[Bonus] Chapter 270: Jiraiya's Helplessness

Konoha, Hokage's office.

"Yoru, that's all the information."

After the meeting, Hatake Kakashi came alone to the office to report.

Sitting in the chair, Uchiha Yoru smiled after hearing the report, looking at Kakashi and asked, "Kakashi, what do you think of the Sarutobi clan now, are they a threat?"

Faced with this sharp question, Hatake Kakashi frowned and thought for a moment before answering.

"Yoru, the Sarutobi clan, along with the Ino-Shika-Cho alliance, is indeed a significant force. Isolated over the years, some in these families have become militant, stubbornly believing their glory was stolen, and some have even secretly encouraged the idea of a coup."

"But all this has nearly been resolved with your methods, Yoru. First, by dividing and winning over, some members of the Ino-Shika-Cho have come over to our side."

"However, the Sarutobi clan is more stubborn, especially since under the leadership of the Third Hokage, they nearly saw Konoha as their own. Suddenly losing power and being treated this way, there's still quite a bit of rebellious thought in the clan, only suppressed by your strong presence, Yoru."

Kakashi analyzed the current situation in detail, and Uchiha Yoru nodded in satisfaction.

"Not bad, now with Uchiha Itachi as the head of ANBU, watching the Sarutobi clan, they can't stir up much trouble. But what do you think of Sarutobi Asuma?"

On this sensitive topic, and also about a classmate, although he once had a bad relationship with Yoru, Kakashi is extremely calm and never biased on major issues.

"I think Sarutobi Asuma genuinely wants to ease relations with the village. Asuma represents the dovish faction of the Sarutobi clan."

Looking at Kakashi's serious expression, even ready to vouch for him, Uchiha Yoru just waved his hand with a smile.

"Kakashi, don't go there. Right now it's just you and me, no superiors or subordinates, only comrades. I believe what you say, and as for Asuma, what happened in childhood was just childish play."

"But since you think Asuma is sincere, and I think so too, I believe we can give the Sarutobi clan a chance, give Asuma a chance, not to discourage those who truly long for peace."

Saying this, Uchiha Yoru showed a resolute expression, "Kakashi, it might be awkward if I step in. I'll let Tsunade do it as the Fifth Hokage. Now that we hold the power, we no longer fear these minor issues."

"But at the same time, we want to resolve it peacefully, without bloodshed."


Kakashi's face was full of smiles, happy for his old classmate Asuma, at least there was a start, and if they tried hard, they would eventually succeed.

He was also impressed by Uchiha Yoru's magnanimity, who hadn't changed over the years, maintaining his original intentions, which comforted him.

Even he often asked himself, if he were in the Uchiha clan's shoes, would he forgive the Sarutobi clan?

"But Kakashi, although I want a peaceful resolution, I will not tolerate any nonsensical conditions."

At this moment, Uchiha Yoru's expression became serious, and he spoke about the key issue, throwing a scroll.

"Take a look for yourself. These are the militants, the so-called hawkish Sarutobi clan ninjas. These ninjas were once in high positions, suddenly removed and resentful."

"These people often use regaining their former glory as an excuse in the clan. In plain terms, they just want to regain their former power."

Uchiha Yoru sneered, "These Sarutobi clan ninjas have come to see the Konoha as their backyard, even forgetting that it was established by the Uchiha and Senju."

"When the master leaves for a few days, the monkeys think they are the masters of the house. When the master returns, seeing themselves caged, these monkeys become angry and agitated, thinking someone has taken everything from them."

Kakashi, looking at the intel from ANBU, was also secretly alarmed.

"Yoru, I believe Asuma will handle these matters well."

In the end, Kakashi didn't want a bloody conflict, as internal strife always hurts oneself.

Uchiha Yoru also nodded solemnly, "Good, I believe too. So keep in touch with Asuma, we need to maintain good relations with the Sarutobi clan ninjas who are peace-loving and self-aware."

"As for those who can't recognize themselves, still living in the past, as long as they don't betray the village, I can turn a blind eye."

After hearing this, Kakashi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, he couldn't help but admire Uchiha Yoru. His magnanimity was indeed worthy of being the one who could lead Konoha to rise again.

In just a few years, the Mist and Konoha villages merged to become the strongest force in the ninja world, full of confidence.

Especially in terms of personnel, it was full of boldness.

For example, in the six major departments, the heads of the Anbu were Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame. The head of the Root division was Aburame Torune and Yamanaka Fu, directly led by Uchiha Yoru.

For the Jōnin squad leaders, considering various factors, Kakashi became the most suitable choice.

The head of the Intelligence Department was exceptional, with Hyuga Hizashi, Ao Byakugan, and Hyuga Hiashi in charge of their respective areas of intelligence gathering.

