[Sponsored] Chapter 209: The Hokage that always uses Sacrifice

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Under the night sky, the lights in the Hokage office building of Konoha were brightly lit. All members of the Anbu and Root divisions were prepared for the worst, and all of Konoha's Jōnin had received orders. The leadership of Konoha was bracing for the worst.

However, as long as there was a glimmer of hope, nobody wanted to witness a terrible event unfold, not the leaders of Konoha, nor the Uchiha clan.

Warmongers who sought to destroy their own homeland were always in the minority.

Inside the Hokage office, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Homura Mitokado, and Koharu Utatane, seasoned by many crises, waited patiently.

In the meeting room, Shimura Danzo was presiding over the meeting, with only the clan heads of the Ino-Shika-Chō present.

"Danzō revealed that a member of Itachi Uchiha's team leaked information, as well as Uchiha Fugaku. Although all this was done for the village's peace and personal reasons, the channel through which the information was passed was the village's intelligence department."

Danzō, with no regret for his actions, only lamented underestimating Uchiha Yoru, surprised by Yoru's potential to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan. Had he known, he would have eliminated both parties earlier to avoid such troubles.

Danzō, with a cold look in his one good eye, addressed the clan heads of the Ino-Shika-Chō. "As the foremost powerful clan in Konoha and the ninja world, the Uchiha cannot be humiliated like this. The leaked information was also a source of their grievance."

Nara Shikaku, Yamanaka Inoichi, and Akimichi Choza exchanged glances, their faces grim. Danzō then slowly stood up, leaving them with a message and walking out without looking back.

"I'll be waiting in the Hokage office for your response."

As the meeting room door closed, the trio of Ino-Shika-Chō could no longer hide their tension.

Inoichi, in particular, slammed his fist on the floor in frustration. "Damn it, it's his Root division using the intelligence department's channels, and now we're the ones to take the blame."

Akimichi Choza, visibly worried, knew that their three clans were facing an unprecedented challenge.

"Shikaku, do you have any solution?" he asked.

Shikaku, known for his strategic mind, looked at the others with a face full of worry and shook his head. "There's no room to maneuver since the Uchiha seized this opportunity."

"The new clan head of the Uchiha, Yoru, has just taken his position. This action not only unifies the Uchiha clan but also shows the clan members the hope under his leadership. So, the Uchiha will not give up easily."

Regarding the Uchiha's actions this time, Nara Shikaku also rubbed his forehead with a headache, "After being isolated, the Uchiha clan has always had internal disputes. Some hope for a peaceful resolution, while others want to talk to the village elders through strength. But this time, the death of Fugaku has provided an opportunity, a chance to unify the clan's thoughts against the outside world."

"Once successful, the Uchiha will see a chance for retaliation, and all internal conflicts will be transferred externally. With the leadership of Uchiha Yoru, the new clan head, and the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan, they will be invincible."

"The most important point is the timing! Now is the best opportunity for the Uchiha clan." Nara Shikaku said, shaking his head, as the Uchiha had everything in their favor: the right time, place, and people.

"The border unrest is already causing panic, with the Daimyo's guard and the incident of the twelve ninjas, along with the Fire Temple, all coming together. If this had happened a month earlier, the Uchiha wouldn't have dared to act so recklessly."

In essence, the Uchiha have also seized the opportunity. "You don't want the village to be more unstable, and neither do we, but you have always oppressed the Uchiha clan. Now that we've caught the chance to fight back, you have to give us an explanation."

Finally, Yamanaka Inoichi showed a forced, lost smile to the two, "As the head of the Intelligence Department, I will take responsibility for all this. I won't let our three clans be involved."

"Inoichi, you!" Akimichi Choza expressed his worried concern, but Nara Shikaku remained unusually silent.

The three were close friends, but they also bore the rise and fall of their clans on their shoulders. The pressure was so great that in such situations, they couldn't act on their impulses.

Thinking of something, Yamanaka Inoichi took a deep breath, hiding all his emotions, and instead displayed a carefree smile, his golden ponytail fluttering.

"I'm going home first. Don't worry about the rest."

As the head of the Intelligence Department, Yamanaka Inoichi was the primary responsible person. They could have been impulsive for each other in their youth, but now it would be an unnecessary sacrifice.

