Chapter 310: Jiraiya's words of wisdom for Naruto

Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave

Under the raging waves of the ocean, enough to form a lake, the sea water now boils upon this scalding land, emitting steam.

The flowing magma is also extinguished by the seawater, creating a misty fog.

"Wind Release: Great Breakthrough"

After the hurricane scatters the steam, the wounded face of the earth is finally revealed.

"Lord Yoru."

Kakashi and Kisame arrived to see Uchiha Yoru.

Looking at the arrivals, Uchiha Yoru frowned and said: "Announce that the Fire Temple has committed treason, and forbid the existence of the Fire Temple within the Land of Fire."


"Yoru!" Kakashi felt ashamed and sighed, "I have failed in my command, and Shikamaru has died in battle."

Kisame, seeing this, coldly snorted: "In my opinion, it's because you, Kakashi, have been too indulgent with Naruto. The Fourth Hokage may have been great, but that's not an excuse for him to act recklessly."

With Kisame's explanation, Uchiha Yoru finally understood, showing a look of realization.

Is it because of his presence that the main character's aura weakened, even leading to the death of a comrade in a rash action?

But what does that have to do with him?

Naruto caught in self-doubt?

Uchiha Yoru smiled indifferently, "Kakashi, don't worry about it. This is an experience every ninja needs. Maybe you've been too protective, or maybe Naruto is simply not cut out to be a ninja."

What Naruto has become, what does it have to do with him? He now needs to utilize the other's power.

After all, the fearsome Otsutsuki clan is still in the future.

"Kakashi, issue an order. If any member of the Akatsuki is encountered, report immediately and do not act recklessly. Every member of this organization is a formidable opponent, on par with a Kage."


After the Akatsuki organization just escaped from the Land of Fire, in a forest.

Pain looked coldly at everyone. At this time, all members of the Akatsuki focused their attention on Kakuzu and Hidan.

Facing the piercing gaze of the others, Hidan, still half-paralyzed, weakly shifted the blame: "It was Kakuzu who insisted on making money, it has nothing to do with me."

Occasionally in pain, Hidan finally felt the agony.

Kakuzu, facing everyone, lowered his head and hoarsely said: "I miscalculated. I thought of earning some funds for the organization. After all, the monk Chiriku is still worth thirty million."

Under Kakuzu's green eyes, a pain like never before was shown as he slowly took out two leather suitcases, as if he was chopping off his own palms.

Gritting his teeth, he handed over the two suitcases containing thirty million cash to Konan. At this moment, Kakuzu was indeed a brave man cutting off his own wrist.

Seeing this, Pain coldly said: "Before the plan is completed, no one is to provoke Uchiha Yoru!"

"Uchiha Yoru's strength, I don't think needs to be elaborated!" Under Pain's cold Rinnegan gaze, everyone showed a fearful expression.

Even the rebellious Deidara was scared, patting his chest and saying, "Leader, the Fire Release just now was too terrifying. My art was burnt to ash before it could even explode."

Sasori coldly said: "My puppets, let alone withstand it, under that Fire Release, the chakra strings controlling the puppets would be directly melted. His Fire Release has reached a level where it can counter puppets."

Tobi showed a serious expression and solemnly said to everyone: "Uchiha Yoru's strength is not something we need to provoke right now, and there might even be cooperation in the future"

"Everyone, start the Tailed Beast capture plan immediately."

Pain coldly looked at everyone, "This time we did not expect Uchiha Yoru to counterattack like this, but now we have obtained the chakra of the One-Tail and Nine-Tails. The Three-Tails and Six-Tails are with our Akatsuki."

"The Two-Tails and the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki, the strongest besides the Nine-Tails, are in the Land of Lightning. Asuma, Tobi, Kakuzu, and Hidan, you go capture the Two-Tails and Eight-Tails Jinchuriki."

"The Four-Tails and Five-Tails are for Konan and me, the Seven-Tails will be captured by Sasori and Deidara."

In an instant, Pain assigned the task of capturing the Tailed Beasts, warning everyone with a stern look.

