[Sponsored] Chapter 212: Kakashi and Shisui

[This Chapter Is Sponsored by Mister Vii! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]

At the start of the year, the ninja world was in turmoil. Among the five great ninja villages, three experienced significant disturbances, leading the smaller ninja villages to believe an opportunity had arisen. Consequently, the entire ninja world was thrown into a bit of chaos.

This resulted in increased friction along the borders of the major ninja villages, making missions more challenging, especially those requiring crossing national borders.


The Uchiha clan's territory, caressed by the spring breeze, was brimming with the aura of spring's arrival, more lively than the previous year.

Countless new faces were selling goods on the streets, and the number of women buying vegetables had doubled.

Most notably, the Hyuga clan's Byakugan became prominent. With the inclusion of the Hyuga branch family and the Aburame clan, the Uchiha territory added new faces, making it uniquely distinct.

Also, Uchiha Yoru's rise to the head of the Police Department and becoming the Head of the Uchiha clan brought back the fame of being a disciple of the legendary Sannin, Orochimaru, in the village's streets and alleys.

Under this lively atmosphere, many joined the Uchiha, especially in the Police Department, with countless ninjas signing up.

Subsequently, the families of these ninjas followed, bringing significant benefits to the Uchiha clan, which has never been short of wealth.

A brand-new three-story building stood out in the Uchiha territory, the new residence of the clan Head.

Police Department headquarters.

"Shisui, Kakashi, you two have finally returned."

Seeing them return from the front lines, Uchiha Yoru smiled and personally served them tea.

"Big brother Yoru/Yoru!"

The two seemed somewhat restrained. Kakashi was slightly better, but Uchiha Shisui was clearly embarrassed, unsure of what to call him.

Holding the teapot, Uchiha Yoru filled their cups with tea under their restrained expressions.

"There's been so much happening lately, it's good you're back. Now I can relax a bit."

These words were heartfelt, as expanding the Uchiha clan's influence and recruiting for the Police Department, especially given his now prominent status, attracted both opportunistic and marginalized individuals.

"Yoru! Big brother Yoru." Initially wanting to address him as the clan Head, Shisui, under Yoru's gaze, reluctantly reverted to the original form of address, but his heart felt warm.

"Big brother Yoru, about the clan Head's matters…"

Before Shisui could finish, Uchiha Yoru's smile gradually stiffened, and he raised his hand to stop Shisui from continuing.

"Shisui, some things are in the past, and the village cannot afford more turmoil right now."

Uchiha Yoru spoke with a distant look in his eyes, uttering insincere words. This scene made Shisui's expression on his face somewhat stiff, and he involuntarily gripped the teacup in his hand a bit tighter.

The more it was like this, the more doubts grew in his heart, especially with the attitude of Yoru, which led him to a certain guess.

Under the suddenly oppressive atmosphere, Uchiha Yoru rubbed his forehead and looked at the two with an apologetic expression, "Let's set aside the matter of Clan Head Fugaku for now. After all, Konoha needs unity at the moment, and we can't give outsiders a chance."

"You should be aware of the current situation in the ninja world. The emergence of the rebellious forces in the Mist Village seems to have given some people an opportunity. Who knows how many are hoping for a similar situation in Konoha."

With such frankness, Uchiha Yoru presented a righteous image.

Taking a deep breath, Shisui, who deeply loved his village, knew the priorities and said firmly, "Big Brother Yoru, rest assured, I won't act recklessly. However, if there's an opportunity, I will definitely investigate Clan Head Fugaku's matter thoroughly."

The assassination of a clan head, especially now, fueled his anger with the suspected hidden truths.

Kakashi, sitting quietly by, watched his teacup. These matters were not his place to comment on, as he was an outsider in the affair of Previous Clan Head, Uchiha Fugaku.

An outsider's persuasion, what would others think? It's not their clan head who died. Therefore, he remained silent, thankful that Yoru didn't let anger cloud his judgment. Instead, Yoru faced even greater pressure as the new clan head and became more thorough in his actions.

"Kakashi, most of the ninjas joining this time were direct subordinates of Teacher Orochimaru. They have suffered prejudices because of this, so your task is heavy. You must lead well."

