Chapter 262: Integration of Two Major Ninja Village

In the battle of the Land of Water, the ninja world was shaken.

When the news spread throughout the ninja world, the major ninja villages initially did not believe it, but those major villages fell silent.

After all, the histories of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama were not far removed, and with the intelligence gathering capabilities of the ninja villages, they could still gather information.

At first, when they saw this information, they felt it was a bit of a joke. Was this really not just a story?

After all, exaggerating the deeds of deceased heroes and ancestors is a tradition.

However, the intelligence from the battlefield of the Land of Water made it known to the major ninja villages that this was not a story, but a real power in the ninja world.

The power of one person to defeat tens of thousands of ninjas, this was not a legend, but a real achievement.

The power of one person to unleash ninjutsu that could move mountains and overturn seas, and the Tailed Beasts, considered as disasters and deterrence weapons in the ninja world, were treated like domestic dogs in his hands.

The Land of Water fell, it fell after just one battle.

With the death of the Fourth Mizukage, internal strife broke out in the Mist Village led by the original teachers, and the Mist Village, one of the Five Great Ninja Villages, declared a complete merger with the Konoha.

Stond Village.

The Third Tsuchikage, Ōnoki, looked at the intelligence in his hands with a gloomy face.

"Third Tsuchikage, this is a personal letter from the battlefield of the Mist Village, Night God."

Night God! That was the current title of Uchiha Yoru.

Like the demi-god Hanzo, the ninja world loves to give powerful people all sorts of strange titles.

"A letter?"

Ōnoki was somewhat angry, thinking it was another letter like the threatening ones from Uchiha Madara, but the content of the letter shocked him.

The letter revealed that the Fourth Mizukage did not die but was taken away by a mysterious person using space-time ninjutsu, and the Three-Tails did not fall into his hands.

Moreover, the information about the mysterious person clearly indicated that he was the ninja who attempted to assassinate after the last Five Kage Summit.

A terrifying masked ninja with a Mangekyo Sharingan and Wood Release, suspected of inheriting the will of Uchiha Madara, has been plotting in the dark against the ninja world.

Extremely powerful.

"Another one with Mangekyo Sharingan and Wood Release?"

Ōnoki looked at the intelligence, his eyes widened in shock.

What the hell was this stirring up the nests of the Uchiha and Senju? Why are there endless layers to this?

But then, thinking of something, Ōnoki suddenly showed a cunning smile on his face.

"A powerful enemy hidden in the dark? Isn't this just the thing to restrain that self-proclaimed god?"

"Someone come, pass my order, investigate in the ninja world for a masked ninja with a one-eyed dragon mask, this is his portrait."

Despite this, Ōnoki remained skeptical and sent out ninjas to investigate in secret.

Not only the Tsuchikage, but Uchiha Yoru also wrote letters to the Kazekage and Raikage, and together with the Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei and the original teachers of the Mist, announced to the ninja world.

The first news was the merger of the Mist Village with the Konoha, although they continued to maintain the existence of the Mist Village, they accepted the rule of Night God.

The second message is about the conspiracy in the Mist Village's Blood Mist. This message is somewhat explosive.

It spread throughout the Ninja World that the Fourth Mizukage of the Mist Village was being controlled, and there were hidden forces in the Ninja World plotting something.

The enemy possesses the Mangekyo Sharingan and Wood Release, suspected to be a descendant of Uchiha Madara.

At the same time, the Fourth Mizukage was taken away by this enemy at the last moment of the great war.

This news caused a sensation, but more so, it raised doubts, suspecting it to be a smokescreen by the Konoha and Mist Villages to deceive the Ninja World.

But all this is no longer important. Small ninja villages don't have the power, and the Konoha and Mist, two major ninja villages, disdain to explain to these smaller ones.

In the offices of the Kage of the major ninja villages, there are already portraits of Uchiha Obito's mask, information on space-time ninjutsu, and places where he was suspected to have appeared.

With the intelligence capabilities of ninjas, Uchiha Obito couldn't possibly leave no clues, especially since the entire Ninja World is now investigating him.

Perhaps some secretly think someone is restraining him, but isn't Uchiha Yoru also plotting in the dark?

Starting a war to unify the Ninja World now, uniting the Konoha and Mist Villages, seems difficult.

One is that the Mist Village needs at least three to five years to assimilate, especially after just having a great war, and the other is Uchiha Yoru's dominance, his status now surpassing that of the daimyos.

