Chapter 305: The Hero, Jiraiya

In the shadowy office, Tsunade sits cross-armed at her desk with a serious expression, saying, "Jiraiya, what you mean is that Naruto has been influenced by the will of Ashura, right?"

Although he doesn't want to admit it, after years of investigation, Jiraiya has to accept the fact. With a sigh of resignation, he nods and says, "Sort of."

"I went to Mount Myoboku and spoke to the Great Toad Sage. He personally confirmed the existence of the Sage of the Six Paths and that the conflict between the ninja clans of Ashura and Indra is real."

When talking about the Great Toad Sage of Mount Myoboku, Jiraiya's expression becomes dark and lost, because Orochimaru and Uchiha Yoru discovered through documents that thousands of years ago, when the Sage of the Six Paths sealed the demons, the Great Toad Sage was also present.

The Sage of the Six Paths, the reincarnations of the chakra wills of Ashura and Indra, brought a thousand years of war to the ninja world. What role did the Great Toad Sage play in all of this?

Tsunade also senses something and frowns, saying, "The Great Toad Sage, huh? But we can't ignore the records from before the era of the Sage of the Six Paths."

According to Orochimaru's research, there's a gap in the timeline during the era of the Sage of the Six Paths, as if that part of history was erased. However, clues can still be found from before this period.

Before the era of the Sage of the Six Paths, samurai were prevalent, and the most revered were the mysterious Onmyoji. Of course, some powerful samurai were also strong.

In that era, the world was even more chaotic with countless demons causing trouble. These demons were various giant creatures.

Demons devoured humans and caused chaos in the world, and the mysterious Onmyoji and powerful samurai killed these demons. Similarly, some kind-hearted demons made pacts with powerful humans and lived peacefully.

Some humans, in pursuit of great power, were tempted by demons and joined their ranks, marking it a chaotic era.

Suddenly, after this gap, the era of the Sage of the Six Paths began.

The demons that had plagued the world nearly vanished, and similarly, samurai and Onmyoji gradually faded from prominence, replaced by ninjas.

"I know, so there are some things I didn't discuss with the Great Toad Sage."

Jiraiya previously shared almost everything with Mount Myoboku, but after so many experiences, he was confused by the sudden appearance of various Sages.

As a result, Orochimaru presented evidence and data, forcing Jiraiya to be more cautious.

In an incomplete ancient text, there are clear illustrations showing that the Great Toad Sage and the Sage of the Six Paths were from the same era. What role did the Great Toad Sage play in all of this?

The two sons of the Sage of the Six Paths have been reincarnating and fighting for thousands of years. Did the Sage of the Six Paths really die? Who is the "Child of Destiny" mentioned by the Great Toad Sage? Are they the reincarnations of Ashura and Indra?

What is the relationship between the Great Toad Sage and the Sage of the Six Paths?

If the Great Toad Sage is still alive, then is it possible that the Sage of the Six Paths is also alive? What reason could the Sage of the Six Paths have for indifferently watching his two sons reincarnate and fight each other?

The wars in the ninja world have never ceased for a thousand years! All of this is what Jiraiya, unlike others who might have fallen into darkness, has come to understand.

"So, what about Naruto?"

In response to Tsunade's question, Jiraiya gives a wry smile, "I don't know what to do, but Naruto really is a good kid."

"If we look at the destiny of a thousand years, Ashura has always won, while Indra has always lost."

"The fate of the Senju and the Uchiha... This generation's Senju has faded, so Ashura has reincarnated as Naruto, while Indra remains in the Uchiha clan. Maybe this time, things will be different."

Jiraiya frowns and shares his thoughts.

Every generation has its destiny. The Senju's Wood Release counters the Mangekyo Sharingan, but in this generation, it's unlikely that Naruto will suddenly display Wood Release. Although he is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, the Uchiha clan's Mangekyo Sharingan is known to counter the Tailed Beasts.

Tsunade looks at Jiraiya skeptically, saying, "Jiraiya, you really are something, placing your hopes on this."

The "Child of Destiny"... Jiraiya now knows, but the more he knows, the greater the disappointment compared to his previous expectations.

After all, the so-called "Child of Destiny" is just the reincarnation of the chakra of the Sage of the Six Paths' two sons, essentially a reincarnation of their wills struggling against each other.