Now that Uchiha Yoru's status was not simple, he had the influence. These ninjas had endured being wronged and ostracized in silence. But now, under Uchiha Yoru's rise, they could openly move to a place where they wouldn't be ostracized. Why not go?

With this philosophy, and also considering Uchiha Yoru's potential due to his young age, almost all of Orochimaru's direct subordinates aligned with him.

Although Orochimaru failed, Uchiha Yoru might have a chance, backed by the Uchiha clan and the prestige of the Sannin Orochimaru, and being the grand student of the Third Hokage.

Moreover, with the alliances formed with the Hyuga branch family and the Aburame clan, a new political system was completely established. If the Fifth Hokage was to be chosen from the new generation, then Uchiha Yoru now held an absolute advantage.

Facing Yorui, who had risen to be the Uchiha clan head and controlled the important Police Force, completely different from his past status, Kakashi showed a sincere and firm gaze.

"Yoru, you've finally taken this step. I thought..."

"What did you think?"

In front of Kakashi, Uchiha Yoru always showed trust. The two rarely had conflicting opinions, especially Kakashi, a very calm ninja, especially in this period of the Anbu, his calm nature also gave him a different political perspective.

"I thought it would take at least ten years to take this step."

Kakashi rarely showed a relaxed smile. Although wearing a mask, the expression in his visible eye was clear.

"Yes, if it went by the book, it would take at least ten years."

Uchiha Yoru didn't refute Kakashi's judgment but instead sighed deeply. The assassination and death of Uchiha Fugaku, in the eyes of others, was almost like fate.

It could be said that the death of the previous clan head created everything for him.

In the eyes of others, Uchiha Fugaku had died, and the immense pressure of the clan, coupled with the anger from the clan head's death, led him to activate the Mangekyo Sharingan.

He then opportunistically became the Uchiha Clan Head and the Chief of the Police Force, reaching the pinnacle of his life.

Originally, he planned to persuade Fugaku, working seamlessly from within and without. But unexpectedly, everything ended up being done by him alone.

It was tiring indeed, and the pressures meant for two were now his alone. However, the upside was that he had the final say in everything.

"Many must be talking behind my back," thought Uchiha Yoru.

He knew people were gossiping about him, but he no longer cared.

"Yes, only eighteen and already the influential Chief of the Police Force, as well as the head of the most powerful clan," Kakashi couldn't help but remark that times make heroes. Sometimes, luck is indeed a part of one's strength, and in this case, it played a major role.

"Even Teacher Minato didn't have the foundation that Yoru has," Kakashi, who was more than just a ninja, knew that his background meant he couldn't have achieved this. Especially considering everything he had been through.

Uchiha Yoru understood what Kakashi meant. Although Minato was the Fourth Hokage, he really didn't have much foundation. His rise was too rapid, lacking time to cultivate his own direct lineage, and then he became the Hokage.

After becoming the Fourth Hokage, he found himself with no one to rely on. The so-called Ino-Shika-Cho was still inheriting from the Third Hokage and was in a transitional state.

Under the Third Hokage, the Ino-Shika-Cho trio wasn't truly Minato's power.

The major clans? He didn't have time to win them over. Only the Uchiha showed goodwill, and just as they started to work together, it ended.

Uchiha Yoru was different. He already had his direct lineage of power, the strongest and most trusted being his clan. All of Uchiha were his direct supporters.

Then, succeeding Orochimaru's direct lineage of ninja forces, the Hyuga Branch Family, and the Aburame clan.

All in all, once Uchiha Yoru becomes the Hokage, he won't just be a figurehead. He'll have enough power without needing the support of the Third.

"But!" Kakashi's tone changed, his expression serious, "Yoru, you've also become a target. Your every move is watched by everyone, and the higher-ups under the Third Hokage won't let you compete for the position of the Fifth Hokage."

Indeed, in Kakashi's eyes, Uchiha Yoru's methods after becoming clan head seemed too eager for quick success, resulting in a complete fallout with the village's higher-ups.

Like now, their conflict had become public, and many forces in the ninja world had thoughts of fanning the flames.

But Kakashi understood that all these hasty methods were for competing for the position of the Fifth Hokage.

All of this was for the sake of Konoha, to change its corrupt system sooner.