"Do not cause unnecessary trouble, take advantage of the Cloud and Rock villages being unprepared, capture the Jinchuriki and retreat immediately."


Tobi wanted to say something, but facing Pain's cold gaze, he had to hold back.

He had planned to make Pain fight the Eight-Tails to the death, after all these years, he wanted to know the extent of Pain's strength. It seems there's no chance this time, but! Tobi smirked coldly behind his mask, thinking of giving Pain a surprise after capturing the Tailed Beasts.

This unexpected incident with Kakuzu was used by Pain as an excuse to decisively issue a plan to capture all Tailed Beasts in one fell swoop.

This was to collect all the Tailed Beasts in the ninja world before anyone could react.

Of course, no one mentioned the One-Tail and Nine-Tails now, even Tobi didn't say a word.

Go to Konoha to capture the Nine-Tails and One-Tail? As if Uchiha Yoru is just a decoration? Moreover, the terrifying Jonin-level strength of Konoha in recent years is enough to give Akatsuki a headache.

Especially Uchiha Yoru, his performance in the Chunin Exams made it clear to the Jonin-level ninjas of the world that in terms of strength, they were not even in the same dimension as him.

Going there would be a suicide mission. Anyway, having already obtained the chakra of the One-Tail and Nine-Tails, it seems that even if the final weapon is missing two Tailed Beasts, it will only be slightly less powerful.


Under the gloomy sky, with the light rain drizzling down, Naruto sat in front of the memorial stone, his gaze empty and despondent.

"Naruto, don't be like this. It wasn't your fault, and Shikamaru wouldn't want to see you this way," Sakura advised as she looked at Naruto's state. Even Sasuke came, calmly saying, "Naruto, this is the world of ninjas, where death is a constant risk."

But Naruto's vacant stare only deepened, as he was consumed by guilt.

He blamed his impulsiveness for Shikamaru's death.

If only he hadn't been so reckless and refused Konohamaru from the start, then Konohamaru wouldn't have followed, nor would the original battle plan have been disrupted.

Maybe then Shikamaru wouldn't have died.

"No! It was my impulsiveness, not observing and analyzing the battlefield, angrily using the strongest ninja technique that led to Shikamaru's death," Naruto thought, overwhelmed with guilt and pain. This incident made him realize he was just an ordinary person without the power to change everything.

"Teacher Kakashi!"

Just then, Kakashi, holding an umbrella, appeared at the memorial. He calmly placed a bunch of white chrysanthemums down and said, "Naruto, I was like you once, responsible for a teammate's death..."

Kakashi recounted his past experiences, how his ruthless methods for mission success had disregarded teammate safety, leading to a time when no one would team up with him.

"Naruto, due to your impulsiveness, the mission failed. The higher-ups have decided to give you a severe warning and entrust you with the S-rank jutsu, Wind Style: Rasenshuriken," Kakashi said, taking out a green scroll with the character 'Seal' on it.

"This is an upgraded version of the Rasengan, a wind attribute S-rank jutsu developed by Lord Yoru. Your technique isn't perfect yet, but this is what Lord Yoru has given you."

"Hoping that you will be more careful in the future and master this powerful jutsu to contribute more to the village," Kakashi concluded, leaving Naruto in tears, wondering, "Why? Just why?"

A mere verbal warning felt worse than a severe punishment. Sakura, seeing this, sighed in relief, guessing the reason.

Due to Naruto's immense strength, everything was treated leniently, but this only increased his self-blame.

Seeing Naruto's pain, Kakashi sighed, realizing that this was something Naruto had to overcome himself. "Remember this jutsu and then destroy the scroll. Lord Jiraiya has vouched for you, even taking risks to gather information on the Akatsuki organization."

With a long sigh, Kakashi patted Naruto's shoulder, saying, "As the offspring of a hero, I hope you can live up to that name, not act recklessly, and not bring shame to your father."

After these words, Kakashi walked away, his head bowed in sorrow, standing alone in front of a gravestone, lost in thought.

Sasuke and Sakura watched, their expressions complex, realizing that both Kakashi and Naruto had their unforgettable pasts.

