Chapter 312: The Mysterious Mask Man is Obito

Hokage Rock.

"Yoru! How is this possible!"

Hatake, who had just comforted Naruto during the day, now had an expression exactly like Naruto's, one of utter shock and disbelief.

Uchiha Yoru, however, sighed deeply, shaking his head and saying, "I can't believe it either, but after verification, it's confirmed that the true identity of the masked man is Obito. The evidence is conclusive."

"Let me calm down, how could it be Obito! I saw Obito with my own eyes!" At this moment, Kakashi, in pain, covered his Sharingan, the situation completely overturning his worldview.

Uchiha Yoru spoke solemnly, "On the night of the Nine-Tails attack, the Fourth Hokage fought the masked man. The Rasengan severely injured the opponent, leaving behind an arm filled with Hashirama's cells, and some blood."

"Through Orochimaru's research, it was confirmed that the blood was indeed Obito's, even the arm with Hashirama's cells had Obito's blood."

"Moreover, I have fought this person before and obtained a blood sample. After repeated verification, it's confirmed without a doubt, the true identity of the masked man is Uchiha Obito."

As Uchiha Yoru's words echoed, Kakashi forced himself to calm down, but his voice already trembled.

"Yoru, how did you suspect it was Obito?"

Even if it was really Obito, how did he suddenly discover his identity? Especially since Obito had been dead for so many years.

Indeed, even though Kakashi's mind was in shock, he was still able to think calmly, truly worthy of being Kakashi.

Hearing this, Uchiha Yoru sighed again.

"Kakashi, do you remember the eye surgery Teacher Orochimaru performed on you in the village?"

Kakashi was startled upon hearing this, suddenly recalling that in the village, Orochimaru had solved his eye problem, including correcting his Sharingan.

"Indeed, Teacher Orochimaru collected some of the genes from the Sharingan Obito gave you, initially to see if fusion was possible with your blood."

"You know, at that time, Teacher Orochimaru was responsible for several research directions, including Wood Release studies, and he coincidentally had the blood left by the masked man from the night of the Nine-Tails attack."

"Nothing would have been discovered initially, as these were two separate experiments, but when the Third Hokage's higher-ups framed Teacher Orochimaru, the research base was destroyed, accidentally mixing the blood of the Nine-Tails' night masked man with your Sharingan sample."

At this point, Uchiha Yoru shook his head with a complex expression, sighing.

"When I was cleaning up the research base, I discovered this accidentally, but at that time, I thought more about how Obito's lost corpse was being used. But three years ago, after fighting this person and obtaining a blood sample, I checked again and confirmed the identity was indeed Uchiha Obito."

"Also, his Mangekyō Sharingan, and your Kakashi's Mangekyō techniques, are both space-related, making me even more certain."

"Three years ago!" At this moment, Hatake Kakashi's face was complex, "Yoru, you knew three years ago, but you!"

Kakashi couldn't finish his sentence, his heart filled with mixed emotions, looking at Uchiha Yoru's strong figure, he showed a hint of shame.

Uchiha Yoru, his companion, bears too much.

"So, Uchiha Obito is still alive, but the damn Wood Release cells in his body!"

Thinking this, Kakashi showed a look of anger, "It must be the Root, damn it!"

As the main force in the cleanup of the Root in the past, Kakashi was very clear about the inhumane things the Root had done.

Especially during the war, they would not spare the corpses of their own village's ninjas, particularly those of precious bloodline ninjas.

That is to say, the excuse that Uchiha Obito's body was not found back then was just a pretext. In fact, it had been secretly taken away by the Root and even became a valuable experimental subject.

"Kakashi, there is something you might have to face, Obito might not have died back then."

Uchiha Yoru's deep words immediately made Kakashi even more angry.

"Damn it! Danzo really deserves to die!"

Obito did not die, but his injuries were almost fatal, so he was taken away by the Root. What does this mean?

Kakashi has now figured out everything. Otherwise, how could Obito have Wood Release cells and hate Konoha so much? This is all due to the sins of the Third Hokage's higher-ups administration.

Thinking of the once passionate Obito, now turned into this state, Kakashi couldn't help but feel angry. Danzo's Root's inhumane methods are indeed infuriating.

"So, the current Root has been transformed into a research department, headed by Orochimaru, with almost all combat members incorporated into the Anbu."