The Intelligence Department had its own internal competition. With a three-way balance of power, anyone wanting to rise to the top needed to win over Ao Byakugan, who had now become highly sought-after.

Next was the Police Force, which was no longer Uchiha's private force but had transformed into a public entity, another department directly managed by Uchiha Yoru.

The current heads of the Police Force were Uchiha Shisui and Biwa Juzo, gathering a large number of elite ninjas from various clans.

The Medical Department was nominally headed by Tsunade, but almost entirely managed by Yakushi Nono.

The Barrier Team was led by Terumi Mei, as currently, no one in the two villages could match her in barrier techniques.

The Konoha and Mist villages had become intertwined, indistinguishable from each other after years of integration.

Even the once-secret and revered Sealing Jutsu Scroll was generously shared by Uchiha Yoru, including techniques from the Second Hokage.

Biwa Juzo and Hoshigaki Kisame both received the Second Hokage's Water Release Forbidden Jutsu, and so did many others, like Kurenai Yūhi's genjutsu, etc.

The most significant event impacting both villages in recent years was the integration of the Mist's Forbidden Jutsu Scroll with Sealing Techniques, becoming a shared asset.

Uchiha Yoru's orders were clear, unlike during the Third Hokage's era when the Sealing Book was tightly guarded and became almost legendary.

How to access the techniques in the Sealing Book? There was only a vague condition of making significant contributions, but it was subjective.

Uchiha Yoru's command was simple: become a Jōnin, and the village will reward you with an A-rank jutsu, but only for personal use!

It cannot be shared privately, not even with one's own children unless they also become Jōnin and are registered for permission to learn.

For significant contributions to the village, an A-rank jutsu might even be awarded as a heritage technique.

Accessing S-rank jutsu was straightforward: accumulate merits, and you can learn them, but only the beginning part, which is incomplete.

S-rank jutsu really depended on talent; without it, even a decade of practice was useless.

Thus, many Jōnin eligible to learn S-rank jutsu entered excitedly, only to leave disappointed and give up after a while.

As for S-rank Forbidden Jutsu, one needed to apply and get the village's approval.

The difference between Jutsu and Forbidden Jutsu was clear: once you learn a Jutsu, it's yours, but Forbidden Jutsu often comes with a price, either harming oneself or being cruel.

"Yoru, I'll head down now."

"Okay, Kakashi, Asuma's work is up to you."

When Uchiha Yoru was alone in the office, he looked at the information in his hand and couldn't help but smile.

"It's ironic. If I hadn't changed anything, Itachi would have been the bridge. Now, after switching to your Sarutobi clan, Asuma has become that bridge."


Just then, the office door opened, and a mature and tempting Kurenai Yūhi walked in.

Compared to before, she was now a ripe peach, especially in her bandage outfit, which was uniquely seductive.

"Lord, are you free now?"

Kurenai Yūhi walked in with a seductive smile, approached the desk, and sniffed, revealing a smile.

"It seems today, Yoru, you haven't completed your task."

Uchiha Yoru smiled and shook his head: "Yugao and Anko are at a critical point in their training."

"Shall we go home together?"

Hearing this, Kurenai Yūhi snorted, "At home, I have to share with the two, but here, you're all mine."

"Kurenai, your outfit..."

After forming a hand seal, a simple sensory jutsu and a sound-proof barrier were set up.

Uchiha Yoru and Kurenai Yūhi began discussing jutsu techniques.

"Kurenai, your skin is so fair, why is it red now?"

Under the office desk, the evening red, like a hidden kitten, sneakily took out a large popsicle from Uchiha Yoru's pocket.

As if afraid of being discovered, the Kurenai Yuhi hurriedly devoured the popsicle. In the scorching summer, a wave of coolness instantly arrived.

Uchiha Yoru showed a look of helplessness, "Kurenai, why are you eating secretly?"

"With your body more terrifying than a tailed beast, who can handle it? Without using some tricks, how can I face the students tomorrow?"

Shadow Clone Technique

Hiding under the desk and secretly eating the popsicle, another Kurenai Yuhi slowly sat down at the office desk, revealing the enticing bandaged outfit.

"Yoru, slow down, this ninjutsu is so good..."

Even though she is not skilled yet loves to play, Uchiha Yoru coldly snorted without mercy.

"Kurenai, you should know the consequences of the Shadow Clone Technique. All the sensations will be transmitted to you."


Less than an hour later, the evening red in the office had already dispelled the Shadow Clone Technique, panting and lying exhaustedly on the desk.

"Yoru, this ninjutsu is too hard, let's go home and practice."

With trembling legs, the current Kurenai Yuhi's face was flushed with weakness, her eyes brimming with emotion, but it was clear that while he had just warmed up, she was already exhausted.

