Chapter 243: Five Kage Summit Invited Uchiha Yoru

It was obvious that Jiraiya did not want to get involved anymore. Now that the Third Hokage's loss of power was inevitable, standing on his side could very likely lead to a civil war in Konoha.

If he remained neutral, on the other hand, the Third Hokage would still have some considerations.

The meeting in the Hokage's office ended unhappily this time. After Hiruzen Sarutobi left, only Jiraiya and Tsunade were left in the office.

"Hey, hey, come out now, kid. The old man has already left."

Tsunade, sitting at the office desk, took out the sake she had prepared earlier from the cabinet and poured three cups full.

It was clear that besides Jiraiya and Tsunade, there was a third person in the office.

"Cre-eak, cre-eak."

Just then, a face slowly appeared in front of the wooden cabinet, and a wooden figure slowly walked out.

Seeing this, Jiraiya couldn't help but flash a look of shock in his eyes and blurted out, "I can't believe that the lost Wood Release has reappeared in the Konoha, and it's even inherited by an Uchiha."

The one using Wood Release was obviously Uchiha Yoru. Now the three of them sat at the Hokage's desk, each holding a cup of sake.

The scene of the urgent and frustrated Jonin meeting seemed like an illusion. Uchiha Yoru, smiling, looked at the two.

Jiraiya couldn't help but twitch his mouth and sighed, "Kid, I have to say, you've got guts."

In response to Jiraiya, Uchiha Yoru shrugged casually with a sincere smile and raised his glass, "I had no choice. Lord Jiraiya, you've been gathering information in the ninja world, you should know that the military forces of the Stone Village and Cloud Village have already surpassed Konoha.'

"These old folks are still indulging in the dream that the Konoha is the dominant force in the ninja world, thinking they control everything, not realizing that since the Third Great Ninja War, the Konoha has been weakening."

Jiraiya shook his head and sighed about the shocking plan laid out this time. He didn't know if it was right or wrong, but for now, it seemed to be going according to plan.

"You kid, you're practically scheming against the whole ninja world. Not to mention anything else, just for the guts!" Jiraiya expressed his admiration and raised his glass in a gesture.

But Tsunade just snorted unhappily, "Damn it, kid, the conditions you promised after you become the Fifth Hokage."

Facing Tsunade's raised eyebrows, Uchiha Yoru looked at the glass he had been holding for a long time and nodded with a smile.

"Don't worry, it's all for Konoha, and for peace."

Uchiha Yoru's expression gradually became serious, "I always thought it was Danzo and the Third Hokage plotting in secret, but it's clear that the perpetrator of the Nine-Tails' attack that night is someone else, and the one who used the Mangekyo Sharingan to control the Fourth Mizukage must be the same person."

"According to the intelligence extracted from Danzo's brain, this person is very likely to be Uchiha Madara! Or rather, a descendant who inherited Uchiha Madara's will."

As Uchiha Yoru mentioned this name again, Jiraiya couldn't help but feel a chill, feeling as if a pair of hands were secretly manipulating things in the ninja world.

"You are also aware of the information about the Mangekyō Sharingan, but Uchiha Madara's Mangekyō obviously reached another realm, with eternal ocular power, so even though we also possess the Mangekyō, our strength is still not enough."

Listening to Uchiha Yoru's narration, Jiraiya gently placed his cup of sake at his lips, the aroma of the wine inexplicably bitter, and eventually, he downed it in one gulp, shaking his head.

"I hope your plan is right."

Tsunade, who also downed her drink in one gulp, let out a cold laugh, "Jiraiya, after all these years of investigation, you must know that there's a hidden force in the ninja world. If it's really him, the current state of Konoha!"

At this point, Tsunade laughed self-deprecatingly, obviously feeling that Konoha now was far different from what it once was.

"So, no matter what the truth is, our starting point is for the prosperity and strength of Konoha."

After the three of them finished their drinks, Uchiha Yoru's face showed a smile. He hadn't lied; now that Danzo had been captured, the Nine-Tails' incident had nothing to do with him. Accusing him would be counterproductive; it's better to reveal the hidden enemy and join forces for a common purpose.

"When there's an internal problem that can't be resolved quickly, the appearance of a powerful external enemy is the best way to shift the conflict."

"Brat, what if we choose not to cooperate?"

At this moment, Tsunade suddenly revealed a playful smile, and Jiraiya also showed curiosity.