Speaking of the Root, Uchiha Yoru shook his head, and Kakashi's face looked a bit gloomy at this moment.

"Yoru, Obito now!" Kakashi hesitated, making Uchiha Yorushake his head.

"Kakashi, no matter how much Obito contributed to the village in the past, just because of the hatred from the night of the Nine-Tails' attack, it's already impossible to turn back, especially since Obito's surname is Uchiha!"

At this moment, Uchiha Yoru's face also showed a touch of sadness, "The Uchiha clan is now the most dazzling existence. If I ignore the facts because Obito is my clansman, then isn't all the blood we shed for peace in uniting the ninja world in vain?"

"And the mistakes Obito made, even if I forgive him, and you, Kakashi, forgive him, can the ninja families who lost loved ones on the night of the Nine-Tails' attack forgive him?"

At this moment, Kakashi showed a complex look, eventually turning into a deep sigh.

"I understand!"

Kakashi's mental resilience and calmness are stronger than anyone else's, after all, his experiences have been too cruel. Compared to Naruto's experiences, what are they?

Witnessing his father's corpse at five years old, becoming a Jōnin at twelve and witnessing Obito's death, killing his teammate Rin with his own hands at thirteen, witnessing the death of the Fourth Hokage and his wife on the night of the Nine-Tails' attack at fourteen.

Kakashi, taking a deep breath, showed a calm look in his eyes, with his sadness hidden deep inside.

"Obito is no longer the Obito of the past. In the Root where humanity is extinguished, Obito has long been dead."

Looking at Kakashi, Uchiha Yoru solemnly advised, "The masked man of the Akatsuki, known only to a few as Obito, let the hero Obito live on in our memories. This is the only selfish act we can afford."

Under the night sky, atop the Hokage Rock, Uchiha Yoru gazed at the stars and murmured, "Such a pity, this beautiful and peaceful night sky."

"Kakashi, go and get ready. The upheaval in the ninja world is about to begin. The time to unify the ninja world has come. This battle is not just for ambition, but also for the peace of the ninja world, for our future generations."

"This battle may be extremely brutal, but after this, a new era will begin for the ninja world."

Under the starry sky, Kakashi also showed a longing expression, whispering to himself, "I used to only hate and loathe war, but this time, I feel an urgency like never before."

"War! Although I hate it as well, this time I'm actually looking forward to it. War is the only bridge to peace. Yoru, I think I'm starting to understand what you meant!"

And so, the two on the Hokage Rock squint their eyes, enjoying the brief moment of tranquility and peace.

Training Ground Number 44.

Under the night sky, in the quiet, deserted training ground, Sasuke looked solemnly at the other two people.

Kimimaro with white hair and Gaara carrying a gourd are present. The three of them seem to share a different kind of feeling.

"Teacher Yoru said he wants to train us as the future Sixth Kage. Do you understand what that means?"

Sasuke was the first to speak. Gaara nodded lightly after hearing this, "Lord Pakura and Lord Yoru have said, for the sake of peace, I am willing to take on the name of Kazekage."

Kimimaro's eyes were filled with determination, "For Lord Yoru's new era, I am willing!"

At this moment, Sasuke, looking at the two, thought deeply. Kimimaro is obviously a fervent follower of Teacher Yoru, and Gaara's feelings for Konoha are stronger than those for the Sand Village.

At this moment, Sasuke seemed to understand something. They are all geniuses selected from their respective villages. Kimimaro, from the Kaguya clan, becoming the future Sixth Mizukage wouldn't be questioned by anyone.

And Gaara, the One-Tail Jinchuriki and the son of the Fourth Kazekage, with his current strength, becoming the Kazekage would be unquestionable.

"Lord Yoru is doing this for peace."

Gaara, who usually speaks little, shared his view. Sasuke nodded lightly after hearing this, their way of thinking already starting to change.

Originally, Gaara could become Kazekage, showing he had the talent. It was just discovered a bit late. However, in the past three years, they have focused more on improving their strength.

The Konoha, Mist, and Sand Villages all had hatred among them, but now they are like a family, and even the entire Ninja World is about to start a war of unification.

Peace requires more than just a simple war.

Absolute military force, iron-blooded suppression to unify the Ninja World, suppress countless hatreds, and then go through a transition of two generations. Time is the most powerful weapon.