The daimyos of the Land of Water and Land of Fire are already wary of him, and now Uchiha Yoru needs time to stabilize internally, to better adapt and integrate the Konoha and Mist. At the same time, he needs to resolve all internal troubles within his jurisdiction.

The Mist Village has fallen, entering the era of the Fifth Mizukage under the rule of Night God.

Terumi Mei suppresses troublemakers with thunderous methods, while starting to abolish various non-compliant rules within the village, and Uchiha Yoru has already returned to Konoha.

Time passes, and it has been two months since the Land of Water was incorporated into the territory.

In Konoha, at the Hokage's office building.

In the meeting room, Uchiha Yoru looked at Hokage Rock and said, "Starting a war at this time, Obito won't just watch, and neither will the one hiding the deepest."

Although his power is strong, it is not invincible. If pushed too hard, someone could summon Konoha's dancing king, Uchiha Madara, who opened the Rinnegan and was stronger than the previous him at the Valley of the End.

He still needs time, not to mention the so-called Sage of the Six Paths.

However, as Uchiha Yoru pondered, the meeting room's door was pushed open, and one after another, renowned ninjas of the Ninja World entered.

Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi, Kakashi Hatake, Might Guy, Kurenai Yuhi, Mitarashi Anko, and other elite Konoha ninjas arrived.

And from the Mist Village, Hoshigaki Kisame, Zabuza Momochi, Ringo Ameyuri, and Biwa Juzo, other elite ninjas, also entered.

This time there were three chairs, with Uchiha Yoru sitting in the middle, flanked by the Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei and the Fifth Hokage Tsunade.

"Yo, looks like everyone's here."

At that moment, Jiraiya's hearty voice rang out, and at the same time, Genma Shiranui, Raido Namiashi, and Iwashi Tatami of the Genma Squad arrived.

However, the three looked noticeably pale, having teleported everyone back using the Flying Thunder God Technique.

"Lord Yoru, mission accomplished."

The pale-faced trio, looking at Uchiha Yoru, caused him to nod amusingly, "It seems your strength still needs improvement. To be this exhausted after using the healing slug."


A round of laughter echoed in the meeting room, even the usually reticent Mist ninjas smiled.

The Genma Squad exchanged wry smiles. It wasn't that they were weak, but the chakra expended in so many teleports, though replenished by the slug, required them to recover their mental strength.

Jiraiya laughed heartily, but when he looked around the meeting room at the assembled ninjas, even he was secretly shocked. This power had already surpassed Konoha's peak period.

Even more so!

Thinking this, Jiraiya looked towards the three people seated, especially when he saw Uchiha Yoru and Tsunade, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

I'm afraid it won't be long before the powerful forces of the first Hokage in his prime and Uchiha Madara appear.

Indeed, it is to surpass the peak in the history of Konoha, after all, this is a combination of Senju and Uchiha. If a few children are born from this union, the future implications are significant.

At this moment, Uchiha Yoru looks at everyone and gives a light cough, immediately making everyone show a serious expression. Konoha and the Mist ninjas are already merging, and they know this meeting is crucial for the future of both villages, and possibly the future of the ninja world.

"Everyone, the Land of Water and the Land of Fire have already started to integrate fully, but there are still some problems to face. Civilians are one thing, but the hatred among ninjas has always been there."

"For example, the hatred within the Mist Village, the conflict between bloodline ninjas and ordinary ninjas, no matter the reason, the hatred bred under the Blood Mist Policies has continued for many years and cannot be changed overnight."

"Also, the hatred between Konoha and Mist ninjas, among others, can all become means for enemies to attack us covertly."

Uchiha Yoru looks around at everyone with a solemn expression, talking about a very realistic issue. Peace and integration are not as simple as just words.

As for Uzumaki Naruto's creation of temporary peace, it was because during the Fourth Great Ninja War they encountered a much stronger external force. If they didn't set aside their differences and work together, they would die, even risking the lives of their own families and friends in the ninja world, which led to the formation of the Ninja Alliance.

"I have a few policies to propose."

Looking at everyone's serious faces, and those confused about how to solve these issues, Uchiha Yoru gives a wry smile and shakes his head. If most ninjas only think like pure ninjas, this matter is too difficult for them.

"I uphold the concept of ninja supremacy, not for personal reasons, but based on reasoning. Ninjas possess powerful forces, equating them with ordinary civilians is inherently unfair."

