poison in the white of the eye also stopped spreading.

"Cough, cough, I, Uchiha Fugaku, have been the clan head for over a decade, have not achieved much, and even brought the clan into dire straits, bringing shame upon the clan. Today, I rightfully face this tribulation."

Uchiha Fugaku, now sitting cross-legged on the ground, spoke regretfully in his weakened state, and everyone fell silent after hearing this.

"Although Yoru is young, he is powerful and broad-minded. I nominate Uchiha Yoru as the new clan head in the name of the clan head. After you return, you can tell Elder Setsuna."

With his eyes closed, Uchiha Fugaku felt a mix of regret and sorrow, not fearing death but resenting that the position of clan head had to be passed to someone else.

After Uchiha Yoru activated the Mangekyō Sharingan, Fugaku realized it was too late. If he forcefully made a will to make Uchiha Itachi the young clan head and had Shisui, the elder, support him, it would cause turmoil within the clan upon Yoru's return with the Mangekyō Sharingan.

The Uchiha clan couldn't withstand such instability. If only Itachi were older and Fugaku could preserve his Mangekyō Sharingan eyes, he could entrust them to Itachi before his death, with Shisui's support, and offer Yoru a position of real power as an elder.

That would have been a possibility. Unfortunately, Itachi was too young, and his Mangekyō Sharingan had been infected by a poisonous insect, turning everything into a mirage.

Moreover, with the current unstable situation in the clan, Yoru's Mangekyō Sharingan would undoubtedly command respect from all clan members, not to mention his status as the disciple of one of the legendary Sannin. This was the best choice for Fugaku.

"Yoru, I entrust Itachi to you," said a weak Fugaku, holding Yoru's hand, covered in rubber gloves. Yoru was conflicted between grief and joy; grief for losing a Mangekyō Sharingan clan head, and joy for potentially becoming the clan head himself.

"Clan head," Yoru, understanding Fugaku's intentions, bent down to listen, not worried about being infected by the poison insect as a shadow clone.

Suddenly feeling something in his hand, Yoru's expression became grave, and Fugaku, weak and hoarse, whispered in his ear.

"The clan is in your hands. The higher-ups in the village have always had issues with the Uchiha. After you return, Elder Setsunai will assist you. Also, take care of Mikoto, Itachi, and Sasuke."

Fugaku's last concern was his family and clan. As he exhaled his last breath, his weak hand gradually lost its strength.

"Clan head! Father!"

Yoru solemnly observed everything, admiring the clan head who sacrificed everything for the safety of his family and clan.

The information passed through his hand made Yoru sigh in melancholy.

Fugaku's life was burdened with heavy pressure, and his complex journey ended in this life.

Yoru's initial plan involved a division of responsibilities, with Fugaku handling the clan and Yoru dealing with Orochimaru's direct force and some clan ninjas, forming two powers. But all that was disrupted.

"Seal the clan head's body and take it back to the village."

Although everyone is still in grief, a calm mind is more important than anything for a ninja. At this time, they know that being sad is useless.


Uchiha Itachi looked at the lifeless body in front of him with disbelieving and vacant eyes. He wanted to say something, but no sound came out of his throat.

However, the scenes that kept flashing in his mind were of the warmth of his family, his father who rarely smiled, and then his teammate whom he thought he could trust. It was from him that his father's information was leaked.

It was his teammate! He himself had caused his father's death!

Under the heavy burden of self-blame, the three tomoe of the Sharingan in Uchiha Itachi's eyes began to spin wildly, with the three black tomoe almost forming a continuous pattern.

But as the chakra in his body surged wildly, and a large amount of a certain hormone was secreted in his brain, his vision suddenly blackened, and he fainted.


Amidst the blurry voices, he fell into darkness. People around him were filled with shock, and Uchiha Yoru moved forward gravely to check on his student.

"Itachi has just fainted. Scout the area for information as quickly as possible and take care of the clan head's body."

A sealing scroll appeared, and with a sealing jutsu, Uchiha Fugaku's body was wrapped and sealed. This was done to prevent the body from decomposing and to seal the nano-poisonous insects inside Uchiha Fugaku's body.

"Quick! Send a message to Elder Setsuna, and have the family prepare. We will return to the village as fast as possible!"

Such a major incident at this time could be expected to bring great turmoil to the Uchiha clan, especially given the already strained relationship between the village and the clan.


The remaining four Uchiha jonin, capable of being bodyguards, knew the gravity of the situation despite their sadness and anger.

The four quickly scouted the battlefield, searching for any clues they could find.


— 70 Advance Chapters!

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