After two generations, time will dilute all hatreds. The so-called Five Great Ninja Villages will just be representatives of local customs and practices. The new era is truly beginning.

They are all witnesses to the new era.

"At this Five Kage Summit, the three of us will form a team responsible for safety along the way, so we need to discuss some arrangements."

This was also the reason why the three of them didn't sleep and came here late at night, as they were given a heavy responsibility.

Hearing this, Kimimaro shook his head indifferently, "I'm only responsible for actions. You two arrange the rest."

As expected, seeing Kimimaro's personality, Sasuke felt much relieved and showed a smile.

Kimimaro has a simple ninja mindset, which would make future interactions easier.

Gaara also nodded simply, "Okay."

The three of them gathered in a simple training ground, starting to plan things. Although it wasn't a big deal, it was a crucial step for them.

Now, Sasuke is full of determination and enthusiasm, immersing himself in the goal of becoming the Sixth Hokage.

If Sasuke could still fail and the position of the Sixth Hokage falls into someone else's hands, then it would be really disappointing.

The trust of Uchiha Yoru, the support of his brother Uchiha Itachi, as well as senior Shisui, Teacher Kakashi, and even his entire clan backing him, even a pig could sit in that position.

Although it's almost confirmed, Sasuke became even more diligent. He wants to achieve something significant and not be seen as someone who rose only with the support of others.

The Stone Village.

Under the dim light, the Third Tsuchikage, Ōnoki, looked worriedly at the intelligence in his hand and sighed.

"Troublesome times, with Akatsuki and Uchiha Yoru, a Ninja World War seems not far off."

"Grandfather." The Tsuchikage's granddaughter, Kurotsuchi, looked worriedly at her grandfather.

Since Uchiha Yoru's rise and unification of the power of the three major ninja villages, the entire ninja world has been living in their shadow, lacking the ease of the past.

Looking at Kurotsuchi, Ōnoki couldn't help but bitterly smile, shaking his head and sighing, as he handed the intelligence to his granddaughter.

"Alas, Rock Village is lacking successors. I truly envy Konoha, with its endless supply of geniuses and continuous emergence of Kage-level powerhouses. In contrast, our Rock Village..."

As he said this, Ōnoki, the Tsuchikage, couldn't help but become angry, gnashing his teeth and slamming the table furiously.

"Damn that Deidara, that idiot! For the sake of his stupid art, he actually defected to join Akatsuki, what a brainless move! In what way is our Rock Village inferior to Akatsuki?"

"To become the Tsuchikage is to be above tens of thousands, controlling the fate of thousands of ninjas. An idiot! Simply an idiot!"

Every time he thought of Deidara, Ōnoki couldn't help but grind his teeth, his face twitching. If he had another choice, he would have killed Deidara or at least severely punished him.

Among the Five Great Ninja Villages, only he, the Third Tsuchikage, suffered so much internally. Who could understand his pain?

Others fight to the death for the title of Kage, while he's almost going bald with worry.

"Grandfather, with Akatsuki behaving like this, it's like they're trying to stir up chaos in the ninja world, and Deidara is among their members!"

After reading the report, Kurotsuchi showed a look of astonishment. Deidara had actually joined such a terrifying organization. What was he thinking?

To leave the powerful future of Rock Village as Tsuchikage to become a bomber in a terrorist group?

She really wanted to split open his head to see what was inside.

"Damn it! After this Five Kage Summit, contact Deidara secretly for me, tell that idiot if he's willing to come back, I'll overlook his past actions. Even joining Akatsuki, I'll take responsibility and clean up his mess."

The current Third Tsuchikage, Ōnoki, angrily slammed the table, almost saying, "Deidara, come back to me, I'll clean up all your messes and even groom you as the future Tsuchikage."

"Uh, Grandfather, Deidara's brain?"

Even Kurotsuchi felt awkward scratching her head, while Ōnoki glared fiercely, "If I had a choice, do you think I'd want this?"

"Deidara's strength, at least, won't let the name of Tsuchikage down. With your father, Kitsuchi, handling the administrative matters, we can barely manage the façade."

Mentioning this made him feel even more bitter. Other Kages were strong and intelligent. Even the impulsive Raikage had brains.

Only Deidara, with his head full of art. If only he hadn't fallen into art in the first place, Deidara could have been a promising talent. But now, he had no choice.