"Kakashi, why can't Big Brother Yoru compete for the position of the Fifth Hokage?"

Upon hearing these words, Shisui immediately showed a look of urgency. He was puzzled and even more, angry. The Uchiha clan had already sacrificed a clan head; didn't they deserve a chance?

"With the Uchiha clan, as well as Lord Orochimaru's influence, and even Lord Orochimaru's support from outside at critical moments, along with the Hyuga, Aburame, and Police Force, who else in the village can surpass Brother Yoru?"

At this point, Shisui knew Kakashi wouldn't speak without reason, so he angrily slammed the table, "Only the capable Sarutobi Shinzo has died, who else is there in the village? Could it be that the Sarutobi clan wants to push Sarutobi Asuma instead?"

Watching the somewhat agitated Shisui, Kakashi remained silent, while Uchiha Yoru smiled and waved his hand to calm Shisui.

"Shisui, the Third Hokage is already in his sixties. The village indeed needs to choose a new Hokage, and I am indeed the best candidate."

Shisui couldn't see through the politics, but Kakashi saw everything clearly. Uchiha Yoru, with a smile and squinted eyes, had no plans for this but was reminded by Kakashi's words today due to his recent busyness.

Kakashi, looking at Shisui, solemnly said, "The first choice for the position is still among the Sannin. Excluding Lord Orochimaru, whose reputation is tarnished, both Lord Jiraiya and Lady Tsunade are undisputed top candidates."

Hearing the names of Lord Jiraiya and Lady Tsunade, Shisui was stunned, then sat down silently after realizing.

Although he also thought the two were suitable, the Uchiha clan finally had a chance to produce a Hokage, which would completely resolve the conflicts between the clan and the village.

Facing Kakashi and Shisui, Uchiha Yoru showed an unbothered smile and nodded, "Kakashi, you need to convey a message to Lord Jiraiya, and I will take care of Lady Tsunade."

"Whichever of them becomes the Fifth Hokage, the Uchiha and the Police Force will fully support."

Uchiha Yoru was genuinely sincere this time. What's most important in this world? Strength or influence?

He believed that below the level of Six Paths, strength and influence are closely related and indispensable. Only at the level of Six Paths, capable of sweeping through the ninja world single-handedly, would someone of Kage level be noteworthy, with other powers being insignificant.

But for now, he hadn't even reached the level of the First Hokage or Madara, so he still needed the support of influence.

The greatest advantage of Jiraiya or Tsunade returning as the Hokage is that conflicts would be eased. If that's the case, he wouldn't mind focusing on improving his strength.


Looking at Uchiha Yoru, Kakashi's fixed gaze seemed to be trying to see through his comrade's real thoughts. After all, this is about the Hokage, representing supreme authority.

However, Uchiha Yoru showed a hint of worry. "Kakashi, I'm not concerned about who will become the Fifth Hokage. What worries me is that there might not be a Fifth Hokage at all."

"What!" Shisui, who was nearby, was clearly startled by this remark. He didn't understand how there could be no Fifth Hokage.

It's not that the Third Hokage of Stone Village didn't want a successor; it's that there wasn't a suitable one. Konoha clearly had successors, more than one, so why wouldn't there be a Fifth? The Third was already in his sixties, and his son had just died.

After hearing this, Kakashi was also momentarily stunned, then seemed to think of something, and his expression gradually became serious.

Uchiha Yoru looked out the window at the tender green branches on the treetops, but slowly lowered his head, hiding his gaze in the darkness.

"Human desires are the hardest to control. The feeling of having lost and then regained something, the psychological transformation with aging, plus the desire of family, relatives, and comrades not wanting to lose their current status. These are the invisible hands pushing hearts and desires in the dark."

"People always change, just like me. Kakashi, you and Shisui also want to change and are pushing me from behind."

"If one day, your family, loved ones, and comrades lose some benefits with my stepping down, they are the pushers, and so are you. What would you do then?"

Uchiha Yoru's calm voice echoed in the room. Kakashi fell silent, having witnessed the changes in human nature, which is the hardest thing to control in this world.

"Big brother Yoru, are you saying that the Third Hokage will cling to power and not choose the Fifth Hokage!" At this moment, Shisui expressed his shock.