Chapter 229: Tavern Speech


In a luxurious and upscale tavern, under the clear sky and bright sun, it was surprisingly full. Inside, there were serious-looking ninjas, including those from other countries and merchants.

But without exception, everyone here was either rich or noble, with the lowest-ranked ninja from the Konoha being at least a chunin. The tavern's wide-open doors seemed unafraid of any information leaks.

Inside the luxurious tavern, Uchiha Yoru, dressed in opulent clothes, held a red-covered book titled 'My Struggle', passionately delivering a speech.

"What kind of world do we live in? A world with powerful ninjas, yet they are poor! Ninjas suffer in poverty in their old age. They don't understand production, but they chose to become tools like ninjas to protect the village, to protect their families…"

"Among you are ninjas from other countries on missions, and merchants, but without exception, why does the ninja world's warfare never cease... Civilians cannot live in peace, merchants fear being attacked on the road…"

Under Uchiha Yoru's passionate speech, many foreign ninjas who came admiringly took fervent notes, as if wanting to memorize every word to recite them back home.

Even as merchants, many showed excitement and fervor. In this chaotic world, every merchant lives in fear, with their lives hanging by a thread. Many of them didn't even graduate from ninja school, while others were disabled retired ninjas.

Merchants, while engaging in trade, often convey more intelligence, making their position somewhat awkward.

As major sources of missions, they are favored by the great ninja villages, but also hated for possibly spying on their own villages. In times of war, it goes without saying, wealth moves hearts.

Moreover, these merchants are under the control of nobles from various countries, even the Daimyo's office. So, the so-called immense wealth, they are merely representatives, the true wealthy ones are always those in higher positions.

As escorts, ninjas respect merchants, while as assailants, they prioritize killing merchants. Unless the cargo contains something extremely important, they aim to seize it.

In a private room on the second floor of the tavern, a white-haired figure looked increasingly solemn at the young man's speech below, saying in a deep voice, "This kid's thoughts are too dangerous, he will only bring disaster!"


This person was Jiraiya, who had disguised himself to blend into the tavern unnoticed. Tsunade, sitting at the table emanating a noble aura, didn't even raise an eyebrow but calmly lifted her cup.

"Lady Tsunade."

Shizune respectfully poured wine on the side, making Jiraiya's pupils constrict, feeling a headache coming on. Tsunade had changed so much in just a few years!

In the past, although known as the Princess of the Land of Fire, she was more hearty, maybe just a bit quick-tempered.

Now, Tsunade from head to toe was a completely different person. The somewhat old-looking green robe was replaced by an elegant, wide kimono.

The white kimono fluttered with hexagonal plum patterns, the wide sleeves edged in red, also adorned with hexagonal plum designs, and a snow-white fluffy shawl draped around her proud neck and shoulders.

Her flowing blonde hair shone brightly. If Tsunade was once valiant, she now exuded an intimidating nobility.

Like a high and mighty noble empress, especially with her innate arrogance and noble demeanor.

Even her footwear changed. The once old-fashioned black high heels were gone, replaced by crystal fish-mouth high heels, elegant and noble, with crystal ribbons winding around her legs, adding to her nobility.

Calmly sipping her sake, Tsunade calmly said, "Jiraiya, calmness is a ninja's principle. Besides, has the disaster you talk about really happened over these years?"

Tsunade scoffed disdainfully, mocking Jiraiya, "It seems those fools who inherit the Will of Fire you talk about have always been bringing disaster, haven't they?"

Jiraiya was left speechless by a sharp comment, scratching his head in embarrassment. He had thought Tsunade was seizing the opportunity to mock the village for its past actions.

"Cough cough, Tsunade, this time the old man probably really has no idea what to do. Otherwise, he wouldn't have called both of us back."

Jiraiya directly revealed the reason for their return, and Tsunade, upon hearing this, scoffed disdainfully. "Can't clean up their own mess, huh? Now they remember to call for help. Is it really necessary to go through all this trouble? Why not let Orochimaru, the old man's most favored disciple, discipline his own student? That would be the simplest solution."