Although Indra fails every time, the Asura also haven't won in each generation. They have persisted for a thousand years. Can't they see that peace achieved solely through love and understanding is an illusion? Or is it to say that it is established on absolute power?

As a result, it's never-ending. What is this? Is the ninja world just a game for the Sages?

It must be said, after knowing these, Jiraiya is quite annoyed. After all, he sought the so-called 'Child of Destiny' because he couldn't see the future of the ninja world. After all this time, the existence he wanted to rely on turns out to be part of someone else's game.

Even honest people get angry, especially someone as honest as Jiraiya who has been deceived his entire life. The anger in his heart is now just being suppressed.

"Tsunade, where did that kid Yoru go?"

At this moment, Jiraiya curiously asked. He has been back in the village for so long but hasn't noticed the movements of Uchiha Yoru.

Seeing this, Tsunade raised an eyebrow and pointed in the direction of the Hokage Rock: "He's training. After all, the curtain of the chaotic ninja world is about to rise."

"Ha ha, Tsunade, when Naruto comes looking for you later, please take care of him for me. I'll go find Yoru."

After pushing open the window, Jiraiya laughed and quickly disappeared onto the rooftops towards the direction of the Hokage Rock.

Seeing this, Tsunade shook her head and sighed, turning to look at the governmental affairs on her desk. She couldn't help but scratch her head, filled with worry.

"Ah, being Hokage really isn't an easy task."

"Tsk tsk, this is just the beginning. Once the ninja world falls into chaos, it will be even busier," said Terumi Mei with a teasing smile.

On the other side, Pakura said with a light smile, "Ending this chaotic era and witnessing the birth of a new one might not be so bad."

"Hmph, when the war starts, I'll go to the front lines myself!"

Compared to dealing with governmental affairs, Tsunade was more resolute about going to the front lines to fight.

On a tree in Hokage Rock, Uchiha Yoru sits cross-legged under the treetop, motionless. Jiraiya, upon seeing this scene, couldn't help but show a look of shock. Had he not seen it with his own eyes, he would not have believed it.

"Sage Mode!" Jiraiya is astonished as he looks at the scene. He couldn't sense Uchiha Yoru's presence at all, as if Yoru had merged with nature itself. Sitting cross-legged on the tree, he becomes one with the tree, and sitting on the ground, he blends in like a rock or the earth itself.

"Is this the perfect Sage Mode?!" When Uchiha Yoru opens his eyes, Jiraiya can't sense any aura from him, as if Yoru is just an illusion.

"Jiraiya, you're back. Does that mean the windmill of the ninja world is about to start turning?" Uchiha Yoru says with a smile, showing no trace of Sage Mode.

In Sage Mode, there's always some change, but Yoru looks completely unchanged, making Jiraiya envious.

"You're incredible, a real child of destiny," Jiraiya complains, to which Yoru just smiles.

"It's nothing special. The Sage Mode of the three legendary places is more suited for summoning beasts than for ninjas. The one suitable for ninja training should be from the last era, like the Sage Mode of the Fire Temple, which is easier to learn."

The Fire Temple's Sage Mode, learned by Hashirama and even Asuma, shows it's less difficult. The Sage Mode from the three great summoning places requires Kage-level chakra to learn. But when combined with summoning beasts, it becomes more powerful.

"Fire Temple!" Jiraiya says with a bitter smile, "I should've known, you've probably plundered a lot from the Land of Wind and Water."

Uchiha Yoru scoffs, "Those treasures were wasted in the hands of daimyos. I remember sending the information to you through Orochimaru."

Jiraiya scratches his head awkwardly, "Well, I've seen it and considered it, but I'm used to Mount Myoboku."

Clearly, Jiraiya is still attached to Mount Myoboku.

Uchiha Yoru just smiles and shakes his head, "That's your business. Let's talk about the important matters."

"The important matters!" Jiraiya's expression becomes serious as he looks at the more prosperous Konoha than three years ago and sighs.

"What are you planning to do? Or do you already have the power to defy those hidden behind the ninja world and start a war to unite it?"

Jiraiya despises war, but this time it's different. Having experienced three wars himself, he knows it's inevitable.