"Quick, use the Flying Thunder God Technique, let's go home first. At home, I'll ask Sister Mei and Sister Tsunade to teach together…"

On this night, someone found it hard to sleep.

In the heart of Konoha, inside a luxurious house that was empty all year round, Uzumaki Naruto looked around the unfamiliar room, feeling somewhat downhearted.

"Pervy Sage, why can't people understand each other?" he asked.

Jiraiya, alone by the window sipping on his drink, was taken aback upon hearing this, after seeing Naruto's spirit diminished since his return.

Then, Jiraiya showed an expression he had anticipated, shaking his head and sighing, "Naruto, your ideology is indeed correct, even the purest and most beautiful, but there's something you are really wrong about."

"Am I wrong?"

Uzumaki Naruto muttered to himself in confusion, while Jiraiya sighed, "Why do you impose your thoughts on others?"

"It's like you enjoy eating ramen, but others might not. Some might prefer fish. Isn't that normal?"

"How can that be the same? Mutual understanding is the future of the ninja world," Naruto said with conviction.

Seeing this, Jiraiya sighed lightly. Though he had long since given up hope, he couldn't help but sigh every time.

"Naruto, you've always been by my side. Maybe I've protected you too well, making you too naive. I'll be leaving in a few days, and from then on, you'll have to rely on yourself. I hope the next time we meet, you will have changed, at least not be so self-centered."

"You think everything you do is for the good of others, even for the ninja world, but you can't even admit to your own dictatorial thoughts."

At this moment, disappointment was evident in Jiraiya's eyes as he shook his head.

"Naruto, what makes you think you're always right?"

Finally, when parting, Jiraiya hardened his heart and asked with a serious look on his face.

Faced with the stern Jiraiya, Naruto hesitated but still stood firm in his beliefs.

"I am doing this for everyone's good. Only when people understand each other, can this world be free of war…"

"Enough, Naruto," Jiraiya interrupted, raising his hand to stop Naruto's long speech.

"You think you're right, but have you put it into practice?"

Seeing Naruto about to argue back, Jiraiya, who had seen this too often, didn't give him a chance to speak and continued to question.

"Don't just talk about the few children or people you've met outside. You need to understand that your so-called right ideology is facing the entire Konoha, the entire ninja world."

Watching Uzumaki Naruto, Jiraiya felt a pang in his heart, and he hated those who had secretly manipulated him.

Over the years, he had indeed noticed something off about Uzumaki Naruto. It was too strange! Whose child has such a strong will at such a young age, and is so idealistic?

Furthermore, when he took Naruto to Mount Myoboku, the Great Toad Sage praised Naruto for having a powerful force, a force that didn't come from the Nine-Tails or his bloodline, but from his own soul.

This made Jiraiya think more about Naruto's soul, suspecting it had been tampered with. Damn it! After getting the answers he wanted, Jiraiya had always been protecting Naruto in secret, but he found nothing and even tried to change Naruto's ideology several times without success.

"Pervy Sage, I!"

Looking at Naruto, Jiraiya sighed deeply and gently stroked Naruto's blond hair, softly saying: "Naruto, the peace you talk about is just a wishful thought of your own, while the peace of others is the result of countless efforts."

"The First Hokage, for the sake of peace, established Konoha with so much sacrifice and bloodshed, and the Third Hokage, although his ideology may not be right, they all took action."

"You know about the Night God, right?" Seeing Naruto nod, Jiraiya sighed again, a look of admiration in his eyes.

"He was about your age when he too held naive ideas like yours. Everyone doubted him, but the biggest difference between him and you is that he put his ideology into action."

"To change Konoha, for his beliefs, he expended more sweat and blood than you can imagine. The enemies he faced were beyond your understanding. These enemies weren't just powerful, but many were from within, even loved ones. Can you imagine that?"

Looking at Naruto's dazed expression, Jiraiya shook his head with a bitter smile.

"To be honest, I really admire that kid. Not only did he dare to dream, but he also dared to act and succeeded. No matter how you deny his ideology, the village today is real, with mist ninjas and former enemies from Konoha living in harmony. This is all true."

"Naruto! Stop always mouthing your ideology. What use is it? Just big words from a child who doesn't grow up? You've become a ninja, I hope you can grow strong. When you have a plan and the ability, then act on your ideology and prove to everyone with your results that you are right."

"Not like now, in the eyes of others, you are just a noisy little brat."

Jiraiya's heartfelt words stunned Uzumaki Naruto. He felt as if no one could understand him, leaving him lonely, even unsure how he returned to his room and lay on the bed.

Meanwhile, Jiraiya, sitting alone at a table drinking sake and looking up at the moon, sighed deeply.

"Don't let me find out who you are behind all this, why you did this, or else I, Jiraiya, will never let you off!"

At this moment, Jiraiya's face showed determination, still unaware of the true nature of the person he vowed to confront.



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