Facing this question, Uchiha Yoru simply laughed and said, "It's simple, reform requires bloodshed. I think Teacher Orochimaru and a pair of Mangekyō should be enough to hold you two off, while the aging Third Hokage faces three pairs of Mangekyō."

Although he didn't say the last part explicitly, it was clear that they were confident in their high-end combat power.

Although the power of a Kage-level ninja isn't as simple as a one-on-one match, just the thought of Orochimaru made Jiraiya fall silent.

"And this is also what you want to see, isn't it, Jiraiya? Mutual restraint achieving a certain balance."

At this moment, Uchiha Yoru's face showed a confident smile, slowly extending his hand, "Five years! Five years is enough to prove right and wrong."

Regarding this bet, Jiraiya poured himself another drink, saying with a smirk, "I'll investigate in these five years. If the opponent has appeared in the ninja world, there will definitely be traces."

Watching Jiraiya, Uchiha Yoru shrugged nonchalantly and laughed, "Of course, I can also provide a few clues. After all, I'm more than happy to have someone investigate for free."

"Kannabi bridge and the Akatsuki organization in the ninja world, these two clues. Of course, there's another clue I'm sure will reveal something - the Fourth Mizukage of Kirigakure."

Seeing Uchiha Yoru's teasing look, Jiraiya spat out his drink in surprise, glaring with wide eyes, "Investigating in the Land of Water at this time? I'm not ready to die yet."

Although he said this, it was clear that Jiraiya was somewhat tempted. Aimlessly investigating in the ninja world compared to having three solid leads was different.

Uchiha Yoru squinted his eyes, he didn't lie, the battle at the Kannabi Bridge was where Obito encountered Madara, and it's unknown how far Madara's lair is. If nothing is found, then so be it, it's Jiraiya who's going to investigate anyway.

But he wasn't lying about the Akatsuki organization either. Not to mention Obito, the Rinnegan possessed by the Akatsuki at present is enough to give Jiraiya a hard time.

And then there's the Fourth Mizukage of the Water Country, who is definitely being manipulated by Obito. So, if Jiraiya really sneaks into the Mist Village, he is sure to uncover some issues.

He didn't lie about any of these three clues.

"I'll go and calm the old man down, the rest is up to you guys to handle. But, kid, I still have to warn you one last time."

Putting down his sake cup, Jiraiya walked towards the window, shaking his head. He stepped one foot outside the window but couldn't help turning back to admonish.

"Kid, you're really playing with fire this time, but as you said, it's indeed the fastest way to enhance Konoha's strength."

In the Hokage's office, with the window open and the breeze blowing, the books rustled, and Jiraiya's figure had disappeared.

At this moment, only Tsunade and Uchiha Yoru were left in the office. Looking at each other, Tsunade couldn't help but smirk.

"Kid, you're bold, playing schemes across the entire ninja world, using the forces of the ninja world to accomplish your own plans. Be careful not to get in trouble."

"In trouble?" Facing this question, after Jiraiya left, Uchiha Yoru revealed his true self, scoffing disdainfully.

"For now, leaving aside whether the Third Hokage is willing or not, how many of those old folks are willing to give up their power? If trouble arises, shifting the conflict outward can also be beneficial."

"Besides, Konoha was founded together by the Senju and the Uchiha. This cooperation has been pleasant."

Looking at the palm in front of her, Tsunade glared and then the two shook hands, signifying the start of their cooperation.

"You were right about one thing, kid. It's better for the Senju and Uchiha to give Konoha its final glory than to let those old fools ruin it."

"From now on, I'll be counting on you, the Fifth Hokage." At this, Uchiha Yoru squinted and smiled, while Tsunade also nodded, saying, "You too, the new Hokage of Konoha."

The shocking changes in Konoha in the Land of Fire had already spread throughout the ninja world.

The Third Hokage was impeached and resigned once again, but before stepping down, this longest-serving Hokage of the Konoha brought back one of the Sannin.

Princess Tsunade, one of the Legendary Sannin, quickly became one of the candidates for the Fifth Hokage, with another being the rising star, Uchiha Yoru.

Following this, the forces under Uchiha Yoru obviously started the intimidation necessary before an armed coup.

But Tsunade was no ordinary person. With the prestige of the Sannin and her connections as the medical sage, she quickly united all the neutral ninjas within the Konoha. Now, the Konoha had become a battleground for two powerful factions.