If a war could bring a hundred years of peace to the ninja world, then he would stand on the side of war.

Because! He personally witnessed three cruel and inhumane ninja wars within just five or six decades.

"I plan to join forces with Akatsuki to stir up chaos in the ninja world," said Uchiha Yoru, causing Jiraiya to frown and say in a serious tone: "Akatsuki! I've heard Orochimaru talk about this mysterious organization, and I suspect there are people behind it."

"Does it matter?" Uchiha Yoru smiled indifferently, followed by a scornful smile on his face.

"In the face of absolute power, all conspiracies become weak and pale."

Seeing the confident Uchiha Yoru, Jiraiya couldn't help but smile, "Kid, perhaps you are the one who will truly change the ninja world. I also look forward to the emergence of a new era."

"What are your plans for Naruto?"

Eventually, Jiraiya asked this question, as his feelings for Naruto over the years were complex.

Hearing this, Uchiha Yoru indifferently said: "Until the hidden mastermind appears, Naruto's power can be a good asset, but after that, it depends on his choice."

"Moreover, Naruto's destiny is not mine to decide, how he chooses is naturally for Sasuke to face his own fate."

At this moment, Uchiha Yoru couldn't help but show a smile, eagerly anticipating a stronger and more perfect Sasuke trained by him, wondering if Sasuke would still lose to so-called destiny this time.

"By the way, Jiraiya, I need a favor from you, or rather, to let you see how important Naruto, whom you hold dearly, is in his heart."

Uchiha Yoru's smile broadened, giving Jiraiya an ominous premonition.

"We don't need that, do we?"

"The Rinnegan of the Akatsuki organization seems to belong to your pupil," Uchiha Yoru said lightly, instantly making Jiraiya's expression serious, as he solemnly said: "For the peace of the ninja world, I, Jiraiya the Toad Sage, would never refuse."

Watching the shameless Jiraiya, Uchiha Yoru shook his head with a smile, saying: "Akatsuki's Nagato's Rinnegan is a conspiracy, but now Konan and Nagato are being closely watched, so external forces are needed to investigate."

"It's just right for you, Jiraiya, to help your pupil and also test Naruto."

The Rinnegan is a conspiracy!

Jiraiya couldn't help but be suspicious, and under Uchiha Yoru's indifferent gaze, he saw the red eyes with three tomoe slowly spinning into a Mangekyo, and the next scene filled him with shock.

Under the spinning kaleidoscope, it slowly transformed into rings of mysterious purple eyes, the Rinnegan!

As Jiraiya had seen the existence of Rinnegan, how could he not recognize it?

"How can this be!" Witnessing all this, Jiraiya was shocked, but then seemed to think of something.

At this moment, Uchiha Yoru nodded indifferently, "Indeed, as you think, the Uchiha, inheriting the Sage's eyes, and the Senju, inheriting the Sage's body, the combined power of both clans gives rise to the power of Rinnegan."

"So, Jiraiya, you're saying your student awakened the Rinnegan from a young age! But he's from the Uzumaki clan, how could he awaken it? And a pair of Rinnegan that can't be closed!"

In an instant, Jiraiya's face changed dramatically, and he realized, saying with an ugly expression, "Transplant!"

Only transplanted Dojutsu eyes can't be closed, like Kakashi, who carries a Sharingan every day.

Before knowing this, he thought the Rinnegan was naturally born and couldn't be closed, and he didn't think much about it.

But now, Uchiha Yoru's evolution from the Sharingan to the Mangekyo Sharingan and then to the Rinnegan is the correct way.

"I understand now."

There are too many hidden secrets and conspiracies in the ninja world, and at this moment, even Jiraiya couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

Standing on the Hokage Rock, Uchiha Yoru looks at the village under the sunset, revealing a smile.

"The wheel of the ninja world has started to turn, so let's welcome the new era."

The setting sun's afterglow falls, and Uchiha Yoru, standing on the Hokage Rock, seems to be cloaked in a golden coat, with Jiraiya beside him showing a firm look.

If nothing changes, the ninja world will continue its cycle of war, generation after generation, with the reincarnations of Indra and Ashura.


— Complete in Patreon (Chapter 355)

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