Following Shikamaru's death, many former classmates came to pay their respects, for death is like a snuffed-out candle.

Only Naruto struggled to move on, unable to let go of his feelings, until Jiraiya arrived and everyone dispersed.

"Naruto, do you regret it?"

Naruto looked up at Jiraiya, his eyes moistening as if he found a family member in him.

"Pervy Sage, sob~ I regret it, I really do. I shouldn't have been so stubborn, I shouldn't have indulged Konohamaru, I shouldn't have..."

In his heart-wrenching sobs, Naruto poured out all his pain, while Jiraiya comforted his disciple with kindness.

"Naruto, I have regrets too."

The two stood in front of the memorial stone, with Jiraiya starting to share his own past in a melancholic tone.

"The path of a ninja is full of regrets, irreversible ones. I regret not persuading the old man back then, choosing to run away. I regret more that if I had supported Orochimaru instead of your father Minato, maybe things would have been different."

"Perhaps, if Orochimaru had been in the village, your parents might not have met their fate. I regret..."

Jiraiya spoke calmly about his regrets and losses during his ninja career, but his face showed a sense of relief.

"Naruto, people must move forward, but there will always be crossroads. Everyone takes wrong turns; it's unavoidable, not just for ninjas, but for everyone."

"What you need now is to recognize your faults and correct them! Prevent it from happening again."

Under Jiraiya's consolation, Naruto found his haven, quietly listening to the Pervy Sage.

"Pervy Sage, thank you."

In the end, Naruto hoarsely thanked Jiraiya, who laughed heartily, tousling Naruto's blonde hair, "No need to thank me, kid."

After this experience, Naruto seemed to have grown. He looked up at Jiraiya and said guiltily, "Pervy Sage, Teacher Kakashi told me that you vouched for me and have to undertake dangerous missions."

"Ha, don't flatter yourself, kid. How could I, the Toad Sage, do it just for you!"

Jiraiya laughed heartily, looking at the beautiful sunset, "Even without your issues, I, Jiraiya, should do something for the village. After all, I've spent years traveling the ninja world with you."

"For me, the Toad Sage, the Akatsuki is nothing."

The more Jiraiya acted this way, the more Naruto felt guilty and responsible.

"Pervy Sage, I'll go to the Hokage!"

Gritting his teeth, Naruto felt an impulse not to let Jiraiya risk himself because of him, but Jiraiya grabbed him.

Turning back, he saw Jiraiya's indifferent smile, "If I don't go, other ninjas will. Are we so special?"

"The Akatsuki organization is a dangerous place, but I, Jiraiya, am not a pampered person. Someone will undertake the mission to investigate Akatsuki. If not me, then someone else, maybe Kakashi, Zabuza, or even Might Guy."

"Naruto, do you consider them comrades? Now, if you have to choose, who do you think should go on this mission?"

Confronted with Jiraiya's words, Naruto reflexively said, "I'll go!"

However, the next moment, disappointment appeared on Jiraiya's face, and he shook his head.

"You go? If you go, let's talk about the worst outcome: the village will lose not only a hero's descendant, a young ninja with immense potential but also the Nine-Tails."

"Naruto, don't say it doesn't matter! You might be fine, but what about the Nine-Tails?"

Faced with Jiraiya's words, Naruto opened his mouth, unable to say anything, and finally hung his head in dejection.

"If the village loses the Nine-Tails, it will be furious. Someone will still undertake this mission, but Akatsuki will have gained the Nine-Tails, becoming more powerful, leading to more deaths."

"So! Naruto, you really need to be calm and think more when facing situations. Impulsive success is just luck. Yes, you're lucky, but if luck fails, the experience of Shikamaru is the result."

"Do you want such things to happen again? Or do you think you'll always be lucky?"

Faced with Jiraiya's piercing gaze, Naruto, speechless, nodded in dejection, "Pervy Sage, I'm sorry."

"Ha ha, Naruto, don't feel guilty. This time, I'm not doing it for you, but for the peace of the ninja world."

Under the setting sun, Jiraiya laughed and, under Naruto's complex gaze, waved his hand and walked away from the village.


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