Moreover, they not only have their clans but also their families to think of. Nara Shikaku has his young son, and Akimichi Choza has his family too. In the end, everyone has their personal concerns.

Inside the Hokage's office, four pairs of eyes through the window saw the departing figure of the golden-haired, dispirited Yamanaka Inoichi, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

They knew that the Ino-Shika-Cho clans had made their decision.

Would the Ino-Shika-Cho blame them? They had never thought about this. The alliance in politics is actually an alliance of interests. If the Ino-Shika-Cho were really that naive, there was another choice.

The three clans could bleed themselves dry to give an explanation to the Uchiha, but the cost would be enormous. By doing so, the three clans would lose the trust of the higher-ups. Moreover, after so many years of hard work to reach their position, would they just give up? Impossible!

Between clan interests and personal interests, as clan heads, they resolutely took up their responsibilities.

Uchiha Clan

On this eventful night, the Uchiha, having been driven to the outskirts of Konoha and enduring in silence for many years, revealed their fangs. Their actions caused unrest throughout Konoha, making it a sleepless night for the village.

Previously, under the leadership of Uchiha Fugaku, internal discord and external oppression were evident in the clan. They demonstrated restraint and a need to prove their innocence, which gradually lessened the village's wariness towards them.

However, as soon as Uchiha Yoru assumed leadership, he showed his true capabilities, seizing the opportunity to demonstrate his fearless resolve and the powerful confidence of the Mangekyo Sharingan, instantly heightening the villagers' apprehension to its peak.

This illustrates the difference between the two leaders. It wasn't a matter of vastly different leadership skills, but rather a difference in understanding the information gap and the timing of events.

If Uchiha Fugaku had known from the beginning about the clan's impending doom, his methods would not have been so mild. With death inevitable, a more aggressive approach would have been justified.

Moreover, the timing was not favorable for Fugaku, whereas now, Konoha was at its weakest, facing instability at its borders and within the Land of Fire, setting the stage for this development.

Uchiha Yoru had the advantage of timing, location, and popular support, unlike Fugaku, who had none of these.

"Clan head, the Aburame clan, has already moved here overnight, and the Hyuga branch family has joined the guard team," reported a clan member.

The elite Uchiha members inside the house were more excited than ever, having been suppressed for too long. The sudden release of their restraint today filled them with fervor for their young and strategic new clan leader.

However, Uchiha Yoru, seated at the head of the room, was calmly sipping tea, holding a red book in one hand. He nodded slightly in response to his subordinate's report.

"Continue to strengthen the guard and inform the whole village not to let our clan's affairs affect the entire village," he said nonchalantly. This statement left the Uchiha Jonin inside the room exchanging glances, expressing skepticism.

Would anyone believe this statement?

Some were confused, but the elder, Setsuna, sitting aside with cloudy eyes, revealed a flash of insight. He coughed hoarsely and glanced at the others.

"The clan head has spoken. Why haven't you executed the order yet?"

With this, some scratched their heads in confusion and left to carry out the orders, while others showed a relaxed smile.

Having seen Uchiha Yoru's approach, Elder Setsuna felt reassured and even began to consider transferring all authority to him.

As Uchiha Yoru said, special situations require special handling. The Uchiha clan couldn't afford more turmoil, and this event showed the terrifying power of a united family, which even Konoha had to weigh carefully.

"The Third Hokage has arrived," announced someone suddenly, as shadows flickered throughout the Uchiha land.

Dark, gloomy rain began to fall, adding a somber tone to the village's tense atmosphere.

In the Uchiha Territory, the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, with his small and thin silhouette, led the way. His lowered Hokage hat obscured his face, but his imposing aura commanded respect.

Following him were Jonin from the Ino-Shika-Cho clans, not many in number, only about a dozen. Among them was a stretcher covered in white cloth, vaguely revealing the outline of the person lying on it.

A strand of blond hair peeking out, coupled with the absence of one of the Ino-Shika-Cho clan heads, even surprised the Uchiha ninjas present.

With the winter just passed and the light rain adding a chill, the group stopped in the courtyard of the Uchiha residence.

Uchiha Yoru and the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, reunited once again in the courtyard of Fugaku's residence. This time, under a drizzling rain, they calmly looked at each other.