Tsunade not only had the support of the neutral ninjas and her own faction, but also the full backing of the Third Hokage's lineage, openly opposing the Police Force.

Among the candidates for the Fifth Hokage, Uchiha Yoru and Tsunade, it was clear that the Daimyo of the Land of Fire favored Tsunade.

Just when the balance of victory was tilting, the Cloud and Rock Villages were the first in the ninja world to express their deep condemnation of the Konoha's inhumane acts of secretly seizing bloodlines from ninjas, even openly supporting the recognition of Uchiha Yoru as the Fifth Hokage.

This was followed by the smaller ninja villages influenced by these two major villages, and soon almost the entire ninja world began to speak up.

After all, the Konoha had always been the dominant power in the ninja world since its establishment. The prospect of its collapse was a sensational event that everyone wanted a part of.

The rich resources of the Land of Fire were coveted by countless ninja villages, with even the smaller villages thinking of taking advantage of the situation to gain some benefit.

Fanning the flames was their specialty. They didn't have to lift a finger, just sit back and watch as the Konoha erupted into civil war. This was a good thing for them.

Stone Village.

"Lord Tsuchikage, the Uchiha clan from the Land of Fire, led by Uchiha Yoru, has once again requested war materials from us, and even subtly mentioned wanting our support to obtain the Seven-Tails from Waterfall Village," reported a trusted subordinate.

Listening to the report, the elderly Onoki widened his eyes in surprise. "Uchiha's appetite is too big! They already have three and a half pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan, and now they want a Tailed Beast? That's impossible!"

"What they want is a civil war in Konoha. It's fine to supply the Uchiha clan with war materials and even weapons since these are consumables. But Tailed Beasts are different. If the Uchiha get one, it's a permanent gain."

"No! Tell the Uchiha clan that Stone Village, for the sake of justice in the shinobi world, can provide material support."

Clearly, Onoki could discern the urgency of the situation. The presence of three and a half pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan already made him wary. Fortunately, he had the intelligence that these Mangekyo Sharingan were different from those of Uchiha Madara in the past — overuse of their powers could lead to blindness.

At this moment, Onoki, with furrowed brows, demanded, "Konoha's intelligence is the top priority. I must be informed of the latest developments from Konoha."

"Also, activate the spies hidden in Konoha and do everything possible to fuel the conflict there."

"But Lord Tsuchikage, this might be difficult," interjected a calm and collected jōnin, adjusting his glasses as he analyzed the intelligence.

"Based on the current information, Konoha seems divided into two factions, but actually, there are three: the Uchiha Police Force, Princess Tsunade's faction, and the Third Hokage's faction."

"It appears Princess Tsunade has gone too far in reaching some agreement with the Third Hokage. Currently, among these three factions, neither the Third Hokage, Princess Tsunade, nor Jiraiya wants to start a civil war. They are all acting very cautiously. It seems they might compromise if certain conditions are met."

Hearing this analysis, the cunning Onoki smirked coldly. "Compromise! The position of Hokage is the biggest conflict. Tsunade has the support of the Daimyo and the old Third Hokage. The Fifth Hokage position isn't secured yet, probably because they fear the Uchiha clan's desperate actions."

"But I will give them a conflict. Normally, a Hokage's succession requires the votes of all the jōnin in the village and the Daimyo's recognition. But what if the entire shinobi world recognizes Uchiha Yoru as Hokage?"

Saying this, Onoki couldn't help but smile. "I think the other villages would be happy to grant such a favor. After all, Uchiha Yoru, with his Mangekyō Sharingan, already has the power to become Hokage."

"Someone, notify the Raikage, Kazekage, Mizukage, and Uchiha Yoru, the Hokage. I'm preparing to host a Five Kage Summit in the Land of Iron."

It was clear that the crafty and cunning Onoki, in his attempt to incite a civil war in Konoha, had directly acknowledged Uchiha Yoru's status as Hokage.

In the Five Kage Summit, with the major shinobi villages recognizing Uchiha Yoru as the Hokage by name, it was almost as if the entire shinobi world had acknowledged him. What more could Konoha say?

And with Uchiha Yoru recognized as Hokage by the entire shinobi world, he naturally had an excuse to take command of the entire Konoha. If anyone dared to disrespect this, well, a little war to quell rebellion seemed quite normal.


— 90 Advance Chapters!