"Cough cough!"

Although Tsunade had changed a lot, her temper hadn't changed at all. Jiraiya, who hadn't even finished his drink, choked and coughed continuously, a bitter smile on his face.

Tsunade hadn't changed at all. Bringing up Orochimaru at a time like this was like asking for trouble.

"Tsunade, I don't mind the kid being ambitious. After all, every ninja in Konoha wants to become Hokage, and there's nothing wrong with that. But you might not have read the kid's book, but at least you've heard of it, right? And his recent speeches."

"If this kid really becomes Hokage, it could bring disaster to the entire ninja world, not just Konoha!"

Speaking of serious matters, Jiraiya became more focused, looking intently at Tsunade.

However, Tsunade still had an air of nobility, sipping her drink calmly and eating gracefully, nothing like her former impulsiveness. This left Jiraiya feeling somewhat helpless.

"Tsunade, this is information from the years after the kid became the head of the Uchiha clan. With such speeches, this kid has not only influenced Konoha but also several important towns in the Land of Fire, and even made speeches when visiting other countries."

"Do you know how obsessed ninjas from other countries are with this kid's radical ideas?"

At this point, Jiraiya showed a rare look of deep concern, speaking slowly and gravely, "More than half of the rogue and mercenary ninjas in the ninja world are fanatically obsessed with his ideas, Tsunade. You should realize how terrifying this data is!"

"And in the Land of Sky, Land of Bears, Land of Stars, Land of Rivers, and so on, these smaller countries have seen a surge of fanatical zealots, almost like followers of a cult."

"Only the four great nations are still stable. But with the current situation in the ninja world, this kid's terrifying ambition, and the leaders of the various nations just waiting for a civil war in Konoha, all this could even become the catalyst for the Fourth Great Ninja War."

Was Jiraiya exaggerating? No! Otherwise, why would Tsunade have returned?

Jiraiya's words also caused a ripple on Tsunade's calm face. She glanced through the gap in the partition at the handsome man below, who was giving an impassioned speech, a complex look in her eyes. Finally, she turned to Jiraiya, her expression solemn, showing a self-mocking smile.

"Jiraiya, as you said, this kid is now too powerful to control. Just looking at his popularity, it's likely that no one in Konoha can match him. And under his command, he has the entire Uchiha clan, as well as the Hyuga branch family, the Aburame, and the remnants of Orochimaru's followers."

"The situation is set. The Fourth Hokage died, and the Third Hokage came out of retirement, temporarily taking the position of Hokage. But over the years," Tsunade said with a mocking shake of her head and a cold laugh, "the older the Third gets, the more stubborn he becomes. But at the same time, his methods and courage are getting worse, yet he stubbornly believes that only he can save Konoha. And now? He can't even handle a kid."

Jiraiya naturally understood what Tsunade meant, and couldn't help but bow his head in silence.

In his youth, the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, was indeed a formidable ninja, but as he aged, his stubborn and paranoid ways led to a big mess.

Most of the Jonin in the village were dissatisfied with the Third Hokage's regime, or rather, with the regime of the Hokage's clan at the top.

Good positions and missions were given priority to ninjas from clans like Sarutobi, Yamanaka, and Nara, related to the Hokage lineage, leaving others feeling stagnant.

At first, it wasn't a big deal, but over time, resentment built up, and the Third Hokage's regime began to lose its cohesion and loyalty.

Had it not been for the power (strength) held by the high-level clans of the Hokage, they would have been overthrown already.

Even Jiraiya and Tsunade, who spent years outside the village, were aware of this and shared the dissatisfaction. Otherwise, during the Chunin Exam in the original story, when the Third Hokage was trapped in the barrier, apart from his Anbu, no one came to rescue.

Might Guy, hot-blooded as he was, stopped in his tracks, hesitating to act, when Kakashi said to trust the Third Hokage. Could it be that Guy, now a Jonin, didn't understand? He had the ability to break the barrier by opening six or seven gates, if not all eight.

Even the Root didn't appear, nor did the two advisors, making the whole situation very strange.