"The Intelligence Division leaked secrets and was exploited by enemy nations. I deeply regret Fugaku's fate, but this pain is not only Uchiha's. I, too, have lost my eldest son, Shinzo, and share in this sorrow."

"This is also a pain for the Konoha. The head of the Intelligence Division, Yamanaka Inoichi, took his own life in shame at home."

Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke calmly, betraying no emotion, making it impossible to discern what the old man was thinking. As his words slowly echoed around, everyone's gaze turned to the white stretcher.

Even the initially defiant Uchiha Jonin were stunned, feeling a chill in their hearts. Forcing the leader of a great clan to his death made them realize the situation was beyond their control.

This incident would further tarnish the Uchiha's reputation.

Uchiha Yoru remained outwardly calm, but inside, he was in turmoil. "What a move by the Third Hokage," he thought, "Such ruthless countermeasures. From today onwards, the Uchiha clan will bear a notorious reputation."

"This child is Aburame Torune, the only ninja in the village from the Aburame clan who can control nano-sized poison bugs."

A seven or eight-year-old child, a boy wearing close-fitting leather goggles, was then pushed forward.

At that moment, the Ino-Shika-Cho alliance looked angrily at Uchiha Yoru, while other Uchiha members blushed with embarrassment.

Presenting such a child would make it seem like the Uchiha clan forced the Yamanaka clan leader to his death and then bullied a child.

As for the intelligence leak? In the ninja world, who could claim their intelligence was flawless? The five great ninja villages constantly had their information stolen.

"Just because you Uchiha are powerful, do you have to pursue this to the end?"

Under Sarutobi Hiruzen's countermeasures, Uchiha Yoru's newly established prestige began to waver, as if he had become a villain.

Looking at the thin, old man before him, Uchiha Yoru took a deep breath and coldly glanced at the Ino-Shika-Cho alliance with a disdainful expression.

"One must admit their mistakes and change when they know they're wrong. Stand straight when being punished. Be bold and responsible for your actions. If we ignore the rules of the Konoha, then what's the point of these ninja regulations? Might as well disband the so-called Six Departments of Konoha."

The situation has reached such a state that whoever retreats will lose. Uchiha Yoru, unwavering and indifferent, looked at the crowd, with his gaze finally resting on the Third Hokage. His subtly veiled reminder did not spare anyone.

"Third Hokage, is it not true? Wasn't White Fang's contribution significant enough? Wasn't Orochimaru's contribution significant enough? Wasn't Uchiha Madara's contribution in founding Konoha significant enough?"

With these three soul-piercing questions, Uchiha Yoru's expression became even colder, causing the senior ninjas of the Ino-Shika-Chō clans to avert their gaze.

Seeing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen deeply regarded this young man. He had misjudged him; Orochimaru had cultivated such a calamity for the village, truly a profound harm.

"Correct, the head of the Uchiha clan is right. We must acknowledge our mistakes and correct them! The rules of Konoha apply to everyone, including Uchiha Madara, the founder of Konoha!"

The confrontation between Sarutobi Hiruzen and Uchiha Yoru was blatant and in front of everyone, laying everything out in the open.

Having reached this point, the matter of Uchiha Madara was bound to come out sooner or later. It was better for Uchiha Yoru to use this opportunity to reveal it, seizing the moral high ground.

Uchiha Yoru's three soulful questions trivialized the death of a minor head of the Yamanaka clan. If they still wanted to argue, could the Yamanaka clan match the previous three in comparison?

With Sarutobi Hiruzen's stern warning, he reminded everyone that within Konoha, actions must follow the rules. Anyone who disrupts the order will be severely punished.

At this moment, the wavering hearts of the Uchiha clan were instantly steadied, and even the observing Uchiha clansmen showed resolute eyes.

Indeed, was this their doing? If one were to really count, what about White Fang, Orochimaru, and even their own ancestors who were condemned posthumously? The Ino-Shika-Chō clans had no right to protest, and if they dared to glare again, they'd face severe consequences.

Everyone is under the same rules; no one should be afraid.

As for the bad reputation? Let's first talk about White Fang's matter.

In essence, this was a confrontation between Uchiha Yoru and the Third Hokage. If anyone else tries to further tarnish the Uchiha's reputation, they would fight back. The Uchiha are not to be underestimated. No one should laugh at the other, as the matters involving White Fang and Orochimaru were not that long ago.