When Jiraiya wants to argue, Uchiha Yoru says sternly: "Like the rich and the poor, do you think the rich will share their wealth with the poor to achieve fair distribution of wealth?"

"Similarly, as a ninja, would you be willing to teach your jutsu, even secret techniques, to ordinary ninjas?"

Uchiha Yoru looks directly at Jiraiya as he says this, and Jiraiya, with an embarrassed look on his face, scratches his head and remains silent for a moment.

Would he teach jutsu to ordinary ninjas? No, it's almost instinctual not to.

"Next, I propose that all bloodline ninjas from the Mist Village move to Konoha, using Konoha as a base, while the Mist Village itself will still exist. Later, I will arrange for Konoha's medical and educational ninjas to be stationed in the Mist alongside their comrades."

"Additionally, elite ninjas who reach the level of Jonin and pass a review can move their families. Similarly, Konoha ninjas can also move to the Mist."

"The Mist and Konoha need to integrate and need peace, even more so for the future peace of the ninja world. I hope you will cooperate with me to achieve this great ambition."

Uchiha Yoru almost explicitly stated that his future goal is to unify the ninja world. Everyone understood this clearly, with some feeling excited and others worried.

"Also, I have decided to allow the Mist ninja and the Konoha Anbu to share intelligence. We will relocate ninjas who bear grudges against each other to different regions - north, south, east, and west - to carry out missions, so they hardly meet again. Even the timing of their missions should be separated if possible."

"Time can heal all wounds." As Uchiha Yoru said this, he saw the puzzled looks of the crowd and sighed helplessly as he explained.

"When the Uchiha and the Senju joined hands to establish the Konoha, all the major ninja clans that joined had grudges. But they were suppressed under absolute power, and then peace attracted them, leading them to suppress their grudges for the sake of their descendants."

"In the end, it was time. As time passed, facing common enemies, the grudges gradually weakened until the hatred of the previous generation was buried with them in the earth, leading to the peace of Konoha today."

As Uchiha Yoru spoke these words, he was almost directly addressing Jiraiya, and also telling everyone that his ambition was not empty.

Hearing this, Uchiha Shisui's eyes grew more fervent, and Uchiha Itachi showed a resolute expression.

"Teacher Yoru is great. This is the path our predecessors walked. By glimpsing a part, we can understand the whole. If Konoha could do this, what about the entire ninja world? The bloodshed of this era, the hatred of the next will vanish with them."


Uchiha Yoru's ambition was all about peace. In the original story, many powerful ninjas suffered from wars, hence their hatred for war and their pursuit of peace.

Uchiha Yoru now openly pointed out a clear path and even possessed the capability to achieve it.

"After stabilizing the Mist ninja in the Land of Water, the first step is the peaceful integration of Mist ninja with the Konoha Anbu, which means sharing intelligence. Suitable Konoha ninja can join the Mist Anbu and vice versa. Also, both villages will carry out tasks together, starting with cooperative ninjas."

"Gradually, the Mist ninja and the Konoha ninja will, like the five great villages at their establishment, shake hands and become one family."

"The second step is to exchange teachers and students between the Mist and the Konoha, prioritizing orphans, but setting the age at seven. There will be special rewards for these teachers and students, like assigning stronger ninjas upon graduation, like special Jonin, or even Jonin."

"The third step is to prohibit any speech or rumors that disrupt the peaceful coexistence of the Konoha and the Mist, spreading stories of camaraderie and even love stories arising from intermarriages between the two villages."

"The fourth step is for Konoha to implement a true ninja supremacy rule, not the vague concept before. From a young age, the ninja school will teach that the strong power of a ninja is to protect their homeland and civilians, not the previous concept of ninja as tools."

"The fifth..."

As Uchiha Yoru announced these policies, Tsunade and Terumi Mei's eyes sparkled with admiration, but also with sadness.

In their eyes, Uchiha Yoru probably had a firm concept of peace since his teenage years, taking actions and planning future policies in the face of reality.

Because these are not ideas that can be conceived overnight.

Jiraiya was also secretly shocked, even showing a look of lost admiration. He admired the young man for having a dream, not only taking action and making efforts but also drawing on the experiences of his predecessors.

His concept of peace was not empty; unlike his aimless search for peace, Uchiha Yoru enriched his concept with historical events and experiences, developing his own idea of peace.

Uchiha Yoru put in actual effort and action, unlike Naruto, who only had an empty concept of peace.


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