Even Jiraiya, strangely, was idling in the village, as if at that moment, everyone had abandoned the Third Hokage, or rather, everyone chose to give the longest-serving Third Hokage a dignified end.

"Indeed, the old man has aged," Jiraiya sighed and shook his head, drinking his sake, but he still voiced his reasoning.

"The old and new powers are bound to clash. This brat's extreme ambition, and the Third Hokage's stubbornness, clearly neither will back down, and the entire ninja world is watching Konoha!"

"Everyone fears Konoha won't fight. If there's a chance, they'd love to see a civil war in Konoha. So, Tsunade, this isn't me being alarmist."

At this moment, Jiraiya spoke very seriously: "Once a civil war breaks out in Konoha, do you think the military forces of Iwagakure, Kumogakure, who have been expanding their military power in recent years, and even Sunagakure will miss this opportunity?"

"So, what then?" Tsunade, facing such a grave topic, simply smirked in disdain, toying with her glass.

"Help the Third Hokage and his old guards? Suppress this brat? Start a civil war prematurely? Or are you planning to involve me, using the name of the Three Sannin to intimidate with power, and then use Danzo's dirty tricks to dismantle this brat's power?"

"Just like the tactics used against Sakumo Hatake and Orochimaru, those two fools."

Tsunade's face showed a scornful smile as she bluntly and nakedly exposed these political ugliness. She hated such tactics, preferring to solve problems with her fists. Maybe her identity didn't allow it, so she had to rely on violent means to vent her frustration and anger.

"Cough cough!"

After being so bluntly confronted by Tsunade, Jiraiya's old face showed embarrassment. "Tsunade, we should just keep this conversation between us, definitely not in front of the old man."

"How so? A bunch of old-timers who should have been in the ground a long time ago are shamelessly clinging to their positions, still claiming to do it for the sake of Konoha."

"Maybe it was for Konoha in the past, but now!" Tsunade said disdainfully with a cold sneer, contempt evident in her eyes.

Shizune, standing aside, was so frightened by their conversation that she kept her head down and obediently played the role of pouring the drinks, not daring to interject.

Tsunade and Jiraiya, given their status, could make such remarks without issue. Even if Tsunade pointed fingers and cursed at the higher-ups, they had to tolerate it, but she couldn't do that.

"Lady Tsunade."

Seeing that her cup was only half full, Tsunade turned with a look of dissatisfaction. Shizune, noticing this, showed an awkward, habitual smile, as if hinting at something.

In fact, even Shizune didn't know that since an event a few years ago, Tsunade's personality had drastically changed, even her drinking habits had become more regulated.

"Hmph! Is that all for today? How stingy."

Tsunade grumbled and cursed under her breath. To Jiraiya's astonishment, she didn't ask for more alcohol but gently sipped from her half-full cup, as if it was her last drink for the day.

This surprised Jiraiya, who exclaimed in shock, "Tsunade, have you lost your mind, you actually...!"

However, before he could finish, he was met with Tsunade's cold gaze. Instantly recalling her formidable strength, his expression froze, and he swallowed the rest of his words.

"Hehe, very good, Tsunade."

Jiraiya forced a bright smile, raised his glass for a toast, and they clinked glasses in a somewhat tense atmosphere.


As a ninja, Jiraiya had long noticed something was off. He wanted to ask for clarification, but before he could finish, Tsunade, as if knowing what he was about to ask, replied indifferently.

"I've found someone younger, wealthy, but a bit disobedient."

Tsunade said impatiently, waving her hand. After all these years, she clearly understood Jiraiya's intentions and wanted to dissuade him directly.

Hearing this, Jiraiya trembled imperceptibly, then widened his eyes in shock, his mouth agape. After a long pause, he exclaimed in a teasing tone, "Tsunade, you're robbing the cradle!"


Tsunade's angry voice rang out, and the relationship among the three Sannin returned to its previous state, marked only by a lonely, white-haired soul in sorrow.

Shizune, hearing this, thought to herself, 'Indeed, no wonder Lady Tsunade has changed so much over these years.'


— 70 Advance Chapters!